iteration through pandas dataframes and numpy - python

I am coming from a java background and new to numpy and pandas.
I want to translate the following pseudo code into python.
theta[0...D] - numpy
input[1...D][0...N-1] - Pandas data frame
mean = theta[0]
for(row = 0 to N-1)
for(col = 1 to D)
mean += theta[col] * input[row][col]
class simulator:
theta = np.array([])
stddev = 0
def __init__(self, v_coefficents, v_stddev):
self.theta = v_coefficents
self.stddev = v_stddev
def sim( self, input ):
mean = self.theta[0]
D = input.shape[0]
N = input.shape[1]
for index, row in input.iterrows():
mean = self.theta[0]
for i in range(D):
mean += self.theta[i+1] *row['y']
I am concerned with iteration in the last line of code:
mean += self.theta[i+1] *row['y'].

Since you are working with NumPy, I would suggest extracting the pandas dataframe as an array and then we would have the luxury of working with theta and the extracted version of input both as arrays.
Thus, starting off we would have the array as -
input_arr = input.values
Then, the translation of the pseudo code would be -
mean = theta[0]
for row in range(N):
for col in range(1,D+1):
mean += theta[col] * input_arr[row,col]
To perform the sum-reductions, with NumPy supporting vectorized operations and broadcasting, we would have the output with simply -
mean = theta[0] + (theta[1:D+1]*input_arr[:,1:D+1]).sum()
This could be optimized further with as a matrix-multiplication, like so -
mean = theta[0] +[:,1:D+1], theta[1:D+1]).sum()
Please note that if you meant that input has a length of D-1, then we need few edits :
Loopy code would have : input_arr[row,col-1] instead of input_arr[row,col].
Vectorized codes would have : input_arr instead of input_arr[:,1:D+1].
Sample run based on comments -
In [71]: df = {'y' : [1,2,3,4,5]}
...: data_frame = pd.DataFrame(df)
...: test_coefficients = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6])
In [79]: input_arr = data_frame.values
...: theta = test_coefficients
In [80]: theta[0] +[:,0], theta[1:])
Out[80]: 71


EWMA Covariance Matrix in Pandas - Optimization

I would like to calculate the EWMA Covariance Matrix from a DataFrame of stock price returns using Pandas and have followed the methodology in PyPortfolioOpt.
I like the flexibility of using Pandas objects and functions but when the set of assets grows the function is becomes very slow:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def ewma_cov_pairwise_pd(x, y, alpha=0.06):
x = x.mask(y.isnull(), np.nan)
y = y.mask(x.isnull(), np.nan)
covariation = ((x - x.mean()) * (y - y.mean()).dropna()
return covariation.ewm(alpha=0.06).mean().iloc[-1]
def ewma_cov_pd(rets, alpha=0.06):
assets = rets.columns
n = len(assets)
cov = np.zeros((n, n))
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i, n):
cov[i, j] = cov[j, i] = ewma_cov_pairwise_pd(
rets.iloc[:, i], rets.iloc[:, j], alpha=alpha)
return pd.DataFrame(cov, columns=assets, index=assets)
I would like to improve the speed of the code ideally while still using Pandas but the bottleneck is within the DataFrame.ewm() function which uses 90% of the calculation time.
If using this function was a binding constraint, what is the most efficient way of improving the speed at which the code runs? I was considering taking a brute force approach and using concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor but perhaps there is a better solutions.
n = 100 # n is typically 2000
rets = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(0, 1., size=(n, n)))
cov_pd = ewma_cov_pd(rets)
The true time-series data can contain leading nulls and potentially missing values after that although the latter less likely.
Update I
A potential solution which leverages off the answer provided by Quang Hoang and produces the expected results in a far more reasonable time would be something similar to:
def ewma_cov_frame_qh(rets, alpha=0.06):
weights = (1-alpha) ** np.arange(len(df))[::-1]
normalized = (rets-rets.mean()).to_numpy()
out = (weights * normalized.T) # normalized / weights.sum()
return pd.DataFrame(out, index=rets.columns, columns=rets.columns)
def ewma_cov_qh(rets, alpha=0.06):
syms = rets.columns
covar = pd.DataFrame(index=rets.columns, columns=rets.columns)
delta = rets.isnull().sum(axis=1).shift(1) - rets.isnull().sum(axis=1)
dates = delta.loc[delta != 0].index.tolist()
for date in dates:
frame = rets.loc[rets.index >= date].dropna(axis=1, how='any')
cov = ewma_cov_frame_qh(frame).reindex(index=syms, columns=syms)
covar = covar.fillna(cov)
return covar
cov_qh = ewma_cov_qh(rets)
This violates the requirement that the underlying covariance is calculated using the native Pandas/Numpy functions and calculation time will depend on the number leading na's in the data set.
Update II
A potential improvement on the above which uses (a naive implementation of) multiprocessing and improves the calculation time by a further 42.5% on my machine is listed below:
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from functools import partial
def ewma_cov_mp_worker(date, rets, alpha=0.06):
syms = rets.columns
frame = rets.loc[rets.index >= date].dropna(axis=1, how='any')
return ewma_cov_frame_qh(frame, alpha=alpha).reindex(index=syms, columns=syms)
def ewma_cov_mp(rets, alpha=0.06):
covar = pd.DataFrame(index=rets.columns, columns=rets.columns)
delta = rets.isnull().sum(axis=1).shift(1) - rets.isnull().sum(axis=1)
dates = delta.loc[delta != 0].index.tolist()
func = partial(ewma_cov_mp_worker, rets=rets, alpha=alpha)
covs = {}
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=6) as exec:
future_to_date = {exec.submit(func, date): date for date in dates}
covs = {future_to_date[future]: future.result() for future in as_completed(future_to_date)}
for date in dates:
covar.fillna(covs[date], inplace=True)
return covar
[I have not added as answer as not addressed the original question and I am optimistic there is a better solution.]
since you don't really care for ewm, i.e, you only take the last value. We can try matrix multiplication:
def ewma(df, alpha=0.94):
weights = (1-alpha) ** np.arange(len(df))[::-1]
# fillna with 0 here
normalized = (df-df.mean()).fillna(0).to_numpy()
out = ((weights * normalized.T) # normalized / weights.sum()
return out
# verify
out = ewma(df)
print(out[0,1] == ewma_cov_pairwise(df[0],df[1]) )
# True
And this took about 150 ms on my system with df.shape==(2000,2000) while your code refuses to run within minutes :-).

