I have signal output values recorded by a Software-defined radio whose center frequency was 162.550 MHz & sample rate of 1,000,000. Now to analyse the data in frequency domain I calculated FFT which was straight forward.
#Calculating FFT of signal
Since for Amplitude vs Frequency plot I need to calculate frequencies present in the signal too. I used Numpy fftfreq for that.
The output was in the range of [-0.5 0.4999995]. I am confused how to interpret this result or alternatively how to calculate frequencies present in the data ?
When SDR samples are baseband IQ (or complex, or cosine/sine), then the bandwidth is equal to the IQ sample rate. This is because baseband IQ samples (unlike single_channel strictly real samples) can contain both positive and negative frequency spectrum, independently, half the bandwidth above and half the bandwidth below an RTL-SDR's (et.al.) tuned RF frequency setting (unless a frequency offset is selected).
Thus, the frequency range of the FFT of IQ data will be from Fcenter - (indicated_bandwidth/2) to almost Fcenter + (indicated_bandwidth/2). Or for your example: 162.050 to (a bit below) 163.050 MHz. (the "bit below" value depends on the FFT size.) The step size, dF, with be the IQ sample rate divided by the FFT length.
(Note that the data rate in scalar samples is twice the IQ sample rate because each IQ sample contains two samples (real and imaginary components, or cosine and sine mixer outputs). Thus, because each IQ sample contains more information, the information bandwidth can be greater. But SDR apps usually indicate the IQ sample rate, not the higher raw data rate.)
I'm trying to do some tests before I proceed analyzing some real dataset via FFT, and I've found the following problem.
First, I create a signal as the sum of two cosines and then use rfft to to the transformation (since it has only real values):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.fft import rfft, rfftfreq
# Number of sample points
N = 800
# Sample spacing
T = 1.0 / 800.0
x = np.linspace(0.0, N*T, N)
y = 0.5*np.cos(10*2*np.pi*x) + 0.5*np.cos(200*2*np.pi*x)
yf = rfft(y)
xf = rfftfreq(N, T)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(15,5))
ax[1].plot(xf, 2.0/N*np.abs(yf))
As it can be seen from the definition of the signal, I have two oscillations with amplitude 0.5 and frequency 10 and 200. Now, I would expect the FFT spectrum to be something like two deltas at those points, but apparently increasing the frequency broadens the peaks:
From the first peak it can be infered that the amplitude is 0.5, but not for the second. I've tryied to obtain the area under the peak using np.trapz and use that as an estimate for the amplitude, but as it is close to a dirac delta it's very sensitive to the interval I choose. My problem is that I need to get the amplitude as exact as possible for my data analysis.
EDIT: As it seems to be something related with the number of points, I decided to increment (now that I can) the sample frequency. This seems to solve the problem, as it can be seen in the figure:
However, it still seems strange that for a certain number of points and sample frequency, the high frequency peaks broaden...
It is not strange , you have leakage of the frequency bins. When you discretize the signal (sampling) needed for the Fourier transfrom , frequency bins are created which are frequency intervals where the the amplitude is calculated. And each bin has wide which is given by the sample_rate / num_points . So , the less the number of bins the more difficult is to assign precise amplitudes to every frequency. Other problems in choosing the best sampling rate exist such as the shannon-nyquist theorem to prevent aliasing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist%E2%80%93Shannon_sampling_theorem . But depending on the problem sometimes there some custom rates used for sampling. E.g. when dealing with audio a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz is widely used , cause is based on the limits of the human hearing. So it depends also on nature of the data you want to perform analysis as you wrote. Anyway , since this question has also theoretical value , you can also check https://dsp.stackexchange.com for some useful info.
I would comment to George's answer, but yet I cannot.
Maybe a starting point for your research are the properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform.
The signal in the time domain is actual the cosines multiplied by a box window which transforms into the frequency domain as the convolution of the deltas with the sinc function. The sinc functions will smear the spectrum.
However, I am not sure we are observing spectral leakage here, since the window fits exactly to the full period of cosines. The discretization of the bins might still play a role here.
I want to apply Fourier transformation using fft function to my time series data to find "patterns" by extracting the dominant frequency components in the observed data, ie. the lowest 5 dominant frequencies to predict the y value (bacteria count) at the end of each time series.
