I am trying to write a python script to rotate screen in Windows.
I have clues of doing it with Win32api.
What are the other possibilities or commands to achieve so(Win32api included).
you can use below code for screen rotation in any angle, I changed the code given by Mxl above.
import win32api as win32
import win32con
import sys
import re
x = 0
m = re.search("(?<=^-rotate=)\S+", args) # Use non-white character wildcard instead of d decimal
if (m != None):
print m.group(0)
if ((m.group(0) == "180")):
elif((m.group(0) == "90")):
elif ((m.group(0) == "270")):
device = win32.EnumDisplayDevices(None,x)
dm = win32.EnumDisplaySettings(device.DeviceName,win32con.ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS)
if((dm.DisplayOrientation + rotation_val)%2==1):
dm.PelsWidth, dm.PelsHeight = dm.PelsHeight, dm.PelsWidth
dm.DisplayOrientation = rotation_val
for running this script you will need to give the following command:-
filename.py -rotate=180
filename.py -rotate=0
filename.py -rotate=90
filename.py -rotate=270
you can simply use rotate-screen library to do screen rotations. (Only support for Windows right now)
import rotatescreen
screen = rotatescreen.get_primary_display()
screen.rotate_to(90) # rotate to 90 degrees
This is (a sligtly modified version of) the code that worked for me from the answer given above prvided by lbenini. Possible screen rotation values are win32con.DMDO_DEFAULT (0°), win32con.DMDO_90, win32con.DMDO_180 and win32con.DMDO_270 (one can obtain a list by typing help(win32con))
import win32api as win32
import win32con
def printAllScreen():
i = 0
while True:
device = win32.EnumDisplayDevices(None,i);
print("[%d] %s (%s)"%(i,device.DeviceString,device.DeviceName));
i = i+1;
return i
x = int(input("\nEnter a display number [0-%d]: "%screen_count))
device = win32.EnumDisplayDevices(None,x);
print("Rotate device %s (%s)"%(device.DeviceString,device.DeviceName));
dm = win32.EnumDisplaySettings(device.DeviceName,win32con.ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS)
dm.DisplayOrientation = win32con.DMDO_180
dm.PelsWidth, dm.PelsHeight = dm.PelsHeight, dm.PelsWidth
dm.Fields = dm.Fields & win32con.DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION
If you have the rotate shortcut active in windows (CTRL+ALT+ARROW KEY) you can use pyautogui.hotkey function.
I am trying to program something with win32gui and now I need to know how I can get the filelocation of the file I am running in Visual Studio Code, Word or Wordpad. I used win32gui.GetOpenFileName, but it doesn't work anymore after I checked the type of variable I get. My question is: Is it the best way to get the filelocation or is there a better way. If it is the best way does someone know why it's not working anymore?
My Second question is regarding the running of the script. I want to run the script automatically as soon as I start Word, Visual Studio Code or Wordpad. What is the best way to do this?
I tried finding solutions online but at the moment I am lacking inspiration. Thank you for your help.
I got this far with the code. I want to change it so that I can get the file automatically and I want to start is with Visual Studio Code instead of starting it manuely every time.
import win32gui
import math
e = math.e
maxwidth = 1874
maxheight = 950
x =450
y = 1500 + round(maxwidth/(1+e**(-0.009*(0-57.45))))
#minwidth = 700
#minheight = 505
k = 0
l = 0
def main():
win32gui.EnumWindows(callback, None)
def callback(hwnd, extra):
windowopen = False
name = win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)
if name.endswith('Visual Studio Code') and name.startswith('_test.py'):
windowopen = True
while windowopen:
j = 0
for i in open('D:\_test.py', 'r'):
j += 1
k = round(maxwidth/(1+e**(-0.009*(j-57.45))))
l = round(maxheight/(1+e**(-0.009*(j-57.45))))
yuse = y - k
win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd, yuse, x, k, l, True)
file = win32gui.GetOpenFileName
if __name__ == '__main__':
I imported os and than used the .path.dirname function to get my file location:
import os
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
I came here as I am lost.
I have a code which basically provides a preview on screen before a picture is taken. The code runs on 2 camera (it doesn't make sense I know).
Pi camera : for preview
DSLR camera : for taking the pictures
The scripts works as expected. The issue is that the PIcamera zoom is not aligned with the DSLR.
I know it is possible to get the DSLR preview on screen which would be better. However I don't know how to do it. As I am new to python, I read as much as I could. I read solution with VLC but I didn't understand the specificities. I read the gphoto2 help but got lost in the technical parts. Hence I'd highly appreciate if someone can help me out or point me to the correct direction.
The DSLR camera is a Canon EOS D60 which should be compatible for screen preview.
