The following code tries to place a label for each node apart from the one that is by default included by NetworkX/Matplotlib. The original positions of the nodes are obtained through the call to "nx.spring_layout(g)".
The problem is that, when it comes to draw with Matplotlib the labels, the latter are misplaced, as it can be seen in the attached graph.
Should I be doing something differently?
import logging
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
__log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
g = nx.Graph()
nodes = ['shield', 'pcb-top', 'pcb-config', 'chassis']
for k in nodes:
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 11), dpi=150)
nx.draw(g, with_labels=True)
node_cfg = nx.spring_layout(g)
for k, node in node_cfg.items():
__log.debug('node = %s #(%.6f, %.6f)', k, node[0], node[1])
plt.text(node[0], node[1], k, bbox={'color': 'grey'})
Use the same position information for the network drawing as for the labels.
node_cfg = nx.spring_layout(g)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 11), dpi=150)
nx.draw(g, pos=node_cfg, with_labels=True)
I am trying to create bipartite of certain nodes, for small numbers it looks perfectly fine:
Image for around 30 nodes
Unfortunately, this isn't the case for more nodes like this one:
Image for more nodes
My code for determining the position of each node looks something like this:
pos = {}
pos[SOURCE_STRING] = (0, width/2)
row = 0
for arr in left_side.keys():
pos[str(arr).replace(" ","")]=(NODE_SIZE, row)
row += NODE_SIZE
row = 0
for arr in right_side.keys():
pos[str(arr).replace(" ","")]=(2*NODE_SIZE,row)
row += NODE_SIZE
pos[SINK_STRING] = (3*NODE_SIZE, width/2)
return pos
And then I feed it to the DiGraph class:
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_edges_from(edges, len=1)
nx.draw(G, pos=pos ,node_shape = "s", with_labels = True,node_size=NODE_SIZE)
This doesn't make much sense since they should be in the same distance from each other since NODE_SIZE is constant it doesn't change for the rest of the program.
Following this thread:
Bipartite graph in NetworkX
Didn't help me either.
Can something be done about this?
Edit(Following Paul Brodersen Advice using netGraph:
Used this documentation: netgraph doc
And still got somewhat same results, such as:
netgraph try
Using edges and different positions, also played with node size, with no success.
netgraph.Graph(edges, node_layout='bipartite', node_labels=True)
In your netgraph call, you are not changing the node size.
My suggestion with 30 nodes:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netgraph import Graph
edges = np.vstack([np.random.randint(0, 15, 60),
np.random.randint(16, 30, 60)]).T
Graph(edges, node_layout='bipartite', node_size=0.5, node_labels=True, node_label_offset=0.1, edge_width=0.1)
With 100 nodes:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netgraph import Graph
edges = np.vstack([np.random.randint(0, 50, 200),
np.random.randint(51, 100, 200)]).T
Graph(edges, node_layout='bipartite', node_size=0.5, node_labels=True, node_label_offset=0.1, edge_width=0.1)
I have created a knowledge graph from below dataframe using spacy and networkx library in Python.
Now I want to visualize this Graph in Protege. Is this possible? If yes then how this can be done?
I am attaching the dataframe and code for creating the Graph below.
kg_df = pd.DataFrame({'source':source, 'target':target, 'edge':relations})
G=nx.from_pandas_edgelist(kg_df, "source", "target",
edge_attr=True, create_using=nx.MultiDiGraph())
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, k = 0.5) # k regulates the distance between nodes
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, node_color='skyblue', node_size=1500,, pos = pos)
I wonder how I can add the edge weights to my Bokeh plot (from NetworkX), preferably for edge_renderer.hover_glyph, like in this picture:
A possible answer for this problem is using nx.get_edge_attributes and pass the values to draw_networkx_edge_labels as the labels for the edges.
Here's the so awaited code:
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'weight')
Here's a full working example:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4))
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_node('A', pos="1,3!", demand=-10)
G.add_node('B', pos="3,5!")
G.add_node('C', pos="3,1!")
G.add_node('D', pos="4,3!")
G.add_node('E', pos="5,5!")
G.add_node('F', pos="5,1!")
G.add_node('G', pos="7,3!", demand=10)
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G,'weight')
I am trying to create timetables or cardioid graph using network in python this is my code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
n = 10
for i in range(1,n):
if i*2 < n:
G.add_node(i, weight=i)
G.add_node(i*2, weight=i*2)
G.add_edge(i, i*2)
G.add_node(i, weight=i)
G.add_node(i*2-n, weight=i*2-n)
G.add_edge(i,i*2 - n)
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=nx.circular_layout(G), node_size=1000)
But then I am getting something like this
enter image description here
Whereas I want nodes to be in a a sorted manner like 0,1,2... in circular format, how do I achieve that?
You can achieve it by using
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=nx.circular_layout(sorted(G.nodes()), node_size=1000)
to get the nodes sorted in an anticlockwise manner.
Otherwise, for a clockwise ordering you can use
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=nx.circular_layout(sorted(G.nodes(), reverse=True)), node_size=1000)
I am plotting directed graph using networkx in python. However, I found that arrow head of edge is thick from one end instead of pointed arrow. I want to change the thick edge to pointed arrow. Here is my code, actual output, and desired output:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
item = [1,2]
G.add_edge(*item) #color = item[-1], weight = 2)
pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels = True, edge_color = 'b')
Desired output:
Any suggestion would be really helpful?
This may be a late answer, but in the new version networkx 2.1 you can set the arrow type by using the arrowstyle and arrowsize parameter.
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
item = [1,2]
G.add_edge(*item) #color = item[-1], weight = 2)
pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels = True, edge_color = 'b', arrowsize=20, arrowstyle='fancy')
You can go to the documentation for details:
Good news. This is possible now with the development version of networkx (will be networkx-2.1). Your code now now draws arrows
In [5]: import networkx as nx
...: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
...: G=nx.DiGraph()
...: item = [1,2]
...: G.add_edge(*item) #color = item[-1], weight = 2)
...: pos = nx.circular_layout(G)
...: nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels = True, edge_color = 'b')
This is not possible with nx.draw for now. According to , it hasn't been implemented yet.
However, you can try to use graphviz to plot your graph. Networkx has an interface to convert your graph to graphviz object easily. See