sklearn LogisticRegression - plot displays too small coefficient - python

I am attempting to fit a logistic regression model to sklearn's iris dataset. I get a probability curve that looks like it is too flat, aka the coefficient is too small. I would expect a probability over ninety percent by sepal length > 7 :
Is this probability curve indeed wrong? If so, what might cause that in my code?
from sklearn import datasets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
data = datasets.load_iris()
#get relevent data
lengths =[:100, :1]
is_setosa =[:100]
#fit model
lgs = LogisticRegression(), is_setosa)
m = lgs.coef_[0,0]
b = lgs.intercept_[0]
#generate values for curve overlay
lgs_curve = lambda x: 1/(1 + math.e**(-(m*x+b)))
x_values = np.linspace(2, 10, 100)
y_values = lgs_curve(x_values)
#plot it
plt.plot(x_values, y_values)
plt.scatter(lengths, is_setosa, c='r', s=2)
plt.xlabel("Sepal Length")
plt.ylabel("Probability is Setosa")

If you refer to, you will find a regularization parameter C that can be passed as argument while training the logistic regression model.
C : float, default: 1.0 Inverse of regularization strength; must be a
positive float. Like in support vector machines, smaller values
specify stronger regularization.
Now, if you try different values of this regularization parameter, you will find that larger values of C leads to fitting curves that has sharper transitions from 0 to 1 value of the output (response) binary variable, and still larger values fit models that have high variance (try to model the training data transition more closely, i think that's what you are expecting, then you may try to set C value as high as 10 and plot) but at the same time are likely to have the risk to overfit, while the default value C=1 and values smaller than that lead to high bias and are likely to underfit and here comes the famous bias-variance trade-off in machine learning.
You can always use techniques like cross-validation to choose the C value that is right for you. The following code / figure shows the probability curve fitted with models of different complexity (i.e., with different values of the regularization parameter C, from 1 to 10):
x_values = np.linspace(2, 10, 100)
x_test = np.reshape(x_values, (100,1))
C = list(range(1, 11))
labels = map(str, C)
for i in range(len(C)):
lgs = LogisticRegression(C = C[i]) # pass a value for the regularization parameter C, is_setosa)
y_values = lgs.predict_proba(x_test)[:,1] # use this function to compute probability directly
plt.plot(x_values, y_values, label=labels[i])
plt.scatter(lengths, is_setosa, c='r', s=2)
plt.xlabel("Sepal Length")
plt.ylabel("Probability is Setosa")
Predicted probs with models fitted with different values of C

Although you do not describe what you want to plot, I assume you want to plot the separating line. It seems that you are confused with respect to the Logistic/sigmoid function. The decision function of Logistic Regression is a line.

Your probability graph looks flat because you have, in a sense, "zoomed in" too much.
If you look at the middle of a sigmoid function, it get's to be almost linear, as the second derivative get's to be almost 0 (see for example a wolfram alpha graph)
Please note that the value's we are talking about are the results of -(m*x+b)
When we reduce the limits of your graph, say by using
x_values = np.linspace(4, 7, 100), we get something which looks like a line:
But on the other hand, if we go crazy with the limits, say by using x_values = np.linspace(-10, 20, 100), we get the clearer sigmoid:


How to fit multiple exponential curves using python

For a single exponential curve such as shown in the image here curve_fit for as single exponential curve , I am able to fit the data using scipy.optimize.curve_fit. However, I am unsure on how to realize a fit for similar dataset composed of multiple exponential curves as shown here double exponential curves.
I achieved the fit for the single curve using the following approach:
def exp_decay(x,a,r):
return a * ((1-r)**x)
x = np.linspace(0,50,50)
y = exp_decay(x, 400, 0.06)
y1 = exp_decay(x, 550, 0.06) # this is to be used to append to y to generate two curves
pars, cov = curve_fit(exp_decay, x, y, p0=[0,0])
plt.plot(x, exp_decay(x, *pars), 'r-') #this realizes the fit for a single curve
yx = np.append(y,y1) #this realizes two exponential curves (as shown above - double exponential curves) for which I don't need to fit a model to
Can someone help describe how to achieve this for a dataset of two curves. My actual dataset comprises of multiple exponential curves but I think if I can realize a fit for two curves, I may be able to replicate same for my dataset. This must not be done with scipy's curve_fit; any implementation that works is fine.
Your problem can easily be tackled by splitting your dataset using a simple criterion such as first derivative estimate and then we can apply simple curve fitting procedure to each sub dataset.
Trial Dataset
First, let's import some packages and create a synthetic dataset with three curves to represent your problem.
We use a two parameters exponential model as time origin shift will be handled by the splitting methodology. We also add noise as there is always noise on real world data:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def func(x, a, b):
return a*np.exp(b*x)
N = 1001
n1 = N//3
n2 = 2*n1
t = np.linspace(0, 10, N)
x0 = func(t[:n1], 1, -0.2)
x1 = func(t[n1:n2]-t[n1], 5, -0.4)
x2 = func(t[n2:]-t[n2], 2, -1.2)
x = np.hstack([x0, x1, x2])
xr = x + 0.025*np.random.randn(x.size)
Graphically it renders as follow:
Dataset Splitting
We can split the dataset into three sub-datasets using a simple criterion as first derivative estimate using first difference to assess it. The goal is to detect when curve drastically goes up or down (where dataset should be split. First derivative is estimated as follow):
dxrdt = np.abs(np.diff(xr)/np.diff(t))
The criterion requires an extra parameter (threshold) that must be tuned accordingly to your signal specifications. The criterion is equivalent to:
xcrit = 20
q = np.where(dxrdt > xcrit) # (array([332, 665], dtype=int64),)
And split index are:
idx = [0] + list(q[0]+1) + [t.size] # [0, 333, 666, 1001]
Mainly the criterion threshold will be affected by the nature and the power of the noise on your data and the gap magnitudes between two curves. The usage of this methodology depends on the ability to detect curves gap in presence of noise. It will break when the noise power has the same magnitude of the gap we want to detect. You can also observe false split index if the noise is heavily tailed (few strong outliers).
In this MCVE, we have set the threshold to 20 [Signal Units/Time Units]:
An alternative to this hand-crafted criterion is to delegate the identification to the excellent find_peaks method of scipy. But it will not avoid the requirement to tune the detection to your signal specifications.
Fit origin-shifted dataset
Now we can apply the curve fitting on each sub-dataset (with origin shifted time), collect parameters and statistics and plot the result:
trials = []
fig, axe = plt.subplots()
for k, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(idx[:-1], idx[1:])):
p, s = optimize.curve_fit(func, t[i:j]-t[i], xr[i:j])
axe.plot(t[i:j], xr[i:j], '.', label="Data #{}".format(k+1))
axe.plot(t[i:j], func(t[i:j]-t[i], *p), label="Data Fit #{}".format(k+1))
trials.append({"n0": i, "n1": j, "t0": t[i], "a": p[0], "b": p[1],
"s_a": s[0,0], "s_b": s[1,1], "s_ab": s[0,1]})
axe.set_title("Curve Fits")
axe.set_xlabel("Time, $t$")
axe.set_ylabel("Signal Estimate, $\hat{g}(t)$")
df = pd.DataFrame(trials)
It returns the following fitting results:
n0 n1 t0 a b s_a s_b s_ab
0 0 333 0.00 0.998032 -0.199102 0.000011 4.199937e-06 -0.000005
1 333 666 3.33 5.001710 -0.399537 0.000013 3.072542e-07 -0.000002
2 666 1001 6.66 2.002495 -1.203943 0.000030 2.256274e-05 -0.000018
Which complies with our original parameters (see Trial dataset section).
Graphically we can check the goodness of fits:

Understanding Partial Dependence for Gradient Boosted Regression trees

I am looking at the tutorial for partial dependence plots in Python. No equation is given in the tutorial or in the documentation. The documentation of the R function gives the formula I expected:
This does not seem to make sense with the results given in the Python tutorial. If it is an average of the prediction of house prices, then how is it negative and small? I would expect values in the millions. Am I missing something?
For regression it seems the average is subtracted off of the above formula. How would this be added back? For my trained model I can get the partial dependence by
from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import partial_dependence
partial_dependence, independent_value = partial_dependence(model, features.index(independent_feature),X=df2[features])
I want to add (?) back on the average. Would I get this by just using model.predict() on the df2 values with the independent_feature values changed?
how the R formula works
The r formula presented in the question applies to a randomForest. Each tree in a random forest tries to predict the target variable directly. Thus, prediction of each tree lies in the expected interval (in your case, all house prices are positive), and prediction of the ensemble is just the average of all the individual predictions.
ensemble_prediction = mean(tree_predictions)
This is what the formula tells you: just take predictions of all the trees x and average them.
why the Python PDP values are small
In sklearn, however, partial dependence is calculated for a GradientBoostingRegressor. In gradient boosting, each tree predicts the derivative of the loss function at current prediction, which is only indirectly related to the target variable. For GB regression, prediction is given as
ensemble_prediction = initial_prediction + sum(tree_predictions * learning_rate)
and for GB classification predicted probability is
ensemble_prediction = softmax(initial_prediction + sum(tree_predictions * learning_rate))
For both cases, partial dependency is reported as just
sum(tree_predictions * learning_rate)
Thus, initial_prediction (for GradientBoostingRegressor(loss='ls') it equals just the mean of the training y) is not included into the PDP, which makes the predictions negative.
As for the small range of its values, the y_train in your example is small: mean hous value is roughly 2, so house prices are probably expressed in millions.
how the sklearn formula actually works
I have already said that in sklearn the value of partial dependence function is an average of all trees. There is one more tweak: all irrelevant features are averaged away. To describe the actual way of averaging, I will just quote the documentation of sklearn:
For each value of the ‘target’ features in the grid the partial
dependence function need to marginalize the predictions of a tree over
all possible values of the ‘complement’ features. In decision trees
this function can be evaluated efficiently without reference to the
training data. For each grid point a weighted tree traversal is
performed: if a split node involves a ‘target’ feature, the
corresponding left or right branch is followed, otherwise both
branches are followed, each branch is weighted by the fraction of
training samples that entered that branch. Finally, the partial
dependence is given by a weighted average of all visited leaves. For
tree ensembles the results of each individual tree are again averaged.
And if you are still not satisfied, see the source code.
an example
To see that the prediction is already on the scale of the dependent variable (but is just centered), you can look at a very toy example:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import plot_partial_dependence
X = np.random.normal(size=[1000, 2])
# yes, I will try to fit a linear function!
y = X[:, 0] * 10 + 50 + np.random.normal(size=1000, scale=5)
# mean target is 50, range is from 20 to 80, that is +/- 30 standard deviations
model = GradientBoostingRegressor().fit(X, y)
fig, subplots = plot_partial_dependence(model, X, [0, 1], percentiles=(0.0, 1.0), n_cols=2)
subplots[0].scatter(X[:, 0], y - y.mean(), s=0.3)
subplots[1].scatter(X[:, 1], y - y.mean(), s=0.3)
plt.suptitle('Partial dependence plots and scatters of centered target')
You can see that partial dependence plots reflect the true distribution of the centered target variable pretty well.
If you want not only the units, but the mean to coincide with your y, you have to add the "lost" mean to the result of the partial_dependence function and then plot the results manually:
from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import partial_dependence
pdp_y, [pdp_x] = partial_dependence(model, X=X, target_variables=[0], percentiles=(0.0, 1.0))
plt.scatter(X[:, 0], y, s=0.3)
plt.plot(pdp_x, pdp_y.ravel() + model.init_.mean)
plt.title('Partial dependence plot in the original coordinates');
You are looking at a Partial Dependence Plot. A PDP is a graph that represents
a set of variables/predictors and their effect on the target field (in this case price). Those graphs do not estimate actual prices.
It is important to realize that a PDP is not a representation of the dataset values or price. It is a representation of the variables effect on the target field. The negative numbers are logits of probabilities, not raw probabilities.

