I'll have a loop that keep refreshing a HTML file.When data arrives at the serial port that I'll choose through serial library. The data is coming from an Arduino board, and when the data arrives I'll read it and refresh some variables. I searched a little and see that Interrupts are usually used to that, but I'm thinking how to implement such interruption.
Interrupts are usually used for very time critical things that can happen any time and which have therefor be executed with minimum delay.
I don't think what you want to do is a good use case for interrupts.
Why don't you try something like this: (pseudocode)
repeat forever:
read serial port
if data received:
update variables (call a function that does that)
You can apply pretty much any example on processing serial commands out there. Just search the web.
It's always the same, read the serial input buffer frequently and check the received data. When the data is what you expect, do something. Then continue listening for further data.
The Arduino core has a built-in pseudo-interrupt function, serialEvent, that kinda does what you want. It only checks in between each loop():
But #Piglet's answer is probably the best solution—check if serial data is waiting for you, and if so, respond to it.
if (Serial.available()) {
// do something
I have a little problem receiving data correctly via pySerial: it often does not read the full data or too much of it. Sometimes and sometimes more often, there are additional characters or some characters/parts of the sended data are missing. It seems, PC and the emitter of the data are not synchronised correctly.
In the current example I use a arduino, sending 'Hello World' to the serial port of my PC (os is Ubuntu 14.04), with the following simple code:
void setup(){
Serial.print("Programme initiated\n");
I use the following python3 code to receive the data:
import serial
import time
arduino = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=9600, timeout=2)
while True:
This is pretty much a simple tutorial example, and here is what I receive (apart from the correct stuff):
b'PrProgramme initiated\n'
b'PProgramme initiated\n'
b'ProgProgramme initiated\n'
b'ogramme initiated\n'
I moved on with more complex problems in my code, but still I didn't solved that problem. When sending a message in a loop from the arduino (the standard hello world code), it often needs time to stabilise (while that, it again does only show the middle fragment of the data) and after that running quite stable, but even then it sometimes breaks down single lines.
I faced the same difficulties when communicating with a multimeter device. There, it often does not read the first characters or mixes up with previous data.
Did anyone faced that problem before? I think it is a question of synchronisation, but I don't know how to solve it. And what puzzles me, is that I really only used tutorial stuff and it doesn't seem to work properly. Or is it a configuration problem of my PC?
What you are looking at is happening because some different things are going on.
First of all every time you open the serial port, you are causing what is called and "autoreset" and the Arduino reboot. That can be avoided in hardware or even in software by explicitly disabling RST signal on open. How to do that may vary and is out of scope of the question.
Then we have to understand that serial does NOT wait for the other part to be listening to send data; so if you disable the autoreset and connecting to the Arduino you should see random part of output of the program, depending of its current state.
Finally we have some buffer capability on pc (and sometimes even on the UART to USB side), so its not true that if you are not listening that data get lost, it may be still in the buffer.
We could say the first 3 artifact may be given by buffered data + reboot (this happen a lot when you send a lot of data, and that break the autoupload of code and you have to do a manual procedure), while the last one may be something that prevented the buffer to fill, maybe it was disabled by you, maybe some weird timing opening the serial, maybe you disabled the autoreset, maybe time that the arduino got enumerated part of the message was gone.
I have a PIR-sensor and a controller hooked up to my USB, and I can read in the Terminal the controllers output if there is any motion using serial.readline().
But what I really want to do is just check if there is any activity on the port (meaning there is motion detected).
Somthing like;
if(serial.readline() == true)
//do something
or maybe:
if(serial.readline() != null)
//do something
Can someone help me out with this, or at least point me in the right direction?
Given your use case, an option would be to perform non-blocking read by creating the connection with a time-out of 0 (see http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyserial_api.html)
my_serial = serial.Serial(..., timeout = 0)
That way, you will have non-blocking read.
That being said, by doing so, you might end up by regularly pooling the serial port for incoming data. Depending the application this might be acceptable or not.
Depending your OS, with non-blocking serial connection, you might probably use select or poll to check for data availability.
I'm having trouble reading the response from a RS232 OBD2 interface via pySerial.
The code successfully enters the data, as I can see from a direct parallel terminal screen, but fails to read and print the response, regardless of the response.
Right now the code is not capable of printing the response in neither versions of Python.
The code looks something like this :
from serial import * # I also tried using /from serial import Serial
import time
ser = Serial("/dev/rfcomm1", 38400, timeout=1)
#print ('Starting up, formatting responses')
#print ('We have lift-off !')
if ser.inWaiting() > 0:
#ser.timeout = 1.
