I have a numpy array embed_vec of length tot_vec in which each entry is a 3d vector:
[[ 0.52483319 0.78015841 0.71117216]
[ 0.53041481 0.79462171 0.67234534]
[ 0.53645428 0.80896727 0.63119403]
[ 0.72283509 0.40070804 0.15220522]
[ 0.71277758 0.38498613 0.16141834]
[ 0.70221445 0.36918032 0.17370776]]
For each of the elements in this array, I want to find out the number of other entries which are "close" to that entry. By close, I mean that the distance between two vectors is less than a specified value R. For this, I must compare all the possible pairs in this array with each other and then find out the number of close vectors for each of the vectors in the array. So I am doing this:
p = np.zeros(tot_vec) # This contains the number of close vectors
for i in range(tot_vec-1):
for j in range(i+1, tot_vec):
if np.linalg.norm(embed_vec[i]-embed_vec[j]) < R:
p[i] += 1
However, this is extremely inefficient because I have two nested python loops and for larger array sizes, this takes forever. If this were in C++ or Fortran, it wouldn't have been a great issue. My question is, can one achieve the same thing using numpy efficiently using some vectorization method? As a side note, I don't mind a solution using Pandas also.
Approach #1 : Vectorized approach -
def vectorized_app(embed_vec, R):
tot_vec = embed_vec.shape[0]
r,c = np.triu_indices(tot_vec,1)
subs = embed_vec[r] - embed_vec[c]
dists = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',subs,subs)
return np.bincount(r,dists<R**2,minlength=tot_vec)
Approach #2 : With less loop complexity (for very large arrays) -
def loopy_less_app(embed_vec, R):
tot_vec = embed_vec.shape[0]
Rsq = R**2
out = np.zeros(tot_vec,dtype=int)
for i in range(tot_vec):
subs = embed_vec[i] - embed_vec[i+1:tot_vec]
dists = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',subs,subs)
out[i] = np.count_nonzero(dists < Rsq)
return out
Original approach -
def loopy_app(embed_vec, R):
tot_vec = embed_vec.shape[0]
p = np.zeros(tot_vec) # This contains the number of close vectors
for i in range(tot_vec-1):
for j in range(i+1, tot_vec):
if np.linalg.norm(embed_vec[i]-embed_vec[j]) < R:
p[i] += 1
return p
Timings -
In [76]: # Sample random array
...: embed_vec = np.random.rand(3000,3)
...: R = 0.5
In [77]: %timeit loopy_app(embed_vec, R)
1 loops, best of 3: 50.5 s per loop
In [78]: %timeit loopy_less_app(embed_vec, R)
10 loops, best of 3: 143 ms per loop
350x+ speedup there!
Going with much bigger array with the proposed loopy_less_app -
In [81]: # Sample random array
...: embed_vec = np.random.rand(20000,3)
...: R = 0.5
In [82]: %timeit loopy_less_app(embed_vec, R)
1 loops, best of 3: 4.47 s per loop
I am intrigued by that question and attempted to solve it efficintly using scipy's cKDTree. However, this approach may run out of memory because internally a list of all pairs with distance <= R is maintained. If your R and tot_vec are small enough it will work:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
tot_vec = 60000
embed_vec = np.random.randn(tot_vec, 3)
R = 0.1
tree = KDTree(embed_vec, leafsize=100)
p = np.zeros(tot_vec)
for pair in tree.query_pairs(R):
p[pair[0]] += 1
p[pair[1]] += 1
In case memory is an issue, with some effort it is possible to rewrite query_pairs as a generator function in Python at the cost of C performance.
first broadcast the difference:
Now, depending on how big your dataset is, you may want to do a fist pass without all the math. If the distance is less than r, all the components should be less than r
first_mask=np.max(disp_vec, axis=-1)<r
Then do the actual calculation
Now reassign
disps are now the good values, and first_mask is a boolean mask of where they go. You can process from there.
I have 3 arrays, x, y, and q. Arrays x and y have the same length, q is a query array. Assume all values in x and q are unique. For each value of q, I would like to find the index of the corresponding value in x. I would then like to query that index in y. If a value from q does not appear in x, I would like to return np.nan.