Converting `for` loop that can't be vectorized to sparse matrix

There are 2 boxes and a small gap that allows 1 particle per second from one box to enter the other box. Whether a particle will go from A to B, or B to A depends on the ratio Pa/Ptot (Pa: number of particles in box A, Ptot: total particles in both boxes).
To make it faster, I need to get rid of the for loops, however I can't find a way to either vectorize them or turn them into a sparse matrix that represents my for loop:
What about for loops you can't vectorize? The ones where the result at iteration n depends on what you calculated in iteration n-1, n-2, etc. You can define a sparse matrix that represents your for loop and then do a sparse matrix solve.
But I can't figure out how to define a sparse matrix out of this. The simulation boils down to calculating:
is the piece that gives me trouble when trying to express my problem as described here. (Note: the contents in the parenthesis are a bool operation)
Can I vectorize the for loop?
If not, how can I define a sparse matrix?
(bonus question) Why is the execution time x27 faster in Python (0.027s) than Octave (0.75s)?
Note: I implemented the simulation in both Python and Octave and will soon do it on Matlab, therefor the tags are correct.
Octave code
1; % starting with `function` causes errors
function arr = Px_simulation (Pa_init, Ptot, t_arr)
t_size = size(t_arr);
arr = zeros(t_size); % fixed size array is better than arr = []
rand_arr = rand(t_size); % create all rand values at once
_Pa = Pa_init;
for _j=t_arr()
if (rand_arr(_j) * Ptot > _Pa)
_Pa += 1;
_Pa -= 1;
arr(_j) = _Pa;
t = 1:10^5;
for _i=1:3
Ptot = 100*10^_i;
Pa_simulation = Px_simulation(Ptot, Ptot, t);
plot(t, Pa_simulation, "-2;simulation;")
title(strcat("{P}_{a0}=", num2str(Ptot), ',P=', num2str(Ptot)))
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import timeit
import cpuinfo
from random import random
print('\nCPU: {}'.format(cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()['brand']))
PARTICLES_COUNT_LST = [1000, 10000, 100000]
DURATION = 10**5
t_vals = numpy.linspace(0, DURATION, DURATION)
def simulation(na_initial, ntotal, tvals):
shape = numpy.shape(tvals)
arr = numpy.zeros(shape)
na_current = na_initial
for i in range(len(tvals)):
if random() > (na_current/ntotal):
na_current += 1
na_current -= 1
arr[i] = na_current
return arr
plot_lst = []
start_t = timeit.default_timer()
n_a_simulation = simulation(na_initial=i, ntotal=i, tvals=t_vals)
execution_time = (timeit.default_timer() - start_t)
print('Execution time: {:.6}'.format(execution_time))
for i in range(len(PARTICLES_COUNT_LST)):
plt.plot(t_vals, plot_lst[i], 'r')
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
plt.ylabel("Particles in box A")
IIUC you can use cumsum() in both Octave and Numpy:
>> p = rand(1, 5);
>> r = rand(1, 5);
>> p
p =
0.43804 0.37906 0.18445 0.88555 0.58913
>> r
r =
0.70735 0.41619 0.37457 0.72841 0.27605
>> cumsum (2*(p<(r+0.03)) - 1)
ans =
1 2 3 2 1
>> (2*(p<(r+0.03)) - 1)
ans =
1 1 1 -1 -1
Also note that the following function will return values ([-1, 1]):

