Installing Python Libraries When Multiple Versions of Python Exist - python

When I run python -V from terminal, I see that Python 2.7.10 is installed. I want to keep this as the "global" version as OSX utilizes it.
When I run Idle, I see that Python 3.6.0 is running. How do I install libraries to this version of Python?
For example, if I run pip install bs4, the library is installed here beautifulsoup4 in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/beautifulsoup4-4.5.3-py2.7.egg - which is obviously Python 2.7.
So when I run my script from Idle, I get the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bs4'

You want to use virtualenv. It sounds like you have two versions of Python installed and you need to focus on one while being able to manage the packages in each. Virtualenv will do this for you.
First install virtualenv (,
Second run it specifying the version of python you want as so: `virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.6
Third you can use pip to install packages directly into this environment. This increases the amount of disk space you need, but will allow you greater control over your code.

When you have two versions of python, you will need to specify which version of python you would like to run. You can do this with the activate command. For example:
activate python3
Once you have activated the python 3 environment, you can then run pip:
pip3 install bs4
which will install the beautiful soup library in your python 3 environment.

Another answer was found here:
pipVERSIONNUMBER install will install the library to the correct version of Python.
$ pip2.6 install otherpackage
$ pip2.7 install mybarpackage


Mac M1 Spyder : ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lxml'

I am using Mac M1 now, when I am trying to import lxml in my python code, it shows below:
I've tried
my Python version is : Python 3.9.12
my lxml version is: 4.9.1
The main reason Spyder can't find 'lxml' is I used standalone Spyder, in order to fix this, I have to use a separate environment.
1 - Follow below article to create a new virtual environment
2 - Follow below article to install necessary packages in the new environment, which link to Spyder IDE later, all issues will be fixed.
Your development environment may be using a different Python installation. Run python -c "import lxml" in the same shell where you ran pip install .... If that works, then configure your development environment (there is an FAQ link on your screenshot).
It may also happen that pip and python belong to different Python installations. To fix it, use python -m pip install ... instead of pip install ....
For example, if you run python -m pip install lxml, that should install lxml, then running python -c "import lxml; print('OK')" should display OK.

Is there a solution to why I can't pip install any python modules past 2.7?

I can't install any python modules that require python 2.7 or later. I have uninstalled everything that Mac would let me that was related to python 2, and I run everything on python 3. I am completely lost. I am on Mac and whenever I try to install a module(like praw) this pops up.
I used the command
pip install praw
Collecting praw
Using cached
ERROR: Package 'praw' requires a different Python: 2.7.16 not in '>=3.5' ```
Welcome to Stack Overflow Malachi! I believe you're looking for the command pip3 (pip3 install praw) to install Python 3 packages through pip. If you open your terminal and type man pip to get the manual page, there is a line that says:
pip is the command to use when installing packages for Python 2, while pip3 is the command to use when installing packages for Python 3.
Looks like the most recent version of praw requires Python 3.5 or greater.
The last version that supported Python 2.7 was praw 5.4.0. If you're still using Python 2.7 and need this package, try running
pip install praw==5.4.0
If you're using Python 3.x, check to see if you're using the right version of pip. If you have both Python 2 and Python 3 installed on your system, you'll likely need to install system wide packages using pip3 instead if pip. In this case, try running
pip3 install praw
Alternatively, if you're targeting a specific Python interpreter (e.g. python3.7, python3.8, etc), and want to be certain that you are using the correct pip executable for your interpreter, you can run pip as a Python package via
python3 -m pip <args>
where python3 can be replaced by any interpreter path.

Should Which Pip and Which Python Return the Same Directory? Zeppelin Configuration On Unix RHEL