As a concrete example, consider the following arrays:
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
y = np.array([4, 5, 6])
q = np.array([2, 0])
Since only the value 2 occurs in x, the correct return value would be:
out = np.array([5, np.nan])
With for loops, this can be done like so:
out = []
for i in range(len(q)):
for j in range(len(x)):
if np.allclose(q[i], x[j]):
output = np.array(out)
Obviously this is quite slow. Is there a simpler way to do this with numpy builtins like np.argwhere? Or would it be easier to use pandas?
Numpy broadcasting should work.
# a mask that flags any matches
m = q == x[:, None]
# replace any value in q without any match in x by np.nan
res = np.where(m.any(0), y[:, None] * m, np.nan).sum(0)
# array([ 5., nan])
I should note that this only works if x has no duplicates.
Because it relies on building a len(x) x len(q) array, if q is large, the above solution will run into memory issues. Another pandas solution will work much more efficiently in that case:
# map q to y via x
res = pd.Series(q).map(pd.Series(y, index=x)).values
If x and q are 2D, it's better to convert the Series.map() solution into a DataFrame.merge() one:
res = pd.DataFrame(q).merge(pd.DataFrame(x).assign(y=y), on=[0,1], how='left')['y'].values
Numpy broadcasting will blow up (will require 3D array) and will not be efficient for large arrays. Numba might do well though.
I think you could solve this in one line but using one for, and some broadcasting:
out = [y[bl].item() if bl.any() else None for bl in x[None,:]==q[:,None] ]
seems to me an elegant solution but a little confusing to read. I will go part by part.
x[None,:]==q[:,None] compares every value in q with every in x and returns (len(q),len(x) array of booleans (in this case will be [[False,True,False], [False,False,False]]
you can index y with a boolean array with same length len(y). so you could call y[ [False,True,False] ] to get the value of y[1].
If the bool array contains all false then you have to put a None so that's why to use the if-else
Here is how to use np.argwhere too. Use a more comfortable one, Pandas or numpy.
out_idx = [y[np.argwhere(x==value).reshape(-1)] for value in q]
out = [x[0] if len(x) else np.nan for x in out_idx]
Here's a way to do what your question asks:
query_results = pd.DataFrame(index=q).join(pd.DataFrame({'y':y}, index=x)).T.to_numpy()[0]
[ 5. nan]
If the performance is the main aim of this question, you can accelerate your looping code with numba library and jitting which will be very fast:
x = np.random.permutation(2000)[:1100]
y = np.random.permutation(2000)[:1100]
q = np.random.permutation(3000)[:500]
print((q > 2000).sum())
def numba_(x, y, q):
out = []
for i in range(len(q)):
for j in range(len(x)):
if q[i] == x[j]:
return np.array(out)
or in parallel mode:
def numba_p(x, y, q):
out = np.empty(q.shape[0])
for i in nb.prange(q.shape[0]):
for j in range(x.shape[0]):
if q[i] == x[j]:
out[i] = y[j]
return out
On large arrays it was much faster than not a robot answer (np.where) and constantstranger answer and near the same for not a robot answer (Pandas):
100 loops, best of 5: 4.4 ms per loop <-- not a robot (np.where)
100 loops, best of 5: 337 µs per loop <-- not a robot (Pandas)
100 loops, best of 5: 350 µs per loop <-- numba
100 loops, best of 5: 341 µs per loop <-- numba_p
100 loops, best of 5: 2.18 ms per loop <-- constantstranger (Pandas)
Note: np.where will be improved much in terms of performance in the new release, which can help the not a robot answer beat the constantstranger answer on larger arrays.
Update: not a robot answer (Pandas) was much faster (the fastest) on my new test on much larger arrays.
Given two matrices X1 (N,3136) and X2 (M,3136) (where every element in every row is an binary number) i am trying to calculate hamming distance so that each element in X1 is compared to all of the rows from X2, such that result matrix is (N,M).
I have written two function for it (first one with help of numpy and the other one without numpy):
def hamming_distance(X, X_train):
array = np.array([np.sum(np.logical_xor(x, X_train), axis=1) for x in X])
return array
def hamming_distance2(X, X_train):
a = len(X[:,0])
b = len(X_train[:,0])
hamming_distance = np.zeros(shape=(a, b))
for i in range(0, a):
for j in range(0, b):
hamming_distance[i,j] = np.count_nonzero(X[i,:] != X_train[j,:])
return hamming_distance
My problem is that upper function is much slower than lower one where I use two for loops. Is it possible to improve on first function so that I use only one loop?
