Hey I am doing multiple OLS regressions for some cross-sectional data iterating through the months. I encounter for the forth month a ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity. But I do not know why. The data has no NaNs, I have tested this with dropna since it was suggested in another Question Link:
And the zero in each months data is due to the normalization of the data, which does not cause any trouble during the first three iterations only in the fourth. What's also weird is that if I stop the loop before the OLS regression is executed in the fourth line and then run the regression again by hand in another cell it just works fine. Could this issue be due to the storing?
Here is my code an data to replicate the error:
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf #ols (minor letters)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('df_all.csv', index_col='Instrument', sep=',', decimal='.')
df.drop(columns='Unnamed: 0', inplace=True)
#Creates an array with all the years to iterate through single year
years = df_all['Date'].dt.year.unique()
df_store = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=['year', 'month', 'R2_adj'])
for year in years:
df_year = df_all[df_all['Date'].dt.year == year]
df_year_t1 = df_all[df_all['Date'].dt.year == year+1]
Jan_date = df_year['Date'][0]
year_start = df_year[(df_year['Date'] == Jan_date) & (df_year['HQ'] == 'United States of America')
& (df_year['ESG'] > 0)]
year_start_firms = year_start.index.unique()
df_year_firms = df_year[['Date', 'eTR', 'MC', 'ESG']].loc[year_start_firms]
df_year_t1 = df_year_t1[['Date', 'eTR', 'MC', 'ESG']]
print(" ")
#Normalizes the ESG Scores to the interval (0; 1) and substitues it in; 0.5 is the mean
df = df_year_firms[['ESG']]
Normalized_ESG_year = (df - df.min()) / (df.max() - df.min())
df_year_firms_norm = df_year_firms
df_year_firms_norm[['ESG_norm']] = Normalized_ESG_year.values
df_year_firms_norm = df_year_firms_norm.drop('ESG', axis=1)
df_year_firms_norm = df_year_firms_norm.ffill(axis=0)
df_year_firms_norm.loc[:, 'Month'] = df_year_firms_norm['Date'].dt.month.values.reshape(len(df_year_firms_norm), 1)
df_year_t1.loc[:, 'Month'] = df_year_t1['Date'].dt.month.values.reshape(len(df_year_t1), 1)
data = pd.merge(df_year_firms_norm, df_year_t1.iloc[:, [0,1,-1]], how='inner', on=['Instrument', 'Month'], suffixes=('_t', '_t1'))
#Resets index
#Monthwise iteration within the year loop
for month in range(1, 13, 1):
df_month = data[data['Month'] == month]
#ols by statsmodels.formula.api = smf (ols with minor letters)
#DataFrame input
#smf not sm (statsmodels.formula.api instead of statsmodels.api)
ESG_ols = smf.ols(formula = 'eTR_t1 ~ ESG_norm', data=df_month).fit(cov_type='HAC',cov_kwds={'maxlags':0})
ESG_ols_tstat = ESG_ols.tvalues
ESG_ols_coeff = ESG_ols.params
results_df = pd.DataFrame({
'ESG_ols_coeff':ESG_ols_coeff, 'ESG_ols_tstat':ESG_ols_tstat},
index = ['Intercept', 'ESG'])
#Produces the table
df_output = summary_col(
results=[ESG_ols], stars=True, float_format='%0.4f',
info_dict={'N':lambda x: "{0:d}".format(int(x.nobs))},
regressor_order = ['Intercept', 'ESG_norm'])
helper = pd.DataFrame(data=[[year, month, ESG_ols.rsquared_adj]],
columns=['year', 'month', 'R2_adj'])
df_store = df_store.append(helper)
I am also happy for any suggestions in efficiency!
As requested, here is the full Traceback:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_8408/1348884998.py in <module>
91 # break
92 #smf not sm (statsmodels.formula.api instead of statsmodels.api)
---> 93 ESG_ols = smf.ols(formula = 'eTR_t1 ~ ESG_norm', data=df_month).fit(cov_type='HAC',cov_kwds={'maxlags':1})
94 #!Assumption: maxlags=0 should be reasonable since we do not have any TS analysis, right?
