Given a list of words, determine whether the words can be chained to form a circle. A word X
can be placed in front of another word Y in a circle if the last character of X is the same as
the first character of Y.
For example, the words ['chair', 'height', 'racket', touch', 'tunic'] can form the following circle:
chair --> racket --> touch --> height --> tunic --> chair
The output it has to be a txt file with one word per line, ex:
I searched for the solution, but i only managed to get the partial solution which answers wether or not it can be a circle.
# Python program to check if a given directed graph is Eulerian or not
CHARS = 26
# A class that represents an undirected graph
class Graph(object):
def __init__(self, V):
self.V = V # No. of vertices
self.adj = [[] for x in range(V)] # a dynamic array
self.inp = [0] * V
# function to add an edge to graph
def addEdge(self, v, w):
# Method to check if this graph is Eulerian or not
def isSC(self):
# Mark all the vertices as not visited (For first DFS)
visited = [False] * self.V
# Find the first vertex with non-zero degree
n = 0
for n in range(self.V):
if len(self.adj[n]) > 0:
# Do DFS traversal starting from first non zero degree vertex.
self.DFSUtil(n, visited)
# If DFS traversal doesn't visit all vertices, then return false.
for i in range(self.V):
if len(self.adj[i]) > 0 and visited[i] == False:
return False
# Create a reversed graph
gr = self.getTranspose()
# Mark all the vertices as not visited (For second DFS)
for i in range(self.V):
visited[i] = False
# Do DFS for reversed graph starting from first vertex.
# Starting Vertex must be same starting point of first DFS
gr.DFSUtil(n, visited)
# If all vertices are not visited in second DFS, then
# return false
for i in range(self.V):
if len(self.adj[i]) > 0 and visited[i] == False:
return False
return True
# This function returns true if the directed graph has an eulerian
# cycle, otherwise returns false
def isEulerianCycle(self):
# Check if all non-zero degree vertices are connected
if self.isSC() == False:
return False
# Check if in degree and out degree of every vertex is same
for i in range(self.V):
if len(self.adj[i]) != self.inp[i]:
return False
return True
# A recursive function to do DFS starting from v
def DFSUtil(self, v, visited):
# Mark the current node as visited and print it
visited[v] = True
# Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex
for i in range(len(self.adj[v])):
if not visited[self.adj[v][i]]:
self.DFSUtil(self.adj[v][i], visited)
# Function that returns reverse (or transpose) of this graph
# This function is needed in isSC()
def getTranspose(self):
g = Graph(self.V)
for v in range(self.V):
# Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex
for i in range(len(self.adj[v])):
return g
# This function takes an of strings and returns true
# if the given array of strings can be chained to
# form cycle
def canBeChained(arr, n):
# Create a graph with 'alpha' edges
g = Graph(CHARS)
# Create an edge from first character to last character
# of every string
for i in range(n):
s = arr[i]
g.addEdge(ord(s[0])-ord('a'), ord(s[len(s)-1])-ord('a'))
# The given array of strings can be chained if there
# is an eulerian cycle in the created graph
return g.isEulerianCycle()
# Driver program
arr1 = ["for", "geek", "rig", "kaf"]
n1 = len(arr1)
if canBeChained(arr1, n1):
print ("Can be chained")
print ("Cant be chained")
arr2 = ["aab", "abb"]
n2 = len(arr2)
if canBeChained(arr2, n2):
print ("Can be chained")
print ("Can't be chained")
This solution only returns the Boolean statement of the list, it means that if there is a circle it will output True. The goal for me is to try and expand this solution to give the list separated, i will give another example:
{"for", "geek", "rig", "kaf"}
The problem you're describing is the Eulerian circuit problem.