PS. Sorry for my english, it isn't my first language, although I was trying to do my best!
Numpy only makes your code much faster if you use it to vectorize your work. In your case you can make use of array broadcasting to vectorize your problem: compare your two arrays and create an auxiliary array of shape (N,M,K) which you can sum along its third dimension:
hamming_distance = (X[:,None,:] != X_train).sum(axis=-1)
We inject a singleton dimension into the first array to make it of shape (N,1,K), the second array is implicitly compatible with shape (1,M,K), so the operation can be performed.
In the comments #ayhan noted that this will create a huge auxiliary array for large M and N, which is quite true. This is the price of vectorization: you gain CPU time at the cost of memory. If you have enough memory for the above to work, it will be very fast. If you don't, you have to reduce the scope of your vectorization, and loop in either M or N (or both; this would be your current approach). But this doesn't concern numpy itself, this is about striking a balance between available resources and performance.
What you are doing is very similar to dot product. Consider these two binary arrays:
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
We are trying to find the number of different pairs. If you directly take the dot product, it gives you the number of (1, 1) pairs. However, if you negate one of them, it will count the different ones. For example, a1.dot(1-a2) counts (1, 0) pairs. Since we also need the number of (0, 1) pairs, we will add a2.dot(1-a1) to that. The good thing about dot product is that it is pretty fast. However, you will need to convert your arrays to floats first, as Divakar pointed out.
Here's a demo:
prng = np.random.RandomState(0)
arr1 = prng.binomial(1, 0.3, (1000, 3136))
arr2 = prng.binomial(1, 0.3, (2000, 3136))
res1 = hamming_distance2(arr1, arr2)
arr1 = arr1.astype('float32'); arr2 = arr2.astype('float32')
res2 = (1-arr1).dot(arr2.T) + arr1.dot(1-arr2.T)
np.allclose(res1, res2)
Out: True
And timings:
%timeit hamming_distance(arr1, arr2)
1 loop, best of 3: 13.9 s per loop
%timeit hamming_distance2(arr1, arr2)
1 loop, best of 3: 5.01 s per loop
%timeit (1-arr1).dot(arr2.T) + arr1.dot(1-arr2.T)
10 loops, best of 3: 93.1 ms per loop
I need to generate 1D array where repeated sequences of integers are separated by a random number of zeros.
So far I am using next code for this:
from random import normalvariate
regular_sequence = np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype=np.int)
n_iter = 10
lag_mean = 10 # mean length of zeros sequence
lag_sd = 1 # standard deviation of zeros sequence length
# Sequence of lags lengths
lag_seq = [int(round(normalvariate(lag_mean, lag_sd))) for x in range(n_iter)]
# Generate list of concatenated zeros and regular sequences
seq = [np.concatenate((np.zeros(x, dtype=np.int), regular_sequence)) for x in lag_seq]
seq = np.concatenate(seq)
It works but looks very slow when I need a lot of long sequences. So, how can I optimize it?
You can pre-compute indices where repeated regular_sequence elements are to be put and then set those with regular_sequence in a vectorized manner. For pre-computing those indices, one can use np.cumsum to get the start of each such chunk of regular_sequence and then add a continuous set of integers extending to the size of regular_sequence to get all indices that are to be updated. Thus, the implementation would look something like this -
# Size of regular_sequence
N = regular_sequence.size
# Use cumsum to pre-compute start of every occurance of regular_sequence
offset_arr = np.cumsum(lag_seq)
idx = np.arange(offset_arr.size)*N + offset_arr
# Setup output array
out = np.zeros(idx.max() + N,dtype=regular_sequence.dtype)
# Broadcast the start indices to include entire length of regular_sequence
# to get all positions where regular_sequence elements are to be set
np.put(out,idx[:,None] + np.arange(N),regular_sequence)
Runtime tests -
def original_app(lag_seq, regular_sequence):
seq = [np.concatenate((np.zeros(x, dtype=np.int), regular_sequence)) for x in lag_seq]
return np.concatenate(seq)
def vectorized_app(lag_seq, regular_sequence):
N = regular_sequence.size
offset_arr = np.cumsum(lag_seq)
idx = np.arange(offset_arr.size)*N + offset_arr
out = np.zeros(idx.max() + N,dtype=regular_sequence.dtype)
np.put(out,idx[:,None] + np.arange(N),regular_sequence)
return out
In [64]: # Setup inputs
...: regular_sequence = np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype=np.int)
...: n_iter = 1000
...: lag_mean = 10 # mean length of zeros sequence
...: lag_sd = 1 # standard deviation of zeros sequence length
...: # Sequence of lags lengths
...: lag_seq = [int(round(normalvariate(lag_mean, lag_sd))) for x in range(n_iter)]
In [65]: out1 = original_app(lag_seq, regular_sequence)
In [66]: out2 = vectorized_app(lag_seq, regular_sequence)
In [67]: %timeit original_app(lag_seq, regular_sequence)
100 loops, best of 3: 4.28 ms per loop
In [68]: %timeit vectorized_app(lag_seq, regular_sequence)
1000 loops, best of 3: 294 µs per loop
The best approach, I think, would be to use convolution. You can figure out the lag lengths, combine that with the length of the sequence, and use that to figure out the starting point of each regular sequence. Set those starting points to zero, then convolve with your regular sequence to fill in the values.
