Windows Logon as a user without a password with Python - python
I have a situation here. Using Python, I have a process been created (running as SYSTEM or Administrator user) and I need to call an application using a different username without password. So reading this link bellow, the conclusion is that could be possible, Impersonating another user without password, using Kerberos... but I am not finding any solution written in Python and actually I have no idea if there is a better approach for this problem.
Python 3.4.1 x64, Windows 7.
Anyone can help me on this?
Thanks very much!
PS: This could be possible using "win32" modules, however I do not have any process running for this target_user to catch a process token.
Here's a rough draft of a ctypes wrapper to call LsaLogonUser for an MsV1 interactive logon, MsV1 S4U logon (service for user, batch), or Kerberos S4U domain logon.
import os
import ctypes
import collections
from ctypes import wintypes
ntdll = ctypes.WinDLL('ntdll')
secur32 = ctypes.WinDLL('secur32')
kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True)
advapi32 = ctypes.WinDLL('advapi32', use_last_error=True)
Interactive = 2
Network = 3
Batch = 4
Service = 5
MsV1_0InteractiveLogon = 2
MsV1_0Lm20Logon = 3
MsV1_0NetworkLogon = 4
MsV1_0WorkstationUnlockLogon = 7
MsV1_0S4ULogon = 12
MsV1_0NoElevationLogon = 82
KerbInteractiveLogon = 2
KerbWorkstationUnlockLogon = 7
KerbS4ULogon = 12
DELETE = 0x00010000
READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000
WRITE_DAC = 0x00040000
WRITE_OWNER = 0x00080000
TOKEN_QUERY = 0x0008
TokenPrimary = 1
TokenImpersonation = 2
SecurityAnonymous = 0
SecurityIdentification = 1
SecurityImpersonation = 2
SecurityDelegation = 3
class NTSTATUS(wintypes.LONG):
def to_error(self):
return ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosError(self)
def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
status = wintypes.ULONG.from_buffer(self)
return '%s(%#010x)' % (name, status.value)
class BOOL(wintypes.BOOL):
def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
return '%s(%s)' % (name, bool(self))
class HANDLE(wintypes.HANDLE):
__slots__ = 'closed',
def __int__(self):
return self.value or 0
def Detach(self):
if not getattr(self, 'closed', False):
self.closed = True
value = int(self)
self.value = None
return value
raise ValueError("already closed")
def Close(self, CloseHandle=kernel32.CloseHandle):
if self and not getattr(self, 'closed', False):
__del__ = Close
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, int(self))
ntdll.RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime.restype = None
_unix_epoch = wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER()
ntdll.RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime(0, ctypes.byref(_unix_epoch))
_unix_epoch = _unix_epoch.value
def __int__(self):
return self.value
def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
return '%s(%d)' % (name, self.value)
def as_time(self):
time100ns = self.value - self._unix_epoch
if time100ns >= 0:
return time100ns / 1e7
raise ValueError('value predates the Unix epoch')
def from_time(cls, t):
time100ns = int(t * 10**7)
return cls(time100ns + cls._unix_epoch)
CHAR = ctypes.c_char
WCHAR = ctypes.c_wchar
class STRING(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('Length', wintypes.USHORT),
('MaximumLength', wintypes.USHORT),
('Buffer', PCHAR))
class UNICODE_STRING(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('Length', wintypes.USHORT),
('MaximumLength', wintypes.USHORT),
('Buffer', PWCHAR))
class LUID(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('LowPart', wintypes.DWORD),
('HighPart', wintypes.LONG))
def __new__(cls, value=0):
return cls.from_buffer_copy(ctypes.c_ulonglong(value))
def __int__(self):
return ctypes.c_ulonglong.from_buffer(self).value
def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
return '%s(%#x)' % (name, int(self))
PSID = wintypes.LPVOID
class SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('Sid', PSID),
('Attributes', wintypes.DWORD))
class TOKEN_GROUPS(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('GroupCount', wintypes.DWORD),
('Groups', SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES * 1))
class TOKEN_SOURCE(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('SourceName', CHAR * TOKEN_SOURCE_LENGTH),
('SourceIdentifier', LUID))
def __init__(self, SourceName=None, SourceIdentifier=None):
if SourceName is not None:
if not isinstance(SourceName, bytes):
SourceName = SourceName.encode('mbcs')
self.SourceName = SourceName
if SourceIdentifier is None:
luid = self.SourceIdentifier
self.SourceIdentifier = SourceIdentifier
py_source_context = TOKEN_SOURCE(b"PYTHON ")
py_origin_name = b"Python-%d" % os.getpid()
py_logon_process_name = b"PythonLogonProcess-%d" % os.getpid()
SIZE_T = ctypes.c_size_t
class QUOTA_LIMITS(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('PagedPoolLimit', SIZE_T),
('NonPagedPoolLimit', SIZE_T),
('MinimumWorkingSetSize', SIZE_T),
('MaximumWorkingSetSize', SIZE_T),
('PagefileLimit', SIZE_T),
('TimeLimit', wintypes.LARGE_INTEGER))
PULONG = ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.ULONG)
PHANDLE = ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.HANDLE)
PLPVOID = ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.LPVOID)
LPDWORD = ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD)
class ContiguousUnicode(ctypes.Structure):
# _string_names_: sequence matched to underscore-prefixed fields
def _get_unicode_string(self, name):
wchar_size = ctypes.sizeof(WCHAR)
s = getattr(self, '_%s' % name)
length = s.Length // wchar_size
buf = s.Buffer
if buf:
return buf[:length]
return None
def _set_unicode_buffer(self, value):
cls = type(self)
wchar_size = ctypes.sizeof(WCHAR)
bufsize = (len(value) + 1) * wchar_size
ctypes.resize(self, ctypes.sizeof(cls) + bufsize)
addr = ctypes.addressof(self) + ctypes.sizeof(cls)
ctypes.memmove(addr, value, bufsize)
def _set_unicode_string(self, name, value):
values = []
for n in self._string_names_:
if n == name:
values.append(value or u'')
values.append(getattr(self, n) or u'')
cls = type(self)
wchar_size = ctypes.sizeof(WCHAR)
addr = ctypes.addressof(self) + ctypes.sizeof(cls)
for n, v in zip(self._string_names_, values):
ptr = ctypes.cast(addr, PWCHAR)
ustr = getattr(self, '_%s' % n)
length = ustr.Length = len(v) * wchar_size
full_length = length + wchar_size
if ((n == name and value is None) or
(n != name and not (length or ustr.Buffer))):
ustr.Buffer = None
ustr.MaximumLength = 0
ustr.Buffer = ptr
ustr.MaximumLength = full_length
addr += full_length
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name not in self._string_names_:
raise AttributeError
return self._get_unicode_string(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self._string_names_:
self._set_unicode_string(name, value)
super(ContiguousUnicode, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def from_address_copy(cls, address, size=None):
x = ctypes.Structure.__new__(cls)
if size is not None:
ctypes.resize(x, size)
ctypes.memmove(ctypes.byref(x), address, ctypes.sizeof(x))
delta = ctypes.addressof(x) - address
for n in cls._string_names_:
ustr = getattr(x, '_%s' % n)
addr = ctypes.c_void_p.from_buffer(ustr.Buffer)
if addr:
addr.value += delta
return x
class AuthInfo(ContiguousUnicode):
# _message_type_: from a logon-submit-type enumeration
def __init__(self):
self.MessageType = self._message_type_
_message_type_ = MsV1_0InteractiveLogon