There is an algorithm implemented in module networkx:
from networkx import DiGraph, eulerian_circuit
words = ['chair', 'height', 'racket', 'touch', 'tunic']
G = DiGraph()
G.add_weighted_edges_from(((w[0], w[-1], w) for w in words), weight='word')
result = [G[a][b]['word'] for a,b in eulerian_circuit(G)]
# ['chair', 'racket', 'touch', 'height', 'tunic']
This seems like a lot of effort to solve this problem. Consider a simple solution like:
from collections import defaultdict
words = ['chair', 'height', 'racket', 'touch', 'tunic']
def findChains(words):
dictionary = defaultdict(list)
for word in words:
chains = [[words[0]]] # start with an arbitrary word
while True:
new_chains = []
for chain in chains:
for follower in dictionary[chain[-1][-1]]:
if follower in chain:
new_chains.append([*chain, follower])
if new_chains:
chains = new_chains
return [chain for chain in chains if len(chain) == len(words) and chain[-1][-1] == chain[0][0]]
% python3
[['chair', 'racket', 'touch', 'height', 'tunic']]
Is the issue that a simple algorithm like the above becomes unworkable as the list of words gets longer? You also seem to assume a single solution, but with enough start and end letter redundancy, there could be multiple solutions. You need to code for multiple even if in the end you just pick one.
I was given a question during an interview and although my answer was accepted at the end they wanted a faster approach and I went blank..
Question :
Given an undirected graph, can you see if it's a tree? If so, return true and false otherwise.
A tree:
A - B
C - D
not a tree:
/ \
B - C
You'll be given two parameters: n for number of nodes, and a multidimensional array of edges like such: [[1, 2], [2, 3]], each pair representing the vertices connected by the edge.
Note:Expected space complexity : O(|V|)
The array edges can be empty
Here is My code: 105ms
def is_graph_tree(n, edges):
nodes = [None] * (n + 1)
for i in range(1, n+1):
nodes[i] = i
for i in range(len(edges)):
start_edge = edges[i][0]
dest_edge = edges[i][1]
if nodes[start_edge] != start_edge:
start_edge = nodes[start_edge]
if nodes[dest_edge] != dest_edge:
dest_edge = nodes[dest_edge]
if start_edge == dest_edge:
return False
nodes[start_edge] = dest_edge
return len(edges) <= n - 1
Here's one approach using a disjoint-set-union / union-find data structure:
def is_graph_tree(n, edges):
parent = list(range(n+1))
size = [1] * (n + 1)
for x, y in edges:
# find x (path splitting)
while parent[x] != x:
x, parent[x] = parent[x], parent[parent[x]]
# find y
while parent[y] != y:
y, parent[y] = parent[y], parent[parent[y]]
if x == y:
# Already connected
return False
# Union (by size)
if size[x] < size[y]:
x, y = y, x
parent[y] = x
size[x] += size[y]
return True
assert not is_graph_tree(4, [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 2)])
assert is_graph_tree(6, [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (1, 6)])
The runtime is O(V + E*InverseAckermannFunction(V)), which better than O(V + E * log(log V)), so it's basically O(V + E).
Tim Roberts has posted a candidate solution, but this will work in the case of disconnected subtrees:
import queue
def is_graph_tree(n, edges):
# A tree with n nodes has n - 1 edges.
if len(edges) != n - 1:
return False
# Construct graph.
graph = [[] for _ in range(n)]
for first_vertex, second_vertex in edges:
# BFS to find edges that create cycles.
# The graph is undirected, so we can root the tree wherever we want.
visited = set()
q = queue.Queue()
q.put((0, None))
while not q.empty():
current_node, previous_node = q.get()
if current_node in visited:
return False
for neighbor in graph[current_node]:
if neighbor != previous_node:
q.put((neighbor, current_node))
# Only return true if the graph has only one connected component.
return len(visited) == n
This runs in O(n + len(edges)) time.
You could approach this from the perspective of tree leaves. Every leaf node in a tree will have exactly one edge connected to it. So, if you count the number of edges for each nodes, you can get the list of leaves (i.e. the ones with only one edge).
Then, take the linked node from these leaves and reduce their edge count by one (as if you were removing all the leaves from the tree. That will give you a new set of leaves corresponding to the parents of the original leaves. Repeat the process until you have no more leaves.
[EDIT] checking that the number of edges is N-1 eliminiates the need to do the multi-root check because there will be another discrepancy (e.g. double link, missing node) in the graph if there are multiple 'roots' or a disconnected subtree
If the graph is a tree, this process should eliminate all nodes from the node counts (i.e. they will all be flagged as leaves at some point).