import numpy as np
regular_sequence = np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype=np.int)
n_iter = 10000000
lag_mean = 10 # mean length of zeros sequence
lag_sd = 1 # standard deviation of zeros sequence length
# Sequence of lags lengths
lag_lens = np.round(np.random.normal(lag_mean, lag_sd, n_iter)).astype(np.int)
lag_lens[1:] += len(regular_sequence)
starts_inds = lag_lens.cumsum()-1
# Generate list of convolved ones and regular sequences
seq = np.zeros(lag_lens.sum(), dtype=np.int)
seq[starts_inds] = 1
seq = np.convolve(seq, regular_sequence)
This approach takes something like 1/20th the time on large sequences, even after changing your version to use the numpy random number generator.
Not a trivial problem because data is misaligned. Performance depends on what is a long sequence. Take the example of a square problem : a lot of, long, regular and zeros sequences (n_iter==n_reg==lag_mean):
import numpy as np
n_iter = 1000
n_reg = 1000
regular_sequence = np.arange(n_reg, dtype=np.int)
lag_mean = n_reg # mean length of zeros sequence
lag_sd = lag_mean/10 # standard deviation of zeros sequence length
lag_seq=np.int64(np.random.normal(lag_mean,lag_sd,n_iter)) # Sequence of lags lengths
First your solution :
def seq_hybrid():
seqs = [np.concatenate((np.zeros(x, dtype=np.int), regular_sequence)) for x in lag_seq]
seq = np.concatenate(seqs)
return seq
Then a pure numpy one :
def seq_numpy():
return seq
A for loop solution :
def seq_python():
for lag in lag_seq:
for k in range(lag):
for k in range(n_reg):
return seq
And a just in time compilation with numba :
from numba import jit
Tests now :
In [96]: %timeit seq_hybrid()
10 loops, best of 3: 38.5 ms per loop
In [97]: %timeit seq_numpy()
10 loops, best of 3: 34.4 ms per loop
In [98]: %timeit seq_python()
1 loops, best of 3: 1.56 s per loop
In [99]: %timeit seq_numba()
100 loops, best of 3: 12.9 ms per loop
Your hybrid solution is quite as speed as a pure numpy one in this case because
the performance depend essentially of the inner loop. And yours (zeros and concatenate) is a numpy one. Predictably , python solution is slower with a traditional about 40x factor. But numpy is not optimal here, because it uses fancy indexing, necessary with misaligned data . In this case numba can help you : minimal operations are done at C level, for a 120x factor gain this time compared to the python solution.
For other values of n_iter,n_reg the factor gains compared to the python solution are:
n_iter= 1000, n_reg= 1000 : seq_numba 124, seq_hybrid 49, seq_numpy 44.
n_iter= 10, n_reg= 100000 : seq_numba 123, seq_hybrid 104, seq_numpy 49.
n_iter= 100000, n_reg= 10 : seq_numba 127, seq_hybrid 1, seq_numpy 42.
I thought an answer posted on this question had a good approach using a binary mask and np.convolve but the answer got deleted and I don't know why. Here it is with 2 concerns addressed.
def insert_sequence(lag_seq, regular_sequence):
offsets = np.cumsum(lag_seq)
start_locs = np.zeros(offsets[-1] + 1, dtype=regular_sequence.dtype)
start_locs[offsets] = 1
return np.convolve(start_locs, regular_sequence)
lag_seq = np.random.normal(15,1,10)
lag_seq = lag_seq.astype(np.uint8)
regular_sequence = np.arange(1, 6)
seq = insert_sequence(lag_seq, regular_sequence)
I have a small block of code which I use to fill a list with integers. I need to improve its performance, perhaps translating the whole thing into numpy arrays, but I'm not sure how.