Train score diminishes after polynomial regression degree increases

I'm trying to use linear regression to fit a polynomium to a set of points from a sinusoidal signal with some noise added, using linear_model.LinearRegression from sklearn.
As expected, the training and validation scores increase as the degree of the polynomium increases, but after some degree around 20 things start getting weird and the scores start going down, and the model returns polynomiums that don't look at all like the data that I use to train it.
Below are some plots where this can be seen, as well as the code that generated both the regression models and the plots:
How the thing works well until degree=17. Original data VS predictions:
After that it just gets worse:
Validation curve, increasing the degree of the polynomium:
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.learning_curve import validation_curve
def make_data(N, err=0.1, rseed=1):
rng = np.random.RandomState(1)
x = 10 * rng.rand(N)
X = x[:, None]
y = np.sin(x) + 0.1 * rng.randn(N)
if err > 0:
y += err * rng.randn(N)
return X, y
def PolynomialRegression(degree=4):
return make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree),
X, y = make_data(400)
X_test = np.linspace(0, 10, 500)[:, None]
degrees = np.arange(0, 40)
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
plt.scatter(X.flatten(), y)
for degree in degrees:
y_test = PolynomialRegression(degree).fit(X, y).predict(X_test)
plt.plot(X_test, y_test, label='degre={0}'.format(degree))
plt.title('Original data VS predicted values for different degrees')
degree = np.arange(0, 40)
train_score, val_score = validation_curve(PolynomialRegression(), X, y,
degree, cv=7)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(degree, np.median(train_score, 1), marker='o',
color='blue', label='training score')
plt.plot(degree, np.median(val_score, 1), marker='o',
color='red', label='validation score')
plt.ylim(0, 1)
plt.title('Learning curve, increasing the degree of the polynomium')
I know the expected thing is that the validation score goes down when the complexity of the model increases, but why does the training score goes down as well? What can I be missing here?
First of all, here is how you can fix it by setting normalization flag True for the model;
def PolynomialRegression(degree=4):
return make_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(degree),
But why? In linear regression fit() function finds best-fitting model with Moore–Penrose inverse which is a common way to compute least-square solution. When you add polynomials of the values, your augmented features become very large very quickly if you do not normalize. These large values dominate the cost computed by least-square and lead to a model fits to larger values i.e higher order polynomial values instead of the data.
Plots looks better and the way they are supposed to be.
Training score is expected to go down as well due to overfitting of the model on training data. Error on validation goes down due to sine function's Taylor series expansion. So, as you increase degree of polynomial, your model improves to fit the sine curve better.
In ideal scenario if you don't have a function that expands to infinite degrees, you see training error going down (not monotonically but in general) and validation error going up after some degree (high for lower degrees -> low for some higher degree -> increasing after that).

Predicting on new data using locally weighted regression (LOESS/LOWESS)

How to fit a locally weighted regression in python so that it can be used to predict on new data?
There is statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess.lowess, but it returns the estimates only for the original data set; so it seems to only do fit and predict together, rather than separately as I expected.
scikit-learn always has a fit method that allows the object to be used later on new data with predict; but it doesn't implement lowess.
Lowess works great for predicting (when combined with interpolation)! I think the code is pretty straightforward-- let me know if you have any questions!
