Automatically adding headers to python Requests requests - python

I am trying to create a rest api client for talking to one of our services. Every request needs to include an authorisation header which is compromised of Epoch times, request verb, data, path etc.
I'm trying to use the python requests module as seamlessly as possible, but am unsure the best way to "inject" a header into every request.
There seems to be a concept of "hooks" in requests, but currently there is only a "response" hook.
I was considering extending the Session object and overriding the "send" method, adding the header and then passing it up to the super (Session.send) method.
My Python isn't fantastic when it comes to OOP and Inheritance, but this is what I have tried
class MySession(Session):
def __init__(self, access_id=None, access_key=None):
self.access_id = access_id
self.access_key = access_key
super(MySession, self).__init__()
def send(self, request, **kwargs):
method = request.method
path = urlparse(request.url).path
request.headers['Authorization'] = self.__create_security_header(method, path)
request.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
return Session.send(self, request, **kwargs)

I guess you don't need to override the send method, since you have already overriden the __init__.
class MySession(Session):
def __init__(self, access_id=None, access_key=None):
super(MySession, self).__init__()
self.access_id, self.access_key = access_id, access_key
# provided __create_security_header method is defined
self.headers['Authorization'] = self.__create_security_header(method, path)
self.headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json"
Most likely that should do.


Python decorator class with members

I want to write a class that will have member variables and member functions that will be used as decorators.
class decorator_class:
def __init__(self, baseurl, username,password):
self._baseurl = baseurl
self._username = _username
self._password = _password
def decorator_get(self,arguments):
def inner_function(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
url = self._url + argument
if len(kwargs) > 0:
for k,v in kwargs.items():
r = requests.get(url, auth=(self._username, self._password))
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Failed to GET URL: {}'.format(url))
return function(args[0],json = r.json())
return wrapper
return inner_function
class usedecorator:
def __init__(baseurl, self,user,password):
self.dec = decorator_class(baseurl, self,user,password)
def process_output_resource1(self, json):
The problem is that __init__ is being called after the class is loaded and at that time dec is undefined.
if I define the decorator_class globally it works, but then there is no way to pass the url, user and password to it at runtime.
Any suggestions?
Your decorator_get > innder_function > wrapper has the userdecorator's self.
Weird sentence but eh.
You have some weird namings, IDK why did you use self as a second argument for instance but, I tried to follow your naming.
def decorator_get(arguments):
def inner_function(function):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = self._base_url + arguments
if len(kwargs) > 0:
for k,v in kwargs.items():
r = requests.get(url, auth=(self._username, self._password))
if r.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('Failed to GET URL: {}'.format(url))
return function(self, json = r.json())
return wrapper
return inner_function
class usedecorator:
def __init__(self, baseurl,user,password):
self._base_url = baseurl
self._username = user
self._password= password
def process_output_resource1(self, json):
Indeed -to have a decorator for methods in a class, it must already be defined (i.e. ready to be used) when the method to be decorated is declared: which means it have to be declared either at top-level or inside the class body.
Code inside methods, including __init__, however will only run when an instance is created - and that is the point where the class will get your connection parameters.
If this decorator is being used always in this model, you can turn it into a descriptor: an object which is a class attribute, but which has code (in a method named __get__) that is executed after the instance is created.
This descriptor could then fetch the connection parameters in the instance itself, after it has been created, and prepare way for calling the underlying method.
That will require some reorganization on your code: the object returned by __get__ has to be a callable which will ultimately run your function, but it would not be nice if simply retrieving the method name would trigger the network request - one will expect it to be triggered when the process_output... method is actually called. The __get__ method then should return your inner "wrapper" function, which will have all the needed data for the request from the "instance" attribute Python passes automatically, but for the payload which it gets via kwargs.
class decorator_class:
def __init__(self, path=None):
self.path = None
self.func = None
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
def bound_to_request(**kwargs):
# retrieves the baseurl, user and password from the host instance:
# build query part of the target URL - instead of your convoluted
# code to build the query string (which will break ont he first special character,
# just pass kwargs as the "params" argument)
response = requests.get(instance._base_url, auth=(
instance.user, instance.password), params=kwargs)
# error treatment code
return self.func(response.json())
return bound_to_request
def __call__(self, arg):
# create a new instance of this class on each stage:
# first anotate the API path, on the second call annotate the actual method
new_inst = type(self)()
if not self.path:
if not isinstance(arg, str):
raise TypeError("Expecting an API path for this method")
new_inst.path = arg
if not callable(arg):
raise TypeError("Expecting a target method to be decorated")
new_inst.func = wraps(arg)
return new_inst
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.func.__name__!r} method bound to retrieve data from {self.path!r}"
class use_decorator:
dec = decorator_class()
def __init__(self=, baseurl, user, password):
# the decorator assumes these to be set as instance attributes
self.baseurl = baseurl
self.user = user
self.password = password
# <- the call passing the path returns an instance of
# the decorator with the path set. it is use as an
# decorator is called again, and on this second call, the decorated method is set.
def process_output_resource1(self, json):
# do_something_with_json
In time, re-reading your opening paragraph, I see you intended to have more than one decorator inside your original class, probably others intended for "POST" and other HTTP requests: most important thing, the __get__ name here has nothing to do with HTTP: it is a fixed method name in the Python spec which is called automatically by the language when one will retrieve your method from an instance of use_decorator. That is, when there is code: my_instance.process_output_resource1(...), the __get__ method of the descriptor is called. Whatever it returned is then called.
For enabling the same decorator to use POST and other HTTP methods, I suggest you to have as a first parameter when annotating the path for each method, and then simply call the appropriate requests method by checking self.method inside the bound_to_request function.
I think you're going too far with the decorator approach. Let's break this down into a single question: What is the actual shared state here that you need a class for? To me, it looks like just the baseurl, user, and password. So let's just use those directly without a decorator:
from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
class UseDecorator: # this isn't a good name, but we will keep it temporarily
def __init__(self, baseurl, user, password):
self.baseurl = baseurl
self.session = Session()
# we've now bound the authentication to the session
self.session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(user, password)
# now let's just bind a uri argument to a function to simply
# send a request
def send_request(self, uri, *args, **kwargs):
url = self.baseurl + uri
# you don't need to manually inject parameters, just use
# the params kwarg
r = self.session.get(url, params=kwargs)
# this will check the response code for you and even handle
# a redirect, which your 200 check will fail on
return r.json()
# then just handle each individual path
def path_1(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = self.send_request('/path/1', *args, **kwargs)
# process data
def path_2(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = self.send_request('/path/2', *args, **kwargs)
# process data
Because we're leveraging the machinery offered to us by requests, most of your decorator is simplified, and we can boil it down to a simple function call for each path

