LinkExtractor - extract with condition - python

I have a crawler that takes in urls and then follows the nextpage links for each url in the start urls and its working
rules = (Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=(), restrict_xpaths=('//a[#class="pagnNext"]',)), callback="parse_start_url", follow= True),)
However as you can imagine I start getting captchas at some point for some urls. I've heard that there might be honeypots that are not visible for human but in the html code designed to make you click to identfy that you are a bot.
I wanna make the extractor extracts the link conditionally for example dont extract and click if CSS style display:none exists or something like that
is this doable

I would do something like this:
def parse_page1(self, response):
if (response.css("thing i want to check exists"))
return scrapy.Request(response.xpath('//a[#class="pagnNext"]'),
def parse_page2(self, response):
# this would log"Visited %s", response.url)
official docs:
note: as for your captcha issue try messing with your settings. at least make sure your DOWNLOAD_DELAY is set to something other then 0. check out the other options


How do I obtain results from 'yield' in python?

Perhaps yield in Python is remedial for some, but not for me... at least not yet.
I understand yield creates a 'generator'.
I stumbled upon yield when I decided to learn scrapy.
I wrote some code for a Spider which works as follows:
Go to start hyperlink and extract all hyperlinks - which are not full hyperlinks, just sub-directories concatenated onto the starting hyperlink
Examines hyperlinks appends those meeting specific criteria to base hyperlink
Uses Request to navigate to new hyperlink and parses to find unique id in element with 'onclick'
import scrapy
class newSpider(scrapy.Spider)
name = 'new'
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response)
links = response.xpath('//a/#href').extract()
for link in links:
if link == 'SpecificCriteria':
next_link = response.urljoin(link)
yield Request(next_link, callback=self.parse_new)
for uid_dict in self.parse_new(response):
End EDIT 1
Running the code here evaluates response as the HTTP response to start_urls and not to next_link.
def parse_new(self, response)
trs = response.xpath("//*[#class='unit-directory-row']").getall()
for tr in trs:
if 'SpecificText' in tr:
elements = tr.split()
for element in elements:
if 'onclick' in element:
subelement = element.split('(')[1]
uid = subelement.split(')')[0]
yield {
'uid': uid
It works, scrapy crawls the first page, creates the new hyperlink and navigates to the next page. new_parser parses the HTML for the uid and 'yields' it. scrapy's engine shows that the correct uid is 'yielded'.
What I don't understand is how I can 'use' that uid obtained by parse_new to create and navigate to a new hyperlink like I would a variable and I cannot seem to be able to return a variable with Request.
I'd check out What does the "yield" keyword do? for a good explanation of how exactly yield works.
In the meantime, spider.parse_new(response) is an iterable object. That is, you can acquire its yielded results via a for loop. E.g.,
for uid_dict in spider.parse_new(response):
After much reading and learning I discovered the reason scrapy does not perform the callback in the first parse and it has nothing to do with yield! It has a lot to do with two issues:
1) robots.txt. Link Can be 'resolved' with ROBOTSTXT_OBEY = False in
2) The logger has Filtered offsite request to. Link dont_filter=True may resolve this.

scrapy response not able to crawl because of bad characters

In the picture you can see operator has some bad characters in the name. These fix themselves and show in chrome but on scrapy when I run even response.text in the shell I get
scrapy.exceptions.NotSupported: Response content isn't text
When I check other jobs where the operator doesnt have this text I can run the script fine and grab all the data.
I am sure its due to unicodes. I and not sure how to tell scrapy to ignore them and run the rest as text so I can scrape anything.
below is just a skeleton of my code
class PrintSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "printer_data"
start_urls = [
def parse(self, response):
job_dict = {}
url_split = response.request.url.split('/')
job_dict['job_id'] = url_split[len(url_split)-1].split('-',1)[1]
job_dict['job_name'] = response.xpath("/html/body/fieldset/big[1]/text()").extract_first().split(': ', 1)[1] # this breaks here.
Update with other things I have tried already
I have worked with this for a while in the scrapy shell. response.text gives the exception I put earlier. this check is also in the response.xpath.
I have looked at the code a little bit but cannot find how response.text is working. I feel like I need to fix these characters in the response somehow so that scrapy will see it as text and can process the html instead of ignoring the entire page so I cannot access anything.
I also would love a way to save the response to a file without opening in chrome and saving so that I can work with the original document for testing.
It could be however not necessary. Try following approach to see what your crawler see:
from scrapy.utils.response import open_in_browser
def parse(self, response):
open_in_browser (response)
This will open the page in browser - make sure you are not doing this in a loop otherwise your browser will get stuck.
Secondly, try to fetch HTML first and see if this works fine.
modify to:
If second approach fixes the issue, then go with bs4 or lxml to convert html to text.
Furthermore, if this is a public link, let us know the link along with complete log for further understanding of the issue.

