I have a flask app with database. I need to localize some types of entities there.
The problem is, i am using Flask-Marshmallow for parsing/serializing my database objects.
And there is an endpoint, that grabs the root object (User) and all it related nested objects (Match), which in it's turn grab it's related objects (Question), which i need to localize.
So, having Accept-Language header can't be directly passed to nested->nested (Question) object.
It's some architecture issue, i believe, not a technical one. If someone ever face such a problem and know any workarounds, please let me know.
# views.py
#app.route('/self', methods=['GET'])
def get_user:
user = g.user
schema = UserSchema()
res = schema.dumps(user)
# UserSchema.py
class UserSchema(marshmallow.Schema):
id = fields.Int()
matches = fields.Nested('MatchSchema', many=True)
// etc.
I'm building a Flask backend. I have this route that should return the ID that matches the email
#app.route('/login', methods=['POST'])
def login():
email = request.json['data']
id = session.query(Users).filter_by(email=Users.estudent_email)
result = users_schema.dump(id)
return jsonify(result)
I'm currently sending it this data
"data": "name.lastname#email.com"
But it returns a whole bunch of data which is incorrect. It should return a single ID from the database that is assigned to the user that holds the email. What might be the cause? I'm using Marshmallow and SQLAlchemy ORM.
The problem is probably in this line:
id = session.query(Users).filter_by(email=Users.estudent_email)
You seem to have the equality check the wrong way around. Users.estudent_email references the entire field of the database, and email is a named argument in filter_by, not email that you defined in the previous line.
I can't test but I'm thinking you want:
id = session.query(Users).filter(Users.estudent_email==email)
id = session.query(Users).filter_by(email=email)
As for the serialization, and result = users_schema.dump(id), I have no idea because there is not enough context given to be sure how to make that work.
I have an application running in production that I've built for a single client that I want to convert to support multiple "tenants".
Currently I am using a Postgres database where all my data resides in a single database in the default public schema. I would like to isolate each tenant to a separate Postgres schema. Ideally, my application's UI would make a call to my API using the tenant's subdomain. In before_request I would somehow be able to set all database queries during the current request context to only query that tenant's schema, is this possible?
I envisage an ideal solution to be something similar to this contrived example:
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from pony.orm import Database, Required
app = Flask(__name__)
db = Database(**{<db_connection_dict>})
class User(db.Entity):
email = Required(str)
password = Required(str)
def login(cls, email: str, password: str) -> str:
user = cls.get(lambda u: u.email.lower() == email.lower())
if not user:
return None
password_is_valid = <method_to_check_hashed_pasword>
if not password_is_valid:
return None
return <method_to_generate_jwt>
def set_tenant():
tenant_subdomain = request.host.split(".")[0]
// MISSING STEP.. set_schema is a fictitous method, does something similar to this exist?
#app.route("auth/login", methods=["POST"]
def login_route():
data = request.get_json()
jwt = User.login(data["email"], data["password"])
if not jwt:
return make_response({}, 403)
return make_response(jsonify(data=jwt), 200)
I've come across an interesting/simple example using SQLAlchemy. If not possible with PonyORM I may consider porting my models over to SQLAlchemy but would miss the simplicity of Pony :(
I thought about possibly using the Database.on_connect method to do something as such but not sure if if anyone has any other ideas or if this would even work properly in production. I suspect not because if I had two separate tenants querying the database they would overwrite the search path..
def set_request_context_tenant_schema(db, connection) -> None:
subdomain = request.host.split(".")[0]
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(f"SET search_path TO {subdomain}, public;")
For the life of me I cannot figure this out and I'm having trouble finding information on it.
I have a Django view which accepts an argument which is a primary key (e.g: URL/problem/12) and loads a page with information from the argument's model.
I want to mock models used by my view for testing but I cannot figure it out, this is what I've tried:
def test_search_response(self, problem, chgbk, dispute):
problem(problem_id=854, vendor_num=100, chgbk=122)
request = self.factory.get(reverse('dispute_landing:search'))
request.user = self.user
request.usertype = self.usertype
response = search(request, problem_num=12)
However - I can never get the test to actually find the problem number, it's as if the model does not exist.
