Square factorization in python 3? - python

Note - Go down to the edits if you want the more recent code, look here if you want to see the original question. I have made edits to the code, however, so mistakes in this code block may be outdated.
As a self-taught Python 3 programmer, I have been working on a way to simplify radical expressions. The one part of the program that does not work, however, is the square factorization. I have a function that detects square numbers, which works fine. The function that does not work is the following-
def sqfactorslist(num):
factors = []
counter = num // 2 + 1
while counter > 0:
if counter == 1:
factors.append(num) #if no square ints other than 1 square into num, append and finish.
while is_square(counter) == True and counter != 1: #If counter is a valid square integer, append it's square and subtract it from num.
if (counter ** 2) >= num:
factors.append(counter ** 2)
num -= counter ** 2
else: #Else, continue with a program.
if counter > 0:
counter -= 1 #If counter more than 0, subtract 1 from it
break #If number is equal to or less than 0, break
return factors #If the input is 32, this should return 16 and 2.
It doesn't return anything other than an infinite loop. Anyone know whats wrong?
Edit 1 -- I have changed the program so that it runs, but now I have a stranger issue: If I input a square number as num, for example 16, I get a number larger than the input, e.x. 81, in the return list. I get no returned elements for a non-square number.
To make it run, I indented the first if statement after the end of the second while loop.
Edit 2 -- I have changed the program again, but I come up with another issue similar to the one above. After eliminating another mistake, where I squared numbers already shown to be square, found in the second while loop, the program now has a new problem - If I use a non-square integer, it returns an empty list, and if I use a square integer, like 16, it gives me an infinite loop. Current code shown below --
def findsqfactors(num):
factors = []
counter = num // 2 + 1
while counter > 0:
if counter == 1:
factors.append(num) #If no square ints other than 1 square into num, append then finish.
while is_square(counter) == True and counter != 1: #
if counter >= num:
num -= counter
if counter > 0:
counter -= 1
return factors


Cannibal numbers with target incorrect return

I'm trying to write a function that, when given a list of numbers or string of numbers separated by commas as well as a target number, will find the number of numbers in that list that are equal to the target or can become the target.
Numbers can change by eating numbers that are smaller than or equal to them, after eating a number the larger number will have grown by 1 and the smaller number disappears.
The function checks all the numbers in the provided list so if you have [27,9,11,10,8] and your target is 12 then the function should return 3 because 11 can eat 10 to become 12, 10 can eat 9 and 8 to become 12, and 9 can eat 8 then it can now eat 10 and then 11 to become 12.
My issue is that when provided with something like [3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1] with target 4, my function returns the wrong value (value should be 9). For some reason my function does not recognise numbers that are equal as numbers that can be eaten even though in the if statement there is a ">=".
def cannibal(l, target):
l = l.split(",")
l.sort(reverse = True)
l = list(map(int, l))
print (l)
l.sort(reverse = True)
print (l)
eatingl = l[:]
count = 0
flag = True
for i in range(0,len(l)-1):
if l[i] > target:
print (l[i],"got skipped at",i)
if l[i] == target:
print (l[i],"at",i,"got added")
count += 1
if l[i] < target:
while flag:
if eatingl[i] < target and len(eatingl) == 1:
flag = False
if eatingl[i] == target:
(eatingl[i],"at",i,"got added")
count +=1
flag = False
for j in range(0,len(eatingl)):
if eatingl[i] == eatingl[j]:
print (eatingl[i],eatingl[j])
if eatingl[i] >= eatingl[j]:
print (eatingl[i],"is eating",eatingl[j])
eatingl[i] += 1
if eatingl[i] > target:
flag = False
print (count)
return count
my function does not recognise numbers that are equal as numbers that can be eaten even though in the if statement there is a ">=".
There is only one >= in your code, and not far above it is this:
if eatingl[i] == eatingl[j]:
This line stops a number from eating an equal number. Did you want this line to stop a number from eating itself? If so, you need the condition above to be if i == j: instead.
There are, however, a few other problems with your code:
Once you've found one number that can reach the target, you need to reset the list for the next number. You already have a line eatingl = l[:] which will do this, but it's outside the for i in ... loop. Move it inside.
Secondly, under the line if eatingl[i] == target: you have the following line.
(eatingl[i],"at",i,"got added")
This puts together a tuple with four items in it and then throws it away because nothing is done with it. I'm guessing you are missing a print here.
Thirdly, your variable flag is set to True before the for i in ... loop starts. As soon as this variable gets set to False, the while loop never gets entered again, so your program will never find any more than one cannibal number. Instead, move the line flag = True to immediately above the while loop.
Next, when a number gets eaten you remove it from the list eatingl. This doesn't cause a problem when j > i, but it does when j < i, because removing the number at index j will move the number at index i to index i - 1, after which you then increment the number at index i, which might be a different number.
Adding to or removing items from a list that you are iterating through often causes problems. Instead of removing the numbers it is simpler to replace them with a placeholder value such as 0, -1 or None. You would need to be sure that you don't attempt to eat a number that has already been eaten, and you can do this by checking that eatingl[j] isn't the placeholder just before checking whether eatingl[i] >= eatingl[j].
If your program gets to the end of the j loop without breaking out of it, then there aren't enough other numbers that eatingl[i] could eat to reach the target. In this situation you would want to break out of the while loop. The easiest way to do this is to add an else clause to the for loop:
print("Could do no more for", eatingl[i])
flag = False
The else line in the above should line up with the for j in ... line. A for loop can have an else block, and the code in the else block runs if the code in the for loop did not break.
Finally, your i loop should be for i in range(0,len(l)): rather than for i in range(0,len(l)-1):. If you have a unique smallest number, as in your example 27,9,11,10,8 then this isn't a problem: a unique smallest number cannot eat any other numbers so skipping it doesn't do any harm. But in your example 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1, where the smallest number is 1 and there are three of them, each of the 1s can eat the other two 1s and then a 2 to become a 4.
I made these changes to your code and it gave me the output I expected it to.

