Draw ellipse in matplotlib given the focii - python

The equation of an ellipse is:
sqrt((x-a1)**2 + (y-b1)**2) + np.sqrt((x-a2)**2 + (y-b2)**2) = c
The focii are (a1, b1) and (a2, b2). c is also known. How do I draw this in python using matplotlib?
Thanks for your help.

You can represent the ellipse parametrically in some variable t. You could look into Wikipedia to see how this can be done, for instance.
In the following code, I've derived the parameters necessary for the parametric form from the parameters that you've supplied.
# Example focii and sum-distance
a1 = 1
b1 = 2
a2 = 5
b2 = 7
c = 9
# Compute ellipse parameters
a = c / 2 # Semimajor axis
x0 = (a1 + a2) / 2 # Center x-value
y0 = (b1 + b2) / 2 # Center y-value
f = np.sqrt((a1 - x0)**2 + (b1 - y0)**2) # Distance from center to focus
b = np.sqrt(a**2 - f**2) # Semiminor axis
phi = np.arctan2((b2 - b1), (a2 - a1)) # Angle betw major axis and x-axis
# Parametric plot in t
resolution = 1000
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, resolution)
x = x0 + a * np.cos(t) * np.cos(phi) - b * np.sin(t) * np.sin(phi)
y = y0 + a * np.cos(t) * np.sin(phi) + b * np.sin(t) * np.cos(phi)
# Plot ellipse
plt.plot(x, y)
# Show focii
plt.plot(a1, b1, 'bo')
plt.plot(a2, b2, 'bo')
This gives what you need:

you need 2 lists or arrays of X, Y such that the elements satisfy the ellipse equation
the usual ellipse plotting solutions parameterize the ellipse equation by central (or focal) angle to make the X,Y functions single valued for the angle in 0 to 2pi
I showed a solution in Drawing elliptical orbit in Python (using numpy, matplotlib)
Y as a function of X with a hack to "feel out" the xrange, then piece together the dual Y solutions for each x
just the minimum mods to that code to put in your equation, would fail for a1 = a2
the symbolic solution takes a minute or so runtime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import *
# sqrt((x-a1)**2 + (y-b1)**2) + np.sqrt((x-a2)**2 + (y-b2)**2) = c
coeffs = [1, 0, -1, 0, 4]
xs = [coeffs[0], coeffs[2]]
def ysolv(coeffs):
x,y,a1,b1,a2,b2,c = symbols('x y a1 b1 a2 b2 c', real = True)
ellipse = sqrt((x-a1)**2 + (y-b1)**2) + sqrt((x-a2)**2 + (y-b2)**2) - c
y_sols = solve(ellipse, y)
print(*y_sols, sep='\n')
num_coefs = [(a, f) for a, f in (zip([a1,b1,a2,b2,c], coeffs))]
y_solsf0 = y_sols[0].subs(num_coefs)
y_solsf1 = y_sols[1].subs(num_coefs)
print(y_solsf0, '\n', y_solsf1)
f0 = lambdify([x], y_solsf0)
f1 = lambdify([x], y_solsf1)
return f0, f1
f0, f1 = ysolv(coeffs)
y0 = [f0(x) for x in xs]
y1 = [f1(x) for x in xs]
def feeloutXrange(f, midx, endx):
fxs = []
x = midx
while True:
try: f(x)
x += (endx - midx)/200
return fxs
midx = (min(xs) + max(xs))/2
xpos = feeloutXrange(f0, midx, max(xs))
xnegs = feeloutXrange(f0, midx, min(xs))
xs_ellipse = xnegs[::-1] + xpos[1:]
y0s = [f0(x) for x in xs_ellipse]
y1s = [f1(x) for x in xs_ellipse]
ys_ellipse = y0s + y1s[::-1] + [y0s[0]] # add y start point to end to close drawing
xs_ellipse = xs_ellipse + xs_ellipse[::-1] + [xs_ellipse[0]] # added x start point
plt.plot(xs_ellipse, ys_ellipse)
(-c*sqrt((a1**2 - 2*a1*a2 + a2**2 + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)*(a1**2 + 2*a1*a2 - 4*a1*x + a2**2 - 4*a2*x + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2 + 4*x**2))*(-b1 + b2 + c)*(b1 - b2 + c) + (b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)*(-a1**2*b1 + a1**2*b2 + 2*a1*b1*x - 2*a1*b2*x + a2**2*b1 - a2**2*b2 - 2*a2*b1*x + 2*a2*b2*x - b1**3 + b1**2*b2 + b1*b2**2 + b1*c**2 - b2**3 + b2*c**2))/(2*(-b1 + b2 + c)*(b1 - b2 + c)*(b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2))
(c*sqrt((a1**2 - 2*a1*a2 + a2**2 + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)*(a1**2 + 2*a1*a2 - 4*a1*x + a2**2 - 4*a2*x + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2 + 4*x**2))*(-b1 + b2 + c)*(b1 - b2 + c) + (b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)*(-a1**2*b1 + a1**2*b2 + 2*a1*b1*x - 2*a1*b2*x + a2**2*b1 - a2**2*b2 - 2*a2*b1*x + 2*a2*b2*x - b1**3 + b1**2*b2 + b1*b2**2 + b1*c**2 - b2**3 + b2*c**2))/(2*(-b1 + b2 + c)*(b1 - b2 + c)*(b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2))
sqrt(-48*x**2 + 192)/8
-sqrt(-48*x**2 + 192)/8
the other answers used the parametric transform approach
I especially like showing sympy solving the equation for you rather than someone hand solving it
the symbolic expression only needs be found once for a particular Ellipse parameterization, then the symbolic expression can simply be hard coded:
for Ellipse equation:
sqrt((x-a1)**2 + (y-b1)**2) + sqrt((x-a2)**2 + (y-b2)**2) = c
sympy solution to Ellipse equation, only have to run once to get y_sols
symbolic expression to paste into ysolv below
#def symEllipse():
# x,y,a1,b1,a2,b2,c = symbols('x y a1 b1 a2 b2 c', real = True)
# ellipse = sqrt((x-a1)**2 + (y-b1)**2) + sqrt((x-a2)**2 + (y-b2)**2) - c
# y_sols = solve(ellipse, y)
# print(*y_sols, sep='\n')
coeffs = [1, 1, -1, -1, 3]
xs = [coeffs[0], coeffs[2]]
def ysolv(coeffs):
x,y,a1,b1,a2,b2,c = symbols('x y a1 b1 a2 b2 c', real = True)
y_sols = [
(-c*sqrt((a1**2 - 2*a1*a2 + a2**2 + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)*
(a1**2 + 2*a1*a2 - 4*a1*x + a2**2 - 4*a2*x + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2
- c**2 + 4*x**2))*(-b1 + b2 + c)*(b1 - b2 + c) + (b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 +
b2**2 - c**2)*(-a1**2*b1 + a1**2*b2 + 2*a1*b1*x - 2*a1*b2*x +
a2**2*b1 - a2**2*b2 - 2*a2*b1*x + 2*a2*b2*x - b1**3 + b1**2*b2 +
b1*b2**2 + b1*c**2 - b2**3 + b2*c**2))/(2*(-b1 + b2 + c)*
(b1 - b2 + c)*(b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)),
(c*sqrt((a1**2 - 2*a1*a2 + a2**2 + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2)*
(a1**2 + 2*a1*a2 - 4*a1*x + a2**2 - 4*a2*x + b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2
- c**2 + 4*x**2))*(-b1 + b2 + c)*(b1 - b2 + c) + (b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 +
b2**2 - c**2)*(-a1**2*b1 + a1**2*b2 + 2*a1*b1*x - 2*a1*b2*x +
a2**2*b1 - a2**2*b2 - 2*a2*b1*x + 2*a2*b2*x - b1**3 + b1**2*b2 +
b1*b2**2 + b1*c**2 - b2**3 + b2*c**2))/(2*(-b1 + b2 + c)*
(b1 - b2 + c)*(b1**2 - 2*b1*b2 + b2**2 - c**2))
num_coefs = [(a, f) for a, f in (zip([a1,b1,a2,b2,c], coeffs))]
y_solsf0 = y_sols[0].subs(num_coefs)
y_solsf1 = y_sols[1].subs(num_coefs)
print(y_solsf0, '\n', y_solsf1)
f0 = lambdify([x], y_solsf0)
f1 = lambdify([x], y_solsf1)
return f0, f1