_string_names_ = 'LogonDomainName', 'UserName', 'Password'
_fields_ = (('MessageType', LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE),
('_LogonDomainName', UNICODE_STRING),
('_UserName', UNICODE_STRING),
('_Password', UNICODE_STRING))
def __init__(self, UserName=None, Password=None, LogonDomainName=None):
super(MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON, self).__init__()
if LogonDomainName is not None:
self.LogonDomainName = LogonDomainName
if UserName is not None:
self.UserName = UserName
if Password is not None:
self.Password = Password
class S4ULogon(AuthInfo):
_string_names_ = 'UserPrincipalName', 'DomainName'
_fields_ = (('MessageType', LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE),
('Flags', wintypes.ULONG),
('_UserPrincipalName', UNICODE_STRING),
('_DomainName', UNICODE_STRING))
def __init__(self, UserPrincipalName=None, DomainName=None, Flags=0):
super(S4ULogon, self).__init__()
self.Flags = Flags
if UserPrincipalName is not None:
self.UserPrincipalName = UserPrincipalName
if DomainName is not None:
self.DomainName = DomainName
class MSV1_0_S4U_LOGON(S4ULogon):
_message_type_ = MsV1_0S4ULogon
class KERB_S4U_LOGON(S4ULogon):
_message_type_ = KerbS4ULogon
class ProfileBuffer(ContiguousUnicode):
# _message_type_
def __init__(self):
self.MessageType = self._message_type_
class MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE(ProfileBuffer):
_message_type_ = MsV1_0InteractiveLogon
_string_names_ = ('LogonScript', 'HomeDirectory', 'FullName',
'ProfilePath', 'HomeDirectoryDrive', 'LogonServer')
_fields_ = (('MessageType', PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE),
('LogonCount', wintypes.USHORT),
('BadPasswordCount', wintypes.USHORT),
('LogonTime', LARGE_INTEGER),
('LogoffTime', LARGE_INTEGER),
('KickOffTime', LARGE_INTEGER),
('PasswordLastSet', LARGE_INTEGER),
('PasswordCanChange', LARGE_INTEGER),
('PasswordMustChange', LARGE_INTEGER),
('_LogonScript', UNICODE_STRING),
('_HomeDirectory', UNICODE_STRING),
('_FullName', UNICODE_STRING),
('_ProfilePath', UNICODE_STRING),
('_HomeDirectoryDrive', UNICODE_STRING),
('_LogonServer', UNICODE_STRING),
('UserFlags', wintypes.ULONG))
class SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('nLength', wintypes.DWORD),
('lpSecurityDescriptor', wintypes.LPVOID),
('bInheritHandle', wintypes.BOOL))
def __init__(self, **kwds):
self.nLength = ctypes.sizeof(self)
super(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, self).__init__(**kwds)
def _check_status(result, func, args):
if result.value < 0:
raise ctypes.WinError(result.to_error())
return args
def _check_bool(result, func, args):
if not result:
raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
return args
def WIN(func, restype, *argtypes):
func.restype = restype
func.argtypes = argtypes
if issubclass(restype, NTSTATUS):
func.errcheck = _check_status
elif issubclass(restype, BOOL):
func.errcheck = _check_bool
WIN(kernel32.GetCurrentProcess, wintypes.HANDLE)
WIN(kernel32.DuplicateHandle, BOOL,
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ hSourceProcessHandle
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ hSourceHandle
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ hTargetProcessHandle
PHANDLE, # _Out_ lpTargetHandle
wintypes.DWORD, # _In_ dwDesiredAccess
wintypes.BOOL, # _In_ bInheritHandle
wintypes.DWORD) # _In_ dwOptions
WIN(kernel32.GetComputerNameW, BOOL,
wintypes.LPWSTR, # _Out_ lpBuffer
LPDWORD) # _Inout_ lpnSize
WIN(advapi32.OpenProcessToken, BOOL,
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ ProcessHandle
wintypes.DWORD, # _In_ DesiredAccess
PHANDLE) # _Out_ TokenHandle
WIN(advapi32.DuplicateTokenEx, BOOL,
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ hExistingToken
wintypes.DWORD, # _In_ dwDesiredAccess
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, # _In_opt_ lpTokenAttributes
TOKEN_TYPE, # _In_ TokenType
PHANDLE) # _Out_ phNewToken
WIN(ntdll.NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId, NTSTATUS,
WIN(secur32.LsaFreeReturnBuffer, NTSTATUS,
wintypes.LPVOID,) # _In_ Buffer
WIN(secur32.LsaConnectUntrusted, NTSTATUS,
PHANDLE,) # _Out_ LsaHandle
WIN(secur32.LsaRegisterLogonProcess, NTSTATUS,
PSTRING, # _In_ LogonProcessName
PHANDLE, # _Out_ LsaHandle
WIN(secur32.LsaDeregisterLogonProcess, NTSTATUS,
wintypes.HANDLE) # _In_ LsaHandle
WIN(secur32.LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage, NTSTATUS,
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ LsaHandle
PSTRING, # _In_ PackageName
PULONG) # _Out_ AuthenticationPackage
WIN(secur32.LsaLogonUser, NTSTATUS,
wintypes.HANDLE, # _In_ LsaHandle
PSTRING, # _In_ OriginName
wintypes.ULONG, # _In_ AuthenticationPackage
wintypes.LPVOID, # _In_ AuthenticationInformation
wintypes.ULONG, # _In_ AuthenticationInformationLength
PTOKEN_GROUPS, # _In_opt_ LocalGroups
PTOKEN_SOURCE, # _In_ SourceContext
PLPVOID, # _Out_ ProfileBuffer
PULONG, # _Out_ ProfileBufferLength
PLUID, # _Out_ LogonId
PHANDLE, # _Out_ Token
PQUOTA_LIMITS, # _Out_ Quotas
PNTSTATUS) # _Out_ SubStatus
def duplicate_token(source_token=None, access=TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS,
token_type=TokenPrimary, attributes=None):
close_source = False
if source_token is None:
close_source = True
source_token = HANDLE()
TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, ctypes.byref(source_token))
token = HANDLE()
advapi32.DuplicateTokenEx(source_token, access, attributes,
impersonation_level, token_type, ctypes.byref(token))
if close_source:
return token
def lsa_connect_untrusted():
handle = wintypes.HANDLE()
return handle.value
def lsa_register_logon_process(logon_process_name):
if not isinstance(logon_process_name, bytes):
logon_process_name = logon_process_name.encode('mbcs')
logon_process_name = logon_process_name[:127]
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(logon_process_name, 128)
name = STRING(len(logon_process_name), len(buf), buf)
handle = wintypes.HANDLE()
ctypes.byref(handle), ctypes.byref(mode))
return handle.value
def lsa_lookup_authentication_package(lsa_handle, package_name):
if not isinstance(package_name, bytes):
package_name = package_name.encode('mbcs')
package_name = package_name[:127]
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(package_name)
name = STRING(len(package_name), len(buf), buf)
package = wintypes.ULONG()
secur32.LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage(lsa_handle, ctypes.byref(name),
return package.value
# Low-level LSA logon
LOGONINFO = collections.namedtuple('LOGONINFO', ('Token', 'LogonId',
'Profile', 'Quotas'))
def lsa_logon_user(auth_info, local_groups=None, origin_name=py_origin_name,
source_context=None, auth_package=None, logon_type=None,
if local_groups is None:
plocal_groups = PTOKEN_GROUPS()
plocal_groups = ctypes.byref(local_groups)
if source_context is None:
source_context = py_source_context
if not isinstance(origin_name, bytes):
origin_name = origin_name.encode('mbcs')
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(origin_name)
origin_name = STRING(len(origin_name), len(buf), buf)
if auth_package is None:
if isinstance(auth_info, MSV1_0_S4U_LOGON):
elif isinstance(auth_info, KERB_S4U_LOGON):
auth_package = MSV1_0_PACKAGE_NAME
if logon_type is None:
if isinstance(auth_info, S4ULogon):
logon_type = Batch
logon_type = Interactive
profile_buffer = wintypes.LPVOID()
profile_buffer_length = wintypes.ULONG()
profile = None
logonid = LUID()
htoken = HANDLE()
quotas = QUOTA_LIMITS()
substatus = NTSTATUS()
deregister = False
if lsa_handle is None:
lsa_handle = lsa_connect_untrusted()
deregister = True
if isinstance(auth_package, (str, bytes)):
auth_package = lsa_lookup_authentication_package(lsa_handle,
secur32.LsaLogonUser(lsa_handle, ctypes.byref(origin_name),
logon_type, auth_package, ctypes.byref(auth_info),
ctypes.sizeof(auth_info), plocal_groups,
ctypes.byref(source_context), ctypes.byref(profile_buffer),
ctypes.byref(profile_buffer_length), ctypes.byref(logonid),
ctypes.byref(htoken), ctypes.byref(quotas),
except WindowsError as e:
if substatus.value:
raise ctypes.WinError(substatus.to_error())
if profile_buffer:
address = profile_buffer.value
buftype = PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE.from_address(address).value
if buftype == MsV1_0InteractiveLogon:
profile = MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_PROFILE.from_address_copy(
address, profile_buffer_length.value)
if deregister:
return LOGONINFO(htoken, logonid, profile, quotas)
# High-level LSA logons
def logon_msv1(name, password, domain=None, local_groups=None,
origin_name=py_origin_name, source_context=None):
return lsa_logon_user(MSV1_0_INTERACTIVE_LOGON(name, password, domain),
local_groups, origin_name, source_context)
def logon_msv1_s4u(name, local_groups=None, origin_name=py_origin_name,
domain = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(MAX_COMPUTER_NAME_LENGTH + 1)
length = wintypes.DWORD(len(domain))
kernel32.GetComputerNameW(domain, ctypes.byref(length))
return lsa_logon_user(MSV1_0_S4U_LOGON(name, domain.value),
local_groups, origin_name, source_context)
def logon_kerb_s4u(name, realm=None, local_groups=None,
lsa_handle = lsa_register_logon_process(logon_process_name)
return lsa_logon_user(KERB_S4U_LOGON(name, realm),
local_groups, origin_name, source_context,
Multicast Network Trigger In Python Script
I'm trying to add a multicast network trigger for a camera set up. Currently I am using a conf. file called multicast-trigger.conf [multicast-trigger] address = port = 600 payload = 0x05AA9544 and a python script called which takes the information from the conf file to send a multicast network trigger. import sys, os, logging, json, ConfigParser, socket sys.path.append('/home/root/ss-web') from camconstants import * class AppExt(object): pkg_name = "Multicast network trigger " pkg_version = "v1.0" mt_config = None # ============================================================================= # Package and URL registration logic # ============================================================================= def __init__(self, _app, _cam, _ci, register_url_callback): """ Register new URLs with camera's webserver. """ urls = [ ( '/trigger2', self.trigger2, "Sends a multicast network trigger packet to trigger all the cameras on the same local network, including trigging this camera." ), ( '/get_multicast_configuration', self.get_multicast_configuration, "Returns a JSON encoded dictionary of the camera's /etc/multicast-trigger.conf file contents." ), ] register_url_callback(self.pkg_name, self.pkg_version, urls) self.mt_config = self._mt_read_multicast_config_file('/etc/multicast-trigger.conf') logging.debug("Multicast trigger URL added: %s" % repr(self.mt_config)) # ============================================================================= # Multicast trigger helper methods # ============================================================================= def _mt_read_multicast_config_file(self, fn): """ Returns dictionary with multicast trigger configuration information read from file fn. """ if not os.path.exists(fn): logging.error("Missing file: %s" % fn) return None config = {} try: config_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() c = config_parser.items('multicast-trigger') for (key, value) in c: if key == 'address': config[key] = value elif key in ('port', 'payload'): config[key] = int(value, 0) except Exception, e: logging.error("Bad file format: %s" % fn) logging.error("Ignoring multicast-trigger parameters due to exception - %s" % str(e)) return None return config # ============================================================================= # Exposed URLs - URL matches method name # ============================================================================= def trigger2(self): """ Sends a multicast network packet to trigger all cameras on the same local network. """ if self.mt_config == None: logging.error("Missing file: %s" % fn) ret = CAMAPI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER else: try: logging.debug("Triggering cameras by sending multicast packet: address %s port %d with payload 0x%x" % (self.mt_config['address'], self.mt_config['port'], self.mt_config['payload'])) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32) data="" v = self.mt_config['payload'] for i in range(4): data = chr(v & 0xFF) + data v = v >> 8 sock.sendto(data, (self.mt_config['address'], self.mt_config['port'])) ret = CAMAPI_STATUS_OKAY except Exception, e: logging.error("Multi-camera trigger error due to exception - %s" % str(e)) ret = CAMAPI_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER return json.dumps(ret) def get_multicast_configuration(self): """ Returns a JSON encoded dictionary of the camera's /etc/multicast-trigger.conf file. """ logging.debug("Returning multicast trigger configuration: %s" % repr(self.mt_config)) return json.dumps(self.mt_config) This works well and when I go to the ip address of the camera /trigger2 it will send a packet to trigger the other camera on the same network. Now I also have a different piece of equipment which will also trigger the camera via a python script called app_ext_b1 and when run from the device will trigger the camera and save to the device. import sys, os, logging, json, time, threading, flask, glob, datetime, subprocess, math from urllib import unquote from camconstants import * import tarfile import sys, os, time, json, datetime, math class CameraException(Exception): def __init__(self, code, message): self.Code = code self.Message = message super(CameraException, self).__init__(message) def AsObject(self): return { "Code" : self.Code, "Message" : self.Message } class ExecutionContext: def __init__(self, id, path): self.Id = id self.Error = None self.path = path if not self.path.endswith("/"): self.path = "/" + self.path self.Key = None self.Logs = [] self.Results = {} self._from = time.time() self.add_log("Id: " + self.Id) def get_path(self, fname): return self.path + fname def execute(self, key, method): self.Key = key self.add_log("Executing " + key) try: method(self) except CameraException as camException: self.add_log("Failed task " + key) self._add_error(key, camException) return False except Exception as error: self.add_log("Failed task " + key) self._add_error(key, CameraException(-1, str(error))) return False self.add_log("Finished " + key) return True def _add_error(self, key, error): self.Error = error self.add_log("Error: " + str(error) ) def add_local(self, key, result): if not self.Key in self.Results: self.Results[self.Key] = {} local_result = self.Results[self.Key] local_result[key] = result def add_log(self, message): delta = str(int(1000*(time.time() - self._from))).rjust(6) fullmsg = str(delta) + ": " + str(self.Key) + " " + message self.Logs.append(fullmsg) def add_state(self, save_state, camStatus): state = { "save_state": save_state, "time": int(time.time() * 1000), "camerastatus": camStatus, } stateStr = json.dumps(state) self.add_log("Setting state to: " + stateStr) progress_file = open(self.get_path(self.Id + ".state"), "w") progress_file.write(stateStr) progress_file.close() def get_state(self): try: stateJson = open(self.get_path(self.Id + ".state"), "r").read() self.add_log("State: " + stateJson) state = json.loads(stateJson) return state except: return None def save_logs(self): try: self.Logs.append("Results:\n" + json.dumps(self.Results)) progress_file = open(self.get_path(self.Id + ".log"), "w") progress_file.write("\n".join(self.Logs)) progress_file.close() except: pass class TriggerInfo: def __init__(self, triggerTime, releaseTime, fps): self.TriggerTime = triggerTime if releaseTime <=0: releaseTime = triggerTime + releaseTime self.ReleaseTime = releaseTime self.Fps = fps def getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(self, deltaReleaseMs): return self.convertMsToFrames(((self.ReleaseTime + float(deltaReleaseMs) / 1000.0) - self.TriggerTime)* 1000) def convertMsToFrames(self, ms): return int(self.Fps * float(ms)/ 1000.0) class FrameSaver: def __init__(self, cam, ec, params): self.Cam = cam self.Tar = None self.Ec = ec self.LastImageModified = None = params["id"] frameTo = params["frameTo"] curFrame = params["frameFrom"] self.Frames = [curFrame] interval = params["frameInterval"] curFrame += interval while curFrame < frameTo: self.Frames.append(curFrame) curFrame += interval self.Frames.append(frameTo) if not frameTo in self.Frames: self.Frames.append(frameTo) def save_frames(self): for frameNumber in self.Frames: self._remove_image() self.Ec.add_log("reviewing frame") self.Cam.review_frame(1, frameNumber) self._save_image(frameNumber) self.Tar.close() def _remove_image(self): os.system("rm /home/root/ss-web/static/images/image.jpg") def _save_image(self, frameNumber): self.Ec.add_log("save image to tar") # path = "/home/root/ss-web/static/images/image.jpg" tar = self.create_archive_if_not_exists() start_time = time.time() while not os.path.exists(path): time.sleep(0.050) if (time.time() - start_time) > 1: raise CameraException(-1, "Fullball flight: failed to save image for framenumber " + str(frameNumber)) tar.add(path, str(frameNumber) + ".jpg") def create_archive_if_not_exists(self): if self.Tar == None: self.Tar ="/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/" + + ".Frames.tar", "w") return self.Tar class CameraCaptureFlow: def __init__(self, id, camera, options): self.Camera = camera self.Options = options self._state_key = "Unknown" self.Id = id self.Fps = 1 self.TriggerInfo = None self.ReleaseFrame = None self.SaveFps = None self.StartFrame = None self.EndFrame = None self.PretriggerFillLevel = 100 self.ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext(id, "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/") self.ExecutionContext.add_log("Options:\n" + json.dumps(options)) def run(self): # A trigger flow has already been initiated this id - return - note, it can be None if we are generating the file on top of the old one if self.ExecutionContext.get_state() != None: return self._add_state("Started") if not self._execute("Info", return if not self._execute("trigger", self.trigger): self._execute("reinit", self.reinit) return if not self._execute("saveselected", self.save_selected): self._execute("reinit", self.reinit) return if not self._execute("remaining ball flight", self.save_remaning_ballflight): self._execute("reinit", self.reinit) return if not self._execute("reinit", self.reinit): return self._add_state("Completed") return def info(self, context): self.CurrentConfig = self.Camera.get_current_settings() self.PretriggerFillLevel = self.Camera.get_pretrigger_fill_level() self.CamInfo = self.Camera.get_storage_info() if not "available_space" in self.CamInfo: raise CameraException(3, "StorageUnavaible") if self.CamInfo["available_space"] < 50000000: raise CameraException(4, "StorageInsufficient") self.Fps = self.CurrentConfig["frame_rate"] def TriggerCamera(self, context): if hasattr(self.Camera, "trigger_hw"): context.add_log("using hardware trigger") return self.Camera.trigger_hw(None) return self.Camera.trigger(None) def wait_for_buffer_ready(self, context, releaseOffset, postCaptureMs): delta_ms_release = int(1000*(time.time() - releaseOffset)) waitTime = postCaptureMs - delta_ms_release context.add_log("Time since release : " + str(delta_ms_release) + "ms" ) context.add_log("Post capture time : " + str(postCaptureMs) + "ms" ) if waitTime > 0: context.add_log("Time since release is less than required for post capture duration") context.add_log("waiting " +str(waitTime + 100) + "ms to fill up buffers") time.sleep((waitTime)/1000.0 + 0.1) def trigger(self, context): releaseOffset = self.Options["releaseOffsetTime"] self.wait_for_buffer_ready(context, releaseOffset, self.Options["postCaptureMs"]) context.add_log("Triggering camera") before = time.time() triggerResult = self.TriggerCamera(context) after = time.time() triggerTime = (before + after) / 2 self.TriggerInfo = TriggerInfo(triggerTime, releaseOffset, self.Fps) context.add_local("triggerTime", triggerTime) context.add_local("relaseTime", self.TriggerInfo.ReleaseTime) if (triggerResult != CAMAPI_STATUS_OKAY): self._stop_if_saving() raise CameraException(6, "TriggerFail") context.add_log("Waiting for camera to trigger") self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status == CAMAPI_STATE_TRIGGERED, 1) context.add_log("Waiting for camera to finish triggering") self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status != CAMAPI_STATE_TRIGGERED, 2) context.add_log("Triggering finished") def _stop_if_saving(self): camStatus = self.Camera.get_camstatus()["state"] if camStatus == CAMAPI_STATE_SELECTIVE_SAVING: self.Camera.save_stop(discard_unsaved=True) self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status == CAMAPI_STATE_REVIEWING or status == CAMAPI_STATE_RUNNING, 5) raise CameraException(5, "TriggerFailCameraIsSaving") def save_selected(self, context): preCapMs = self.Options["preCaptureMs"] postCapMs = self.Options["postCaptureMs"] self.ReleaseFrame = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(0) self.StartFrame = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(-preCapMs) self.EndFrame = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(postCapMs) context.add_log("ReleaseFrame: " + str(self.ReleaseFrame)) context.add_local("release_frame", self.ReleaseFrame) context.add_local("start_frame", self.StartFrame) context.add_local("end_frame", self.EndFrame) self._validateSaveParams(context, self.StartFrame, self.EndFrame) save_params = {} save_params['buffer_number'] = 1 save_params['start_frame'] = self.StartFrame save_params['end_frame'] = self.EndFrame save_params['filename'] = str(self.Options["id"]) context.add_log("selective_save_params\n" + json.dumps(save_params)) before = time.time() if self.Camera.selective_save(save_params) != CAMAPI_STATUS_OKAY: raise CameraException(9, "SelectiveSaveFailed") context.add_log("Waiting for camera to start saving") self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status == CAMAPI_STATE_SELECTIVE_SAVING, 1) context.add_log("Waiting for camera to finish saving") self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status != CAMAPI_STATE_SELECTIVE_SAVING, 300) context.add_log("Camera finished saving") after = time.time() self.SaveFps = math.ceil((self.EndFrame - self.StartFrame) / (after - before)) context.add_local("save_fps", self.SaveFps) context.add_log("save fps: " + str(self.SaveFps)) def save_remaning_ballflight(self, context): context.add_log("Checking