Installing Tensorflow - not supported wheel - python

I have installed Python version 3.5 and 3.6 and anaconda.
The following error occures when trying to install tensorflow following the steps here
unsing anaconda
(tensorflow) C:> pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade
tensorflow-1.0.1-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
As I am new to Python, I do not know how to circumvent this probelm.
I am using Win10 with 64bit.
Thanks a lot and best,

I ran into the same difficulties with the same error. It seems to be that Python 3.6 isn't immediately supported and found a sort of workaround here (note that this involves installing Python 3.5 which I did not already have installed, I don't know if this should be done a different way if its already installed):
If you are using anaconda distribution, you can do the following to use python 3.5 on the new environment "tensorflow":
conda create --name tensorflow python=3.5
activate tensorflow
conda install jupyter
conda install scipy
pip install tensorflow
\# or
\# pip install tensorflow-gpu
It is important to add python=3.5 at the end of the first line, because it will install Python 3.5.
If you've already created the tensorflow environment (the conda create step), you'll have to delete it and start over. Otherwise, you'll run into an error "CondaValueError: Value error: prefix already exists: C:\[your environment location]" (If you run into the unsupported wheel error, then you probably created the environment already.)
To delete your previous environment, according to the Conda Cheat Sheet, you first deactivate from (tensor flow) if needed by calling deactivate, then call conda remove --prefix ~/bioenvcopy --all. For ~/bioenvcopy I believe you use the tensorflow environment path. The location can be found by calling conda info --envs (citing the cheat sheet once again). Mine, for example, was conda remove --prefix ~/Anaconda3/envs/tensorflow
I successfully used this work around on Windows 10.
This solution probably be obsolete when 3.6 is supported.

Creating the tensorflow env without the correct python version did not work for me. So I had to do the following, which worked...
>deactivate tensorflow # start by deactivating the existing tensorflow env
>conda env remove -n tensorflow # remove the env
>conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5
>activate tensorflow

i had the same problem in windows 10 and python 3.6
so i navigated to anaconda navigator ( just search anaconda navigator in start search).
in the Environment tab you can create/delete your environments.
just create an environment, name it tensorflow and choose python 3.5 as python version.
then you can activate tensorflow in your command line:
activate tensorflow
and install tensorflow with :
pip install tensorflow #or tensowrlow-gpu

I had the same problem after hours of searching, I found that to save yourself from installing error problem in tensorflow. The convenient way for installing tensorflow is by creating a virtual environment in Conda with python 3.5.2 and using Conda-forge. This is done by running this commands:
conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5.2
activate tensorflow
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install tensorflow

Try installing the 64-bit version of Python 3.6.8:
I was getting the same error with the same OS and that's what fixed it. Apparently Tensorflow doesn't work on 32-bit Python even if your OS is 64-bit.

Try uninstalling everything (python, etc.) and try again using the cmd only, not git bash or PowerShell.

In Anaconda prompt, follow the instruction on Installing with Anaconda,
conda create -n tensorflow
activate tensorflow
Then the third step is a little different, try:
pip install tensorflow
This should work, good luck! If anything wrong happens, please let me know.