How to implement shooting method with coupled ODEs

I want to simulate the laser power along a silica fiber. The ODEs and the used parameters can be found in the paper linked below. Note that I converted all units to SI units in my code. The authors of this paper named the shooting method as a way to numerically solve this equations.
The paper I am referring to can be found here: https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-21-17-20090&id=260516
I tried it in python but I did not manage to implement the root-finding. I used scypi.integrate_ivp to integrate the ODEs with a first guess. If I use a small value (~500m) at fiberlength I get a result but at a higher value in the range of km the solver does not manage to finish without an error. Can somebody please tell me how I can implement the shooting method here and also how I get the same solution as in the paper?
My code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
#%% ODEs und Parameter
alpha = 10**(-0.25/10)/1000 #fiber loss [1/m]
a0= alpha
a1= alpha
a2= alpha
a3= alpha
g = 0.53e-3 #RamanGain [1/(W*m)]
g1= g
g2= g*0.8
g3= g*0.6
epsilon0 = 1e-4*1e-3 #Rayleigh-scattering [1/m] REFERENZ: Paper: Third order random lasing via Raman gain and Rayleigh backscattering
epsilon1 = 5e-5*1e-3
epsilon2 = 2e-5*1e-3
epsilon3 = 1e-5*1e-3
wl_start = 1365e-9
RamanShift= 13.2e12
f1= f0 - RamanShift
f2= f1 - RamanShift
f3= f2 - RamanShift
#R_L1 = 0.99 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Fasereingang FBG)
#R_L2 = 5e-3 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Fasereingang)
#R_R1 = 4e-5 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Faserausgang)
#R_R2 = 4e-5 # Reflexionskoeffizienten (Faserausgang)
R=0.6 # reflectivity
# G[i] = 4*h*f[i]*df[i]*(1+1/(np.exp((h*(f[i-1]-f[i]))/(K*T))-1))
h=6.63e-34 #Placksches Wirkungsquantum [Js]
K=1.38e-23 #Bolzmannkonstante [J/K]
T=300 #Temperature [K]
#df1= 0.18e12 #Bandbreite [Hz] REFERENZ: Paper: Third order random lasing via Raman gain and Rayleigh backscattering
#df2= 0.25e12
#df3= 0.25e12
df1= 0.18e12
df2= 0.25e12
df3= 0.25e12
Gamma1= 4*h*f1*df1*(1+(1/(np.exp(h*(f0-f1)/(K*T))-1)))
Gamma2= 4*h*f2*df2*(1+(1/(np.exp(h*(f1-f2)/(K*T))-1)))
Gamma3= 4*h*f3*df3*(1+(1/(np.exp(h*(f2-f3)/(K*T))-1)))
#start conditions
Pin = 2.7 #W
fiberlength = 90000 #m
points = fiberlength*100
P0 = [Pin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
def odes2 (z, P):
Pump_forward = P[0]
Pump_backward = P[1]
Stokes1_forward = P[2]
Stokes1_backward = P[3]
Stokes2_forward = P[4]
Stokes2_backward = P[5]
Stokes3_forward = P[6]
Stokes3_backward = P[7]
dPump_forwarddz = - a0 * Pump_forward - g1 * f0/f1 * Pump_forward * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward + Gamma1) + epsilon0 * Pump_backward
dPump_backwarddz = + a0 * Pump_backward + g1 * f0/f1 * Pump_backward * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward + Gamma1) - epsilon0 * Pump_forward
dStokes1_forwarddz = - a1 * Stokes1_forward - g2 * f1/f2 * Stokes1_forward * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward + Gamma2) + g1 * (Stokes1_forward + 0.5 * Gamma1) * (Pump_forward + Pump_backward) + epsilon1 * Stokes1_backward
dStokes1_backwardz = + a1 * Stokes1_backward + g2 * f1/f2 * Stokes1_backward * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward + Gamma2) - g1 * (Stokes1_backward + 0.5 * Gamma1) * (Pump_forward + Pump_backward) - epsilon1 * Stokes1_forward
dStokes2_forwarddz = - a2 * Stokes2_forward - g3 * f2/f3 * Stokes2_forward * (Stokes3_forward + Stokes3_backward + Gamma3) + g2 * (Stokes2_forward + 0.5 * Gamma2) * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward) + epsilon2 * Stokes2_backward
dStokes2_backwardz = + a2 * Stokes2_backward + g3 * f2/f3 * Stokes2_backward * (Stokes3_forward + Stokes3_backward + Gamma3) - g2 * (Stokes2_backward + 0.5 * Gamma2) * (Stokes1_forward + Stokes1_backward) - epsilon2 * Stokes2_forward
dStokes3_forwarddz = - a3 * Stokes3_forward + g3 * (Stokes3_forward + 0.5 * Gamma3) * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward) + epsilon3 * Stokes3_backward
dStokes3_backwardz = + a3 * Stokes3_backward - g3 * (Stokes3_backward + 0.5 * Gamma3) * (Stokes2_forward + Stokes2_backward) - epsilon3 * Stokes3_forward
return [dPump_forwarddz, dPump_backwarddz, dStokes1_forwarddz, dStokes1_backwardz, dStokes2_forwarddz, dStokes2_backwardz, dStokes3_forwarddz, dStokes3_backwardz]
sol = solve_ivp(odes2, (0, fiberlength), P0, t_eval=np.linspace(0, fiberlength, points))
Pump_f, Pump_b, Stokes1_f, Stokes1_b, Stokes2_f, Stokes2_b, Stokes3_f, Stokes3_b = sol.y
plt.plot(x, Pump_b, label='pump')
plt.plot(x, Stokes1_b, label='stokes#1')
plt.plot(x, Stokes2_b, label='stokes#2')
plt.plot(x, Stokes3_b, label='stokes#3')
plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize='xx-small')
plt.plot(x, Pump_f, label='pump')
plt.plot(x, Stokes1_f, label='stokes#1')
plt.plot(x, Stokes2_f, label='stokes#2')
plt.plot(x, Stokes3_f, label='stokes#3')
plt.legend(loc=1, fontsize='xx-small')
I also tried the solve_bvp but it wasn't successfull.