How to get `self` in http Google Cloud Function

I'm trying to use Firebase authentication in a Python HTTP Google Cloud function.
But the function verify_id_token() requires self as an argument. How do I get self in an HTTP Google Cloud Function? This is my current method:
def main(request):
# Handle CORS
if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
# Allows GET requests from any origin with the Content-Type
# header and caches preflight response for an 3600s
headers = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*',
'Access-Control-Max-Age': '3600'
return '', 204, headers
headers = {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
# Validate Firebase session
if 'authorization' not in request.headers:
return f'Unauthorized', 401, headers
authorization = str(request.headers['authorization'])
if not authorization.startswith('Bearer '):
return f'Unauthorized', 401, headers
id_token = authorization.split('Bearer ')[1]
decoded_token = auths.verify_id_token(id_token)
uid = str(decoded_token['uid'])
if uid is None or len(uid) == 0:
return f'Unauthorized', 401, headers
I already tried adding self as a parameter to the main function, but that does not work since request has to be the first parameter and no second parameter is set, so neither def main(self, request) nor def main(request, self) work.
main is a method and not a class. Methods that are not members of a class do not have self.
self is a reference to object itself. Let's say you have a class with properties (methods, attributes). If you want to access to any one of properties inside the class itself, you'll need self (some languages call it this. Such as JavaScript).
If you create an object from that class and want to access to any one of properties you would use the object name.
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
def method1(self):
print("Method 1 is called")
def method2(self):
print("I'll call method 1")
See, if one wants to call method2 from method1 they will need self.
But if you create an object from MyClass you can access any property using the variable name:
mc = MyClass()
You can't (and you do NOT need to) access self outside the scope of a class.