Got CondaVerificationError when installing Tensorflow

I got a CondaVerificationError when installing Tensorflow on my 64-bit Win10.
CondaVerificationError: The package for tensorflow-estimator located at C:\Users\viviennejia.zhong\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\pkgs\tensorflow-estimator-1.13.0-py37h39e3cac_0
appears to be corrupted. The path 'Lib/site-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/canned/linear_optimizer/python/utils/__pycache__/sharded_mutable_dense_hashtable.cpython-37.pyc'
specified in the package manifest cannot be found.
ClobberError: This transaction has incompatible packages due to a shared path.
packages: conda-forge::tensorboard-1.13.1-py37_0, conda-forge::tensorflow-base-1.13.1-py37_7
path: 'scripts/'
ClobberError: This transaction has incompatible packages due to a shared path.
packages: conda-forge::tensorboard-1.13.1-py37_0, conda-forge::tensorflow-base-1.13.1-py37_7
path: 'scripts/tensorboard.exe'
In some posts I saw conda clean --all could help. Runing this, I got
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] 'C:\\Users\\xxxx\\AppData\\Local\\Continuum\\anaconda3\\pkgs\\tensorflow-base-2.0.0-mkl_py37hd1d5974_0\\Lib\\site-packages\\\\purelib\\tensorflow_core\\include\\tensorflow_core\\core\\common_runtime\\isolate_placer_inspection_required_ops_pass.h'
I am new to conda and appreciate very much your help to solve this issue.
You may be running into the path length limitation in Windows.
Setting LongPathsEnabled fixed it for me.
Providing the solution here (Answer Section), even though it is present in the Comment Section, for the benefit of the community.
Installation of Tensorflow through pip has resolved issue
pip install tensorflow (install latest version)
pip install tensorflow==2.0 (for older version)
In addition to above method, there is a recommended way is to create a Virtual Environment in Anaconda and install the Tensorflow in that Virtual Environment, which works in most of the cases.
Using Virtual Environments has advantages like
We can maintain multiple versions of Tensorflow in multiple Virtual Environments with each Virtual Environment comprising each version like 1.14, 1.15, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2,etc..
We can use different Python Versions (2.x, 3.6, 3.7) in each Virtual Environment
If we want to modify the source code of any of the Tensorflow API, we can do it within our Virtual Environment, without impacting its functionality in other Virtual Environments.
Steps for Creating a New Virtual Environment and installing Tensorflow in Anaconda, for different Operating Systems, is shown below:
# Create a New Virtual Environment
conda create --name TF_2_VE
# When conda asks you to proceed, type y:
proceed ([y]/n)?
# Activate the Virtual Environment. Conda Version > 4.6
conda activate TF_2_VE
# Activating Virtual Environment, Conda Version < 4.6 and Windows OS
activate TF_2_VE
# Activating Virtual Environment, Conda Version < 4.6 and Linux and Mac OS
source activate TF_2_VE
# Install the TF Version you need
conda install tensorflow
The above command will install the Latest Version of Tensorflow (2.2 as of now). If you want an older version like 2.0, you can replace the last step of the above set of commands with
conda install tensorflow==2.0.

How to set the environment default python in anaconda?

It makes me crazy, In anaconda I create the environment with the defualt iterpreter python3.4 Next I install pytorch 0.4.1
conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda80 -c pytorch
After this I found that the pytorch was installed in python3.6!
And the environment defualt interpreter is chaged from python3.4 to python3.6.
I am very confused what happend ? How shoud I fix it back? change defualt python back to python3.4? Hope some one could help me.
The commands I typed in are as follows:
conda create -n pointgen python=3.4 ipykernel
source activate pointgen
conda install pytorch=0.4.1 cuda80 -c pytorch
Thats all. What Novak said is right, there is remaining question is how could I manually change the python version from 3.6 back to 3.4, is there any config file I can deal with?
As you can see here there is no version of pytorch for python3.4... The default version of pytorch is for python3.6 and that is the version you installed installed. In the process anaconda prompts you that it will have to upgrade/downgrade some package versions and there is probably the the line in which it says it will upgrade python to 3.6

How to add a conda environment in jupyter

I'm try to enable a keras environmnt into jupyter.
Using below commands I added the conda tf environment for Keras :
C:>conda create --name tf python=3.5
C:>activate tf (tf)
C:\Keras\Test>pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade
Next I downloaded Keras-2.1.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (from :
And successfully installed it.
(tf) C:\Keras>pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade C:\Keras\Keras-2.1.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl
But then when i type
(tf) c:\Keras\Jupyter Notebook
I would have thought to be able to 'switch' to the tf keras environment.
When starting up the web browser
But all I see in below jupyter page is the python 3 environment which doesn't know of keras. So shouldn't I see a "tf" environment here as well?
from both environments i can start the jupyter notebook, but not sure if that should make a difference, both startups dont show tf, am i missing something here?. (in the picture i also show both conda consoles)
When i try to launch a notebook that makes use of keras.
Then this is the error i see like if it wasnt installed ?. (i'm sure it did though).
However a small test in python ran directly from the console
proves keras is installed and working
(but why not in jupyter??)
Well when i was in the (tf) environment made earlier and typed "conda list"
I got a fairly short list of installed packages (just tensorflow) about 26 packages.
Then I noted that jupyter package wasnt in this environment.
Not sure if it should i added it with
conda install jupyter
After a while (that command added about 8 Gig of python code...) it got installed.
With the message:
Enabling notebook extension jupyter-js-widgets/extension...
- Validating: ok
next i tried
(tf) C:\Keras>python -m ipykernel install --user --name tf --display-name "Python3 tensorflow"
with a message "Installed kernelspec tf in C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Roaming\jupyter\kernels\tf"
I'm not sure though if this is the proper solution, because would it
always be required to add 8Giga just to launch it in a webpage.
(seams overkill, but i just dont know if that's normal for conda-jupyter. (while jupyther was allready in the 'plain' python 3
enviroment. (or it was available to conda)...not sure i'm thinking
perhaps it be better if conda was part of jupyter but maybe its just
the otherway around.
Fundamentally the problem is usually rooted in the fact that the Jupyter kernels are disconnected from Jupyter's shell; in other words, the installer points to a different Python version than is being used in the notebook.
You might first try installing with conda.
conda install -c conda-forge keras
Otherwise you can try installing from within the notebook itself:
# Install a pip package in the current Jupyter kernel
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install keras
As tempting as it might be... DO NOT DO:
!pip install keras
Create kernel.json file in ~/local/share/jupyter/kernels/<YOUR_KERNEL_NAME/. Take an example for the content from:/usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/kernel.json

