Build a Server to Receive and Send User's Private Information - python

I'm getting started out creating a website where users can store and get (on user request) private information they store on the server. Since the information is private, I would also like to provide 256 bit encryption. So, how should I go about it? Should I code the back end server stuff in node.js or Python, since I'm comfortable with both languages? How do I go about providing a secure server to the user? And if in the future, I would like to expand my service to mobile apps for Android and iOS, what would be the process?
Please try explaining in detail since that would be a great help :)

You don't need to create your own encrypted communication protocol. Just serve all traffic over https.
If you also wish to encrypt the data before storing it on a database you can encrypt it on arrival to the server.
Check out Express.js for the server, Passport.js for authentication and search for 256-bit encryption on npm. There are quite a few implementations.


How to make requests from back-end to another server on user’s localhost

I’ve got a standard client-server set-up with ReScript (ReasonML) on the front-end and a Python server on the back-end.
The user is running a separate process on localhost:2000 that I’m connecting to from the browser (UI). I can send requests to their server and receive responses.
Now I need to issue those requests from my back-end server, but cannot do so directly. I’m assuming I need some way of doing it through the browser, which can talk to localhost on the user’s computer.
What are some conceptual ways to implement this (ideally with GraphQL)? Do I need to have a subscription or web sockets or something else?
Are there any specific libraries you can recommend for this (perhaps as examples from other programming languages)?
I think the easiest solution with GraphQL would be to use Subscriptions indeed, the most common Rescript GraphQL clients already have such a feature, at least ReasonRelay, Reason Apollo Hooks and Reason-URQL have it.

Secure deployment of client secrets in python

I'm planning to write a Kodi (former XBMC) plugin for Spotify using Python. Some time ago, Spotify deprecated their old library libspotify and introduced a new ReST based WebAPI. I would like to use this api to request data like the playlists, followed albums and other user specific stuff from Spotify. This WebAPI uses the OAUTH mechanism to authorize an application to use user-specific data.
Thus, I require a Client ID and a Client Secret. While the Client ID is public I have not problem in storing it in the sourcecode. But what about the Client Secret? This secret is required by the application to authenticate itself at spotify. Thus, it needs to be deployed as well.
How do I securly deploy this secret, such that a user of the plugin is not able to read out the secret?
I can't use obfuscation techniques because python is interpreted and a user can simply start an interpreter, import my modules and read out the reconstructed secret. The same holds for encrypting the key. The application needs to be able to decrypt the secret and because of this, I would need to deploy the encryption key as well. This is a chicken or egg problem.
Any suggestions about this? How does other software solve this problem?
EDIT: I just found this RFC6819. Seems like this is a general problem in oauth.
In this case, you can use the Implicit Grant Flow, which is designed for client-side applications where storing the secret is impractical for security reasons.

How should I store API keys in a Python app?

In my case I'm using the Dropbox API. Currently I'm storing the key and secret in a JSON file, just so that I can gitignore it and keep it out of the Github repo, but obviously that's no better than having it in the code from a security standpoint. There have been lots of questions about protecting/obfuscating Python before (usually for commercial reasons) and the answer is always "Don't, Python's not meant for that."
Thus, I'm not looking for a way of protecting the code but just a solution that will let me distribute my app without disclosing my API details.
Plain text. Any obfuscation attempt is futile if the code gets distributed.
Don't know if this is feasible in your case. But you can access the API via a proxy that you host.
The requests from the Python APP go to the proxy and the proxy makes the requests to the Dropbox API and returns the response to the Python app. This way your api key will be at the proxy that you're hosting. The access to the proxy can be controlled by any means you prefer. (For example username and password )
There are two ways depending on your scenario:
If you are developing a web application for end users, just host it in a way that your API key does not come to disclosure. So keeping it gitignored in a separate file and only upload it to your server should be fine (as long there is no breach to your server). Any obfuscation will not add any practical benefit, it will just give a false feeling of security.
If you are developing a framework/library for developers or a client application for end users, ask them to generate an API key on their own.