Scrapy - Xpath works in shell but not in code

I'm trying to crawl a website (I got their authorization), and my code returns what I want in scrapy shell, but I get nothing in my spider.
I also checked all the previous question similar to this one without any success, e.g., the website doesn't use javascript in the home page to load the elements I need.
import scrapy
class MySpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'MySpider'
def parse(self, response):'A response from %s just arrived!', response.url)
results = response.selector.xpath('//*[#id="nav"]/ol/li[*]/a/#href').extract()
# results = response.css('li a>href').extract()
# This works on scrapy shell, not in code
#risultati = response.xpath('//*[#id="nav"]/ol/li[1]/a').extract()
print (risultati)
#for pagineitems in risultati:
# next_page = pagineitems
print ('NEXT PAGE')
#Ignores the request cause already done. Insert dont filter
yield scrapy.Request(url=risultati, callback=self.prodotti,dont_filter = True)
def prodotti(self, response):'A REEEESPONSEEEEEE from %s just arrived!', response.url)
return 1
The website i'm trying to crawl is
The xpath command that i use is this one :
I know there are some problems with the prodotti function ecc..., but that's not the point. I would like to understand why the xpath selector works with scrapy shell ( i get exactly the links that i need ), but when i run it in my spider, i always get a null list.
If it can help, when i use CSS selectors in my spider, it works fine and it finds the elements, but i would like to use xpath ( i need it in the future development of my application ).
Thanks for the help :)
I tried to print the body of the first response ( from start_urls ) and it's correct, i get the page i want. When i use selectors in my code ( even the one that have been suggested ) they all work fine in shell, but i get nothing in my code!
I have become more experienced with Scrapy and web crawling, and i realised that sometimes, the HTML page that you get in your browser might be different from the one you get with the Scrapy request! In my experience some website would respond with a different HTML compared to the one you see in your browser! That's why sometimes if you use the "correct" xpath/css query taken from the browser, it might return nothing if used in your Scrapy code.
Always check if the body of your response is what you were expecting!
Path is correct. I wrote the wrong start_urls!
Alternatively to Desperado's answer you can use css selectors which are much simpler but more than enough for your use case:
$ scrapy shell ""
In [1]: response.css('.level0 .level-top::attr(href)').extract()
scrapy shell command is perfect for debugging issues like this.
use this xpath, also consider 'view-source' of page before creating xpath