I would like to preserve the smallest 5 coefficients as features, and eliminate the rest.
My code is as below:
df = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/My Drive/df.csv', sep=',')
X = df.iloc[0:2,0:10000]
dft_X = np.fft.fft(X)
# What is the graph about(freq/amplitude)? How much data did it use?
for i in dft_X:
m = i[np.argpartition(i,5)[:5]]
n = i[np.argpartition(i,range(5))[:5]]
Here is the output:
But I am not sure how to interpret this graph. To be precise,
1) Does the graph show the transformed values of the input data? I only used 2 rows of data(each row is a time series), thus data is 2x10000, why are there so many lines in the graph?
2) To obtain frequency value, should I use np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=timestep)?
n : int
Window length.
d : scalar, optional
Sample spacing (inverse of the sampling rate). Defaults to 1.
f : ndarray
Array of length n containing the sample frequencies.
How to determine n(window length) and sample spacing?
3) Why are transformed values all complex numbers?
I'm gonna answer in reverse order of your questions
3) Why are transformed values all complex numbers?
The output of a Fourier Transform is always complex numbers. To get around this fact, you can either apply the absolute value on the output of the transform, or only plot the real part using:
2) To obtain frequency value, should I use np.fft.fftfreq(n, d=timestep)?
No, the "frequency values" will be visible on the output of the FFT.
1) Does the graph show the transformed values of the input data? I only used 2 rows of data(each row is a time series), thus data is 2x10000, why are there so many lines in the graph?
Your graph has so many lines because it's making a line for each column of your data set. Apply the FFT on each row separately (or possibly just transpose your dataframe) and then you'll get more actual frequency domain plots.
Follow up
Would using absolute value or real part of the output as features for a later model have different effect than using the original output?
Absolute values are easier to work with usually.
Using real part
Using absolute value
Here's the Octave code that generated this:
Fs = 4000; % Sampling rate of signal
T = 1/Fs; % Period
L = 4000; % Length of signal
t = (0:L-1)*T; % Time axis
freq = 1000; % Frequency of our sinousoid
sig = sin(freq*2*pi*t); % Fill Time-Domain with 1000 Hz sinusoid
f_sig = fft(sig); % Apply FFT
f = Fs*(0:(L/2))/L; % Frequency axis
plot(f,abs(f_sig/L)(1:end/2+1)); % peak at 1kHz)
plot(f,real(f_sig/L)(1:end/2+1)); % main peak at 1kHz)
In my example, you can see the absolute value returned no noise at frequencies other than the sinusoid of frequency 1kHz I generated while the real part had a bigger peak at 1kHz but also had much more noise.
As for effects, I don't know what you mean by that.
is it expected that "frequency values" always be complex numbers
Always? No. The Fourier series represents the frequency coefficients at which the sum of sines and cosines completely equate any continuous periodic function. Sines and cosines can be written in complex forms through Euler's formula. This is the most convenient way to store Fourier coefficients. In truth, the imaginary part of your frequency-domain signal represents the phase of the signal. (i.e if I have 2 sine functions of the same frequency, they can have different complex forms depending on the time shifting). However, most libraries that provide an FFT function will, by default, store FFT coefficients as complex numbers, to facilitate phase and magnitude calculations.
Is it convention that FFT use each column of dataset when plotting a line
I think it is an issue with mathplotlib.plot, not np.fft.
Could you please show me how to apply FFT on each row separately
There are many ways to go around this and I don't want to force you down one path, so I will propose the general solution to iterate over each row of your dataframe and apply the FFT on each specific row. Otherwise, in your case, I believe transposing your output could also work.
We are trying to build a program to get amplitude and frequency list from an .wav file, trying it in Python.