How to do cloud computing with Python and Java? Final Year project

For my final year project I plan to code a cloud in Python. The client will be written in Java by the other member of my team. The client will have a tabbed interface and it will provide a text editor, a media player, a couple of small Java based games and a maybe a few more services.
The server will work like this:
1) Validate the user.
2) Send a file, called "dump" to the user. Dump will contain all the file names and file types that the user created by himself or the files which the user can read/write. This info will be fetched from the database.
3) The tabs in the client will display the file types associated with the tab application. e.g the media tab will only select and show the media files from the dump readable by user. The text editor tab will show only the txt files from the dump readable by the user.
4) A request to open the file will send the file back to client, which the associated application will open.
5) All the changes made to the files and all the actions (overwriting, saving, deleting etc.) will be sent back to the server along with the new object. Something similar will be done to the newly created objects.
My Questions are:
What are the best approaches for the communication between the client and the server. For the dump I plan to use some sort of encrypted XML file. For the other way round, I don't have a clue :/.
For easy integration with the database, I was planning to use Django (which I started few days back). How can I send my requests from the client to the server (without Django I'd use SQL queries) and the files from the server to the client? Maybe GET and POST will work for the former problem? Any other suggestions?
Q1: how should I transfer data between client/server securely
A: HTTPS to support encryption & JSON to serialise objects between languages (Python/Java) seems to be the most natural. You could experiment with XML-RPC over SSL or TSL if you want to be creative.
Q2: How do I send queries to the server's db?
A: My first response is to say talk to the person coding the server, and see what's easiest on that end. However, I think that your client should stick to HTTP. The server developer would ensure the server supports RESTful URIs. Then your client only access a URI and have the results processed by the server.
At its most raw, this could be implemented like this:"SELECT * FROM docs"
There are smarter ways to do it, but you get the idea.
If you're going to use a web framework on the server, it makes sense to use an HTTP-based protocol. The downside is that only the client can initiate a connection (e.g., the client needs to first ask for the "dump" file), but a simple GET request will suffice (remember, the server can send anything in the HTTP response, including your XML file).
Regarding encryption, it's best to use an existing protocol like HTTPS. There are well-vetted libraries that will correctly establish a secure connection between your client and the server.
Overall, I'm advocating the highest-level protocols that are appropriate for your application. HTTP(S) goes hand-in-hand with your web-based architecture, so make use of it.
Stick to Django. It's really productive. I would use JSON instead of XML. More convenient. import json. This should help you in communicating between client-server.
Also cloud computing is just a recent word that's just thrown around for (client+server+some services). Oh by the way all that you want to do can be completely done in Django itself. No need to go to JAVA.
Django is Cool :)

Encrypted Django Model Fields

A client wants to ensure that I cannot read sensitive data from their site, which will still be administered by me. In practice, this means that I'll have database access, but it can't be possible for me to read the contents of certain Model Fields. Is there any way to make the data inaccessible to me, but still decrypted by the server to be browsed by the client?
This is possible with public key encryption. I have done something similar before in PHP but the idea is the same for a Django app:
All data on this website was stored encrypted using a private key held by the system software. The corresponding public key to decrypt the data was held by the client in a text file.
When the client wanted to access their data, they pasted the public key into an authorisation form (holding the key in the session) which unlocked the data.
When done, they deauthorised their session.
This protected the information against authorised access to the web app (so safe against weak username/passwords) and also from leaks at the database level.
This is still not completely secure: if you have root access to the machine you can capture the key as it is uploaded, or inspect the session information. For that the cure could be to run the reading software on the client's machine and access the database through an API.
I realise this is an old question but I thought I'd clarify that it is indeed possible.
No, it's not possible to have data that is both in a form you can't decrypt it, and in a form where you can decrypt it to show it to the client simultaneously. The best you can do is a reversible encryption on the content so at least if your server is compromised their data is safe.
Take a look at Django-fields
You might find Django Encrypted Fields useful.
You and your client could agree on them being obscured. A simple XOR operation or something similar will make the values unreadable in the admin and they can be decoded just in time they are needed in the site.
This way you can safely administer the site without "accidentally" reading something.
Make sure your client understands that it is technically possible for you to get the actual contents but that it would require active effort.
Some other issues to consider are that the web application will then not be able to sort or easily query on the encrypted fields. It would be helpful to know what administrative functions the client wants you to have. Another approach would be to have a separate app / access channel that does not show the critical data but still allows you to perform your admin functions only.