How to install TensorFlow for dummies on Windows?

Am new to programming and have no idea even how to install TensorFlow, as it's not a one-step process.
Can any give or at least refer to a definitive tutorial for installing Tensor Flow in Windows.
Thank You!
Not exactly sure what you have looked up so far, but this was the first result doing a google search.
In windows, Tensorflow only works in 64 bit and with python 3.5. I don't know what you have installed but following the code below exactly will create a 64-bit python 3.5 environment and install Tensorflow in it for you. To activate or deactivate this environment, you would simply type :
conda create --name name_of_your_created_environment python=3.5
activate name_of_your_created_environment
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
CONDA_FORCE_32BIT=1 sets to a 32-bit environment whilst CONDA_FORCE_32BIT= sets to a 64-bit environment.
To deactivate this new environment and return to the original environment you use daily, just type:
deactivate name_of_your_created_environment
You can always return to this environment to use Tensorflow by re-typing:
activate name_of_your_created_environment

Tensorflow and Anaconda on Ubuntu?

On my Ubuntu 14.04, I have installed tensorflow, using "pip", as specified in the Tensorflow Installation instructions and I made sure it was working by importing it in python and it did work.
Then, I installed Anaconda and it changed my .bashrc file by adding the following line to it:
export PATH="/home/sonny/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"
But because of this change, now it looks into the PATH above, which doesn't contain tensorflow. now I can't import tensorflow in my python code.
What is the proper way to extend the $PATH environment variable so that it stays using everything from anaconda2 but it becomes able to import "tensorflow"?
I solved the problem but in a different way!
I found a link where the tensorflow.whl files were converted to conda packages, so I went ahead and installed it using the command:
conda install -c tensorflow
and it worked, since the $PATH points to anaconda packages, I can import it now!
Source is here
Since v0.10.0, tensorflow is a community maintained conda package in the conda-forge channel. Hence, it can be installed directly with the following command:
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
The instructions on the TensorFlow documentation has also been updated.
To facilitate future updates, it is probably a good idea to add conda-forge channel into your conda config:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
In fact, tensorflow=0.10.0rc0 was recently added onto the Anaconda default channel and will be installed instead if the conda-forge channel is not specified:
conda install tensorflow
I had the same problem and decided it was easiest to start over, install Anaconda first and then TensorFlow after that.
I suspect that pip is giving you a TensorFlow installation in cpython, not anaconda.
How about a virtualenv?
# Create env
$ virtualenv --python=/path/to/anaconda /path/to/your/env
# Activate env
$ source /path/to/your/env/bin/activate
# Install Tensorflow
$ pip install
Install tensorflow from the following command. Conda will take care of the installation process.
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
I solved the problem using this:
conda create --name=tensorenv python=3.4
source activate tensorenv
Actually, the TensorFlow Official website made every detail of installing.
The Operation System Windows, Mac OS, Ubuntu; the environment with GPU or just CPU, every single detail of problems you may come up with.
Check this out
Installing TensorFlow on Ubuntu with Anaconda
you will not regret.
Once you visit that you may also find like
Installing TensorFlow on Windows with Anaconda