options") frameIntervalMs = self.Options["singleFrameCaptureIntervalMs"] frameCaptureEndMs = self.Options["singleFrameCaptureEndMs"] # we wish to combine the existing video with the next frames if frameIntervalMs == None: return frameCaptureStartMs = self.Options["postCaptureMs"] + frameIntervalMs frameInterval = self.TriggerInfo.convertMsToFrames(frameIntervalMs) frameFrom = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(frameCaptureStartMs) frameEnd = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(frameCaptureEndMs) frameSaverParams = { "id" : self.Id, "frameFrom" : frameFrom, "frameTo" : frameEnd, "frameInterval" : frameInterval } frameSaver = FrameSaver(self.Camera, self.ExecutionContext, frameSaverParams) frameSaver.save_frames() def _validateSaveParams(self, context, startFrame, endFrame): duration = self.CurrentConfig["duration"] pretrigger = self.CurrentConfig["pretrigger"] context.add_log("Pretrigger Level " + str(self.PretriggerFillLevel)) preTriggerBufferSeconds = duration * pretrigger / 100.0 * (float(self.PretriggerFillLevel) *1.0001 / 100.0) context.add_log("preTriggerBufferSeconds " + str(preTriggerBufferSeconds)) postTriggerBuffserSeconds = duration * (1 - pretrigger / 100) minFrame = -preTriggerBufferSeconds * self.Fps + 10 maxFrame = postTriggerBuffserSeconds * self.Fps - 10 if startFrame < minFrame: msg = "Startframe: " + str(startFrame) + " is less than minimum frame" + str(minFrame) context.add_log(msg) raise CameraException(7, "OutOfBufferStartFrame") if endFrame > maxFrame: msg = "Endframe: " + str(endFrame) + " is larger than maximum frame" + str(maxFrame) context.add_log(msg) raise CameraException(8, "OutOfBufferEndFrame") def reinit(self, context): def wait_for_status(self, predicate, timeout): before = time.time() lastStateUpdate = time.time() lastState = None while True: status = self.Camera.get_camstatus()["state"] deltaTime = time.time() - lastStateUpdate if status != lastState or deltaTime > 1: lastState = status self._update_state(status) lastStateUpdate = time.time() if predicate(status): return True if time.time() - before > timeout: return False time.sleep(.333) return False def _update_state(self, camStatus): self.ExecutionContext.add_state(self._state_key, camStatus) def _add_state(self, save_state_key): self._state_key = save_state_key try: camStatus = self.Camera.get_camstatus()["state"] except: camStatus = CAMAPI_STATE_UNCONFIGURED self._update_state(camStatus) def _execute(self, key, method): success = self.ExecutionContext.execute(key, method) if not success: self._add_state("Failed") return success def save_logs(self): self.ExecutionContext.save_logs() class AppExt(object): pkg_name = "B1 application extension" pkg_version = "v1.8.1" app = None cam = None ci = None def __init__(self, _app, _cam, _ci, register_url_callback): = _app = _cam = _ci urls = [ ( '/get_extension_b1_version', self.get_version, "returns version of B1 extension" ), ( '/get_time_offset', self.get_time_offset, "Gets the camera time offset" ), ( '/trigger_and_save', self.trigger_and_save, "Triggers the camera, and save the selected capture part" ), ( '/get_trigger_and_save_progress', self.get_trigger_and_save_progress, "Returns the progress of the trigger and save process" ), ( '/ensure_camera_ready', self.ensure_camera_ready, "Will check that the camera can save and has enough available space" ) ] register_url_callback(self.pkg_name, self.pkg_version, urls) def get_version(self): return json.dumps( { "extensionVersion": AppExt.pkg_version }) def get_time_offset(self): timeOffset = time.time() return json.dumps( { "timeOffset": timeOffset }) def trigger_and_save(self): request = {} try: request["id"] = str(self.get_arg('id')) request["releaseOffsetTime"] = float(self.get_arg('releaseOffsetTime')) request["preCaptureMs"] = self.get_int('preCaptureMs') request["postCaptureMs"] = self.get_int('postCaptureMs') request["singleFrameCaptureIntervalMs"] = self.get_int('singleFrameCaptureIntervalMs', True) request["singleFrameCaptureEndMs"] = self.get_int('singleFrameCaptureEndMs', True) captureFlow = CameraCaptureFlow(request["id"],, request) timeStart = time.time() totalTime = int((time.time() - timeStart) * 1000) ec = captureFlow.ExecutionContext state = ec.get_state() result = { "id" : ec.Id, "results" : ec.Results, "logs" : ec.Logs, "state" : state, "fps" : captureFlow.Fps, "release_frame" : captureFlow.ReleaseFrame, "start_frame" : captureFlow.StartFrame, "end_frame" : captureFlow.EndFrame, "save_fps": captureFlow.SaveFps, "trigger_offset" : captureFlow.TriggerInfo.TriggerTime, "total_time" : totalTime } if ec.Error != None: result["capture_error"] = ec.Error.AsObject() captureFlow.save_logs() return json.dumps(result) except Exception as E: request["error"] = str(E) captureFlow.save_logs() return json.dumps(request) def get_arg(self, arg, isOptional = False): req = flask.request.args try: val = req.get(arg) return str(unquote(val)) except: if isOptional: return None raise Exception("Could not find " + arg + " in the request") def get_int(self, arg, isOptional = False): try: val = self.get_arg(arg) return int(val) except Exception as E: if isOptional: return None raise E def get_trigger_and_save_progress(self): request = {} try: trigger_id = str(self.get_arg('id')) exec_context = ExecutionContext(trigger_id, "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/") result = {} result["id"] = trigger_id state = None timeBefore = time.time() while state == None and time.time() - timeBefore < 1: state = exec_context.get_state() if state == None: time.sleep(0.017) result["state"] = state return json.dumps(result) except Exception as E: request["error"] = str(E) return json.dumps(request) def ensure_camera_ready(self): try: camInfo = if "available_space" not in camInfo: raise CameraException(3, "StorageUnavailable") if camInfo["available_space"] < 50000000: raise CameraException(4, "StorageInsufficient") self._validate_storage_writable() except CameraException as camEx: return json.dumps({ "Success": False, "Code": camEx.Code, "Message": camEx.Message }) except Exception as ex: return json.dumps({ "Success": False, "Code": -1, "Message": str(ex) }) return json.dumps({ "Success": True, "Code": 0, "Message": None}) def _validate_storage_writable(self): try: timestamp = str(time.time()) fname = "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/timestamp.txt" storageFile = open(fname, "w") storageFile.write(timestamp) storageFile.close() storageContent = open(fname, "r").readlines()[0] if (storageContent != timestamp): raise "could not write file" except: raise CameraException(2, "StorageReadonly") The device is a radar unit and only allows for one camera to be synced at a given time. It reads the object it's tracking, tells the camera when to trigger and will save the file to ipad I am running the radar on. I would like to have a second camera trigger which would save the video on the second cameras interal memory. Doing this I can upload and merge with the other video file later. This would save me from manually having to trigger the second camera each time and trim the video lengths to match up. This would also allow me to connect the cameras wirelessly using travel routers. I was wondering how I could add the app_ext_multicast_trigger and multicast-trigger.conf to the app_ext_b1 python script so when the radar unit runs the app_ext_b1 python script on the camera it will also send out a multicast network packet to trigger camera two?