#print (raw_data)
ser.write("AT RV\r") #The response should be something like 13.5V, but nothing
ser.timeout = 1.
msg = ser.read(size=1024)
print msg
I left only the AT RV command because while I'm working on it I sent the text formatting commands to ease the job. Right now when I send it it just gives me a blank line (although the terminal which is running on the same machine displays the desired output)
There are no errors in the code, and the commands go through and are responded to by the interface, and I can see that in another live term, but nothing appears when running the Python code.
What should I do ?
You should read after writing, not before.
# before writing anything, ensure there is nothing in the buffer
if ser.inWaiting() > 0:
# set the timeout to something reasonable, e.g., 1 s
ser.timeout = 1.
# send the commands:
# ...
# read the response, guess a length that is more than the message
msg = ser.read(1024)
print msg
# send more commands
# read more responses
# ...
The point here is that there is no way to know when the response has been received. This code waits for one second after each command sent, unless more than 1024 bytes arrive during that time. There are more clever algorithms, but let's try with this one, first.
If you want to do something more complicated with the serial line, have a look at the pexpect module.
Some thoughts debugging python serial problems
Serial communication problems are sometimes a bit sticky to solve. pySerial is a reliable library, but as different platforms have different types of serial API, there are a lot of details. Things have not become any easier by the removal of physical serial ports, as the USB converters bring an extra layer into the game. Bluetooth converters are even worse.
The best way to debug the physical layer is to have some monitor hardware with two serial ports tapped into the serial lines. This kind of sniffer helps to isolate the problem to either end of the connection. Unfortunately, such sniffers are very rarely at hand when needed.
The next best thing is to short the RD and TD (RXD, TXD) pins of the serial line. This way all data will be echoed. If the data is received as sent, the physical connection is good. One thing to take care is handshaking. If you do not know what you are doing, disable all flow control (xon/xoff, rts/cts, dtr/dsr. pySerial disables these all if otherwise instructed.
In the case of the question above the physical connection is ok, as another piece of software demonstrates that the data is sent and understood by the other device. (Seeing that something is sent does not prove anything, as that information does not go through the physical layer, but seeing something produced by another device is received proves that the physical connection is ok.)
Now we know the data comes into the operating system, but pySerial does not see it. Or then our code is still somehow bad (no, it shouldn't, but...)
Let us suspect own own code and try someone else's code. This can be run from command prompt:
python -m serial.tools.miniterm /dev/rfcomm1 38400
Now we have a terminal which can be used to manually send/receive data form the other party. If the behaviour can be repeated (sends ok, data is received into the system, but not shown on the terminal) with this, then the problem is probably not in our code.
The next step then is to try:
sudo python -m serial.tools.miniterm /dev/rfcomm1 38400
In principle access right problems lead to situations where we can receive but not send. But it does not harm to test this, because odd rights cause odd problems.
pySerialhas a handy function readline which should read one line at a time from the serial line. This is often what is wanted. However, in this specific case the lines seem to end with \r instead of \n. The same may be repeated elsewhere in code, so with special data special care is needed. (The simple "read with timeout" is safe but slow in this sense.) This is discussed in: pySerial 2.6: specify end-of-line in readline()
The same issue plagues all terminal programs. For the pySerial miniterm, see its documentation (command-line option --cr).
If there are timeouts, they can and should be made longer for debugging purposes. A one-second timeout may be changed into a ten-second timeout to make sure the other device has ample time to answer.
I had exactly the same problem, through Python 2 IDLE no results displayed on the IDLE screen, but the results were redirected to picocom active at the terminal. I needed to capture results because my goal is to read incoming SMSs.
The following code solved my problem, I do not know the reason yet, ongoing analysis.
import time
import serial
modem1 = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB3",baudrate=115200,timeout=0,rtscts=0,xonxoff=0)
def sendat1(cmd):
if cmd == 'res' : modem1.write('Z'); return
if cmd == 'out' : modem1.write(chr(26)); return
obu = str(modem1.inWaiting())
msg = modem1.read(32798)
if modem1.inWaiting()>0: modem1.flushInput()
I am reading data from a microcontroller via serial, at a baudrate of 921600. I'm reading a large amount of ASCII csv data, and since it comes in so fast, the buffer get's filled and all the rest of the data gets lost before I can read it. I know I could manually edit the pyserial source code for serialwin32 to increase the buffer size, but I was wondering if there is another way around it?
I can only estimate the amount of data I will receive, but it is somewhere around 200kB of data.
Have you considered reading from the serial interface in a separate thread that is running prior to sending the command to uC to send the data?
This would remove some of the delay after the write command and starting the read. There are other SO users who have had success with this method, granted they weren't having buffer overruns.
