I tried writing my own script in Python that takes the output from the "iplist" variable and prints it to a text file, however I'm stuck as to why the script will create the file but not print anything? I've been stuck on this for a day now, and nothing I've found online has seemed to help me :/ Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
import socket
import time as t
from os import path
def ip_list(dest):
iplist = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
date = t.localtime(t.time())
name = "IP addresses on %d_%d_%d.txt" % (date[1], date[2], date[0] % 100)
if not (path.isfile(name)):
file = open(name, 'w')
for str in iplist:
print >>f, str
f.close() ## has to match open indentation
if __name__ == '__main__':
destination = "C:\\Users\\kl\\Desktop\\python files\\"
I should also add that I have attempted to use the "f.write()" command as well, not that that might be of much help?
So, I'll explain briefly my idea, then, what I've tried and errors that I've got so far.
I want to make a Python script that will:
Search for files in a directory, example: /home/mystuff/logs
If he found it, he will execute a command like print('Errors found'), and then stop.
If not, he will keep it executing on and on.
But other logs will be there, so, my intention is to make Python read logs in /home/mystuff/logs filtering by the current date/time only.. since I want it to be executed every 2 minutes.
Here is my code:
import time
import os
from time import sleep
infile = r"/home/mystuff/logs`date +%Y-%m-%d`*"
keep_phrases = ["Error",
"Lost Connection"]
while True:
with open(infile) as f:
f = f.readlines()
if phrase in f:
cmd = ['#print something']
erro = 1
I've searched for few regex cases for current date, but nothing related to files that will keep changing names according by the date/time.. do you have any ideas?
You can't use shell features like command substitutions in file names. To the OS, and to Python, a file name is just a string. But you can easily create a string which contains the current date and time.
from datetime import datetime
infile = r"/home/mystuff/logs%s" % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
(The raw string doesn't do anything useful, because the string doesn't contain any backslashes. But it's harmless, so I left it in.)
You also can't open a wildcard; but you can expand it to a list of actual file names with glob.glob(), and loop over the result.
from glob import glob
for file in glob(infile + '*'):
with open(file, 'r') as f:
# ...
If you are using a while True: loop you need to calculate today's date inside the loop; otherwise you will be perpetually checking for files from the time when the script was started.
In summary, your changed script could look something like this. I have changed the infile variable name here because it isn't actually a file or a file name, and fixed a few other errors in your code.
# Unused imports
# import time
# import os
from datetime import datetime
from glob import glob
from time import sleep
keep_phrases = ["Error",
"Lost Connection"]
while True:
pattern = "/home/mystuff/logs%s*" % datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
for file in glob(pattern):
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
if any(phrase in line for phrase in keep_phrases):
cmd = ['#print something']
erro = 1
I'm a beginner at Python and this site. Sorry if this might be simple.
I have modified a python script that calculates the amount of words in a pdf file "Master.pdf" an writes the time and date plus the amount of words to a .txt file.
I have Python2.7 installed, I have installed Anancoda and I am using the PyCharm editor. When I open my PyCharm editor and run this script, no problems arise, the script executes and everything works.
As I would like this script to run every 15 minutes, I have made it a task using Task Scheduler. The task is "Start a program" the program is:
- C:\Users\alkare\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda2\python.exe - and the argument is - "C:/Users/alkare/Desktop/Report/WordCount.py" -.
whenever it runs I see the command prompt open, some text fly across my screen and then the command line terminal closes, BUT no changes are done to my .txt file.
here is the code I am using saved as "WordCount.py":
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
import os
import sys
import re
import datetime
import PyPDF2
def getPageCount(pdf_file):
pdfFileObj = open(pdf_file, 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
pages = pdfReader.numPages
return pages
def extractData(pdf_file, page):
pdfFileObj = open(pdf_file, 'rb')
pdfReader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdfFileObj)
pageObj = pdfReader.getPage(page)
data = pageObj.extractText()
return data
def getWordCount(data):
data = data.split()
return len(data)
def main():
pdfFile = 'Master.pdf'
# get the word count in the pdf file
totalWords = 0
numPages = getPageCount(pdfFile)
for i in range(numPages):
text = extractData(pdfFile, i)
totalWords += getWordCount(text)
Now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
f = open("TrackingTimeData.txt", "a")
f.write(Now[0:4] + "\t" + Now[4:6] + "/" + Now[6:8] + "\t" + Now[9:11] + ":" + Now[11:13] + "\t" + str(totalWords) + "\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
The problem is that you are allowing the program to fail without providing you any meaningful output (it sounds like it hits an exception and closes).