VTK textactor not showing
I'm using VTK to show textactor with info 'ID' added to the actors. When my mouse is over an actor, the MouseEvent will call an 'add_text' function. The function was called and printed the correct 'ID' but there's no textactor adding to the window, is there any problem with my program? class MouseInteractorHighLightActor(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera): def __init__(self, parent=None): self.AddObserver("MouseMoveEvent", self.MouseMove) self.LastPickedActor = None self.LastPickedProperty = vtk.vtkProperty() = vtkTextActor() self.old = vtkTextActor() self.on_actor = False def add_text(self,renderer,ID): txtprop = txtprop.SetFontSize(36),0) # renderer.RemoveActor(self.old) self.old = if self.on_actor: renderer.AddActor( print("add_text called , ID : ",ID) else: pass # renderer.RemoveActor(self.old) # renderer.RemoveActor( def MouseMove(self,obj,event): Mousepos = self.GetInteractor().GetEventPosition() picker = vtk.vtkPropPicker() picker.Pick(Mousepos[0], Mousepos[1], 0, self.GetDefaultRenderer()) self.NewPickedActor = picker.GetActor() if self.NewPickedActor: if not self.on_actor: self.on_actor = True print("on actor") info = self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty().GetInformation() info = str(info) pattern_1 = re.compile(r"ID.*\d+") pattern_2 = re.compile(r"\d+") string = pattern_1.findall(info)[0] ID = pattern_2.findall(string)[0] # print("ID : ",ID) self.add_text(self.GetDefaultRenderer() , ID) if self.LastPickedActor: self.LastPickedActor.GetProperty().DeepCopy(self.LastPickedProperty) self.LastPickedProperty.DeepCopy(self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty()) self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty().SetDiffuse(1.0) self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty().SetSpecular(0.0) self.LastPickedActor = self.NewPickedActor else: pass else: print("not on actor") self.on_actor = False Update , the problem is solved, source code : class MouseInteractorHighLightActor(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera): def __init__(self, parent=None): self.AddObserver("LeftButtonPressEvent", self.leftButtonPressEvent) self.AddObserver("LeftButtonReleaseEvent", self.leftButtonReleaseEvent) self.AddObserver("MouseMoveEvent", self.MouseMove) self.LastPickedActor = None self.LastPickedProperty = vtk.vtkProperty() = vtkTextActor() self.old = vtkTextActor() self.on_actor = False self.picker = vtk.vtkPropPicker() def add_text(self,renderer,ID): txtprop = txtprop.SetFontSize(72),0) self.old = if self.on_actor: renderer.AddActor( # print("ID : ",ID) def MouseMove(self,obj,event): Mousepos = self.GetInteractor().GetEventPosition() picker = vtk.vtkPropPicker() picker.Pick(Mousepos[0], Mousepos[1], 0, self.GetDefaultRenderer()) self.NewPickedActor = picker.GetActor() if self.NewPickedActor: self.on_actor = True # print("on actor") info = self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty().GetInformation() info = str(info) pattern_1 = re.compile(r"ID.*\d+") pattern_2 = re.compile(r"\d+") string = pattern_1.findall(info)[0] ID = pattern_2.findall(string)[0] # print("ID : ",ID) self.add_text(self.GetDefaultRenderer() , ID) if self.LastPickedActor: self.LastPickedActor.GetProperty().DeepCopy(self.LastPickedProperty) self.LastPickedProperty.DeepCopy(self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty()) self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty().SetDiffuse(1.0) self.NewPickedActor.GetProperty().SetSpecular(0.0) self.LastPickedActor = self.NewPickedActor self.OnLeftButtonDown() self.OnLeftButtonUp() else: if self.LastPickedActor: self.LastPickedActor.GetProperty().DeepCopy(self.LastPickedProperty) self.on_actor = False self.GetDefaultRenderer().RemoveActor( self.GetDefaultRenderer().RemoveActor(self.old) self.OnLeftButtonDown() self.OnLeftButtonUp() def leftButtonPressEvent(self, obj, event): self.RemoveObservers("MouseMoveEvent") self.OnLeftButtonDown() def leftButtonReleaseEvent(self, obj, event): self.AddObserver("MouseMoveEvent",self.MouseMove) self.OnLeftButtonUp()
About python control motor program error?