I attached below the code
from picamera import PiCamera
import time
from time import sleep
import logging
import sys
import gphoto2 as gp
import locale
photonr = 1
countdown = 5
def TakePicture():
global rafale
rafale +=1
except Exception as e:
rafale =1
camera1 = PiCamera()
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
format='%(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING)
callback_obj = gp.check_result(gp.use_python_logging())
camera2 = gp.Camera()
i = 1
while i < photonr+1:
preview = camera1.start_preview()
preview.fullscreen = True
picture_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
global image
image = picture_time+ '_' + str(rafale) + '_' + str(i)
if i == 1 :
countdown2 = countdown +1
else :
countdown2 = 3
for counter in range(countdown2, 0, -1):
camera1.annotate_text = str(counter)
camera1.annotate_text_size = 120
camera1.annotate_text = ''
print('Capturing image')
file_path = camera2.capture(gp.GP_CAPTURE_IMAGE)
print('Camera file path: {0}/{1}'.format(file_path.folder, file_path.name))
target = FolderRaw+image +'.jpg'
print('Copying image to', target)
camera_file = camera2.file_get(
file_path.folder, file_path.name, gp.GP_FILE_TYPE_NORMAL)
#camera.capture(FolderRaw+image +'.jpg')
print ("Raw picture taken and saved on " + image )
i += 1
Thank you beforehand for any tips/direction/help
How do I change the screen brightness in windows using python, without using any extra python packages?
I'd also like a way of getting what the screen brightness is currently at.
I'm thinking that will need to be by using ctypes, but I can't find any information on how to do it.
It annoys me the way the screen brightness buttons on windows adjust the screen brightness in very large increments, so I made a python tkinter program to display the current screen brightness on the taskbar and when I scroll the mouse wheel on the tkinter window it changes the screen brightness:
import subprocess
from tkinter import Canvas, Tk
win = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(win, bg = "#101010", highlightthickness = 0)
canvas.pack(fill = "both", expand = True)
def trim(string, l = None, r = None, include = False, flip = False):
string = str(string)
if l and l in string:
string = string[(string.rindex(l) if flip else string.index(l)) + (0 if include else len(l)):]
if r and r in string:
string = string[:(string.index(r) if flip else string.rindex(r)) + (len(r) if include else 0)]
return string
def set_screen_brightness():
f"(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,{current_brightness})"],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = True)
def get_screen_brightness():
value = subprocess.check_output(
["powershell", f"Get-Ciminstance -Namespace root/WMI -ClassName WmiMonitorBrightness"],
shell = True)
return int(trim(value, l = "CurrentBrightness : ", r = r"\r\nInstanceName : "))
current_brightness = get_screen_brightness()
brightness_text = canvas.create_text(30, 25, text = current_brightness,
font = ("Segue ui", 14, "bold"), fill = "White", anchor = "w")
sw, sh = win.winfo_screenwidth(), win.winfo_screenheight()
win.geometry(f"69x50+{sw - 505}+{sh - 49}")
def mouse_wheel_screen_brightness(scroll):
global current_brightness, mouse_wheel_screen_brightness_wa
if "mouse_wheel_screen_brightness_wa" in globals():
current_brightness += 2 if scroll else -2
if current_brightness < 0: current_brightness = 0
if current_brightness > 100: current_brightness = 100
canvas.itemconfig(brightness_text, text = current_brightness)
mouse_wheel_screen_brightness_wa = win.after(100, lambda: set_screen_brightness())
win.bind("<MouseWheel>", lambda e: mouse_wheel_screen_brightness(e.delta > 0))
def topmost():
win.attributes("-topmost", True)
win.after(100, topmost)
I'm sure there must be a fast way of changing the screen brightness in ctypes, without any extra python packages. With using a subprocess call to Powershell the screen brightness text keeps freezing.
I want to do it without using any extra python packages because when I try to install a python package it says that there was a problem confirming the ssl certificate. I googled it and tried to fix it, but I can't get it to work.
The another way to do it without any library is:
import subprocess
def run(cmd):
completed = subprocess.run(["powershell", "-Command", cmd], capture_output=True)
return completed
if __name__ == '__main__':
take_brightness = input("Please enter the brightness level: ")
command = "(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1," + take_brightness + ")"
hello_command = f"Write-Host {command}"
hello_info = run(hello_command)
by the help of PowerShell commands we can easily increase or decrease the brightness of windows without any external packages
WmiSetBrightness(1,<brightness % goes here>)
import subprocess
subprocess.run(["powershell", "(Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods).WmiSetBrightness(1,40)"])
the subprocess is the internal library that comes with python.
just run the above code,
hope this will work.