Here's the MWE:
import numpy as np
# List filled with integers.
a = np.random.randint(0,100,1000)
N = 10
b = [[] for _ in range(N-1)]
for indx,integ in enumerate(a):
if 0<elem<N:
This is what it does:
for every integer (integ) in a
see if it is located between a given range (0,N)
if it is, store its index in a sub-list of b where the index of said sub-list is the original integer minus 1 (integ-1)
This bit of code runs pretty fast but my actual code uses much larger lists, hence the need to improve its performance.
Here's one way of doing it:
mask = (a > 0) & (a < N)
elements = a[mask]
indicies = np.arange(a.size)[mask]
b = [indicies[elements == i] for i in range(1, N)]
If we time the two:
import numpy as np
a = np.random.randint(0,100,1000)
N = 10
def original(a, N):
b = [[] for _ in range(N-1)]
for indx,elem in enumerate(a):
if 0<elem<N:
return b
def new(a, N):
mask = (a > 0) & (a < N)
elements = a[mask]
indicies = np.arange(a.size)[mask]
return [indicies[elements == i] for i in range(1, N)]
The "new" way is considerably (~20x) faster:
In [5]: %timeit original(a, N)
100 loops, best of 3: 1.21 ms per loop
In [6]: %timeit new(a, N)
10000 loops, best of 3: 57 us per loop
And the results are identical:
In [7]: new_results = new(a, N)
In [8]: old_results = original(a, N)
In [9]: for x, y in zip(new_results, old_results):
....: assert np.allclose(x, y)
In [10]:
The "new" vectorized version also scales much better to longer sequences. If we use a million-item-long sequence for a, the original solution takes slightly over 1 second, while the new version takes only 17 milliseconds (a ~70x speedup).
Try this solution! The first half I shamelessly stole from Joe's answer, but after that it uses sorting and binary search, which scales better with N.
def new(a, N):
mask = (a > 0) & (a < N)
elements = a[mask]
indices = np.arange(a.size)[mask]
sorting_idx = np.argsort(elements, kind='mergesort')
ind_sorted = indices[sorting_idx]
x = np.searchsorted(elements, range(N), side='right', sorter=sorting_idx)
return [ind_sorted[x[i]:x[i+1]] for i in range(N-1)]
You could put x = x.tolist() in there for an additional albeit small speed improvement (NB: if you do an a = a.tolist() in your original code, you do get a significant speedup). Also, I used 'mergesort' which is a stable sort but if you don't need the final result sorted, you can get away with a faster sorting algorithm.
I am currently writing an app in python that needs to generate large amount of random numbers, FAST. Currently I have a scheme going that uses numpy to generate all of the numbers in a giant batch (about ~500,000 at a time). While this seems to be faster than python's implementation. I still need it to go faster. Any ideas? I'm open to writing it in C and embedding it in the program or doing w/e it takes.
Constraints on the random numbers:
A Set of 7 numbers that can all have different bounds:
eg: [0-X1, 0-X2, 0-X3, 0-X4, 0-X5, 0-X6, 0-X7]
Currently I am generating a list of 7 numbers with random values from [0-1) then multiplying by [X1..X7]
A Set of 13 numbers that all add up to 1
Currently just generating 13 numbers then dividing by their sum
Any ideas? Would pre calculating these numbers and storing them in a file make this faster?
You can speed things up a bit from what mtrw posted above just by doing what you initially described (generating a bunch of random numbers and multiplying and dividing accordingly)...
Also, you probably already know this, but be sure to do the operations in-place (*=, /=, +=, etc) when working with large-ish numpy arrays. It makes a huge difference in memory usage with large arrays, and will give a considerable speed increase, too.
In [53]: def rand_row_doubles(row_limits, num):
....: ncols = len(row_limits)
....: x = np.random.random((num, ncols))
....: x *= row_limits
....: return x
In [59]: %timeit rand_row_doubles(np.arange(7) + 1, 1000000)
10 loops, best of 3: 187 ms per loop
As compared to:
In [66]: %timeit ManyRandDoubles(np.arange(7) + 1, 1000000)
1 loops, best of 3: 222 ms per loop
It's not a huge difference, but if you're really worried about speed, it's something.