I use python to write the program to control the motor, and the error is shown as follows after running:"message": "No value for argument 'speed_a' in function call pylint(no-value-for-parameter)[93,21]' Below is the code I am using: import serial import time #import threading import struct from binascii import unhexlify from crcmod import mkCrcFun import binascii import crcmod def check_code(byte0, byte1, speed_vel, speed_ang): '计算校验码时需要输入的字节' read = byte0+byte1+speed_vel+speed_ang #解析校验码要输入的前几位 read=(str(binascii.b2a_hex(read))[2:-1]) print (read) return (read) def crc16_modbus(read): '输出的控制电机指令字节码' crc16 =crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x18005,rev=True,initCrc=0xFFFF,xorOut=0x0000) data = read.replace(" ","") #print (data) readcrcout=hex(crc16(unhexlify(data))).upper() str_list = list(readcrcout) if len(str_list) < 6: str_list.insert(2, '0'*(6-len(str_list))) # 位数不足补0 crc_data = "".join(str_list) #print(crc_data) read = read.strip()+crc_data[4:]+crc_data[2:4] read = read.encode('UTF-8') return read def motor_speed_vel(speed_v,speed_a): '计算小车线速度speed_v' DEC1 = speed_v DEC2 = speed_a byte2 =(struct.pack("i",DEC1)[-4:-3])#线速度 byte3 =(struct.pack("i",DEC1)[-3:-2])#线速度 speed_vel = byte2 + byte3 byte4 = (struct.pack("i",DEC2)[-4:-3]) #角速度两个字节 byte5 = (struct.pack("i",DEC2)[-3:-2]) speed_ang = byte4+byte5 print (speed_vel,speed_ang) return (speed_vel,speed_ang) motor_speed_vel(200,20) ''' def motor_speed_ang(speed_a): '角速度的speed_a的byte码' DEC2 = speed_a byte4 = (struct.pack("i",DEC2)[-4:-3]) #角速度两个字节 byte5 = (struct.pack("i",DEC2)[-3:-2]) speed_ang = byte4+byte5 print (speed_ang) return (speed_ang) motor_speed_ang(20) #motor_speed_cal(200,20) #设定的 (线速度,角速度) ''' motor_speed_mode = b'\x01\x2F\x60\x60\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x0D' #motor_status = b'\x43\x50\x00\x51\x00\x68\x95' motor_start = b'\x01\x44\x21\x00\x31\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x75\x34' motor_stop = b'\x01\x44\x21\x00\x31\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xE5\x34' # AB轴失能 class SpeedMotor: def __init__(self, device,speed_v,speed_a): # 真实速度 self.rel_speed = 0 # 设置的速度 self.set_speed1 = speed_v # 设置角速度 self.set_speed2 = speed_a # 运行状态 = False # 故障状态 self.fault = None # 电机电压 self.voltage = 0 # 电机电流 self.current = 0 # 设置串口通讯 self.serial = serial.Serial(device, 115200) self.serial.timeout = 0 # 设置为速度模式 self.serial.write(motor_speed_mode) time.sleep(0.1) # 设置加减速度 # self.serial.write(b'\x0A\x14\x14\x32') # time.sleep(0.1) def motor_speed_set(self): '速度设置' byte0 = b'\x01' byte1 = b'\xEA' speed_vel = motor_speed_vel(self.set_speed1) speed_ang = motor_speed_vel(self.set_speed2) read = check_code(byte0, byte1, speed_vel, speed_ang) speed_code = read self.serial.write(speed_code) def motor_start(self): self.serial.write(motor_start) = True def motor_stop(self): = False self.serial.write(motor_stop) m = SpeedMotor('COM5',200,20) m.motor_start() #for i in range(100): # m.set_speed = i time.sleep(15) m.motor_stop()` I don't know if it is because of the problem with my parameter call, or because of the structure of the code, and I am very uncertain about the correctness of the code structure, because I am a beginner.
How to sector align data in a buffer (win32file.FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING)
Consider this program: import win32file src_file = win32file.CreateFile( r'C:\test.rar', win32file.GENERIC_READ, win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ, None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, win32file.FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, None ) dst_file = win32file.CreateFile( r'D:\test.rar', win32file.GENERIC_WRITE, win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, None, win32file.CREATE_ALWAYS, win32file.FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, None ) while True: rc, data = win32file.ReadFile(src_file, 4096) if not data: break else: win32file.WriteFile(dst_file, data) src_file.close() dst_file.close() When writing the latest data file fails: pywintypes.error: (87, 'WriteFile', 'The parameter is incorrect.') This is the behavior expected with the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag, but I do not know how to solve it in python.
You can use ctypes. Note that FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING requires writing in sector-size multiples, so unless you want the destination file to be larger than the source file, you probably want to use a different setting for writing. I used FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH: import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes import sys src_filename = sys.argv[0] dst_filename = sys.argv[0] + ".test.backup" CloseHandle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle CreateFile = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateFileA ReadFile = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadFile WriteFile = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WriteFile FILE_SHARE_READ = 1 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 2 FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING = 0x20000000 CREATE_ALWAYS = 2 OPEN_EXISTING = 3 OPEN_ALWAYS = 4 GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000 GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE(-1).value INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES = 0xFFFFFFFF FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH = 0x80000000 hSrc = CreateFile( src_filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, None, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, None ) hDest = CreateFile( dst_filename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, None, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, None ) def ctypes_alloc_aligned(size, alignment): """ """ bufSize = size+(alignment-1) raw_memory = bytearray(bufSize) ctypes_raw_type = (ctypes.c_char * bufSize) ctypes_raw_memory = ctypes_raw_type.from_buffer(raw_memory) raw_address = ctypes.addressof(ctypes_raw_memory) offset = raw_address % alignment offset_to_aligned = (alignment - offset) % alignment ctypes_aligned_type = (ctypes.c_char * (bufSize-offset_to_aligned)) ctypes_aligned_memory = ctypes_aligned_type.from_buffer(raw_memory, offset_to_aligned) return ctypes_aligned_memory sectorSize = 4096 bufSize = 256*sectorSize # 1MB lpBuffer = ctypes_alloc_aligned(bufSize, sectorSize) numBytes = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD() while True: bSuccess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadFile( hSrc, lpBuffer, bufSize, ctypes.byref(numBytes), None) if not bSuccess: print "ReadFile FAILED:", hSrc, numBytes raise ctypes.WinError() if numBytes.value == 0: break bSuccess = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WriteFile( hDest, lpBuffer, numBytes, ctypes.byref(numBytes), None) if not bSuccess: print "WriteFile FAILED:", hDest, numBytes raise ctypes.WinError() CloseHandle(hSrc) CloseHandle(hDest)
"WindowsError: access violation 000001" on DispatchMessageW in EventLoop