Instead of just calling main() without guarding it in a try block:
if __name__ == '__main__':
give yourself some slack here to gather information:
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception as e:
print("Error {}".format(e))
# drop into a command-prompt debugger:
import pdb
# slightly more old-school, pause the window to read the exception:
import time
# throwback to DOS windows
import os
# read the error, come back to stackoverflow and describe the problem more, etc.
For example, mixing this with task scheduler, you'd want to right-click on your python.exe in Windows, go to properties, set "Run as Administrator" because maybe you're getting an access denied trying to read/write to a .PDF in some special directory. This is just an example of the many guesses people could throw in to randomly help you solve an issue versus knowing exactly what the error is.
I am getting a TypeError: object of type file' has no len()
I have traced down the issue to the path established upon execution.
What am I missing to correct this error found within the "savePath" deceleration or usage within the "temp = os.path.join(savePath, files)"?
def printTime(time):
savePath = "C:\Users\Nicholas\Documents"
files = open("LogInLog.txt", "a")
temp = os.path.join(savePath, files)
files.write("A LogIn occured.")
print files.read
The whole program is below for reference:
from time import strftime
import os.path
def main():
def getTime():
time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S")
def printTime(time):
savePath = "C:\Users\Nicholas\Documents"
files = open("LogInLog.txt", "a")
temp = os.path.join(savePath, files)
files.write("A LogIn occured.")
print files.read
Here's a working version:
from time import strftime
import os.path
def main():
def getTime():
time = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S")
def printTime(time):
savePath = "C:\Users\Nicholas\Documents"
logFile = "LogInLog.txt"
files = open(os.path.join(savePath, logFile), "a+")
openPosition = files.tell()
files.write("A LogIn occured.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
There were a few problems with the code snippet posted in the question:
Two import statements were concatenated together. Each should be on a separate line.
The os.path.join function doesn't work on an open filehandle.
The read() and close() methods were missing parens.
If the intent is to read what is written in append mode, it's necessary to get the current file position via tell() and seek() to that position after writing to the file.
While it's legal to call main() without any conditional check, it's usually best to make sure the module is being called as a script as opposed to being imported.
I would like to be able to use a list in a file to 'upload' a code to the program.
NotePad file:
savelist = ["Example"]
namelist = ["Example2"]
Python Code:
with open("E:/battle_log.txt", 'rb') as f:
gamesave = savelist[(name)](f)
name1 = namelist [(name)](f)
print ("Welcome back "+name1+"! I bet you missed this adventure!")
print savelist
print namelist
I would like this to be the output:
It looks like you're trying to serialize a program state, the re-load it later! You should consider using a database instead, or even simply pickle
import pickle
savelist = ["Example"]
namelist = ["Example2"]
obj_to_pickle = (savelist, namelist)
with open("path/to/savefile.pkl", 'wb') as p:
pickle.dump(obj_to_pickle, p)
# save data
with open('path/to/savefile.pkl', 'rb') as p:
obj_from_pickle = pickle.load(p)
savelist, namelist = obj_from_pickle
# load data
There are several options:
Save your notepad file with the .py extension and import it. As long as it contains valid python code, everything will be accessible
Load the text as a string and execute it (e.g., via eval())
Store the information in an easy to read configuration file (e.g., YAML) and parse it when you need it
Precompute the data and store it in a pickle file
The first two are risky if you don't have control over who will provide the file as someone can insert malicious code into the inputs.
You could simply import it as long the file is in the same folder as the one your program is in. Kinda like this:
import example.txt
from example.txt import*
Then access it through one of two ways. The first one:
print Example.savelist[0]
print Example.namelist[0]
The second way:
print savelist[0]
print namelist[0]
I successfully created an .exe using py2exe with a simple test script I found on a tutorials website. The script I am using, however, does not seem to work. My code uses the csv module and dict reader with two .csv inputs.
I run the python setup.py p2exe command, and I get a flash of a command prompt, but that disappears before I can read anything on it. And once it disappears, I do not have the correct .csv file output that I would get if I just ran the script in python.
Can anyone offer any advice or things to try? Or is there a way I could get that pesky cmd window to stay open long enough for me to see what it says?
Thanks. My script is below.
import csv
def main():
iFileName = 'DonorsPlayTesting.csv'
oFileName = iFileName[:-4] + '-Output' + iFileName[-4:]
iFile = csv.DictReader(open(iFileName))
oFile = csv.writer(open(oFileName, 'w'), lineterminator = '\n')
iDirectory = csv.DictReader(open("DonorsDirectory.csv"))
oNames = {}
directory = {}
for line in iDirectory:
directory[line['Number']] = line['Name']
for key in directory.keys():
oNames[directory[key]] = 0
out_header = ['Name', 'Plays']
for line in iFile:
if line['Type'] == "Test Completion":
if line['Number'] in directory:
oNames[directory[line['Number']]] += 1
elif line['Number'] not in directory:
oNames[line['Number']] = 'Need Name'