This is probably a really dumb question but I am stuck and wasting too much time on this so I would SO appreciate any help.
I am using a RHEL 7 box and installed Apache Zeppelin on it. Everything works except for the life of me I can't import Python packages such as Pandas.
I realized I didn't have PIP so I installed it with these steps: (notice I had to use the "--user" argument for the command "python").
Finally, I did "pip install pandas --user" which worked perfectly. I then go into my Zeppelin notebook and I cannot import pandas, even after restarting the Python interpreter.
I did some research and I think the problem is that "which python" and "which pip" are installed in different directories as the former results in "/usr/bin/python" while the latter in "~/.local/bin/pip".
So I suspect the packages installed with pip are basically getting loaded into a different version of python? If it helps, when I do "whereis python" I get 5 different results such as "/usr/bin/python" and "/usr/bin/python2.7" etc.
First thing to understand is: Python packages aren't installed globally, every installed Python has its own set of packages. BTW, pip being a Python package with a script is also not global. If you have a few different pythons you need different pips for them. I don't know Apache Zeppelin so I cannot guess if it uses the system Python (/usr/bin/python) or has its own Python; in the latter case you need to install pip specifically for Zeppelin so its pip install packages available for Zeppelin.
To investigate to what Python pip installs packages you need to find out under what python it runs. Start with shebang:
head -1 `which pip`
The command will prints something like ~/.local/bin/python. If it's not the version of Python you need to install packages for you need to install a different pip using that Python.
The most complex case would be if the shebang is PATH-dependent, something like #!/usr/bin/env python. In that case pip runs Python that you can find with which python.
PS. AFAIK the simplest way to install pip at RedHat is dnf install python-pip.
phd's answer was very helpful but I found that it was just a matter of using the root account to install the python packages. Then my Zeppelin was able to see any packages.

Which version of Pip to use with my Python installs?

Being new to Python, I'd love to clear up a few points that I couldn't get from reading various articles and tutorials.
After using Homebrew to install Python3, I noticed that it had installed both Python3 and Python3.4. I was also a little surprised that there are now three versions of pip on my machine too; pip, pip3 and pip3.4.
I created a new virtualenv and told it to use Python3, using the following command:
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3 mysite
I was also surprised that the version of Python that it installed in my VM was 3.4.
Is it safe to have these multiple version of Python and Pip hanging around on my machine?
Am I right to assume that I should take extra care to use the matching version of pip with Python, for example, pip3.4 with Python3.4?
Yes, it is safe. Python uses this naming like python3.4, python3.5 etc to differentiate between releases. python3 is a symbolic link to the current python3.x version. Pip follows the same convention.
If you're using python3.4 explicitly, you should be using pip3.4 specifically as well. Otherwise, just use python3 and pip3. For Python 2, you can simply use python (which, unless you installed the Homebrew version as well), will be the system Python), and ditto for pip. python2.7 and pip2.7 may also work.
In general, to find out which Python version goes with which pip you're using, try:
pip --version
and you'll see the Python included in the result.
No need to worried about if you have multiple version of Python and Pip installed. just check your version by writing in terminal :
$ brew info python
or to check the version of pip write in terminal :
$ brew info pip
and make sure you have updated your both pip and python version (write in terminal $ brew upgrade pip/python)
and other way to install python is go to and choose as your requirement, there is two version available 2.7.9 & 3.4.3 ,
after installing python write in terminal $ python -V to check its version :) Hope it will help :)

Python can't get requests installed on Ubuntu for Python 2.7

All I want to do is run a Python script that requires Python 2.7 & Requests on my Ubuntu 10.04 EC2 box.
I installed Python 2.7, no problem. "python" by itself still points to python 2.6, which is very annoying, b/c I'm not sure how ubuntu will freak if I change the symlink /usr/bin/python to point to 2.7.
I followed the (carefully buried) install instructions for pip (at, and which are WAY too hard to find if they aren't the ABSOLUTE FIRST command on the "install pip" page)
So, the real problem here is that pip install requests completes successfully, but only installs for python 2.6, not 2.7. The pip usage instructions say nothing about how to install a package for a specific version of python.
How do I do this?
I just want to run my python script that requires 2.7 + requests.
First install pip for your 2.7 distribution using easy_install (easy_install should definitely be included with your 2.7 distribution):
easy_install-2.7 -U pip
Then install what you need:
pip-2.7 install requests
Then you can run code with python2.7 instead of python.
Yeah it would be a bad idea to change the link pointing to which python version. Instead, can you change the shebang to say #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 instead of #!/usr/bin/env python ?
Though python2.7 /path/to/pip install requests might work; you should install pip for python2.7 separately instead.
If you don't use virtualenv then invoke pip as pip-2.7 (the command is available if you install pip for python2.7).
Follow installation instructions which is the first item in the table of contents. Substitute python with python2.7 in the instructions.