95 ESG_ols_tstat = ESG_ols.tvalues
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\model.py in from_formula(cls, formula, data, subset, drop_cols, *args, **kwargs)
193 'formula': formula, # attach formula for unpckling
194 'design_info': design_info})
--> 195 mod = cls(endog, exog, *args, **kwargs)
196 mod.formula = formula
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\regression\linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
870 def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, missing='none', hasconst=None,
871 **kwargs):
--> 872 super(OLS, self).__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing,
873 hasconst=hasconst, **kwargs)
874 if "weights" in self._init_keys:
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\regression\linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, weights, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
701 else:
702 weights = weights.squeeze()
--> 703 super(WLS, self).__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing,
704 weights=weights, hasconst=hasconst, **kwargs)
705 nobs = self.exog.shape[0]
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\regression\linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
188 """
189 def __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs):
--> 190 super(RegressionModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs)
191 self._data_attr.extend(['pinv_wexog', 'weights'])
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
236 def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs):
--> 237 super(LikelihoodModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs)
238 self.initialize()
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
75 missing = kwargs.pop('missing', 'none')
76 hasconst = kwargs.pop('hasconst', None)
---> 77 self.data = self._handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst,
78 **kwargs)
79 self.k_constant = self.data.k_constant
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\model.py in _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
100 def _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs):
--> 101 data = handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
102 # kwargs arrays could have changed, easier to just attach here
103 for key in kwargs:
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\data.py in handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
671 klass = handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog)
--> 672 return klass(endog, exog=exog, missing=missing, hasconst=hasconst,
673 **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\data.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
85 self.const_idx = None
86 self.k_constant = 0
---> 87 self._handle_constant(hasconst)
88 self._check_integrity()
89 self._cache = {}
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\statsmodels\base\data.py in _handle_constant(self, hasconst)
129 # detect where the constant is
130 check_implicit = False
--> 131 exog_max = np.max(self.exog, axis=0)
132 if not np.isfinite(exog_max).all():
133 raise MissingDataError('exog contains inf or nans')
<__array_function__ internals> in amax(*args, **kwargs)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\fromnumeric.py in amax(a, axis, out, keepdims, initial, where)
2731 5
2732 """
-> 2733 return _wrapreduction(a, np.maximum, 'max', axis, None, out,
2734 keepdims=keepdims, initial=initial, where=where)
~\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\fromnumeric.py in _wrapreduction(obj, ufunc, method, axis, dtype, out, **kwargs)
85 return reduction(axis=axis, out=out, **passkwargs)
---> 87 return ufunc.reduce(obj, axis, dtype, out, **passkwargs)
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity
I was reluctant to use this approach but it works and I still get results even for those month where there is supposed to be a lack of data.
I found the idea here Overcom ValueError for empty array
try: #Catches the upcoming Value Error
results = smf.ols(formula = 'eTR_t1 ~ ESG_norm', data=df_month).fit(cov_type='HAC',cov_kwds={'maxlags':0})
except ValueError:
Thank you #Josef for the suggestions and the help.
I have a data frame 'df' that has missing column values. I want to fill in the missing/NaN values in the Avg Monthly Long Distance Charges column through prediction (regression) using the other column values. Then, replace the NaN values with the new values found.
I received the following error message when executing my code. Is there something that I am doing wrong?
Data frame: 'df'
Customer ID,Gender,Age,Married,Number of Dependents,City,Zip Code,Latitude,Longitude,Number of Referrals,Tenure in Months,Offer,Phone Service,Avg Monthly Long Distance Charges,Multiple Lines,Internet Service,Internet Type,Avg Monthly GB Download,Online Security,Online Backup,Device Protection Plan,Premium Tech Support,Streaming TV,Streaming Movies,Streaming Music,Unlimited Data,Contract,Paperless Billing,Payment Method,Monthly Charge,Total Charges,Total Refunds,Total Extra Data Charges,Total Long Distance Charges,Total Revenue,Customer Status,Churn Category,Churn Reason
