there are example:,in the function: def getFeed(group, name):
There is a piece of it:
params = "?fields=permalink_url,from,story,type,message,link,created_time,updated_time,likes.limit(0).summary(total_count),comments.limit(0).summary(total_count)"
What does the likes.limit(0).summary(total_count),comments.limit(0).summary(total_count) mean?
Specifically, what does limit(0) mean, and what does summary(total_count) mean?
Also, in this, there is
DEFAULT_LIMIT = "100"# Set to true if you like seeing console output
What does this DEFAULT_LIMIT mean? Does it mean 100 pages or 100 feeds (posts)?
The params looks like just a strangely written get request. You can see in the code that it is sent to the server just like any other get request and returns text just like a get request too.
In a get request you have your url ex. and a questionmark denotes a get request just like the one at the beginning of the params string. What it is doing is sending a variable called fields to the server.
Additionally it is appending the variable limit (denoted by an ampersand or &) and setting it to 100, along with finally sending the "since" variable.
So, yes. Default limit is specifying how many entries you want to get in response to your get request.
I am kind of very new to python.
I tried to loop through an URL request via python and I want to change one variable each time it loops.
My code looks something like this:
codes = ["MCDNDF3","MCDNDF4"]
#count = 0
for x in codes:
response = requests.get(url_part1 + str(codes) + url_part3, headers=headers)
I want to have the url change at every loop to like url_part1+code+url_part3 and then url_part1+NEXTcode+url_part3.
Sadly my request badly formats the string from the variable to "%5B'MCDNDF3'%5D".
It should get inserted as a raw string each loop. I don't know if I need url encoding as I don't have any special chars in the request. Just change code to MCDNDF3 and in the next request to MCDNDF4.
Any thoughts?
In your for loop, the first line should be:
response = requests.get(url_part1 + x + url_part3, headers=headers)
This will work assuming url_part1 and url_part3 are regular strings. x is already a string, as your codes list (at least in your example) contains only strings. %5B and %5D are [ and ] URL-encoded, respectively. You got that error because you called str() on a single-membered list:
>>> str(["This is a string"])
"['This is a string']"
If url_part1 and url_part3 are raw strings, as you seem to indicate, please update your question to show how they are defined. Feel free to use if you don't want to reveal your actual target URL. You should probably be calling str() on them before constructing the full URL.
You’re putting the whole list in (codes) when you probably want x.
According to the Imgur Docs, the "GET Account Favorites" API call takes optional arguments for pagination, implying that all objects are returned without it.
However, when I use the following code snippet (the application has been registered and OAuth has already performed against my account for testing), I get only the first 30 JSON objects. In the snippet below, I already have an access_token for an authorized user and can retrieve data for that username. But the length of the returned list is always the first 30 items.
username = token['username']
bearer_headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token['access_token']
fav_url = '' + username + '/' + 'favorites'
r = requests.get(fav_url, headers=bearer_headers)
r_json = r.json()
The requests response returns a dictionary with three keys: status (the HTTP status code), success (true or false), and data, of which the value is a list of dictionaries (one per favorited item).
I'm trying to retrieve this without pagination so I can extract specific metadata values into a Pandas dataframe (id, post date, etc).
I originally thought this was a Pandas display problem in Jupyter notebook, but tracked it back to the API only returning the newest 30 list items, despite the docs indicating otherwise. If I place an arbitrary page number at the end (eg, "/favorites/1"), it returns the 30 items appropriate to that page, but there doesn't seem to be an option to get all items or retrieve a count of the total items or number of pages in advance.
What am I missing?
Postscript: It appears that none of the URIs work without pagination, eg, get account images, get gallery submissions, etc. Anything where there is an optional "/{{page}}" parameter, it will default to first page if none is specified. So I guess the larger question is, "does Imgur API even support non-paginated data, and how is that accessed?".
Paginated data is usually used when the possible size of the response can be arbitrarily large. I would be surprised if a major service like Imgur had an API that didn't work this way.
As you have found, the page attribute may be optional, and if you don't provide it, you get the first page as your response.
If you want to get more than the first page, you will need to loop over the page number:
data = []
page = 0
while block := connection.get(page=page):
page += 1
This assumes Python3.8+ due to the := assignment expression. If you are on an older version you'll need to set block in the loop body, but the same idea applies.
I can get the filler variable from the URL below just fine.
url(r'^production/(?P<filler>\w{7})/$', views.Filler.as_view()),
In my view I can retrieve the filler as expected. However, if I try to do use a URL like the one below.
url(r'^production/(?P<filler>)\w{7}/(?P<day>).*/$', views.CasesByDay.as_view()),
Both variables (filler, day) are blank.
You need to include the entire parameter in parenthesis. It looks like you did that in your first example but not the second.
url(r'^production/(?P<filler>\w{7})/(?P<day>.*)/$', views.CasesByDay.as_view()),
See the official documentation for more information and examples: URL dispatcher
I'm developing application using Bottle. How do I get full query string when I get a GET Request.
I dont want to catch using individual parameters like:
param_a = request.GET.get("a","")
as I dont want to fix number of parameters in the URL.
How to get full query string of requested url
You can use the attribute request.query_string to get the whole query string.
Use request.query or request.query.getall(key) if you have more than one value for a single key.
For eg., request.query.a will return you the param_a you wanted. request.query.b will return the parameter for b and so on.
If you only want the query string alone, you can use #halex's answer.
I'm missing something obvious here. I am trying to process a POST request that contains a mixture of single value and multi value variables. I can get the single valued variables using request.POST.get('variable_name'), for example:
logging.debug('sale_date: ' + request.POST.get('SALEDATE'))
However, I can't get the multi value variables using request.POST.getlist('variable_name'). For example, the following returns an empty list.
prices = request.POST.getlist("IPN_PRICE")
I can't show all the fields in the request here, because it's work for a client. However this log call:
gives this output (start only)
<QueryDict: {u'IPN_PRICE[]': [u'15.76'], ...
By the way, the request I'm trying to process is an IPN (Instant Payment Notification) from a payment processing service.
prices = request.POST.getlist("IPN_PRICE[]")
This should do the trick.