How to resolve double_scalar error in numpy?

I was using the 4th order Runge Kutta method to solve differential equations of the duffing oscillator with NumPy arrays, but I had received an Error.
RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars
Does anyone know the possible sources of error that may cause the overflow error and ways in which I would be able to try to resolve it?
t = np.linspace(0,1,steps)
# start at t=0
h = t[1] - t[0]
xn = np.zeros(steps)
xn[0] = 1
vn = np.zeros(steps)
vn[0] = 1
for n in range(1,steps):
k1 = vn[n-1]
l1 = g * np.cos(w * t[n-1]) - d * vn[n-1] - a * xn[n-1] - b * xn[n-1] **3
k2 = vn[n-1] + h*k1/2
l2 = g * np.cos(w * (t[n-1] + h/2)) - d * (vn[n-1] + h*k1/2) - a * (xn[n-1] + h*l1/2) - b * (xn[n-1] + h*l1/2)**3
k3 = vn[n-1] + h*k2/2
l3 = g * np.cos(w * (t[n-1] + h/2)) - d * (vn[n-1] + h*k2/2) - a * (xn[n-1] + h*l2/2) - b * (xn[n-1] + h*l2/2)**3
k4 = vn[n-1]*k3
l4 = g * np.cos(w * (t[n-1] + h)) - d * (vn[n-1] + h*k3) - a * (xn[n-1] + h*l3) - b * (xn[n-1] + h*l3)**3
vn[n] = vn[n-1] + h/6 * (k1 + 2* k2 + 2 * k3+ k4)
xn[n] = xn[n-1] + h/6 * (l1 + 2* l2 + 2* l3 + l4)
Here is my code for reference should anyone needs it. vn represents v_numerical
A link to Wikipedia for reference of the formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge%E2%80%93Kutta_methods
I don't think it is very important to understand the formula, some possible solutions that I could try resolve the problem would be helpful.
The k are the updates for x, the l the updates for v, as v=dx/dt. You are changing the ODE into a different system of two half-coupled first-order equations.
Also note the typo or deletion error in k4.

