I am trying to graph the time needed for python to computer the factorial of integers between 1 and 150.
My script calculates the different time just fine and I am able to print them but when I try to graph it I am getting a value error, saying that my sequence is too large.
How can I solve this?
This is my code:
import numpy as np
import time
start_time = time.time()
n = np.linspace(1,151)
for i in range(151) :
dt = ((time.time()-start_time))
You need to collect your run times in a list dt to plot them:
import numpy as np
import timeit
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
r = range(1, 151)
dt = []
for i in r:
plt.plot(r, dt)
This python 2 code generates random time series data with a certain noise:
from common import arbitrary_timeseries
from commonrandom import generate_trendy_price
from matplotlib.pyplot import show
ans=arbitrary_timeseries(generate_trendy_price(Nlength=180, Tlength=30, Xamplitude=10.0, Volscale=0.1))
Does someone know how I can generate this data in python 3?
You can use simple Markov process like this one:
import random
def random_timeseries(initial_value: float, volatility: float, count: int) -> list:
time_series = [initial_value, ]
for _ in range(count):
time_series.append(time_series[-1] + initial_value * random.gauss(0, 1) * volatility)
return time_series
ts = random_timeseries(1.2, 0.15, 100)
Now you have list with random values which can be zipped with any timestamps.
The peak suggestion, in the comments, does not find the peak that occurs most often. I need to find the frequency that occurs most often.
I need to find the dominant frequency in my Coefficient of Lift data. The frequency I am getting with the following code is quite large and not the dominant frequency. I know because the 2-D analysis is easy to analyze with a graph. It is sinusoidal. By dominant frequency, I mean the frequency of the signal with the most repeats.
#1/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import numpy
from numpy import sin
from math import pi
print("Hello World!")
data = numpy.loadtxt('CoefficientLiftData.dat', usecols= (0,3))
n = data.size
timestep = 0.000005
The peak data suggestion, in the comments, does not provide a count method to find how often a frequency occurs.
fourier = numpy.fft.fft(data)
frequencies = numpy.fft.fftfreq(n, d=timestep)
positive_frequencies = frequencies[numpy.where(frequencies >= 0)]
magnitudes = abs(fourier[numpy.where(frequencies >= 0)])
peak_frequency = numpy.argmax(magnitudes)
Here is how to extract the dominate frequency from Coefficient of Lift data from, as an example, OpenFOAM.
#1/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
from numpy import sin
from math import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("Hello World!")
N = 2500
Nev = 1000
data = np.loadtxt('CoefficientLiftData.dat', usecols= (0,3))
times = data[:,0]
length = int(len(times)/2)
forcez= data[:,1]
t = np.linspace(times[length], times[-1], 2500)
forcezint = np.interp(t, times, forcez)
fourier = fftpack.fft(forcezint[Nev-1:N-1])
frequencies = fftpack.fftfreq(forcezint[Nev-1:N-1].size, d=t[1]-t[0])
freq = frequencies[np.argmax(np.abs(fourier))]
I have a function that I created and I want the function to be applied to these different values using a for loop or something.
How do I create a for loop that takes each value but stores them in different arrays?
I have this so far:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import xarray as xr
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import netCDF4 as s
import numpy.ma as ma
fwf_tot = fwf_ice + ds.runoff_tundra*ds.LSMGr #data input i am using
# function i want to apply to the data
def ob_annual(ob_monthly, id_number):
ann_sum = ob_monthly.where(ds.ocean_basins == id_number).resample(TIME='1AS').sum().sum(dim=('X','Y'))
return ann_sum
This is where my problem is to create the for loop to save for these different values. I think this for loop is just saving the function applied to the last value (87) and not the others. How might I fix this? I expected there to be an output of 7 arrays with each a size of 59.
obs = np.array([26,28,29,30,76,84,87])
total_obs = []
for i in obs:
total_obs = ob_annual(fwf_tot_grnl, i)
You replace your list total_obs at each iteration. You must append each value into it:
for i in obs:
total_obs.append(ob_annual(fwf_tot_grnl, i))
or use a comprehension list
total_obs = [ob_annual(fwf_tot_grnl, i) for i in obs]
I'm trying to fit my exponential data, but I am unable to get a decent answer. I'm using scipy and the following code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob
import scipy.optimize
import pylab
def exponential(x, a, k, b):
return a*np.exp(-x/k) + b
def main():
filename = 'tek0071ALL.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(filename, skiprows=14)
t = df['TIME']
ch3 = df['CH3']
idx1 = df.index[df['TIME']==-0.32]
idx2 = df.index[df['TIME']==-0.18]
t= t[idx1.values[0]:idx2.values[0]]
popt_exponential, pcov_exponential = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(exponential, t, data, p0=[1,.1, 0])
# print(popt_exponential,pcov_exponential)
This is what the fit looks like:
and I think this means that it's actually a good fit. I think my time constant is correct, and that's what I'm trying to extract. However, the amplitude is really giving me trouble -- I expected the amplitude to be around 0.5 by inspection, but instead I get the following values for equation A*exp(-t/K)+C:
C: 0.010623336832120528
I'm left wondering if this is correct, and that my amplitude really ought to be so tiny to account for the exponential's behavior.
Hi i want to integrate a function from 0 to several different upper limits (around 1000). I have written a piece of code to do this using a for loop and appending each value to an empty array. However i realise i could make the code faster by doing smaller integrals and then adding the previous integral result to the one just calculated. So i would be doing the same number of integrals, but over a smaller interval, then just adding the previous integral to get the integral from 0 to that upper limit. Heres my code at the moment:
import numpy as np #importing all relevant modules and functions
from scipy.integrate import quad
import pylab as plt
import datetime
t0=datetime.datetime.now() #initial time
num=np.linspace(0,10,num=1000) #setting up array of values for t
Lt=np.array([]) #empty array that values for L(t) are appended to
def L(t): #defining function for L
return np.cos(2*np.pi*t)
for g in num: #setting up for loop to do integrals for L at the different values for t
Lval,x=quad(L,0,g) #using the quad function to get the values for L. quad takes the function, where to start the integral from, where to end the integration
Lv=np.append(Lv,[Lval]) #appending the different values for L at different values for t
What changes do I need to make to do the optimisation technique I've suggested?
Basically, we need to keep track of the previous values of Lval and g. 0 is a good initial value for both, since we want to start by adding 0 to the first integral, and 0 is the start of the interval. You can replace your for loop with this:
last, lastG = 0, 0
for g in num:
Lval,x = quad(L, lastG, g)
last, lastG = last + Lval, g
In my testing, this was noticeably faster.
As #askewchan points out in the comments, this is even faster:
Lv = []
last, lastG = 0, 0
for g in num:
Lval,x = quad(L, lastG, g)
last, lastG = last + Lval, g
Lv = np.array(Lv)
Using this function:
I was able to reduce time to below machine precision (very small).
The function does exactly what you are asking for in a highly efficient manner. See docs for more info: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.cumtrapz.html
The following code, which reproduces your version first and then mine:
# Module Declarations
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
import time
# Initialise Time Array
# Your Method
t0 = time.time()
def L(t):
return np.cos(2*np.pi*t)
for g in num:
t1 = time.time()
# My Method
t2 = time.time()
functionValues = L(num)
Lv_Version2 = cumtrapz(functionValues, num, initial=0)
t3 = time.time()
Which consistently yields:
t1-t0 = O(0.1) seconds
t3-t2 = 0 seconds