How can I get the minimum ratio between of each pair of rows with distance n, for all n from 0 up to the length of the dataframe (minus 1)?

I'm trying to do an operation on each pair of rows of distance n, and get the minimum (also maximum and mean) of the results for each n from 0 to n-1. For example, if Data=[1,2,3,4] and the operation is addition, Minimum=[2,3,4,5] and Maximum=[8,7,6,5], and Mean=[5,5,5,5].
I have the following code that uses ratio as the operation which works OK for a small data size but takes more than 10 seconds for 10,000 rows. Since I will be working with data that can have 1,000,000 rows, what would be a better way to do this?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
x=pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.uniform(low, high=high, size=length)})
for i in range(0,len(x)):
print (x)
Approach #1 : For efficiency and considering that you might have upto 1,000,000 rows, I would suggest using the underlying array data in a similar-looking loopy solution and using the efficient array-slicing to use a gradually diminishing data to work with and these two together should bring on noticeable performance boost.
Thus, an implementation would be -
a = x['A'].values
N = len(a)
out = np.zeros((N,4))
out[:,0] = a
for i in range(N):
ratio = a[i:]/a[:N-i]
out[i,1] = ratio.mean()
out[i,2] = ratio.min()
out[i,3] = ratio.max()
df_out = pd.DataFrame(out, columns= (('A','mean','min','max')))
Approach #2 : For a smaller datasize, we can use a vectorized solution that would create a square 2D array of shape (N,N) with shifted versions of the input data. Then, we mask out the upper triangular region with NaNs and finally employ numpy.nanmean, numpy.nanmin and numpy.nanmax to perform those pandas equivalent mean, min and max equivalent operations -
a = x['A'].values
N = len(a)
r = np.arange(N)
shifting_idx = (r[:,None] - r)%N
vals = a[:,None]/a[shifting_idx]
upper_tri_mask = r[:,None] < r
vals[upper_tri_mask] = np.nan
out = np.zeros((N,4))
out[:,0] = a
out[:,1] = np.nanmean(vals, 0)
out[:,2] = np.nanmin(vals, 0)
out[:,3] = np.nanmax(vals, 0)
df_out = pd.DataFrame(out, columns= (('A','mean','min','max')))
Runtime test
Approaches -
def org_app(x):
for i in range(0,len(x)):
return x
def app1(x):
a = x['A'].values
N = len(a)
out = np.zeros((N,4))
out[:,0] = a
for i in range(N):
ratio = a[i:]/a[:N-i]
out[i,1] = ratio.mean()
out[i,2] = ratio.min()
out[i,3] = ratio.max()
return pd.DataFrame(out, columns= (('A','mean','min','max')))
Timings -
In [3]: low=250
...: high=5000
...: length=10000
...: x=pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.uniform(low, high=high, size=length)})
In [4]: %timeit app1(x)
1 loop, best of 3: 185 ms per loop
In [5]: %timeit org_app(x)
1 loop, best of 3: 8.59 s per loop
In [6]: 8590.0/185
Out[6]: 46.432432432432435
46x+ speedup on 10,000 rows data!