Using the Counter class (from collections) will make this relatively easy to implement:
from collections import Counter
def isTree(N,E):
if N==1 and not E: return True # root only is a tree
if len(E) != N-1: return False # a tree has N-1 edges
counts = Counter(n for ab in E for n in ab) # edge counts per node
if len(counts) != N : return False # unlinked nodes
while True:
leaves = {n for n,c in counts.items() if c==1} # new leaves
if not leaves:break
for a,b in E: # subtract leaf counts
if counts[a]>1 and b in leaves: counts[a] -= 1
if counts[b]>1 and a in leaves: counts[b] -= 1
for n in leaves: counts[n] = -1 # flag leaves in counts
return all(c==-1 for c in counts.values()) # all must become leaves
G = [[1,2],[1,3],[4,5],[4,6]]
print(isTree(6,G)) # False (disconnected sub-tree)
G = [[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[2,3],[5,6]]
print(isTree(6,G)) # False (doubly linked node 3)
G = [[1,2],[2,6],[3,4],[5,1],[2,3]]
print(isTree(6,G)) # True
G = [[1,2],[2,3]]
print(isTree(3,G)) # True
G = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]
print(isTree(4,G)) # True
G = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,5],[2,4]]
print(isTree(6,G)) # False (missing node)
Space complexity is O(N) because the counts dictionary has one entry per node(vertex) with an integer as value. Time complexity will be O(ExL) where E is the number of edges and L is the number of levels in the tree. The worts case time is O(E^2) for a tree where all parents have only one child node. However, since the initial condition is for E to be less than V, the worst case will actually be O(V^2)
Note that this algorithm makes no assumption on edge order or numerical relationships between node numbers. The root (last node to be made a leaf) found by this algorithm is not necessarily the only possible root given that, unless the nodes have an implicit cardinality relationship (or edges have an order), there could be ambiguous scenarios:
[1,2],[2,3],[2,4] could be:
1 2 3
|_2 OR |_1 OR |_2
|_3 |_3 |_1
|_4 |_4 |_4
If a cardinality relationship between node numbers or an order of edges can be relied upon, the algorithm could potentially be made more time efficient (because we could easily determine which node is the root and start from there).
[EDIT2] Alternative method using groups.
When the number of edges is N-1, if the graph is a tree, all nodes should be reachable from any other node. This means that, if we form groups of reachable nodes for each node and merge them together based on the edges, we should end up with a single group after going through all the edges.
Here is the modified function based on that approach:
def isTree(N,E):
if N==1 and not E: return True # root only is a tree
if len(E) != N-1: return False # a tree has N-1 edges
groups = {n:[n] for ab in E for n in ab} # each node in its own group
if len(groups) != N : return False # unlinked nodes
for a,b in E:
groups[a].extend(groups[b]) # merge groups
for n in groups[b]: groups[n] = groups[a] # update nodes' groups
return len(set(map(id,groups.values()))) == 1 # only one group when done
Given that we start out with fewer edges than nodes and that group merging will consume at most 2x a group size (so also < N), the space complexity will remain O(V). The time complexity will also be O(V^2) at for the worts case scenarios
You don't even need to know how many edges there are:
def is_graph_tree(n, edges):
seen = set()
for a,b in edges:
b = max(a,b)
if b in seen:
return False
return True
a = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]
b = [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[2,4]]
Now, this WON'T catch the case of disconnected subtrees, but that wasn't in the problem description...
I am working a problem of sorting edges, where edges are stored in a tuple form (node_i, node_j) like below
>> edgeLst
>> [('123','234'),
Note that edges are unique, and if you see ('123', '234'), you won't see ('234', '123') (the graph is undirected). And there might be a loop in the graph. Since the graph is very large, can anyone show me the efficient way to sort edges in BFS and DFS with a given start node, e.g., '123'?
