i`m having a class called numerical methods, where we learn how to write programs for certain problems in physics. We had to write 4 programs which could solve ODEs (implicit/explicit euler, velocity-verlet, implicit midpoint rule), now we have to calculate the error by using |y_N - y(T)|. We already have a template which we need to fill out.
This is the code which we have to complete.
def ex2_d():
T = 0.2
y0 = np.array([0.3, 0.0])
all_methods = [explicit_euler, implicit_euler, implicit_mid_point, velocity_verlet]
all_rhs = 3*[pendulum_rhs] + [pendulum_verlet_rhs]
resolutions = 2**np.arange(4, 11)
_, y_exact = ode45(pendulum_rhs, (0.0, T), y0, reltol=1e-12)
for method, rhs in zip(all_methods, all_rhs):
error = np.empty(resolutions.size)
for k, N in enumerate(resolutions):
# TODO: Berechen Sie die Lösung und den Fehler
error[k] = np.absolute(methode())
rate = convergence_rate(error, resolutions)
print("rate: " + str(rate) + "\n")
The only thing I need to fill out is the TODO part. But I don`t understand, the for loop, which is looping over k and N in enumerate(resolution), and why is the resolution array declared as it is anyways?
Thank you in advance for your help!
In numerically solving an ODE, you want to have doubling resolutions (halving step sizes), to find the convergence rate, using the standard method:
(u_h - u_(h/2))/(u_(h/2) - u_(h/4)) = 2^p + O(h)
with u_h the numerical solution at a step h, u_(h/2) the solution with a step h/2 (e.g. double resolution) and u_(h/4) the solution with a step h/4 (e.g. again double resolution). The order of the error is p, which gives a convergence rate of h^p
This is why the resolutions are declared as 2**np.arange(4,11), which gives[ 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]`. (You can use other grid sizes, which will change the formula accordingly. For more information, see this.
To store the errors in a list, you need the corresponding indices of the resolutions, which is why enumerate is used:
enumerate(resolutions) -> [(0,16), (1,32), (2,64), (3,128), (4,256), (5,512), (6,1024)]
which is unpacked by the for loop:
iteration k N
1 0 16
2 1 32
The aim of this excercise is to compare different methods for solving the differential equation given by pendulum_rhs.
The quantity by which the comparison takes place is the convergence rate. In order to determine this rate you need to solve the DE with variing resolution (of the underlying grid) and compute the error for every resolution.
The resolutions to use are given: resolutions =[16, 32, 64, ...].
So for a given method method, you iterate over the resolutions:
for k in range(len(resolutions)):
N = resolutions[k]
# calculate the result using N
result = method(..., N, ...)
#store it in an array called
error[k] = np.abs(y_exact - result)
In the following code I want to optimize a wind farm using a penalty function.
Using the first function(newsite), I have defined the wind turbines numbers and layout. Then in the next function, after importing x0(c=x0=initial guess), for each range of 10 wind directions (wd) I took the c values for the mean wd of each range. For instance, for wd:[0,10] mean value is 5 and I took c values of wd=5 and put it for all wd in the range[0,10] and for each wind speed(ws). I have to mention that c is the value that shows that wind turbines are off or on(c=0 means wt is off). then I have defined operating according to the c, which means that if operating is 0,c=0 and that wt is off.
Then I defined the penalty function to optimize power output. indeed wherever TI_eff>0.14, I need to implement a penalty function so this function must be subtracted from the original power output. For instance, if sim_res.TI_eff[1][2][3] > 0.14, so I need to apply penalty function so curr_func[1][2][3]=sim_res.Power[1][2][3]-10000*(sim_res.TI_eff[1][2][3]-0.14)**2.