Why am I not getting an output for the following python code?

I am not getting any output from interpreter after I input a value.
Here's my code:
number = int(input("Enter the number to test:"))
count = 0
if number % 2 == 0:
while number > 1:
number /= 2
count += 1
while number > 1:
number = (3 * number) + 1
count += 1
print("Iteration count: " + count)
Expected output is 15 for input = 11
Edit: The Collatz Conjecture (above) use the following algorithm: If n is even, divide it by 2, else multiply by 3 and add 1. Start over until you get 1.
You have created an infinite loop in your while statements. A good way you can check this yourself is to print number inside the while loop, and you will quickly see where you are going wrong.
I don't want to give away the solution as this sounds too much like homework - but you must ensure your while loop condition is met, or it will never exit.

While loop ignores conditionals (if, else) and just prints first suggested print option

I am trying to create a program that prints out a list of numbers starting at 0 and leading up to a number the user inputs (represented by the variable "number"). I am required to use "while" loops to solve this problem (I already have a functional "for" loop version of the assignment). The program should mark anything in that list divisible by 3 with the word "Fizz," divisible by 5 with the word "Buzz," and anything divisible by both with "FizzBuzz" while also including unlabeled numbers outside of those specifications.
Every time I run this program, it ignores the conditions and just prints the word "FizzBuzz" however many times is represented by the number inputted. (I typically use 15 because it has at least one example of each condition, so that means I get 15 "FizzBuzz"s in a row).
To find out why it was doing that, I used print(i) instead of the rest of the program under the first conditional and it gave me 15 counts of the number 0, so there is reason to believe the program is completely ignoring the range I gave it and just outputting copies of i based on the user number input.
Any help would be appreciated!
number = int(input("Enter a Number"))
i = 0
while(i < number + 1):
if number % 3 == 0 and number % 5 == 0:
elif number % 5 == 0:
elif number % 3 == 0:
i += 1
print ("Done!")
You meant to check the divisibility of i, which increments every loop, not of number which doesn't change.
You also meant to print(i) in the else clause.

While loop that's meant to be infinite freezes after first cycle

My goal is to make a program that prints onscreen all of the prime numbers it can find, however I have this issue where the while loop runs only once, instead of repeating forever.
def isPrime(num):
if num < 2:
return False
if num == 2:
return True
if num % 2 == 0:
return False
i = 3
while i * i <= num:
if num % i == 0:
return False
i += 2
x = 1
while True:
x += 1
if isPrime(x):
print (x)
I also have tried adding print("You can see this.") at the very end of the code, and it runs, but only once.
I'm sure it's a common mistake, since Python is very strict on indentation, but could you guys help me discover it? Thanks in advance.
You need to return True at the very end, after and outside the final loop. Otherwise the function ends without explicitly returning anything, so it implicitly returns None which is interpreted as false.
The i +=2 is indented too deep, the inner loop never quits.
It should read
while i * i <= num:
if num % i == 0:
return False
i += 2
Otherwise i never increases and the loop goes on and on and on.

Why does my code return 1 when the given number has more zeroes?

If you have another method that can help me I will appreciate your help, I tried my best to write a code that calculates the number of zeroes in a given number.
Here's the code I tried:
def zrc(n):
while n%10==0 and n!=0:
return count
it just gives 1 as output of the code, while it must print 2, but for numbers like 36, it gives 0 as output, what is the problem? I know there must be a problem with that while...
If n%10 is zero, n is zero in the next step, so the condition is always fulfilled after the first loop. You probably want to use // instead of %:
def zrc(n):
count = 0
while n%10 == 0 and n != 0:
n //= 10
count += 1
return count
while n%10==0 and n!=0:
See the above lines. If the condition in the while loop is true, n=n%10 line will be executed.
This line will make your n=0 no matter what. For example,
2500%10 = 0
25000%10 = 0
250000%10 = 0
So, there is no chance that your loop condition will be True during the second iteration, so no chance of increment count variable more than once.
So, no matter what is your n is, you always get the output 1.
In your code, Change this:
To this:
An alternative way, might help you.
from collections import Counter
def zrc(n):
return valDict['0']