Spyne, Django change WSDL url

I am using django behind nginx reverse proxy and django sees the server url different than what it actually is hosted on like:
When I try to add the WSDL to SoapUI it automatically defaults to the first server and then all the requests fail. I have tried the code below, but it did not work:
app = Application(
app.transport = "no_transport_at_all"
wsdl = Wsdl11(app.interface)
if os.environ.get("DEBUG"):
url = f'https://{settings.DOMAIN}/wsdl/'
Inspirations: here and here
Looks like the code above achieves some things but the resulting WSDL document when accessed in browser is still the same, maybe it is generated on request; the documentation said "... Spyne will get the URL from the first request, build the wsdl on-the-fly and cache it as a string in memory for later requests." but here it is generated manually, so it should not generate a new one maybe? Or it is generating it by request because it is django, not wsgi.
Looks like building the tree by hand does not make any difference as when you send the first requests, a new instance of Wsdl11 class is generated.
Temporarily, I achieved changing the url to what I want by basically monkey patching the two classes as follows:
from functools import update_wrapper
from spyne.server.http import HttpBase, HttpMethodContext, HttpTransportContext
from spyne.application import get_fault_string_from_exception, Application
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed, Http404
class MonkeyDjangoServer(DjangoServer):
def handle_wsdl(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return services WSDL."""
ctx = HttpMethodContext(self, request,
'text/xml; charset=utf-8')
if self.doc.wsdl11 is None:
raise Http404('WSDL is not available')
if self._wsdl is None:
# Interface document building is not thread safe so we don't use
# server interface document shared between threads. Instead we
# create and build interface documents in current thread. This
# section can be safely repeated in another concurrent thread.
self.doc.wsdl11.service_elt_dict = {}
# here you can put whatever you want
wsdl = self.doc.wsdl11.get_interface_document()
if self._cache_wsdl:
self._wsdl = wsdl
wsdl = self._wsdl
ctx.transport.wsdl = wsdl
response = HttpResponse(ctx.transport.wsdl)
return self.response(response, ctx, ())
class MonkeyDjangoView(DjangoView):
def as_view(cls, **initkwargs):
"""Register application, server and create new view.
:returns: callable view function
# sanitize keyword arguments
for key in initkwargs:
if key in cls.http_method_names:
raise TypeError("You tried to pass in the %s method name as a "
"keyword argument to %s(). Don't do that."
% (key, cls.__name__))
if not hasattr(cls, key):
raise TypeError("%s() received an invalid keyword %r. as_view "
"only accepts arguments that are already "
"attributes of the class." % (cls.__name__,
def get(key):
value = initkwargs.get(key)
return value if value is not None else getattr(cls, key)
def pop(key):
value = initkwargs.pop(key, None)
return value if value is not None else getattr(cls, key)
application = get('application') or Application(
server = pop('server') or MonkeyDjangoServer(application,
def view(request, *args, **kwargs):
self = cls(server=server, **initkwargs)
if hasattr(self, 'get') and not hasattr(self, 'head'):
self.head = self.get
self.request = request
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
return self.dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
# take name and docstring from class
update_wrapper(view, cls, updated=())
# and possible attributes set by decorators
# like csrf_exempt from dispatch
update_wrapper(view, cls.dispatch, assigned=())
return view
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^EXTWS/$', MonkeyDjangoView.as_view(application=app)),
# url(r'^schema/$', get_schema),
This is some unacceptable kind of solution so I will be waiting for a logical implementation of this behavior. Until then, I will be using this.

Python3 "Class factory" - ex: API(token).MyClass()