Matplolib Figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import statsmodels.api as sm
# introduce some floats in our x-values
x = list(range(3, 33)) + [3.2, 6.2]
y = [1,2,1,2,1,1,3,4,5,4,5,6,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11,12,11,11,10,12,11,11,10,9,8,2,13]
# lowess will return our "smoothed" data with a y value for at every x-value
lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(y, x, frac=.3)
# unpack the lowess smoothed points to their values
lowess_x = list(zip(*lowess))[0]
lowess_y = list(zip(*lowess))[1]
# run scipy's interpolation. There is also extrapolation I believe
f = interp1d(lowess_x, lowess_y, bounds_error=False)
xnew = [i/10. for i in range(400)]
# this this generate y values for our xvalues by our interpolator
# it will MISS values outsite of the x window (less than 3, greater than 33)
# There might be a better approach, but you can run a for loop
#and if the value is out of the range, use f(min(lowess_x)) or f(max(lowess_x))
ynew = f(xnew)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o')
plt.plot(lowess_x, lowess_y, '*')
plt.plot(xnew, ynew, '-')
I've created a module called moepy that provides an sklearn-like API for a LOWESS model (incl. fit/predict). This enables predictions to be made using the underlying local regression models, rather than the interpolation method described in the other answers. A minimalist example is shown below.
# Imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from moepy import lowess
# Data generation
x = np.linspace(0, 5, num=150)
y = np.sin(x) + (np.random.normal(size=len(x)))/10
# Model fitting
lowess_model = lowess.Lowess(), y)
# Model prediction
x_pred = np.linspace(0, 5, 26)
y_pred = lowess_model.predict(x_pred)
# Plotting
plt.plot(x_pred, y_pred, '--', label='LOWESS', color='k', zorder=3)
plt.scatter(x, y, label='Noisy Sin Wave', color='C1', s=5, zorder=1)
A more detailed guide on how to use the model (as well as its confidence and prediction interval variants) can be found here.
Consider using Kernel Regression instead.
statmodels has an implementation.
If you have too many data points, why not use sk.learn's radiusNeighborRegression and specify a tricube weighting function?
It's not clear whether it's a good idea to have a dedicated LOESS object with separate fit/predict methods like what is commonly found in Scikit-Learn. By contrast, for neural networks, you could have an object which stores only a relatively small set of weights. The fit method would then optimize the "few" weights by using a very large training dataset. The predict method only needs the weights to make new predictions, and not the entire training set.
Predictions based on LOESS and nearest neighbors, on the other hand, need the entire training set to make new predictions. The only thing a fit method could do is store the training set in the object for later use. If x and y are the training data, and x0 are the points at which to make new predictions, this object-oriented fit/predict solution would look something like the following:
model = Loess(), y) # No calculations. Just store x and y in model.
y0 = model.predict(x0) # Uses x and y just stored.
By comparison, in my localreg library, I opted for simplicity:
y0 = localreg(x, y, x0)
It really comes down to design choices, as the performance would be the same.
One advantage of the fit/predict approach is that you could have a unified interface like they do in Scikit-Learn, where one model could easily be swapped by another. The fit/predict approach also encourages a machine learning way to think of it, but in that sense LOESS is not very efficient, since it requires storing and using all the data for every new prediction. The latter approach leans more towards the origins of LOESS as a scatterplot smoothing algorithm, which is how I prefer to think about it. This might also shed some light on why statsmodel do it the way they do.
Check out the loess class in scikit-misc. The fitted object has a predict method:
loess_fit = loess(x, y, span=.01);;
preds = loess_fit.predict(x_new).values