Demo output:
>> edgeSorting(input_lst=edgeLst, by='BFS', start_node='123')
>> [('123','234'),
Here is how you could do it for BFS and DFS:
from collections import defaultdict
def sorted_edges(input_lst, by, start_node):
# Key the edges by the vertices
vertices = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for u, v in input_lst:
if by == 'DFS':
# Sort the lists
for lst in vertices:
lst = sorted(lst)
# Perform DFS
visited = set()
def recurse(a):
for b in vertices[a]:
if not (a, b) in visited:
yield ((a,b))
# Make sure this edge is not visited anymore in either direction
for edge in recurse(b):
yield edge
for edge in recurse(start_node):
yield edge
else: #BFS
# Collect the edges
visited = set()
queue = [start_node]
while len(queue):
for a in queue: # Process BFS level by order of id
level = []
for b in vertices[a]:
if not (a, b) in visited:
yield ((a,b))
# Add to next level to process
# Make sure this edge is not visited anymore in either direction
queue = sorted(level)
edgeLst = [('123','234'),
print (list(sorted_edges(edgeLst, 'DFS', '123')))
In Python 3, you can simplify:
for edge in recurse(b):
yield edge
yield from recurse(b)
... and same for start_node.
Given a list of edges such as, edges = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[4,5]]
I need to find how many graphs are created, by this I mean how many groups of components are created by these edges. Then get the number of vertices in the group of components.
However, I am required to be able to handle 10^5 edges, and i am currently having trouble completing the task for large number of edges.
My algorithm is currently getting the list of edges= [[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[4,5]] and merging each list as set if they have a intersection, this will output a new list that now contains group components such as , graphs = [[1,2,3],[4,5]]
There are two connected components : [1,2,3] are connected and [4,5] are connected as well.
I would like to know if there is a much better way of doing this task.
def mergeList(edges):
sets = [set(x) for x in edges if x]
m = 1
while m:
m = 0
res = []
while sets:
common, r = sets[0], sets[1:]
sets = []
for x in r:
if x.isdisjoint(common):
m = 1
common |= x
sets = res
return sets
I would like to try doing this in a dictionary or something efficient, because this is toooo slow.
A basic iterative graph traversal in Python isn't too bad.
import collections
def connected_components(edges):
# build the graph
neighbors = collections.defaultdict(set)
for u, v in edges:
# traverse the graph
sizes = []
visited = set()
for u in neighbors.keys():
if u in visited:
# visit the component that includes u
size = 0
agenda = {u}
while agenda:
v = agenda.pop()
size += 1
agenda.update(neighbors[v] - visited)
return sizes
Do you need to write your own algorithm? networkx already has algorithms for this.
To get the length of each component try
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
components = []
for graph in nx.connected_components(G):
components.append([graph, len(graph)])
# [[set([1, 2, 3]), 3], [set([4, 5]), 2]]
You could use Disjoint-set data structure:
edges = [[1,2],[2,3],[3,1],[4,5]]
parents = {}
size = {}
def get_ancestor(parents, item):
# Returns ancestor for a given item and compresses path
# Recursion would be easier but might blow stack
stack = []
while True:
parent = parents.setdefault(item, item)
if parent == item:
item = parent
for item in stack:
parents[item] = parent
return parent
for x, y in edges:
x = get_ancestor(parents, x)
y = get_ancestor(parents, y)
size_x = size.setdefault(x, 1)
size_y = size.setdefault(y, 1)
if size_x < size_y:
parents[x] = y
size[y] += size_x
parents[y] = x
size[x] += size_y
print(sum(1 for k, v in parents.items() if k == v)) # 2
In above parents is a dict where vertices are keys and ancestors are values. If given vertex doesn't have a parent then the value is the vertex itself. For every edge in the list the ancestor of both vertices is set the same. Note that when current ancestor is queried the path is compressed so following queries can be done in O(1) time. This allows the whole algorithm to have O(n) time complexity.
In case components are required instead of just number of them the resulting dict can be iterated to produce it:
from collections import defaultdict
components = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in parents.items():
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {3: [1, 2, 3], 5: [4, 5]})
This is my pathfinding function:
def get_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
neighbors = [(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)]
old_nodes = [(square_pos[x1,y1],0)]
new_nodes = []
for i in range(50):
for node in old_nodes:
if node[0].x == x2 and node[0].y == y2:
return node[1]
for neighbor in neighbors:
square = square_pos[node[0].x+neighbor[0],node[0].y+neighbor[1]]
if square.lightcycle == None:
except KeyError:
old_nodes = []
old_nodes = list(new_nodes)
new_nodes = []
nodes = []
return 50
The problem is that the AI takes to long to respond( response time <= 100ms)
This is just a python way of doing
You should replace your algorithm with A*-search with the Manhattan distance as a heuristic.