0002-ORFBO,Female,37,Yes,0,Frazier Park,93225,34.827662,-118.999073,2,9,None,Yes,42.39,No,Yes,Cable,16,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,One Year,Yes,Credit Card,65.6,593.3,0,0,381.51,974.81,Stayed,,
0003-MKNFE,Male,46,No,0,Glendale,91206,34.162515,-118.203869,0,9,None,Yes,10.69,Yes,Yes,Cable,10,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Month-to-Month,No,Credit Card,-4,542.4,38.33,10,96.21,610.28,Stayed,,
0004-TLHLJ,Male,50,No,0,Costa Mesa,92627,33.645672,-117.922613,0,4,Offer E,Yes,33.65,No,Yes,Fiber Optic,30,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Month-to-Month,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,73.9,280.85,0,0,134.6,415.45,Churned,Competitor,Competitor had better devices
0011-IGKFF,Male,78,Yes,0,Martinez,94553,38.014457,-122.115432,1,13,Offer D,Yes,27.82,No,Yes,Fiber Optic,4,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Month-to-Month,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,98,1237.85,0,0,361.66,1599.51,Churned,Dissatisfaction,Product dissatisfaction
0013-EXCHZ,Female,75,Yes,0,Camarillo,93010,34.227846,-119.079903,3,3,None,Yes,7.38,No,Yes,Fiber Optic,11,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Month-to-Month,Yes,Credit Card,83.9,267.4,0,0,22.14,289.54,Churned,Dissatisfaction,Network reliability
0013-MHZWF,Female,23,No,3,Midpines,95345,37.581496,-119.972762,0,9,Offer E,Yes,16.77,No,Yes,Cable,73,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Month-to-Month,Yes,Credit Card,69.4,571.45,0,0,150.93,722.38,Stayed,,
0013-SMEOE,Female,67,Yes,0,Lompoc,93437,34.757477,-120.550507,1,71,Offer A,Yes,9.96,No,Yes,Fiber Optic,14,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Two Year,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,109.7,7904.25,0,0,707.16,8611.41,Stayed,,
0014-BMAQU,Male,52,Yes,0,Napa,94558,38.489789,-122.27011,8,63,Offer B,Yes,12.96,Yes,Yes,Fiber Optic,7,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Two Year,Yes,Credit Card,84.65,5377.8,0,20,816.48,6214.28,Stayed,,
0015-UOCOJ,Female,68,No,0,Simi Valley,93063,34.296813,-118.685703,0,7,Offer E,Yes,10.53,No,Yes,DSL,21,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Two Year,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,48.2,340.35,0,0,73.71,414.06,Stayed,,
0016-QLJIS,Female,43,Yes,1,Sheridan,95681,38.984756,-121.345074,3,65,None,Yes,28.46,Yes,Yes,Cable,14,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Two Year,Yes,Credit Card,90.45,5957.9,0,0,1849.9,7807.8,Stayed,,
0017-DINOC,Male,47,No,0,Rancho Santa Fe,92091,32.99356,-117.207121,0,54,None,No,,,Yes,Cable,10,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Two Year,No,Credit Card,45.2,2460.55,0,0,0,2460.55,Stayed,,
0017-IUDMW,Female,25,Yes,2,Sunnyvale,94086,37.378541,-122.020456,2,72,None,Yes,16.01,Yes,Yes,Fiber Optic,59,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Two Year,Yes,Credit Card,116.8,8456.75,0,0,1152.72,9609.47,Stayed,,
0018-NYROU,Female,58,Yes,0,Antelope,95843,38.715498,-121.363411,0,5,None,Yes,18.65,No,Yes,Fiber Optic,10,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Month-to-Month,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,68.95,351.5,0,0,93.25,444.75,Stayed,,
0019-EFAEP,Female,32,No,0,La Mesa,91942,32.782501,-117.01611,0,72,Offer A,Yes,2.25,Yes,Yes,Fiber Optic,16,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Two Year,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,101.3,7261.25,0,0,162,7423.25,Stayed,,
0019-GFNTW,Female,39,No,0,Los Olivos,93441,34.70434,-120.02609,0,56,None,No,,,Yes,DSL,19,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Two Year,No,Bank Withdrawal,45.05,2560.1,0,0,0,2560.1,Stayed,,
0020-INWCK,Female,58,Yes,2,Woodlake,93286,36.464635,-119.094348,9,71,Offer A,Yes,27.26,Yes,Yes,Fiber Optic,12,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Two Year,Yes,Credit Card,95.75,6849.4,0,0,1935.46,8784.86,Stayed,,
0020-JDNXP,Female,52,Yes,1,Point Reyes Station,94956,38.060264,-122.830646,0,34,None,No,,,Yes,DSL,20,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,One Year,No,Credit Card,61.25,1993.2,0,0,0,1993.2,Stayed,,
0021-IKXGC,Female,72,No,0,San Marcos,92078,33.119028,-117.166036,0,1,Offer E,Yes,7.77,Yes,Yes,Fiber Optic,22,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,One Year,Yes,Bank Withdrawal,72.1,72.1,0,0,7.77,79.87,Joined,,
0022-TCJCI,Male,79,No,0,Daly City,94015,37.680844,-122.48131,0,45,None,Yes,10.67,No,Yes,DSL,17,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,One Year,No,Credit Card,62.7,2791.5,0,0,480.15,3271.65,Churned,Dissatisfaction,Limited range of services
My code:
# Let X = predictor variable and y = target variable
X2 = pd.DataFrame(df[['Monthly Charge', 'Total Revenue']])
y2 = pd.DataFrame(df[['Multiple Lines']])
# Add a constant variable to the predictor variables
X = sm.add_constant(X2)
model02 = sm.OLS(y2, X2).fit()
df['Multiple Lines'].fillna(sm.OLS(y2, X2).fit(), inplace=True)
Error Message: ValueError: Pandas data cast to numpy dtype of object. Check input data with np.asarray(data).