Issue on Runge Kutta Fehlberg algorithm

I have wrote a code for Runge-Kutta 4th order, which works perfectly fine for a system of differential equations:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numba
import time
start_time = time.clock()
def V(u,t):
x1,dx1, x2, dx2=u
ddx1=-w**2 * x1 -b * dx1
ddx2=-(w+0.5)**2 * x2 -(b+0.1) * dx2
return np.array([dx1,ddx1,dx2,ddx2])
def rk4(f, u0, t0, tf , n):
t = np.linspace(t0, tf, n+1)
u = np.array((n+1)*[u0])
h = t[1]-t[0]
for i in range(n):
k1 = h * f(u[i], t[i])
k2 = h * f(u[i] + 0.5 * k1, t[i] + 0.5*h)
k3 = h * f(u[i] + 0.5 * k2, t[i] + 0.5*h)
k4 = h * f(u[i] + k3, t[i] + h)
u[i+1] = u[i] + (k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4) / 6
return u, t
u, t = rk4(V,np.array([0,0.2,0,0.3]) ,0,100, 20000)
print("Execution time:",time.clock() - start_time, "seconds")
x1,dx1,x2,dx2 = u.T
The above code, returns the desired result:
And thanks to Numba JIT, this code works really fast. However, this method doesn't use adaptive step size and hence, it is not very suitable for a system of stiff differential equations. Runge Kutta Fehlberg method, solves this problem by using a straight forward algorithm. Based on the algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge%E2%80%93Kutta%E2%80%93Fehlberg_method) I wrote this code which works for only one differential equation :
import numpy as np
def rkf( f, a, b, x0, tol, hmax, hmin ):
a2 = 2.500000000000000e-01 # 1/4
a3 = 3.750000000000000e-01 # 3/8
a4 = 9.230769230769231e-01 # 12/13
a5 = 1.000000000000000e+00 # 1
a6 = 5.000000000000000e-01 # 1/2
b21 = 2.500000000000000e-01 # 1/4
b31 = 9.375000000000000e-02 # 3/32
b32 = 2.812500000000000e-01 # 9/32
b41 = 8.793809740555303e-01 # 1932/2197
b42 = -3.277196176604461e+00 # -7200/2197
b43 = 3.320892125625853e+00 # 7296/2197
b51 = 2.032407407407407e+00 # 439/216
b52 = -8.000000000000000e+00 # -8
b53 = 7.173489278752436e+00 # 3680/513
b54 = -2.058966861598441e-01 # -845/4104
b61 = -2.962962962962963e-01 # -8/27
b62 = 2.000000000000000e+00 # 2
b63 = -1.381676413255361e+00 # -3544/2565
b64 = 4.529727095516569e-01 # 1859/4104
b65 = -2.750000000000000e-01 # -11/40
r1 = 2.777777777777778e-03 # 1/360
r3 = -2.994152046783626e-02 # -128/4275
r4 = -2.919989367357789e-02 # -2197/75240
r5 = 2.000000000000000e-02 # 1/50
r6 = 3.636363636363636e-02 # 2/55
c1 = 1.157407407407407e-01 # 25/216
c3 = 5.489278752436647e-01 # 1408/2565
c4 = 5.353313840155945e-01 # 2197/4104
c5 = -2.000000000000000e-01 # -1/5
t = a
x = np.array(x0)
h = hmax
T = np.array( [t] )
X = np.array( [x] )
while t < b:
if t + h > b:
h = b - t
k1 = h * f( x, t )
k2 = h * f( x + b21 * k1, t + a2 * h )
k3 = h * f( x + b31 * k1 + b32 * k2, t + a3 * h )
k4 = h * f( x + b41 * k1 + b42 * k2 + b43 * k3, t + a4 * h )
k5 = h * f( x + b51 * k1 + b52 * k2 + b53 * k3 + b54 * k4, t + a5 * h )
k6 = h * f( x + b61 * k1 + b62 * k2 + b63 * k3 + b64 * k4 + b65 * k5, \
t + a6 * h )
r = abs( r1 * k1 + r3 * k3 + r4 * k4 + r5 * k5 + r6 * k6 ) / h
if len( np.shape( r ) ) > 0:
r = max( r )
if r <= tol:
t = t + h
x = x + c1 * k1 + c3 * k3 + c4 * k4 + c5 * k5
T = np.append( T, t )
X = np.append( X, [x], 0 )
h = h * min( max( 0.84 * ( tol / r )**0.25, 0.1 ), 4.0 )
if h > hmax:
h = hmax
elif h < hmin:
raise RuntimeError("Error: Could not converge to the required tolerance %e with minimum stepsize %e." % (tol,hmin))
return ( T, X )
but I'm struggling to convert it to a function like the first code, where I can input a system of differential equations. The most confusing part for me, is how can I vectorize everything in the second code without messing things up. In other words, I cannot reproduce the first result using the RKF algorithm. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I'm not really sure where your problem lies. Setting the not given parameters to w=1; b=0.1 and calling, without changing anything
T, X = rkf( f=V, a=0, b=100, x0=[0,0.2,0,0.3], tol=1e-6, hmax=1e1, hmin=1e-16 )
gives the phase plot
The step sizes grow as the system slows down as
which is the expected behavior for an unfiltered step size controller.