If this isn't clear let me know and I can throw something together to show this.
Thinking about it a bit more, if you're trying to read from the buffer and write it out to the file system even the standalone thread might not save you. To minimize the processing time you might consider reading say 100 bytes at a time serial.Read(size=100) and pushing that data into a Queue to process it all after the transfer has completed
Pseudo Code Example
def thread_main_loop(myserialobj, data_queue):
def process_queue_when_done(data_queue):
if len(data_queue) > 0:
poped_data = data_queue.get_no_wait()
# Process the data as needed
There's a "Receive Buffer" slider that's accessible from the com port's Properties Page in Device Manager. It is found by following the Advanced button on the "Port Settings" tab.
More info:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/131016 under heading Receive Buffer
http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO-4.html under heading Interrupts
Try knocking it down a notch or two.
You do not need to manually change pyserial code.
If you run your code on Windows platform, you simply need to add a line in your code
ser.set_buffer_size(rx_size = 12800, tx_size = 12800)
Where 12800 is an arbitrary number I chose. You can make receiving(rx) and transmitting(tx) buffer as big as 2147483647a
See also:
You might be able to setup the serial port from the DLL
// Setup serial
mySerialPort.BaudRate = 9600;
mySerialPort.PortName = comPort;
mySerialPort.Parity = Parity.None;
mySerialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
mySerialPort.DataBits = 8;
mySerialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
mySerialPort.RtsEnable = true;
mySerialPort.ReadBufferSize = 32768;
Property Value
Type: System.Int32
The buffer size, in bytes. The default value is 4096; the maximum value is that of a positive int, or 2147483647
And then open and use it in Python
I am somewhat surprised that nobody has yet mentioned the correct solution to such problems (when available), which is effective flow control through either software (XON/XOFF) or hardware flow control between the microcontroller and its sink. The issue is well described by this web article.
It may be that the source device doesn't honour such protocols, in which case you are stuck with a series of solutions that delegate the problem upwards to where more resources are available (move it from the UART buffer to the driver and upwards towards your application code). If you are losing data, it would certainly seem sensible to try and implement a lower data rate if that's a possibility.
For me the problem was it was overloading the buffer when receiving data from the Arduino.
All I had to do was mySerialPort.flushInput() and it worked.
I don't know why mySerialPort.flush() didn't work. flush() must only flush the outgoing data?
All I know is mySerialPort.flushInput() solved my problems.
I tried googling this, couldn't find an answer, searched here, couldn't find an answer. Has anyone looked into whether it's thread safe to write to a Serial() object (pyserial) from thread a and do blocking reads from thread b?
I know how to use thread synchronization primitives and thread-safe data structures, and in fact my current form of this program has a thread dedicated to reading/writing on the serial port and I use thread-safe data structures to coordinate activities in the app.
My app would benefit greatly if I could write to the serial port from the main thread (and never read from it), and read from the serial port using blocking reads in the second thread (and never write to it). If someone really wants me to go into why this would benefit the app I can add my reasons. In my mind there would be just one instance of Serial() and even while thread B sits in a blocking read on the Serial object, thread A would be safe to use write methods on the Serial object.
Anyone know whether the Serial class can be used this way?
EDIT: It occurs to me that the answer may be platform-dependent. If you have any experience with a platform like this, it'd be good to know which platform you were working on.
EDIT: There's only been one response but if anyone else has tried this, please leave a response with your experience.
I have done this with pyserial. Reading from one thread and writing from another should not cause problems in general, since there isn't really any kind of resource arbitration problem. Serial ports are full duplex, so reading and writing can happen completely independently and at the same time.
I've used pyserial in this way on Linux (and Windows), no problems !
I would recommend to modify Thread B from "blocking read" to "non blocking read/write". Thread B would become your serial port "Daemon".
Thread A could run at full speed for a friendly user interface or perform any real time operation.
Thread A would write a message to Thread B instead of trying to write directly to the serial port. If the size/frequency of the messages is low, a simple shared buffer for the message itself and a flag to indicate that a new message is present would work. If you need higher performance, you should use a stack. This is actually implemented simply using an array large enough to accumulate many message to be sent and two pointers. The write pointer is updated only by Thread A. The read pointer is updated only by Thread B.
Thread B would grab the message and sent it to the serial port. The serial port should use the timeout feature so that the read serial port function release the CPU, allowing you to poll the shared buffer and, if any new message is present, send it to the serial port. I would use a sleep at that point to limit the CPU time used by Thread B.. Then, you can make Thread B loop to the read serial port function. If the serial port timeout is not working right, like if the USB-RS232 cable get unplugged, the sleep function will make the difference between a good Python code versus the not so good one.