One reasonably fast solution is to implement the Dijkstra algorithm (that I have already implemented in that question):
Build the original map. It's a masked array where the walker cannot walk on masked element:
%pylab inline
map_size = (20,20)
MAP =, np.random.choice([0,1], size=map_size))
Below is the Dijkstra algorithm:
def dijkstra(V):
mask = V.mask
visit_mask = mask.copy() # mask visited cells
m = numpy.ones_like(V) * numpy.inf
connectivity = [(i,j) for i in [-1, 0, 1] for j in [-1, 0, 1] if (not (i == j == 0))]
cc = unravel_index(V.argmin(), m.shape) # current_cell
m[cc] = 0
P = {} # dictionary of predecessors
#while (~visit_mask).sum() > 0:
for _ in range(V.size):
#print cc
neighbors = [tuple(e) for e in asarray(cc) - connectivity
if e[0] > 0 and e[1] > 0 and e[0] < V.shape[0] and e[1] < V.shape[1]]
neighbors = [ e for e in neighbors if not visit_mask[e] ]
tentative_distance = [(V[e]-V[cc])**2 for e in neighbors]
for i,e in enumerate(neighbors):
d = tentative_distance[i] + m[cc]
if d < m[e]:
m[e] = d
P[e] = cc
visit_mask[cc] = True
m_mask = ma.masked_array(m, visit_mask)
cc = unravel_index(m_mask.argmin(), m.shape)
return m, P
def shortestPath(start, end, P):
Path = []
step = end
while 1:
if step == start: break
if P.has_key(step):
step = P[step]
return asarray(Path)
And the result:
start = (2,8)
stop = (17,19)
D, P = dijkstra(MAP)
path = shortestPath(start, stop, P)
imshow(MAP, interpolation='nearest')
plot(path[:,1], path[:,0], 'ro-', linewidth=2.5)
Below some timing statistics:
%timeit dijkstra(MAP)
#10 loops, best of 3: 32.6 ms per loop
The biggest issue with your code is that you don't do anything to avoid the same coordinates being visited multiple times. This means that the number of nodes you visit is guaranteed to grow exponentially, since it can keep going back and forth over the first few nodes many times.
The best way to avoid duplication is to maintain a set of the coordinates we've added to the queue (though if your node values are hashable, you might be able to add them directly to the set instead of coordinate tuples). Since we're doing a breadth-first search, we'll always reach a given coordinate by (one of) the shortest path(s), so we never need to worry about finding a better route later on.
Try something like this:
def get_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
neighbors = [(-1,0),(1,0),(0,-1),(0,1)]
nodes = [(square_pos[x1,y1],0)]
seen = set([(x1, y1)])
for node, path_length in nodes:
if path_length == 50:
if node.x == x2 and node.y == y2:
return path_length
for nx, ny in neighbors:
square = square_pos[node.x + nx, node.y + ny]
if square.lightcycle == None and (square.x, square.y) not in seen:
nodes.append((square, path_length + 1))
seen.add((square.x, square.y))
except KeyError:
return 50
I've also simplified the loop a bit. Rather than switching out the list after each depth, you can just use one loop and add to its end as you're iterating over the earlier values. I still abort if a path hasn't been found with fewer than 50 steps (using the distance stored in the 2-tuple, rather than the number of passes of the outer loop). A further improvement might be to use a collections.dequeue for the queue, since you could efficiently pop from one end while appending to the other end. It probably won't make a huge difference, but might avoid a little bit of memory usage.
I also avoided most of the indexing by one and zero in favor of unpacking into separate variable names in the for loops. I think this is much easier to read, and it avoids confusion since the two different kinds of 2-tuples had had different meanings (one is a node, distance tuple, the other is x, y).