how to solve a set of expression

how to solve a set of expressions in Python, not numerical calcualtion but purely analytic way?
I checked several functions of sympy which seems unable to do the work.
Assuming we are going to find the expression for x1,x2,x3 and x4 with following equations:
x1 = a*s+b*x2 + c
x2 = (m+n) * x3 + d
x3 = l*s + k*x4 + e
x4 = i*s + j*x1 + f
where x1,x2,x3,x4,a,b,c,d,e,f,i,j,k,l,m,n are all symbols.
How to reach the result for such problems in Python.
First get the "paper" equations into SymPy Equalities:
>>> from sympy.utilities.iterables import reshape
>>> eqs=reshape(S('''(
x1 = a*s+b*x2 + c
x2 = (m+n) * x3 + d
x3 = l*s + k*x4 + e
x4 = i*s + j*x1 + f)'''.strip().replace(
'\n',',').replace('=',',')), (2,))
>>> eqs = [Eq(*i) for i in eqs]
Then solve the equations (see solve docstring):
>>> solve(eqs, var('x1:5'))
{x4: (a*s + b*d + b*(e + l*s)*(m + n) + c - (-f - i*s)/j)/(-b*k*(m + n) + 1/j),
x3: e + k*(a*s + b*d + b*(e + l*s)*(m + n) + c - (-f - i*s)/j)/(-b*k*(m+ n) + 1/j) +
x1: (-f - i*s)/j + (a*s + b*d + b*(e + l*s)*(m + n) + c - (-f - i*s)/j)/(j*(-b*k*(m
+ n) + 1/j)),
x2: d + (m + n)*(e + k*(a*s + b*d + b*(e + l*s)*(m + n) + c - (-f -
i*s)/j)/(-b*k*(m + n) + 1/j) + l*s)}
As noted here, however, this symbolic solution is not valid for all values...it is only valid if none of the coefficients in front of the symbols for which you are solving are zero.

How to expand matrix expressions in SymPy?