Selecting dependent dropdown with scrapy-splash

I am trying to scrape the following website: It has a two drop-down menu with the second depending on the first, so I choose to use scrapy and splash via scrapy-splash.
I need to automate the change of location by selecting first the state, then the city. I tried SplashFormRequest but I am not being able to change the cities list. My spider is (prints for debugging):
import scrapy
from scrapy_splash import SplashRequest, SplashFormRequest
class ExampleSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'climatologia'
def start_requests(self):
urls = ['']
for url in urls:
yield SplashRequest(url=url, callback=self.parse,
args={'wait': 0.5},)
def parse(self, response):
state = response.css("select.slt-geo")[0].css("option::attr(value)").extract()
return SplashFormRequest(response.url, method='POST',
formdata={'sel-state-geo': 'SP'},
args={'wait': 0.5})
def state_selected(self, response):
This is a job that I would suggest Selenium for if you absolutely must use the sites menus. The only way to script Splash is through LUA scripts. You would have to send to the execute end point and create a LUA script. I found the options you were trying to select but not where to submit the form or how it functions on the site. I did have to translate to english.
My suggestion is to look in the browser inspector for end points like this is one of several which look particularly interesting:
This endpoint gives json like follows
{"success":true,"message":"Resultados encontrados","time":"2017-11-30 16:05:20","totalRows":null,"totalPages":null,"page":null,"data":[{"idlocale":338,"idstate":31,"uf":"AC","state":"Acre","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":339,"idstate":49,"uf":"AL","state":"Alagoas","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":340,"idstate":41,"uf":"AM","state":"Amazonas","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":341,"idstate":30,"uf":"AP","state":"Amap\u00e1","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":342,"idstate":56,"uf":"BA","state":"Bahia","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":343,"idstate":44,"uf":"CE","state":"Cear\u00e1","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":344,"idstate":47,"uf":"DF","state":"Distrito Federal","region":"CO","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":345,"idstate":45,"uf":"ES","state":"Esp\u00edrito Santo","region":"SE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":346,"idstate":54,"uf":"GO","state":"Goi\u00e1s","region":"CO","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":347,"idstate":52,"uf":"MA","state":"Maranh\u00e3o","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":348,"idstate":53,"uf":"MG","state":"Minas Gerais","region":"SE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":349,"idstate":39,"uf":"MS","state":"Mato Grosso do Sul","region":"CO","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":350,"idstate":40,"uf":"MT","state":"Mato Grosso","region":"CO","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":351,"idstate":50,"uf":"ND","state":"N\u00e3o Aplic\u00e1vel","region":"ND","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":352,"idstate":55,"uf":"PA","state":"Par\u00e1","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":353,"idstate":37,"uf":"PB","state":"Para\u00edba","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":354,"idstate":29,"uf":"PE","state":"Pernambuco","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":355,"idstate":33,"uf":"PI","state":"Piau\u00ed","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":356,"idstate":32,"uf":"PR","state":"Paran\u00e1","region":"S","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":357,"idstate":46,"uf":"RJ","state":"Rio de Janeiro","region":"SE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":358,"idstate":35,"uf":"RN","state":"Rio Grande do Norte","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":359,"idstate":38,"uf":"RO","state":"Rond\u00f4nia","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":360,"idstate":43,"uf":"RR","state":"Roraima","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":361,"idstate":48,"uf":"RS","state":"Rio Grande do Sul","region":"S","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":362,"idstate":36,"uf":"SC","state":"Santa Catarina","region":"S","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":363,"idstate":51,"uf":"SE","state":"Sergipe","region":"NE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":364,"idstate":34,"uf":"SP","state":"S\u00e3o Paulo","region":"SE","latitude":null,"longitude":null},{"idlocale":365,"idstate":42,"uf":"TO","state":"Tocantins","region":"N","latitude":null,"longitude":null}]}
Hopefully this is another way to get the data you are looking for?
Then you can use normal requests to get the data. You would just have to form the request the same. Usually adding an accept, useragent, and requested with header is enough to pass.

Can't crawl more than a few items per page

I'm new to scrapy and tried to crawl from a couple of sites, but wasn't able to get more than a few images from there.
For example, for with the following code -
def parse(self, response):
for dress in response.css('article.npr-product-module'):
yield {
'src': dress.css('img.product-photo').xpath('#src').extract_first(),
'url': dress.css('a.product-photo-href').xpath('#href').extract_first()
I got 6 products. I expect 66.
For URL with the following code -
def parse(self, response):
for dress in response.css('div.cycle-image-0'):
yield {
'image-url': dress.xpath('.//img/#src').extract_first(),
I got 12. I expect roughly 100.
Even when I changed it to crawl every 'next' page, I got the same number per page but it went through all pages successfully.
I have tried a different USER_AGENT, disabled COOKIES, and DOWNLOAD_DELAY of 5.
I imagine I will run into the same problem on any site so folks should have seen this before but can't find a reference to it.
What am I missing?
It's one of those weird websites where they store product data as json in html source and unpack it with javascript on page load later.
To figure this out usually what you want to do is
disable javascript and do scrapy view <url>
investigate the results
find the id in the product url and search that id in page source to check whether it exists and if so where it is hidden. If it doesn't exist that means it's being populated by some AJAX request -> reenable javascript, go to the page and dig through browser inspector's network tab to find it.
if you do regex based search:
re.findall("ProductResults, (\{.+\})\)", response.body_as_unicode())
You'll get a huge json that contains all products and their information.
import json
import re
data = re.findall("ProductResults, (\{.+\})\)", response.body_as_unicode())
data = json.loads(data[0])['data']
>> 66
That gets a correct amount of products!
So in your parse you can do this:
def parse(self, response):
for product in data['ProductResult']['Products']:
# find main image
image_url = [m['Url'] for m in product['Media'] if m['Type'] == 'MainImage']
yield {'image_url': image_url}