Improving performance of Cronbach Alpha code python numpy

I made some code for calculating Cronbach Alpha that works. But I am not too good using lambda functions. Is there a way to reduce the code and improve efficiency by using lambda instead of the svar() function and getting rid of some of the for loops by using numpy arrays?
import numpy as np
def svar(X):
n = float(len(X))
svar=(sum([(x-np.mean(X))**2 for x in X]) / n)* n/(n-1.)
return svar
def CronbachAlpha(itemscores):
itemvars = [svar(item) for item in itemscores]
tscores = [0] * len(itemscores[0])
for item in itemscores:
for i in range(len(item)):
tscores[i]+= item[i]
nitems = len(itemscores)
#print "total scores=", tscores, 'number of items=', nitems
Calpha=nitems/(nitems-1.) * (1-sum(itemvars)/ svar(tscores))
return Calpha
itemscores = [[ 4,14,3,3,23,4,52,3,33,3],
[ 5,14,4,3,24,5,55,4,15,3]]
print "Cronbach alpha = ", CronbachAlpha(itemscores)
def CronbachAlpha(itemscores):
itemscores = numpy.asarray(itemscores)
itemvars = itemscores.var(axis=1, ddof=1)
tscores = itemscores.sum(axis=0)
nitems = len(itemscores)
return nitems / (nitems-1.) * (1 - itemvars.sum() / tscores.var(ddof=1))
NumPy has a variance function built in. Specifying ddof=1 uses a denominator of N-1, giving a sample variance. There's also a sum builtin.
As Julien Marrec mentioned I suggest the following refactoring of the CronbachAlpha:
def CronbachAlpha(itemscores):
# cols are items, rows are observations
itemscores = np.asarray(itemscores)
itemvars = itemscores.var(axis=0, ddof=1)
tscores = itemscores.sum(axis=1)
nitems = len(itemscores.columns)
return (nitems / (nitems-1)) * (1 - (itemvars.sum() / tscores.var(ddof=1)))
Same as the other answers, just a bit more Pythonic. X is a data matrix -- that is, the rows are samples, the columns are items. X may be a numpy array or pandas DataFrame.
def cronbach_alpha(X):
num_items = X.shape[1]
sum_of_item_variances = X.var(axis=0).sum()
variance_of_sum_of_items = X.sum(axis=1).var()
return num_items/(num_items - 1)*(1 - sum_of_item_variances/variance_of_sum_of_items)
(It's not necessary to specify ddof, as the term appears in the denominator and numerator, and cancels.)

Cumulative summation of a numpy array by index

Assume you have an array of values that will need to be summed together
d = [1,1,1,1,1]
and a second array specifying which elements need to be summed together
i = [0,0,1,2,2]
The result will be stored in a new array of size max(i)+1. So for example i=[0,0,0,0,0] would be equivalent to summing all the elements of d and storing the result at position 0 of a new array of size 1.
I tried to implement this using
c = zeros(max(i)+1)
c[i] += d
However, the += operation adds each element only once, thus giving the unexpected result of
instead of
How would one correctly implement this kind of summation?
If I understand the question correctly, there is a fast function for this (as long as the data array is 1d)
>>> i = np.array([0,0,1,2,2])
>>> d = np.array([0,1,2,3,4])
>>> np.bincount(i, weights=d)
array([ 1., 2., 7.])
np.bincount returns an array for all integers range(max(i)), even if some counts are zero
Juh_'s comment is the most efficient solution. Here's working code:
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ni
i = np.array([0,0,1,2,2])
d = np.array([0,1,2,3,4])
n_indices = i.max() + 1
print ni.sum(d, i, np.arange(n_indices))
This solution should be more efficient for large arrays (it iterates over the possible index values instead of the individual entries of i):
import numpy as np
i = np.array([0,0,1,2,2])
d = np.array([0,1,2,3,4])
i_max = i.max()
c = np.empty(i_max+1)
for j in range(i_max+1):
c[j] = d[i==j].sum()
print c
[1. 2. 7.]
def zeros(ilen):
r = []
for i in range(0,ilen):
i_list = [0,0,1,2,2]
d = [1,1,1,1,1]
result = zeros(max(i_list)+1)
for index in i_list:
print result
In the general case when you want to sum submatrices by labels you can use the following code
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
def labeled_sum1(x, labels):
P = coo_matrix((np.ones(x.shape[0]), (labels, np.arange(len(labels)))))
res =[0],[1:]))))
return res.reshape((res.shape[0],) + x.shape[1:])
def labeled_sum2(x, labels):
res = np.empty((np.max(labels) + 1,) + x.shape[1:], x.dtype)
for i in np.ndindex(x.shape[1:]):
res[(...,)+i] = np.bincount(labels, x[(...,)+i])
return res
The first method use the sparse matrix multiplication. The second one is the generalization of user333700's answer. Both methods have comparable speed:
x = np.random.randn(100000, 10, 10)
labels = np.random.randint(0, 1000, 100000)
%time res1 = labeled_sum1(x, labels)
%time res2 = labeled_sum2(x, labels)
np.all(res1 == res2)
Wall time: 73.2 ms
Wall time: 68.9 ms