Install screen brightness control using pip
Windows: pip install screen-brightness-control
Mac/Linux: pip3 install screen-brightness-control I guess
Then use this code
import screen_brightness_control as sbc
sbc.set_brightness(25) # Number will be any number between 0 and hundred
# Sets screen brightness to 25%
I found info on the screen brightness module here
I used the WMI library and it really worked fine. Here is the code, but this is for Windows. I think it is OS specific so if it doesn't work for you, you should look for a better solution.
import wmi
brightness = 40 # percentage [0-100] For changing thee screen
c = wmi.WMI(namespace='wmi')
methods = c.WmiMonitorBrightnessMethods()[0]
methods.WmiSetBrightness(brightness, 0)
Please upvote and accept the answer if you like it.
how can I execute mouse clicks in windows from Python code that is running in WSL?
I tried using PyAutoGUI, however, I get the following error:
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/os.py", line 669, in __getitem__
raise KeyError(key) from None
KeyError: 'DISPLAY'
Because I am using wsl, it decides that my platform is linux. If I hardcode it to windows, ctypes do have attribute win.dll in dc = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(0)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import ctypes
from PIL import ImageGrab
# Makes this process aware of monitor scaling so the screenshots are correctly sized:
except AttributeError:
pass # Windows XP doesn't support this, so just do nothing.
dc = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC(0)
class POINT(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [('x', ctypes.c_long),
('y', ctypes.c_long)]
def _winPosition():
cursor = POINT()
return (cursor.x, cursor.y)
position = _winPosition
def _winScreenshot(filename=None):
# TODO - Use the winapi to get a screenshot, and compare performance with ImageGrab.grab()
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/3586280/1893164
im = ImageGrab.grab()
if filename is not None:
except NameError:
raise ImportError('Pillow module must be installed to use screenshot functions on Windows.')
return im
screenshot = _winScreenshot
def _winSize():
return (ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(1))
size = _winSize
def _winGetPixel(x, y):
colorRef = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetPixel(dc, x, y) # A COLORREF value as 0x00bbggrr. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/gdi/colorref
red = colorRef % 256
colorRef //= 256
green = colorRef % 256
colorRef //= 256
blue = colorRef
return (red, green, blue)
getPixel = _winGetPixel
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
from Xlib.display import Display
import errno
scrotExists = False
whichProc = subprocess.Popen(
['which', 'scrot'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
scrotExists = whichProc.wait() == 0
except OSError as ex:
if ex.errno == errno.ENOENT:
# if there is no "which" program to find scrot, then assume there
# is no scrot.
_display = Display(os.environ['DISPLAY'])
def _linuxPosition():
coord = _display.screen().root.query_pointer()._data
return coord["root_x"], coord["root_y"]
position = _linuxPosition
def _linuxScreenshot(filename=None):
if not scrotExists:
raise NotImplementedError('"scrot" must be installed to use screenshot functions in Linux. Run: sudo apt-get install scrot')
if filename is not None:
tmpFilename = filename
tmpFilename = '.screenshot%s.png' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'))
if scrotExists:
subprocess.call(['scrot', '-z', tmpFilename])
im = Image.open(tmpFilename)
# force loading before unlinking, Image.open() is lazy
if filename is None:
return im
raise Exception('The scrot program must be installed to take a screenshot with PyScreeze on Linux. Run: sudo apt-get install scrot')
screenshot = _linuxScreenshot
def _linuxSize():
return _display.screen().width_in_pixels, _display.screen().height_in_pixels
size = _linuxSize
def _linuxGetPixel(x, y):
rgbValue = screenshot().getpixel((x, y))
return rgbValue[0], rgbValue[1], rgbValue[2]
getPixel = _linuxGetPixel
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Just to clarify... pyautogui will not work with WSL? Based on what I have read elsewhere this has to do with the lack of an X-server in the linux subsystem. Similar to how pyautogui will not work over a remote or headless terminal session.
So, try this with just plain old windows and it will work!
you could try adding this line AFTER importing pyautogui.
import pyautogui._pyautogui_win as platformModule
This should reassign / override the platformModule variable to the Windows version..
(In theory)
apologies if this isn't the right place to ask, but I did some searching and couldn't find much to point me in the right direction. I wasn't quite sure what to search for. I am a novice with python and programming in general, but usually can do enough googling and stealing other code snippets to get my projects running. However I'm at a bit of a roadblock here.
