Is there any way that I can open, read and write a ttf file?
with open('xyz.ttf') as f:
content = f.readline()
A bit more:
If I open a .ttf (font) file with windows font viewer we see the following image
From this I like to extract following lines as text, with proper style.
What is exactly inside this file with *.ttf extension. I think you need to add more details of the input and output. If you reffering to a font type database you must first find a module/package to open and read it, since *.ttf isn't a normal text file.
Read the given links and install the required packages first:
Then, as suggested:
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
font = TTFont('/path/to/font.ttf')
<fontTools.ttLib.TTFont object at 0x10c34ed50>
If you need help with something else trying putting the input and expected output.
Other links:
Here is a another useful python script:
I'm looking for a way/module to insert a string of text formatted by position and text size, into an already existing .otp file(OpenDocument Presentation Template/Libre&OpenOffice version of a .ppt file). Preferably through Python. I've tried googling but the only thing I find is about macros and I'm not sure if that will work the way I want it to.
As an example I'm looking for an end product like this, where the text is inserted through running a Python script.
I imagine the outline of the script to look something like:
import modules
file = 'cat.otp'
open file
some function for inserting formatted text(right size, text size etc) in otp file
you wrote .opt in text and in pseudo-code .otp, but extension should be .odp for a presentation file. otp is for a master. If you just want to add content this should work for both:
While there is a convenient lib for pptx: python-pptx I don't know one for OpenOffice-Files.
If you don't have to create from scratch but just edit something (and it sounds like that) you may unpack the file via zipfile, edit the content.xml and zip back the whole file structure to odp-file. If you take your demo-file and read the xml (use notepad++ with XML-Tools extension and pretty print function to de-linearize) it is quite self-explaining, you'll get an idea pretty fast.
I am trying to allow user to upload MS Word file and then I run a certain function that takes a string as input argument. I am uploading Word file through FileUpload however I am getting a coded object. I am unable to decode using byte UTF-8 and using upload.value or just returns coded text
Any ideas how I can extract content from uploaded Word File?
> upload = widgets.FileUpload()
> upload
#I select the file I want to upload
> upload.value #Returns coded text
> #Returns coded text
> #Previously upload['content'] worked, but I read this no longer works in IPYWidgets 8.0
Modern ms-word files (.docx) are actually zip-files.
The text (but not the page headers) are actually inside an XML document called word/document.xml in the zip-file.
The python-docx module can be used to extract text from these documents. It is mainly used for creating documents, but it can read existing ones. Example from here.
>>> import docx
>>> gkzDoc = docx.Document('grokonez.docx')
>>> fullText = []
>>> for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:
... fullText.append(paragraph.text)
Note that this will only extract the text from paragraphs. Not e.g. the text from tables.
I want to be able to upload the MS file through the FileUpload widget.
There are a couple of ways you can do that.
First, isolate the actual file data. is actually a dictionary, see here. So do something like:
rawdata =[0]
(Note that this format has changed over different version of ipywidgets. The above example is from the documentation of the latest version. Read the relevant version of the documentation, or investigate the data in IPython, and adjust accordingly.)
write rawdata to e.g. foo.docx and open that. That would certainly work, but it does seem somewhat un-elegant.
docx.Document can work with file-like objects. So you could create an io.BytesIO object, and use that.
Like this:
foo = io.BytesIO(rawdata)
doc = docx.Document(foo)
Tweaking with #Roland Smith great suggestions, following code finally worked:
import io
import docx
from docx import Document
upload = widgets.FileUpload()
rawdata =[0]
test = io.BytesIO(rawdata)
doc = Document(test)
for p in doc.paragraphs:
print (p.text)
I'm new to python and I'm trying to create a script to open an existing .svg file, change the text/font/colour/size, and then save it as a separate .svg
I've managed to create another script using svgwrite but this can only make new files instead of editing existing ones.
I've had a look at a few other threads suggesting using the inkscape extension but I can't figure out how to write anything working with this.
I've also tried lxml but I don't really understand what I'm doing with this. From everything I found I know I have to parse the .svg and from this I got the below code but this seems to be a dead end as the result is blank
import lxml.etree as ET
xml = ET.parse('C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\Test2.svg')
svg = xml.getroot()
print(svg.findall(".//{Element {}svg at 0x3e107a8"))
In case anyone is trying to do something similar I did some more digging and found the best way to do it for my purpose was to open the svg, replace the string where it was needed and write to file, e.g.
Change = open(/files/file.svg, "rt")
data =
data = data.replace('original text', 'new text')
Change = open(/files/file.svg "wt")
In need of help from learned people on this forum. I just want to embed one pdf file to another pdf file. So that when I go to the attachment section of the second file I can get to see and open the first file. I would like to do this with help of PyMupdf. Got a command embeddedFileAdd to do so but I am not sure how to use it.
Just Soved it with this code:
import fitz
pdf1=r'C:\Users\Amit PC\Desktop\pdf1.pdf'
pdf2=r'C:\Users\Amit PC\Desktop\pdf2.pdf'
outfile=r'C:\Users\Amit PC\Desktop\test2.pdf'
img= bytearray(open(pdf2,'rb').read())
doc1.embeddedFileAdd(img,'attach.pdf'), deflate = True)
Is there a way to use the win32clipboard module to store a reference to a file in the windows clipboard in python. My goal is to paste an image in a way that allows transparency. If I drag and drop a 'png' file into OneNote or I copy the file and then paste it into OneNote, this seems to preserve transparency. As far as I can tell, the clipboard can't store transparent images which is why it has to be a reference to a file.
My research suggests that it might involve the win32clipboard.CF_HDrop attribute but I'm not sure.
So, just to summarize, my goal is to have a bit of python code which I can click and which uses a specific file on my Desktop named 'img.png' for instance. The result is that 'img.png' gets stored in the clipboard and can be pasted into other programs. Essentially, the same behavior as if I selected the file on the Desktop myself, right-clicked and selected 'Copy'.
This page seems to suggest there is a way using win32clipboard.CF_HDrop somehow:
It says "CF_HDROP" is associated with "a tuple of Unicode filenames"
from PythonMagick import Image
Grab the windows binaries for PythonMagick
I write this as an answer, although it's just a step that might help you, because comments don't have a lot of formatting options.
I wrote this sample script:
import win32clipboard as clp, win32api
rc= clp.EnumClipboardFormats(0)
while rc:
try: format_name= clp.GetClipboardFormatName(rc)
except win32api.error: format_name= "?"
print "format", rc, format_name
rc= clp.EnumClipboardFormats(rc)
Then I selected an image file in explorer and copied it; then, the script reports the following available clipboard formats:
format 49161 DataObject
format 49268 Shell IDList Array
format 15 ?
format 49519 DataObjectAttributes
format 49292 Preferred DropEffect
format 49329 Shell Object Offsets
format 49158 FileName
format 49159 FileNameW
format 49171 Ole Private Data
This “Preferred DropEffect” seems suspicious, although I'm far from a Windows expert. I would try first with FileNameW, though, since this might do the job for you (I don't have OneNote installed, sorry). It seems it expects as data only the full pathname encoded as 'utf-16-le' with a null character (i.e encoded as '\0\0') at the end.