I research Python internals and write GUI Generic windows use Windows API. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import threading import logging import uuid import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes import const INT = ctypes.wintypes.c_int LPVOID = ctypes.wintypes.c_void_p HCURSOR = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE LRESULT = ctypes.wintypes.LPARAM COLORREF = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD PVOID = ctypes.wintypes.c_void_p WCHAR = ctypes.wintypes.c_wchar BCHAR = ctypes.wintypes.c_wchar LPRECT = ctypes.wintypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.RECT) LPPOINT = ctypes.wintypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.POINT) LPMSG = ctypes.wintypes.POINTER(ctypes.wintypes.MSG) UINT_PTR = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE LONG_PTR = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE #WNDPROC = ctypes.wintypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_long, ctypes.wintypes.HWND, ctypes.wintypes.UINT, ctypes.wintypes.WPARAM, ctypes.wintypes.LPARAM) WNDPROC = ctypes.wintypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int) SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1 SW_SHOW = 5 CS_HREDRAW = 2 CS_VREDRAW = 1 CW_USEDEFAULT = 0x80000000 WM_DESTROY = 2 class WNDCLASSEX(ctypes.wintypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("cbSize", ctypes.wintypes.UINT), ("style", ctypes.wintypes.UINT), ("lpfnWndProc", WNDPROC), ("cbClsExtra", ctypes.wintypes.INT), ("cbWndExtra", ctypes.wintypes.INT), ("hInstance", ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE), ("hIcon", ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE), ("hCursor", ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE), ("hBrush", ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE), ("lpszMenuName", ctypes.wintypes.LPCWSTR), ("lpszClassName", ctypes.wintypes.LPCWSTR), ("hIconSm", ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE)] class Window(object): def __init__(self, app, wclassName=None, wname=u"Custom Title"): self.__app = app # self.__log = logging.getLogger("win_ui.window") # self.__hInst = app.getInstance() self.__hWnd = None # if wclassName is None: wclassName = u"NewWindowClass-{uid}".format(uid=uuid.uuid4().hex) # self.__wclassName = wclassName self.__wname = wname # #self.__event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher(app=app) #self.__event_dispatcher.start() # self.__has_exit = threading.Condition() # self._create() def wnd_proc(self, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam): self.__log.debug("WndProc: hWnd={hWnd!r}, Msg={Msg!r}, wParam={wParam!r}, lParam={lParam!r}".format(hWnd=hWnd, Msg=Msg, wParam=wParam, lParam=lParam)) #self.__event_dispatcher.push((hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam)) # result = None # self.__has_exit.acquire() self.__has_exit.wait(0.1) # if Msg == WM_DESTROY: self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").PostQuitMessage(0) result = 0 # if result is None: result = self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").DefWindowProcW(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam) # self.__has_exit.release() # return result def _create(self): WndProc = WNDPROC(self.wnd_proc) hBrush = self.__app.loadLibrary("gdi32").GetStockObject(const.LTGRAY_BRUSH) print hBrush wndClass = WNDCLASSEX() wndClass.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(WNDCLASSEX) = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW wndClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0 wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0 wndClass.hInstance = self.__hInst wndClass.hIcon = 0 #self.__app.loadIcon() wndClass.hCursor = 0 #self.__app.loadCursor() wndClass.hBrush = hBrush wndClass.lpszMenuName = None wndClass.lpszClassName = ctypes.c_wchar_p(self.__wclassName) wndClass.hIconSm = 0 #self.__app.loadCursor() self.__log.debug("wndClass.cbSize = {cbSize!r}".format(cbSize=wndClass.cbSize)) self.__log.debug("wndClass.lpfnWndProc = {lpfnWndProc!r}".format(lpfnWndProc=wndClass.lpfnWndProc)) self.__log.debug("wndClass.hInstance = {hInst!r}".format(hInst=wndClass.hInstance)) self.__log.debug("wndClass.lpszClassName = {lpszClassName!r}".format(lpszClassName=wndClass.lpszClassName)) result = self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").RegisterClassExW(ctypes.byref(wndClass)) self.__log.debug("0x0{result:x} = RegisterClassExW(...)".format(result=result)) # self.__x = CW_USEDEFAULT self.__y = CW_USEDEFAULT self.__width = 300 self.__height = 300 # exStyle = 0 #exStyle = const.WS_EX_APPWINDOW style = const.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW #style = const.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | const.WS_CAPTION | const.WS_VISIBLE wclassName = ctypes.c_wchar_p(self.__wclassName) wname = ctypes.c_wchar_p(self.__wname) print wname # self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").CreateWindowExW.restype = ctypes.wintypes.HWND self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").CreateWindowExW.argtypes = [ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.c_wchar_p, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.wintypes.HWND, ctypes.wintypes.HMENU, ctypes.wintypes.HINSTANCE, ctypes.wintypes.LPVOID] # self.__hWnd = self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").CreateWindowExW(exStyle, wclassName, wname, style, self.__x, self.__y, self.__width, self.__height, 0, None, self.__hInst, 0) self.__log.debug("0x0{hWnd!r} = CreateWindowExW(...)".format(hWnd=self.__hWnd)) if not self.__hWnd: print self.__app.getLastError() raise WindowsError("Failed to create window") self.__log.debug("ShowWindow(hWnd=0x{hWnd:x})".format(hWnd=self.__hWnd)) result = self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").ShowWindow(self.__hWnd, SW_SHOW) self.__log.debug('0x0{result:x} = ShowWindow(...)'.format(result=result)) self.__log.debug('UpdateWindow(hWnd=0x{hWnd:x})'.format(hWnd=self.__hWnd)) result = self.__app.loadLibrary("user32").UpdateWindow(self.__hWnd) self.__log.debug('0x0{result:x} = UpdateWindow(...)'.format(result=result)) GUI generic window create but cause exception "WidnowsError: access violation 000001" on DispatchMessageW in EventLoop. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging import uuid import ctypes import ctypes.wintypes import const class Application(object): def __init__(self): self.__log = logging.getLogger("win_ui.application") self.__libs = {} # self._event_thread = self.loadLibrary("kernel32").GetCurrentThreadId() def loadLibrary(self, name): if name in self.__libs: result = self.__libs[name] else: module = getattr(ctypes.windll, name) result = self.__libs[name] = module return result def getInstance(self, hModule=None): self.__log.debug('GetModuleHandleW(hModule={hModule!r})'.format(hModule=hModule)) result = self.loadLibrary("kernel32").GetModuleHandleW(None) self.__log.debug('0x0{result:x} = GetModuleHandleW(...)'.format(result=result)) return result def loadIcon(self, iconName=None): if iconName is None: iconName = const.IDI_APPLICATION hInst = self.getInstance() result = self.loadLibrary("user32").LoadIconW(hInst, iconName) return result def loadCursor(self, v=None): if v is None: v = const.IDI_APPLICATION hInst = self.getInstance() result = self.loadLibrary("user32").LoadCursorW(hInst, v) return result def getLastError(self): self.__log.debug('GetLastError()') result = self.loadLibrary("kernel32").GetLastError() #print result #rs = self.loadLibrary("kernel32").FormatMessageW(result) #print rs self.__log.debug('0x0{result:x} = GetLastError()'.format(result=result)) return result def check(self): if self._event_thread != self.loadLibrary("kernel32").GetCurrentThreadId(): raise RuntimeError("Thread?") def run(self): self.check() msg = ctypes.wintypes.MSG() lpmsg = ctypes.pointer(msg) self.__log.debug('Entering message loop') # user32 = self.loadLibrary("user32") while user32.GetMessageW(lpmsg, 0, 0, 0) != 0: #while self.loadLibrary("user32").PeekMessageW(ctypes.byref(msg), 0, 0, 0, const.PM_REMOVE): user32.TranslateMessage(lpmsg) print lpmsg user32.DispatchMessageW(lpmsg) # self.__log.debug('done.') When I refactoring and calls RegisterWindowEx and CreateWindowEx on separate Python method CreateWindowEx start return 0x0 and GetLastError retrun 0x0. What problem there?