The problem is that I run this code but it did not give me any results and I waited for long hours, I think it was stuck in a loop that could not reach converge. so I want to know what is the problem?
import time
from py_wake.examples.data.hornsrev1 import V80
from py_wake.examples.data.hornsrev1 import Hornsrev1Site # We work with the Horns Rev 1 site, which comes already set up with PyWake.
from py_wake import BastankhahGaussian
from py_wake.turbulence_models import GCLTurbulence
from py_wake.deflection_models.jimenez import JimenezWakeDeflection
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from py_wake.wind_turbines.power_ct_functions import PowerCtFunctionList, PowerCtTabular
import numpy as np
def newSite(x,y):
xNew=np.array([x[0]+560*i for i in range(4)])
yNew=np.array([y[0]+560*i for i in range(4)])
return (x_newsite,y_newsite)
def wt_simulation(c):
c = c.reshape(4,360,23)
site = Hornsrev1Site()
x, y = site.initial_position.T
windTurbines = V80()
for item in range(4):
for j in range(10,370,10):
for i in range(j-10,j):
windTurbines.powerCtFunction = PowerCtFunctionList(
powerCtFunction_lst=[PowerCtTabular(ws=[0, 100], power=[0, 0], power_unit='w', ct=[0, 0]), # 0=No power and ct
windTurbines.powerCtFunction], # 1=Normal operation
operating = np.ones((4,360,23)) # shape=(#wt,wd,ws)
operating[c <= 0.5]=0
wf_model = BastankhahGaussian(site, windTurbines,deflectionModel=JimenezWakeDeflection(),turbulenceModel=GCLTurbulence())
# run wind farm simulation
sim_res = wf_model(
x_newsite, y_newsite, # wind turbine positions
h=None, # wind turbine heights (defaults to the heights defined in windTurbines)
wd=None, # Wind direction (defaults to site.default_wd (0,1,...,360 if not overriden))
ws=None, # Wind speed (defaults to site.default_ws (3,4,...,25m/s if not overriden))
for i in range(4):
for l in range(360):
for k in range(23):
if sim_res.TI_eff[i][l][k]-0.14 > 0 :
return -float(np.sum(curr_func)) # negative because of scipy minimize
t0 = time.perf_counter()
def solve():
wt =4 # for V80
x0 = np.ones((wt,wd,ws)).reshape(-1) # initial value for c
bounds=np.full((wt,wd,ws,2),b).reshape(-1, 2)
res = minimize(wt_simulation, x0=x0, bounds=bounds)
return res
print(f'success status: {res.success}')
print(f'aep: {-res.fun}') # negative to get the true maximum aep
print(f'c values: {res.x}\n')
print(f'elapse: {round(time.perf_counter() - t0)}s')
There are a number of things in your approach that are either wrong or incomprehensible to me. Just for fun I have tried your code. A few observations:
Your set of parameters (optimization variables) has a shape of (4, 360, 23), i.e. you are looking at 33,120 parameters. There is no nonlinear optimization algorithm that is going to give you any meaningful answer to a problem that big. Ever. But then again, you shouldn't be looking at SciPy optimize if your optimization variables should only assume 0/1 values.
Calling SciPy minimize like this:
res = minimize(wt_simulation, x0=x0, bounds=bounds)
Is going to select a nonlinear optimizer between BFGS, L-BFGS-B or SLSQP (according to the documentation at https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.minimize.html)
Those algorithms are gradient-based, and since you're not providing a gradient of your objective function SciPy is going to calculate them numerically. Good luck with that when you have 33,000 parameters. Never going to finish.
At the beginning of your objective function you are doing this:
for item in range(4):
for j in range(10,370,10):
for i in range(j-10,j):
I don't understand why you're doing it but you are overriding the input values of c coming from the optimizer.
Your objective function takes 20-25 seconds to evaluate on my powerful workstation. Even if you had only 10-15 optimization parameters, it would take you several days to get any answer out of an optimizer. You have 33,000+ variables. No way.
I don't know why you are doing this and why you're doing it the way you're doing it. You should rethink your approach.
First Post, so please go easy on me :) Please post any comments regarding my questioning and forum skills, they will be gratefully received!
I'm trying to understand the matrix sizes and manipulations that make up an RNN. I'll go through what I understand already so hopefully we're all on the same page. (Alternatively you can TL;DR down to the question at the bottom)
X_Sets is a 2D array which has some sine wave values, Y_sets is a 1D array which holds the next sine wave value in the sequence for each record. the goal here is to accurately predict what the next value of the sine wave will be.