We tried pyaudio for that I don't know much about pyaudio, so I need some suggestions on it.
import scipy
import numpy as np
file = '123.wav'
from scipy.io import wavfile as wav
fs, data = wav.read(file)
#if length==2:
# data= data.sum(axis=1)/2
n = data.shape[0]
sec = n/float(fs)
ts = 1.00/fs
t = scipy.arange(0,sec,ts)
FFT = abs(scipy.fft(data))
FFT_size = FFT[range(n//2)]
freq = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(data.size, t[1]-t[0])
max_freq = max(freq)
min_freq = min(freq)
plot_freq(freq, n, t, data)
The actual result returning is frequency list. I also want amplitude list don't know how to get it.
typically a call to an fft api will return an array of imaginary numbers where each array element contains a complex number in the form of ( Areal, AImaginary ) where each element of the array represents a frequency (the value of the freq is implied by array index [find the formula to calc freq based on array index])
on the complex array element 0 represents frequency 0 which is your direct current offset, then freq of each subsequent freq is calculated using
incr_freq := sample_rate / number_of_samples
so for that to be meaningful you must have prior knowledge of the sample rate of your source input time series ( audio or whatever ) and number of samples is just the length of the floating point raw audio curve array you fed into your fft call
... as you iterate across this array of complex numbers calculate the amplitude using the Areal and AImaginary of each frequency bin's complex number using formula
curr_mag = 2.0 * math.Sqrt(curr_real*curr_real+curr_imag*curr_imag) / number_of_samples
as you iterate across the complex array returned from your fft call be aware of notion of Nyquist Limit which means you only consume the first half of the number of elements of that complex array (and double the magnitude of each freq - see formula above)
... see the full pseudocode at Get frequency with highest amplitude from FFT
... I ran your code and nothing happened ... what is the meaning of your python
You possibly want pitch, not spectral frequency, which is a different algorithm than just using an FFT to find the highest magnitude. An FFT returns the entire spectral frequency range (every frequency up to Fs/2, not just one frequency), in your case for the entire file. And the highest magnitude is often not for the pitch frequency (possibly for some high overtone instead).
You also took the FFT of the entire file, not a bunch of FFTs for time slices (usually small overlapping windows) at the time increment you desire for your list's temporal resolution. This will produce a time array of all the FFT frequency arrays (thus, a 2D array). Usually called a spectrogram. There may be a built in function for this in some library.
Can I make amplitude from this formula
the frequency of the wave is set by whatever is driving the oscillation in the medium. Examples are a speaker that sets up a sound wave, or the hand that shakes the end of a stretched string.
the speed of the wave is a property of the medium.
the wavelength of the wave is then determined by the frequency and speed:
λ = v/f
I don't know it gonna be the right process or not
So, I am trying to figure out how to use DFT in practice to detect prevalent frequencies in a signal. I have been trying to wrap my head around what Fourier transforms are and how DFT algorithms work, but apparently I still have ways to go. I have written some code to generate a signal (since the intent is to work with music, I generated a major C chord, hence the weird frequency values) and then tried to work back to the frequency numbers. Here is the code I have
sr = 44100 # sample rate
x = np.linspace(0, 1, sr) # one second of signal
tpi = 2 * np.pi
data = np.sin(261.63 * tpi * x) + np.sin(329.63 * tpi * x) + np.sin(392.00 * tpi * x)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(sr)
fft = np.fft.fft(data)
idx = np.argsort(np.abs(fft))
fft = fft[idx]
freqs = freqs[idx]
print(freqs[-6:] * sr)
This gives me [-262. 262. -330. 330. -392. 392.]
which is different from the frequencies I encoded (261.63, 329.63 and 392.0). What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it?
Indeed, if the frame lasts T seconds, the frequencies of the DFT are k/T Hz, where k is an integer. As a consequence, oversampling does not improve the accuracy of the estimated frequency, as long as these frequencies are identifed as maxima of the magnitude of the DFT. On the contrary, considering longer frames lasting 100s would induce a spacing between the DFT frequencies of 0.01Hz, which might be good enough to produce the expected frequency. It is possible to due much better, by estimating the frequency of a peak as its mean frequency wih respect to power density.
Figure 1: even after applying a Tuckey window, the DFT of the windowed signal is not a sum of Dirac: there is still some spectral leakage at the bottom of the peaks. This power must be accounted for as the frequencies are estimated.
Another issue is that the length of the frame is not a multiple of the period of the signal, which may not be periodic anyway. Nevertheless, the DFT is computed as if the signal were periodic but discontinuous at the edge of the frame. It induce spurous frequencies described as spectral leakage. Windowing is the reference method to deal with such problems and mitigate the problem related to the artificial discontinuity. Indeed, the value of a window continuously decrease to zero near the edges of the frame. There is a list of window functions and a lot of window functions are available in scipy.signal. A window is applied as:
At that point, the frequencies exibiting the largest magnitude still are 262, 330 and 392. Applying a window only makes the peaks more visible: the DFT of the windowed signal features three distinguished peaks, each featuring a central lobe and side lobes, depending on the DFT of the window. The lobes of these windows are symmetric: the central frequency can therefore be computed as the mean frequency of the peak, with respect to power density.