How to do linear regression, taking errorbars into account?

I am doing a computer simulation for some physical system of finite size, and after this I am doing extrapolation to the infinity (Thermodynamic limit). Some theory says that data should scale linearly with system size, so I am doing linear regression.
The data I have is noisy, but for each data point I can estimate errorbars. So, for example data points looks like:
x_list = [0.3333333333333333, 0.2886751345948129, 0.25, 0.23570226039551587, 0.22360679774997896, 0.20412414523193154, 0.2, 0.16666666666666666]
y_list = [0.13250359351851854, 0.12098339583333334, 0.12398501145833334, 0.09152715, 0.11167239583333334, 0.10876248333333333, 0.09814170444444444, 0.08560799305555555]
y_err = [0.003306749165349316, 0.003818446389148108, 0.0056036878203831785, 0.0036635292592592595, 0.0037034897788415424, 0.007576672222222223, 0.002981084130692832, 0.0034913019065973983]
Let's say I am trying to do this in Python.
First way that I know is:
m, c, r_value, p_value, std_err = scipy.stats.linregress(x_list, y_list)
I understand this gives me errorbars of the result, but this does not take into account errorbars of the initial data.
Second way that I know is:
m, c = numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(x_list, y_list, 1, w = [1.0 / ty for ty in y_err], full=False)
Here we use the inverse of the errorbar for the each point as a weight that is used in the least square approximation. So if a point is not really that reliable it will not influence result a lot, which is reasonable.
But I can not figure out how to get something that combines both these methods.
What I really want is what second method does, meaning use regression when every point influences the result with different weight. But at the same time I want to know how accurate my result is, meaning, I want to know what are errorbars of the resulting coefficients.
How can I do this?
Not entirely sure if this is what you mean, but…using pandas, statsmodels, and patsy, we can compare an ordinary least-squares fit and a weighted least-squares fit which uses the inverse of the noise you provided as a weight matrix (statsmodels will complain about sample sizes < 20, by the way).
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm
x_list = [0.3333333333333333, 0.2886751345948129, 0.25, 0.23570226039551587, 0.22360679774997896, 0.20412414523193154, 0.2, 0.16666666666666666]
y_list = [0.13250359351851854, 0.12098339583333334, 0.12398501145833334, 0.09152715, 0.11167239583333334, 0.10876248333333333, 0.09814170444444444, 0.08560799305555555]
y_err = [0.003306749165349316, 0.003818446389148108, 0.0056036878203831785, 0.0036635292592592595, 0.0037034897788415424, 0.007576672222222223, 0.002981084130692832, 0.0034913019065973983]
# put x and y into a pandas DataFrame, and the weights into a Series
ws = pd.DataFrame({
'x': x_list,
'y': y_list
weights = pd.Series(y_err)
wls_fit = sm.wls('x ~ y', data=ws, weights=1 / weights).fit()
ols_fit = sm.ols('x ~ y', data=ws).fit()
# show the fit summary by calling wls_fit.summary()
# wls fit r-squared is 0.754
# ols fit r-squared is 0.701
# let's plot our data
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='w')
title='x vs y scatter',
# weighted prediction
wp, = ax.plot(
# unweighted prediction
op, = ax.plot(
leg = plt.legend(
(op, wp),
('Ordinary Least Squares', 'Weighted Least Squares'),
loc='upper left',
fig.set_size_inches(6.40, 5.12)
WLS residuals:
The mean squared error of the residuals for the weighted fit (wls_fit.mse_resid or wls_fit.scale) is 0.22964802498892287, and the r-squared value of the fit is 0.754.
You can obtain a wealth of data about the fits by calling their summary() method, and/or doing dir(wls_fit), if you need a list of every available property and method.
I wrote a concise function to perform the weighted linear regression of a data set, which is a direct translation of GSL's "gsl_fit_wlinear" function. This is useful if you want to know exactly what your function is doing when it performs the fit
def wlinear_fit (x,y,w) :
Fit (x,y,w) to a linear function, using exact formulae for weighted linear
regression. This code was translated from the GNU Scientific Library (GSL),
it is an exact copy of the function gsl_fit_wlinear.
# compute the weighted means and weighted deviations from the means
# wm denotes a "weighted mean", wm(f) = (sum_i w_i f_i) / (sum_i w_i)
W = np.sum(w)
wm_x = np.average(x,weights=w)
wm_y = np.average(y,weights=w)
dx = x-wm_x
dy = y-wm_y
wm_dx2 = np.average(dx**2,weights=w)
wm_dxdy = np.average(dx*dy,weights=w)
# In terms of y = a + b x
b = wm_dxdy / wm_dx2
a = wm_y - wm_x*b
cov_00 = (1.0/W) * (1.0 + wm_x**2/wm_dx2)
cov_11 = 1.0 / (W*wm_dx2)
cov_01 = -wm_x / (W*wm_dx2)
# Compute chi^2 = \sum w_i (y_i - (a + b * x_i))^2
chi2 = np.sum (w * (y-(a+b*x))**2)
return a,b,cov_00,cov_11,cov_01,chi2
To perform your fit, you would do
a,b,cov_00,cov_11,cov_01,chi2 = wlinear_fit(x_list,y_list,1.0/y_err**2)
Which will return the best estimate for the coefficients a (the intercept) and b (the slope) of the linear regression, along with the elements of the covariance matrix cov_00, cov_01 and cov_11. The best estimate on the error on a is then the square root of cov_00 and the one on b is the square root of cov_11. The weighted sum of the residuals is returned in the chi2 variable.
IMPORTANT: this function accepts inverse variances, not the inverse standard deviations as the weights for the data points.
sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression supports specification of weights during fit:
x_data = np.array(x_list).reshape(-1, 1) # The model expects shape (n_samples, n_features).
y_data = np.array(y_list)
y_err = np.array(y_err)
model = LinearRegression(), y_data, sample_weight=1/y_err)
Here the sample weight is specified as 1 / y_err. Different versions are possible and often it's a good idea to clip these sample weights to a maximum value in case the y_err varies strongly or has small outliers:
sample_weight = 1 / y_err
sample_weight = np.minimum(sample_weight, MAX_WEIGHT)
where MAX_WEIGHT should be determined from your data (by looking at the y_err or 1 / y_err distributions, e.g. if they have outliers they can be clipped).
I found this document helpful in understanding and setting up my own weighted least squares routine (applicable for any programming language).
Typically learning and using optimized routines is the best way to go but there are times where understanding the guts of a routine is important.