Initial Values:
learning_rate = 0.0001
nepoch = 25
T = 50 # sequence length
hidden_dim = 100
output_dim = 1
U = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (hidden_dim, T))
W = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (hidden_dim, hidden_dim))
V = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (output_dim, hidden_dim))
Here's a snippet of the code I'm working with at the moment, its part of the forward propagation function. explanations in comments.
for i in range(Y_Sets.shape[0]):
#select the first record from both data sets and print out the sizes for all to see
x, y = X_Sets[i], Y_Sets[i]
print(Y_Sets.shape) #(100, 1)
print(X_Sets.shape) #(100, 50, 1)
print(x.shape) #(50, 1)
print(y.shape) #(1,)
#clear the prev_s values as the computed hidden values will be different for each record.
prev_s = np.zeros((hidden_dim, 1))
#loop for one record.
for t in range(T):
#new input array is 0'd every loop
new_input = np.zeros(x.shape)
#we only fill the array in the t'th position, everything else is 0
new_input[t] = x[t]
#See Question
mulu = np.dot(U, new_input)
#Same issue here
mulw = np.dot(W, prev_s) #why is W a 2D matrix?
add = mulw + mulu
s = sigmoid(add)
mulv = np.dot(V, s)
prev_s = s
I understand that there are 100 hidden layers and every hidden layer will have it's own U, so it makes sense to multiply each individual x[t] by a column of U. But - On the next loop round, t will be 2, x[2] will be in the 2nd column which will be dot-product(ed) by a different set of 100 Us.
Now - I was lead to believe that the whole point of RNNs is that they are efficient because U, V and W are constant over the entire sequence, whereas here we can see that they differ over the sequence.
Edit: Here's the Guide I'm following: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2019/01/fundamentals-deep-learning-recurrent-neural-networks-scratch-python/
I think you are mistaken. First of all, there is only one hidden layer with 100 nodes. Second, U is not changing after every time step, from the code snippet it looks like U is fixed and it will probably change after seeing the whole sequence. Same for V and W. I don't see the update equation here.
I have a transition matrix for which I want to calculate a steady state vector. The code I'm using is adapted from this question, and it works well for matrices of normal size:
def steady_state(matrix):
dim = matrix.shape[0]
q = (matrix - np.eye(dim))
ones = np.ones(dim)
q = np.c_[q, ones]
qtq = np.dot(q, q.T)
bqt = np.ones(dim)
return np.linalg.solve(qtq, bqt)
However, the matrix I'm working with has about 1.5 million rows and columns. It isn't a sparse matrix either; most entries are small but non-zero. Of course, just trying to build that matrix throws a memory error.
How can I modify the above code to work with huge matrices? I've heard of solutions like PyTables, but I'm not sure how to apply them, and I don't know if they would work for tasks like np.linalg.solve.
Being very new to numpy and very inexperienced with linear algebra, I'd very much appreciate an example of what to do in my case. I'm open to using something other than numpy, and even something other than Python if needed.
Here's some ideas to start with:
We can use the fact that any initial probability vector will converge on the steady state under time evolution (assuming it's ergodic, aperiodic, regular, etc).
For small matrices we could use
def steady_state(matrix):
dim = matrix.shape[0]
prob = np.ones(dim) / dim
other = np.zeros(dim)
while np.linalg.norm(prob - other) > 1e-3:
other = prob.copy()
prob = other # matrix
return prob
(I think the conventions assumed by the function in the question is that distributions go in rows).
Now we can use the fact that matrix multiplication and norm can be done chunk by chunk:
def steady_state_chunk(matrix, block_in=100, block_out=10):
dim = matrix.shape[0]
prob = np.ones(dim) / dim
error = 1.
while error > 1e-3:
error = 0.
other = prob.copy()
for i in range(0, dim, block_out):
outs = np.s_[i:i+block_out]
vec_out = np.zeros(block_out)
for j in range(0, dim, block_in):
ins = np.s_[j:j+block_in]
vec_out += other[ins] # matrix[ins, outs]
error += np.linalg.norm(vec_out - prob[outs])**2
prob[outs] = vec_out
error = np.sqrt(error)
return prob
This should use less memory for temporaries, thought you could do better by using the out parameter of np.matmul.