I think that's because if you mock the entire model itself, the model won't exist because any of the functions to create/save it will have been mocked. If Problem is just a mock model class that hasn't been modified in any way, it knows nothing about interacting with the database, the ORM, or anything that could be discoverable from within your search() method.
One approach you could take rather than mocking models themselves would be to create FactoryBoy model factories. Since the test database is destroyed with each test run, these factories are a great way to create test data:
You could spin up a ProblemFactory like so:
class ProblemFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Problem
problem_id = factory.Faker("pyint")
vendor_num = factory.Faker("pyint")
chgbk = factory.Faker("pyint")
Then use it to create a model that actually exists in your database:
def test_search_response(self, problem, chgbk, dispute):
problem = ProblemFactory(problem_id=854, vendor_num=100, chgbk=122)
request = self.factory.get(reverse('dispute_landing:search', kwargs={'problem_id':problem.id}))
request.user = self.user
request.usertype = self.usertype
response = search(request, problem_num=854)
I am working through the Pyramid authorization tutorial and I have noticed the pattern where
logged_in = request.authenticated_userid
is added to each view dictionary. Can it be avoided? I.e. is there a configuration which automatically ads user id to each view. Or is there a way to create a base, abstract view with the user id and inherit from it?
Part of the code from the tutorial:
#view_config(context='.models.Page', renderer='templates/view.pt', permission='view')
def view_page(context, request):
# not relevant code
return dict(page = context, content = content, edit_url = edit_url,
logged_in = request.authenticated_userid)
#view_config(name='add_page', context='.models.Wiki', renderer='templates/edit.pt',
def add_page(context, request):
# not relevant code
return dict(page=page, save_url=save_url,
It's been awhile since I last looked, but I think logged_in in the samples is just an example to use to conditionally check if there is a logged on user or not. You could probably just as easily refer to request.authenticated_userid within any of your views or templates, too, and get the same behavior and not have to explicitly add a status to the response dict. The request object should be available to be referenced in your view templates, too.
Alternatively, I've used their cookbook to add a user object to the request to make a friendly request.user object that I can use to both check for logged in status where needed, plus get at my other user object details if I need to as well.
I have a weired problem with couple of queries I am trying to run.
I have built a method which returns a tuple of result from the query-
def get_activeproducts():
query = Product.gql("WHERE active = True")
choices = []
for obj in query:
choices.append((str(obj.key()), obj.name))
return choices
The problem is, the result is same for each call. Even if products are deleted or changed to 'False' in the product attribute 'active'. The result will be refreshed only when I restart the sdk server. In production, it just doesnt change till I change versions.
I have seen similar issue with one more query where the query property is BooleanProperty.
Any idea on how this could be fixed?
I am using the method in a tipfy application. It is used to populate a select field in wtforms. 'choices' basically takes in a list of tuples (value, name) pair.
class InvoiceForm(Form):
product = SelectField('Product', choices=get_activeproducts())
I dont have any issue with editing. WHen I check it from the admin end, I can see that certain products are set to 'False'. And even if I empty(delete) the whole list of products, I get the same list I got the first time.
I am not using caching anywhere in the application.
Your class definition is getting cached by the App Engine runtime when an instance is started, with the default set to what it was when the instance started. To make the choices dynamic, you need to set them at runtime.
Example from the wtforms (which IIRC is what tipfy is using) docs; will need to be adjusted for App Engine queries:
class UserDetails(Form):
group_id = SelectField(u'Group', coerce=int)
def edit_user(request, id):
user = User.query.get(id)
form = UserDetails(request.POST, obj=user)
form.group_id.choices = [(g.id, g.name) for g in Group.query.order_by('name')]
when you create your form, the function is called once.
you can overload the form __init__.py function to do this cleanly
class InvoiceForm(Form):
product = SelectField(u'Group', choices=[])
def __init__(self, product_select, *args, **kwargs)
super(InvoiceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.product.choices = select_dict
form = InvoiceForm(product_select=get_activeproducts())