I need to control an Adafruit DotStar lightstrip with a flask web browser app. I've been able to get the flask app working, I've done a simple proof of concept with turning an LED on and off etc., and I can start my lightstrip script but the code I'm trying to run for the lightstrip needs to loop continuously and still be able to change "modes". I have several different images that display on the light strip and I would like to be able to select which one(s) is/are playing, but for now mainly I would just like to be able to start and stop a "shuffle all" mode. If I run the module in a while loop it just loops forever and I can't change the argument to a different "mode". I built a simple script based on Adafruit's DotStar library (specifically the image persistence of vision script, I'm just using PNG images as the map for the different lightstrip "shows").
It all currently works except it only runs each mode once obviously. I had it all in a while loop and it just looped the first selected mode forever and I was unable to turn it off or switch modes. I also thought maybe I should use multiprocessing, and I looked into getting that working, but I couldn't figure out how to stop a process once it started.
Here is the light strip script:
(the 'off' mode is just a black image. I'm sure theres a cleaner way to do this but I'm not sure on how to do that either)
import Image
from dotstar import Adafruit_DotStar
import random
def lightstrip(mode):
loopLength = 120 #loop length in pixels
fade = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/fade.png"
sparkle = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/sparkle.png"
steeplechase = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/steeplechase.png"
bump = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/bump.png"
spaz = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/spaz.png"
sine = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/sine.png"
bounce = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/bounce.png"
off = "/home/pi/lightshow/images/null.png"
numpixels = 30
datapin = 23
clockpin = 24
strip = Adafruit_DotStar(numpixels, 100000)
rOffset = 3
gOffset = 2
bOffset = 1
if mode == 1:
options = [fade, sparkle, steeplechase, bump, spaz, sine, bounce]
print "Shuffling All..."
if mode == 2:
options = [bump, spaz, sine, bounce]
print "Shuffling Dance..."
if mode == 3:
options = [fade, sparkle, steeplechase]
print "Shuffling Chill..."
if mode == 0:
choice = off
print "Lightstrip off..."
if mode != 0:
choice = random.choice(options)
print "Loading..."
img = Image.open(choice).convert("RGB")
pixels = img.load()
width = img.size[0]
height = img.size[1]
print "%dx%d pixels" % img.size
# Calculate gamma correction table, makes mid-range colors look 'right':
gamma = bytearray(256)
for i in range(256):
gamma[i] = int(pow(float(i) / 255.0, 2.7) * 255.0 + 0.5)
# Allocate list of bytearrays, one for each column of image.
# Each pixel REQUIRES 4 bytes (0xFF, B, G, R).
print "Allocating..."
column = [0 for x in range(width)]
for x in range(width):
column[x] = bytearray(height * 4)
# Convert entire RGB image into column-wise BGR bytearray list.
# The image-paint.py example proceeds in R/G/B order because it's counting
# on the library to do any necessary conversion. Because we're preparing
# data directly for the strip, it's necessary to work in its native order.
print "Converting..."
for x in range(width): # For each column of image...
for y in range(height): # For each pixel in column...
value = pixels[x, y] # Read pixel in image
y4 = y * 4 # Position in raw buffer
column[x][y4] = 0xFF # Pixel start marker
column[x][y4 + rOffset] = gamma[value[0]] # Gamma-corrected R
column[x][y4 + gOffset] = gamma[value[1]] # Gamma-corrected G
column[x][y4 + bOffset] = gamma[value[2]] # Gamma-corrected B
print "Displaying..."
count = loopLength
while (count > 0):
for x in range(width): # For each column of image...
strip.show(column[x]) # Write raw data to strip
count = count - 1
And the main.py script for running the web app:
from flask import *
from lightshow import *
from multiprocessing import Process
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import Image
from dotstar import Adafruit_DotStar
import random
import time
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return render_template('index.html')
#app.route("/lightstrip/1", methods=['POST'])
def shuffleall():
return ('', 204)
#app.route("/lightstrip/2", methods=['POST'])
def shuffledance():
return ('', 204)
#app.route("/lightstrip/3", methods=['POST'])
def shufflechill():
return ('', 204)
#app.route("/lightstrip/0", methods=['POST'])
def off():
return ('', 204)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host='', debug=True)
Again I'm at a bit of a loss here, this may be simple fix or I may be approaching it totally wrong but any and all help would be appreciated. I am a complete beginner to approaching a problem like this. Thank you
Here's an example showing how to start and stop processes using multiprocessing and psutil. In this example the task_runner kills any running processes before starting a new one.
from flask import Flask
import multiprocessing
import psutil
app = Flask(__name__)
def blink(var):
while True:
# do stuff
def task_runner(var):
processes = psutil.Process().children()
for p in processes:
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=blink, args=(var,))
def red():
return 'red started'
def blue():
return 'blue started'
if __name__ == "__main__":
For your question, the task_runner would look something like:
def task_runner(mode):
processes = psutil.Process().children()
for p in processes:
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=lightstrip, args=(mode,))