I should add something to deal with the last slice in each loop, in case dim isn't divisible by block_*, but I hope you get the idea.
For arrays that don't fit in memory to start with, you can apply the tools from the links in the comments above.
I need to generate a Healpyx map (using Healpy) from random $a_{\ell m}$, for a spin-2 function.
Schematically, this should look like that:
import healpy as hp
nside = 16 # for example
for el in range(1, L+1): #loop over ell mode
for m in range(-el,el): #for each ell mode loop over m
ind = hp.sphtfunc.Alm.getidx(nside, el, m)
if m == 0:
a_lm[ind] = np.random.randn()
a_lm[ind] = np.random.randn() + 1j * np.random.randn()
a_tmp = hp.sphtfunc.alm2map(a_lm, nside, pol=True)
My two questions are:
1) how do I initialise a_lm ? Specifically, what would be its dimension, using
a_lm = np.zeros(???)
2) if I understood correctly, the output a_tmp is a 1 dimensional list. How do I reshape it into a two-dimensional list (the map) for plotting?
1) What properties do you want your alm to have? You could also just assume a certain power spectrum (C_ell) and use hp.synalm() or hp.synfast().
For the initialization, you've already implemented that m goes from -ell to +ell, so you have a one-dimensional array of length sum_0^ell [2ell+1]. Doing the math should give you the length you need.
2) For the plotting, you could just directly generate a random map and then use e.g. hp.mollview(), which takes the 1-dimensional HEALPix map.
Alternatively, you can use hp.alm2map() to convert your alm to a map.
I also suggest you check out the tutorial for the plotting.
Usually we can follow the following steps to get the length of a_lm.
import healpy as hp
inside = 16
# Get the maximum multipole with the current nside
lmax = 3*nside - 1 #This can vary according to the use. In cosmology, the common value is 2*nside
alm_len = hp.Alm.getsize(lmax)
a_lm = np.empty(alm_len)
I think the tutorial linked in #Daniel's answer is a good resource for plotting Healpix maps.
I am aware of scipy.solve_bvp but it requires that you interpolate your variables which I do not want to do.
I have a boundary value problem of the following form:
y1'(x) = -c1*f1(x)*f2(x)*y2(x) - f3(x)
y2'(x) = f4(x)*y1 + f1(x)*y2(x)
y1(x=0)=0, y2(x=1)=0
I have values for x=[0, 0.0001, 0.025, 0.3, ... 0.9999999, 1] on a non-uniform grid and values for all of the variables/functions at only those values of x.
How can I solve this BVP?
This is a new function, and I don't have it on my scipy version (0.17), but I found the source in scipy/scipy/integrate/_bvp.py (github).
The relevant pull request is https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/6025, last April.
It is based on a paper and MATLAB implementation,
J. Kierzenka, L. F. Shampine, "A BVP Solver Based on Residual
Control and the Maltab PSE", ACM Trans. Math. Softw., Vol. 27,
Number 3, pp. 299-316, 2001.
The x mesh handling appears to be:
while True:
insert_1, = np.nonzero((rms_res > tol) & (rms_res < 100 * tol))
insert_2, = np.nonzero(rms_res >= 100 * tol)
nodes_added = insert_1.shape[0] + 2 * insert_2.shape[0]
if m + nodes_added > max_nodes:
status = 1
if verbose == 2:
nodes_added = "({})".format(nodes_added)
print_iteration_progress(iteration, max_rms_res, m,
if nodes_added > 0:
x = modify_mesh(x, insert_1, insert_2)
h = np.diff(x)
y = sol(x)
where modify_mesh add nodes to x based on:
insert_1 : ndarray
Intervals to each insert 1 new node in the middle.
insert_2 : ndarray
Intervals to each insert 2 new nodes, such that divide an interval
into 3 equal parts.
From this I deduce that
you can track the addition of nodes with the verbose parameter
nodes are added, but not removed. So the out mesh should include all of your input points.
I assume nodes are added to improve resolution in certain segments of the problem
This is based on reading the code, and not verified with test code. You may be the only person to be asking about this function on SO, and one of the few to have actually used it.