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/wv/42dn23fd1cb0czpvqdnb6zw00000gn/T/ipykernel_15181/1879921247.py in <module>
5 # Add a constant variable to the predictor variables
6 X = sm.add_constant(X2)
----> 7 model02 = sm.OLS(y2, X2).fit()
8 df['Multiple Lines'].fillna(sm.OLS(y2, X2).fit(), inplace=True)
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/regression/linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
888 "An exception will be raised in the next version.")
889 warnings.warn(msg, ValueWarning)
--> 890 super(OLS, self).__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing,
891 hasconst=hasconst, **kwargs)
892 if "weights" in self._init_keys:
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/regression/linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, weights, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
715 else:
716 weights = weights.squeeze()
--> 717 super(WLS, self).__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing,
718 weights=weights, hasconst=hasconst, **kwargs)
719 nobs = self.exog.shape[0]
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/regression/linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
189 """
190 def __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs):
--> 191 super(RegressionModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs)
192 self._data_attr.extend(['pinv_wexog', 'wendog', 'wexog', 'weights'])
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
266 def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs):
--> 267 super().__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs)
268 self.initialize()
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
90 missing = kwargs.pop('missing', 'none')
91 hasconst = kwargs.pop('hasconst', None)
---> 92 self.data = self._handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst,
93 **kwargs)
94 self.k_constant = self.data.k_constant
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/model.py in _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
131 def _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs):
--> 132 data = handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
133 # kwargs arrays could have changed, easier to just attach here
134 for key in kwargs:
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/data.py in handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
672 klass = handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog)
--> 673 return klass(endog, exog=exog, missing=missing, hasconst=hasconst,
674 **kwargs)
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/data.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
80 self.orig_endog = endog
81 self.orig_exog = exog
---> 82 self.endog, self.exog = self._convert_endog_exog(endog, exog)
84 self.const_idx = None
~/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/statsmodels/base/data.py in _convert_endog_exog(self, endog, exog)
505 exog = exog if exog is None else np.asarray(exog)
506 if endog.dtype == object or exog is not None and exog.dtype == object:
--> 507 raise ValueError("Pandas data cast to numpy dtype of object. "
508 "Check input data with np.asarray(data).")
509 return super(PandasData, self)._convert_endog_exog(endog, exog)
ValueError: Pandas data cast to numpy dtype of object. Check input data with np.asarray(data).
your y variable (y2) is of type object. Before feeding into the model, convert the y variable to int/float.
For example
model02 = sm.OLS(pd.get_dummies(y2), X2).fit()
pd.get_dummies is one option. find the one which is more appropriate to your use case . For ex: Label encoding
I am using the code below that I took from the Seaborn documentation as it is. Running this code results in an error.
AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'Panel'
I am wondering if there is a way around this problem without reverting to a previous version of Pandas. Can anyone help?