Just to show that it's correct:
In [68]: x.max(0)
array([ 0.99999991, 1.99999971, 2.99999737, 3.99999569, 4.99999836,
5.99999114, 6.99999738])
In [69]: x.min(0)
array([ 4.02099599e-07, 4.41729377e-07, 4.33480302e-08,
7.43497138e-06, 1.28446819e-05, 4.27614385e-07,
Likewise, for your "rows sum to one" part...
In [70]: def rand_rows_sum_to_one(nrows, ncols):
....: x = np.random.random((ncols, nrows))
....: y = x.sum(axis=0)
....: x /= y
....: return x.T
In [71]: %timeit rand_rows_sum_to_one(1000000, 13)
1 loops, best of 3: 455 ms per loop
In [72]: x = rand_rows_sum_to_one(1000000, 13)
In [73]: x.sum(axis=1)
Out[73]: array([ 1., 1., 1., ..., 1., 1., 1.])
Honestly, even if you re-implement things in C, I'm not sure you'll be able to beat numpy by much on this one... I could be very wrong, though!
EDIT Created functions that return the full set of numbers, not just one row at a time.
EDIT 2 Make the functions more pythonic (and faster), add solution for second question
For the first set of numbers, you might consider numpy.random.randint or numpy.random.uniform, which take low and high parameters. Generating an array of 7 x 1,000,000 numbers in a specified range seems to take < 0.7 second on my 2 GHz machine:
def LimitedRandInts(XLim, N):
rowlen = (1,N)
return [np.random.randint(low=0,high=lim,size=rowlen) for lim in XLim]
def LimitedRandDoubles(XLim, N):
rowlen = (1,N)
return [np.random.uniform(low=0,high=lim,size=rowlen) for lim in XLim]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> N = 1000000 #number of randoms in each range
>>> xLim = [x*500 for x in range(1,8)] #convenient limit generation
>>> fLim = [x/7.0 for x in range(1,8)]
>>> aa = LimitedRandInts(xLim, N)
>>> ff = LimitedRandDoubles(fLim, N)
This returns integers in [0,xLim-1] or floats in [0,fLim). The integer version took ~0.3 seconds, the double ~0.66, on my 2 GHz single-core machine.
For the second set, I used #Joe Kingston's suggestion.
def SumToOneRands(NumToSum, N):
aa = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=1.0,size=(NumToSum,N)) #13 rows by 1000000 columns, for instance
s = np.reciprocal(aa.sum(0))
aa *= s
return aa.T #get back to column major order, so aa[k] is the kth set of 13 numbers
>>> ll = SumToOneRands(13, N)
This takes ~1.6 seconds.
In all cases, result[k] gives you the kth set of data.
Try r = 1664525*r + 1013904223
from "an even quicker generator"
in "Numerical Recipes in C" 2nd edition, Press et al., isbn 0521431085, p. 284.
np.random is certainly "more random"; see
Linear congruential generator .
In python, use np.uint32 like this:
python -mtimeit -s '
import numpy as np
r = 1
r = np.array([r], np.uint32)[0] # 316 py -> 16 us np
# python longs can be arbitrarily long, so slow
' '
r = r*1664525 + 1013904223 # NR2 p. 284
To generate big blocks at a time:
# initialize --
np.random.seed( ... )
R = np.random.randint( 0, np.iinfo( np.uint32 ).max, size, dtype=np.uint32 )
R *= 1664525
R += 1013904223
Making your code run in parallel certainly couldn't hurt. Try adapting it for SMP with Parallel Python
As others have already pointed out, numpy is a very good start, fast and easy to use.
If you need random numbers on a massive scale, consider eas-ecb or rc4. Both can be parallelised, you should reach performance in several GB/s.
achievable numbers posted here
If you have access to multiple cores, the computations can be done in parallel with dask.array:
import dask.array as da
x = da.random.random(size=(rows, cols)).compute()
# .compute is not necessary here, because calculations
# can continue in a lazy form and .compute is used
# on the final result
import random
for i in range(1000000):
print(random.randint(1, 1000000))
Here's a code in Python that you can use to generate one million random numbers, one per line!
Just a quick example of numpy in action:
data = numpy.random.rand(1000000)
No need for loop, you can pass in how many numbers you want to generate.