In SymPy, I am trying to perform a matrix multiplication and expand it afterwards. However, SymPy does not seem to support the expansion of matrix expressions. For example, here is the 4th order Runge-Kutta (RK4) for matrices:
from sympy import init_session
from sympy import *
A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
x = MatrixSymbol('x', 3, 1)
dt = symbols('dt')
k1 = A*x
k2 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k1*dt)
k3 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k2*dt)
k4 = A*(x + k3*dt)
final = dt*S(1)/6*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
which produces the result
Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-38-b3ff67883c61> in <module>()
12 final = dt*1/6*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
---> 14 final.expand()
AttributeError: 'MatMul' object has no attribute 'expand'
I hope the expression can be expanded just like the scalar variant:
A,x,dt = symbols('A x dt')
k1 = A*x
k2 = A*(x+k1*dt*S(1)/2)
k3 = A*(x+k2*dt*S(1)/2)
k4 = A*(x+k3*dt)
final = x+dt*(S(1)/6)*(k1+k2+k3+k4)
with the result:
x*(A**4*dt**4/24 + A**3*dt**3/8 + A**2*dt**2/3 + 2*A*dt/3 + 1)
Is it possible to alter a matrix expression likewise?
nicoguaro's answer takes the error away, but expands the the whole expression into one matrix. As illustrated with the scalar example, not what I'm looking for.
Matrix(final) creates and explicit Matrix with your individual equations. It may be convenient to leave them in the matrix so that whatever you do to one entry can be done to all. To do so, define the manipulation that you want to do as a function argument for applyfunc:
>>> ex = Matrix(final)
>>> ex = ex.applyfunc(expand)
>>> ex = ex.applyfunc(lambda i: collect(i, dt))
For printing economy I use Matrices with compact symbol entries to compute the same and then run cse over the simplified matrix to give:
>>> A = Matrix(3, 3, var('a:3:3'))
>>> x = Matrix(3, 1, var('x:3'))
>>> dt = symbols('dt')
>>> k1 = A*x
>>> k2 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k1*dt)
>>> k3 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k2*dt)
>>> k4 = A*(x + k3*dt)
>>> final = dt*S(1)/6*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
>>> eqi = Matrix(final)
>>> print(cse(eqi.applyfunc(simplify)))
([(x3, 4*x0), (x4, a01*x1), (x5, a02*x2), (x6, dt*(a00*x0 + x4 + x5) +
2*x0), (x7, a00*x6), (x8, a11*x1), (x9, a12*x2), (x10, dt*(a10*x0 + x8
+ x9) + 2*x1), (x11, a01*x10), (x12, a21*x1), (x13, a22*x2), (x14,
dt*(a20*x0 + x12 + x13) + 2*x2), (x15, a02*x14), (x16, dt*(x11 + x15 +
x7) + x3), (x17, a00*x16), (x18, 4*x1), (x19, a10*x6), (x20, a11*x10),
(x21, a12*x14), (x22, dt*(x19 + x20 + x21) + x18), (x23, a01*x22),
(x24, 4*x2), (x25, a20*x6), (x26, a21*x10), (x27, a22*x14), (x28,
dt*(x25 + x26 + x27) + x24), (x29, a02*x28), (x30, dt*(x17 + x23 +
x29) + x3), (x31, a10*x16), (x32, a11*x22), (x33, a12*x28), (x34,
dt*(x31 + x32 + x33) + x18), (x35, a20*x16), (x36, a21*x22), (x37,
a22*x28), (x38, dt*(x35 + x36 + x37) + x24), (x39, dt/24)], [Matrix([
[ x39*(a00*x3 + a00*x30 + a01*x34 + a02*x38 + 4*x11 + 4*x15 + 2*x17
+ 2*x23 + 2*x29 + 4*x4 + 4*x5 + 4*x7)], [ x39*(a10*x3 + a10*x30 +
a11*x34 + a12*x38 + 4*x19 + 4*x20 + 4*x21 + 2*x31 + 2*x32 + 2*x33 +
4*x8 + 4*x9)], [x39*(a20*x3 + a20*x30 + a21*x34 + a22*x38 + 4*x12 +
4*x13 + 4*x25 + 4*x26 + 4*x27 + 2*x35 + 2*x36 + 2*x37)]])])
Limited support of noncommutative expressions is also available and can help in this situation:
>>> A, x = symbols("A x", commutative=False)
>>> dt = symbols('dt')
>>> k1 = A*x
>>> k2 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k1*dt)
>>> k3 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k2*dt)
>>> k4 = A*(x + k3*dt)
>>> final = dt*S(1)/6*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
>>> final.expand()
dt**4*A**4*x/24 + dt**3*A**3*x/6 + dt**2*A**2*x/2 + dt*A*x
>>> factor(_)
dt*A*(dt**3*A**3/24 + dt**2*A**2/6 + dt*A/2 + 1)*x
But not all simplification routines are nc aware (and this is a known issue):
>>> collect(final,x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: Can not collect noncommutative symbol
I think that you can expand Matrix expressions. But what you have is not a matrix but the multiplication of two symbolic matrices (Matsymbols). If you turn your expression to a matrix you can get the expansion you wanted. See the extra line below
from sympy import init_session
from sympy import *
A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 3)
x = MatrixSymbol('x', 3, 1)
dt = symbols('dt')
k1 = A*x
k2 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k1*dt)
k3 = A*(x + S(1)/2*k2*dt)
k4 = A*(x + k3*dt)
final = dt*S(1)/6*(k1 + k2 + k3 + k4)