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
tips["big_tip"] = (tips.tip / tips.total_bill) > .15
sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="big_tip", data=tips,
logistic=True, y_jitter=.03);
The version info as well as the complete error message are as follows:
pandas : 1.3.5
seaborn: '0.11.2'
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-2a96c34ef86c> in <module>
2 tips["big_tip"] = (tips.tip / tips.total_bill) > .15
3 sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="big_tip", data=tips,
----> 4 logistic=True, y_jitter=.03);
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/_decorators.py in inner_f(*args, **kwargs)
44 )
45 kwargs.update({k: arg for k, arg in zip(sig.parameters, args)})
---> 46 return f(**kwargs)
47 return inner_f
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in lmplot(x, y, data, hue, col, row, palette, col_wrap, height, aspect, markers, sharex, sharey, hue_order, col_order, row_order, legend, legend_out, x_estimator, x_bins, x_ci, scatter, fit_reg, ci, n_boot, units, seed, order, logistic, lowess, robust, logx, x_partial, y_partial, truncate, x_jitter, y_jitter, scatter_kws, line_kws, facet_kws, size)
643 scatter_kws=scatter_kws, line_kws=line_kws,
644 )
--> 645 facets.map_dataframe(regplot, x=x, y=y, **regplot_kws)
646 facets.set_axis_labels(x, y)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/axisgrid.py in map_dataframe(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
776 # Draw the plot
--> 777 self._facet_plot(func, ax, args, kwargs)
779 # For axis labels, prefer to use positional args for backcompat
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/axisgrid.py in _facet_plot(self, func, ax, plot_args, plot_kwargs)
804 plot_args = []
805 plot_kwargs["ax"] = ax
--> 806 func(*plot_args, **plot_kwargs)
808 # Sort out the supporting information
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/_decorators.py in inner_f(*args, **kwargs)
44 )
45 kwargs.update({k: arg for k, arg in zip(sig.parameters, args)})
---> 46 return f(**kwargs)
47 return inner_f
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in regplot(x, y, data, x_estimator, x_bins, x_ci, scatter, fit_reg, ci, n_boot, units, seed, order, logistic, lowess, robust, logx, x_partial, y_partial, truncate, dropna, x_jitter, y_jitter, label, color, marker, scatter_kws, line_kws, ax)
861 scatter_kws["marker"] = marker
862 line_kws = {} if line_kws is None else copy.copy(line_kws)
--> 863 plotter.plot(ax, scatter_kws, line_kws)
864 return ax
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in plot(self, ax, scatter_kws, line_kws)
369 if self.fit_reg:
--> 370 self.lineplot(ax, line_kws)
372 # Label the axes
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in lineplot(self, ax, kws)
411 """Draw the model."""
412 # Fit the regression model
--> 413 grid, yhat, err_bands = self.fit_regression(ax)
414 edges = grid[0], grid[-1]
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in fit_regression(self, ax, x_range, grid)
209 from statsmodels.genmod.families import Binomial
210 yhat, yhat_boots = self.fit_statsmodels(grid, GLM,
--> 211 family=Binomial())
212 elif self.lowess:
213 ci = None
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in fit_statsmodels(self, grid, model, **kwargs)
279 return yhat
--> 281 yhat = reg_func(X, y)
282 if self.ci is None:
283 return yhat, None
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/seaborn/regression.py in reg_func(_x, _y)
273 def reg_func(_x, _y):
274 try:
--> 275 yhat = model(_y, _x, **kwargs).fit().predict(grid)
276 except glm.PerfectSeparationError:
277 yhat = np.empty(len(grid))
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/genmod/generalized_linear_model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, family, offset, exposure, freq_weights, var_weights, missing, **kwargs)
289 offset=offset, exposure=exposure,
290 freq_weights=freq_weights,
--> 291 var_weights=var_weights, **kwargs)
292 self._check_inputs(family, self.offset, self.exposure, self.endog,
293 self.freq_weights, self.var_weights)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
215 def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, **kwargs):
--> 216 super(LikelihoodModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, **kwargs)
217 self.initialize()
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/model.py in __init__(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
66 hasconst = kwargs.pop('hasconst', None)
67 self.data = self._handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst,
---> 68 **kwargs)
69 self.k_constant = self.data.k_constant
70 self.exog = self.data.exog
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/model.py in _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
90 def _handle_data(self, endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs):
---> 91 data = handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
92 # kwargs arrays could have changed, easier to just attach here
93 for key in kwargs:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/data.py in handle_data(endog, exog, missing, hasconst, **kwargs)
631 exog = np.asarray(exog)
--> 633 klass = handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog)
634 return klass(endog, exog=exog, missing=missing, hasconst=hasconst,
635 **kwargs)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/data.py in handle_data_class_factory(endog, exog)
611 if data_util._is_using_ndarray_type(endog, exog):
612 klass = ModelData
--> 613 elif data_util._is_using_pandas(endog, exog):
614 klass = PandasData
615 elif data_util._is_using_patsy(endog, exog):
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tools/data.py in _is_using_pandas(endog, exog)
100 def _is_using_pandas(endog, exog):
--> 101 from statsmodels.compat.pandas import data_klasses as klasses
102 return (isinstance(endog, klasses) or isinstance(exog, klasses))
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/compat/pandas.py in <module>
21 except ImportError:
22 from pandas.tseries import frequencies
---> 23 data_klasses = (pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Panel)
24 else:
25 try:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/__init__.py in __getattr__(name)
242 return _SparseArray
--> 244 raise AttributeError(f"module 'pandas' has no attribute '{name}'")
AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'Panel'
you are using the latest version of pandas library where Panal is removed from pandas version 0.25 and onward