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
import scipy
sr = 44100 # sample rate
x = np.linspace(0, 1, sr) # one second of signal
tpi = 2 * np.pi
data = np.sin(261.63 * tpi * x) + np.sin(329.63 * tpi * x) + np.sin(392.00 * tpi * x)
#a window...
data -= np.mean(data)
fft = np.fft.rfft(data, norm="ortho")
def abs2(x):
return x.real**2 + x.imag**2
peaks, _= signal.find_peaks(fftmag, height=np.max(fftmag)*0.1)
print "potential frequencies ", peaks
#compute the mean frequency of the peak with respect to power density
for i in range(1000):
for j in range(len(peaks)):
if dist>np.abs(i-peaks[j]):
print 'corrected frequencies', powerpeaktimefrequency
The resulting estimated frequencies are 261.6359 Hz, 329.637Hz and 392.0088 Hz: it much better than 262, 330 and 392Hz and it satisfies the required 0.01Hz accuracy for such a pure noiseless input signal.
DFT result bins are separated by Fs/N in frequency, where N is the length of the FFT. Thus, the duration of your DFT window limits the resolution in terms of DFT result bin frequency center spacings.
But, for well separated frequency peaks in low noise (high S/N), instead of increasing the duration of the data, you can instead estimate the frequency peak locations to a higher resolution by interpolating the DFT result between the DFT result bins. You can try parabolic interpolation for a coarse frequency peak location estimate, but windowed Sinc interpolation (essentially Shannon-Whittaker reconstruction) would provide far better frequency estimation accuracy and resolution (given a low enough noise floor around the frequency peak(s) of interest, e.g. no nearby sinusoids in your artificial waveform case).
Since you want to get a resolution of 0.01 Hz, you will need to sample at least 100 sec worth of data. You will be able to resolve frequencies up to about 22.05 kHz.
I have a WAV file which I would like to visualize in the frequency domain. Next, I would like to write a simple script that takes in a WAV file and outputs whether the energy at a certain frequency "F" exceeds a threshold "Z" (whether a certain tone has a strong presence in the WAV file). There are a bunch of code snippets online that show how to plot an FFT spectrum in Python, but I don't understand a lot of the steps.
I know that wavfile.read(myfile) returns the sampling rate (fs) and the data array (data), but when I run an FFT on it (y = numpy.fft.fft(data)), what units is y in?
To get the array of frequencies for the x-axis, some posters do this where n = len(data):
X = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), n/2)
and others do this:
X = numpy.fft.fftfreq(n) * fs)[range(n/2)]
Is there a difference between these two methods and is there a good online explanation for what these operations do conceptually?
Some of the online tutorials about FFTs mention windowing, but not a lot of posters use windowing in their code snippets. I see that numpy has a numpy.hamming(N), but what should I use as the input to that method and how do I "apply" the output window to my FFT arrays?
For my threshold computation, is it correct to find the frequency in X that's closest to my desired tone/frequency and check if the corresponding element (same index) in Y has an amplitude greater than the threshold?
FFT data is in units of normalized frequency where the first point is 0 Hz and one past the last point is fs Hz. You can create the frequency axis yourself with linspace(0.0, (1.0 - 1.0/n)*fs, n). You can also use fftfreq but the components will be negative.
These are the same if n is even. You can also use rfftfreq I think. Note that this is only the "positive half" of your frequencies, which is probably what you want for audio (which is real-valued). Note that you can use rfft to just produce the positive half of the spectrum, and then get the frequencies with rfftfreq(n,1.0/fs).
Windowing will decrease sidelobe levels, at the cost of widening the mainlobe of any frequencies that are there. N is the length of your signal and you multiply your signal by the window. However, if you are looking in a long signal you might want to "chop" it up into pieces, window them, and then add the absolute values of their spectra.
"is it correct" is hard to answer. The simple approach is as you said, find the bin closest to your frequency and check its amplitude.