I'm writing a python REST client for an API.
The API needs authentication and I would like to have many API client objects running on the same script.
My current code for the API is something like this:
class RestAPI:
def __init__(self, id): = id
def fetch(self):
requests.get(, auth=self.apikey)
class Purchase(RestAPI):
url = ''
class Invoice(RestAPI):
url = ''
And I would like to use the API like that:
api_admin = Api('adminmytoken')
api_user = Api('usertoken')
amount = api_admin.Purchase(2).amount
api_user.Purchase(2).amount # raises because api_user is not authorized for this purchase
The problem is that each object needs to know it's apikey depending on the client I want to use.
That pattern looks like to me to a "class factory": all the classes of RestAPI need to know of the provided token.
How is it possible to cleanly do that without giving manually the token to each model ?
I think the issue here is that your design is a little backwards. Inheritance might not be the key here. What I might do is take the api token as an argument on the User class, then that gets passed to an instance-level binding on the Rest interface:
class APIUser:
def __init__(self, id, api_key, **kwargs):
self._rest = Interface(id, api_key, **kwargs)
def purchase(self, some_arg):
# the interface itself does the actual legwork,
# and you are simply using APIUser to call functions with the interface
return self._rest.fetch('PURCHASE', some_arg)
class Interface:
methods = {
# call you want (class url)
'PURCHASE': (Purchase, ''),
'INVOICE': (Invoice, ''),
# add more methods here
def __init__(self, id, key): = id
self.key = key
self.session = requests.Session()
def _fetch(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
# do some methods to go get data
# use the interface to look up your class objects
# which you may or may not need
_class, url = self.methods[method]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Got unsupported method, expected "
f"{'\n'.join(self.methods)}") from e
headers = kwargs.pop('headers', {})
# I'm not sure the actual interface here, maybe you call the
# url to get metadata to populate the class with first...
req = requests.Request(_class.http_method,, auth=self.key, headers=headers).prepare()
resp = self.session.send(req)
# this will raise the 401 ahead of time
# maybe your object uses metadata from the response
params = resp.json()
# return the business object only if the user should see it
return _class(*args, **kwargs, **params)
class Purchase:
http_method = 'GET'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# do some setup here with your params passed by the json
# from the api
user = APIUser("token", "key") # this is my user session
some_purchase = user.purchase(2) # will raise a 401 Unauthorized error from the requests session
admin = APIUser("admintoken", "adminkey") # admin session
some_purchase = admin.purchase(2)
# returns a purchase object
There are a few reasons why you might want to go this way:
You don't get the object back if you aren't allowed to see it
Now the rest interface is in control of who sees what, and that's implicitly tied to the user object itself, without every other class needing to be aware of what's going on
You can change your url's in one place (if you need to)
Your business objects are just business objects, they don't need to do anything else
By separating out what your objects actually are, you still only need to pass the api keys and tokens once, to the User class. The Interface is bound on the instance, still giving you the flexibility of multiple users within the same script.
You also get the models you call on explicitly. If you try to take a model, you have to call it, and that's when the Interface can enforce your authentication. You no longer need your authentication to be enforced by your business objects

Dependency injection in (Python) Google App Engine

I want to achieve maximum testability in my Google App Engine app which I'm writing in Python.
Basically what I'm doing is creating an all-purpose base handler which inherits the google.appengine.ext.webapp.RequestHandler. My base handler will expose common functionality in my app such as repository functions, a session object and the like.
When the WSGIApplication receives a request it will find the handler class that has been registered for the requested URL, and call its constructor and after that it will call a method called initialize passing in the request and response objects.
Now, for the sake of testability I want to be able to "mock" these objects (along with my own objects). So my question is how do I go about injecting these mocks? I can override the initialize method in my base handler and check for some global "test flag" and initialize some dummy request and response objects. But it seems wrong (in my mind at least). And how do I go about initializing my other objects (which may depend on the request and response objects)?
As you can probably tell I'm a little new to Python so any recommendations would be most welcome.
It has been pointed out to me that this question was a little hard to answer without some code, so here goes:
from google.appengine.ext import webapp
from ..utils import gmemsess
from .. import errors
_user_id_name = 'userid'
class Handler(webapp.RequestHandler):
def __init__(self):
self.charset = 'utf8'
self._session = None
def _getsession(self):
if not self._session:
self._session = gmemsess.Session(self)
return self._session
def _get_is_logged_in(self):
return self.session.has_key(_user_id_name)
def _get_user_id(self):
if not self.is_logged_in:
raise errors.UserNotLoggedInError()
return self.session[_user_id_name]
session = property(_getsession)
is_logged_in = property(_get_is_logged_in)
user_id = property(_get_user_id)
As you can see, no dependency injection is going on here at all. The session object is created by calling gmemsess.Session(self). The Session class expects a class which has a request object on it (it uses this to read a cookie value). In this case, self does have such a property since it inherits from webapp.RequestHandler. It also only has the object on it because after calling (the empty) constructor, WSGIApplication calls a method called initialize which sets this object (and the response object). The initialize method is declared on the base class (webapp.RequestHandler).
It looks like this:
def initialize(self, request, response):
"""Initializes this request handler with the given Request and
self.request = request
self.response = response
When a request is made, the WSGIApplication class does the following:
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
"""Called by WSGI when a request comes in."""
request = self.REQUEST_CLASS(environ)
response = self.RESPONSE_CLASS()
WSGIApplication.active_instance = self
handler = None
groups = ()
for regexp, handler_class in self._url_mapping:
match = regexp.match(request.path)
if match:
handler = handler_class()
handler.initialize(request, response)
groups = match.groups()
self.current_request_args = groups
if handler:
method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
if method == 'GET':
elif method == 'POST':*groups)
The lines of interest are those that say:
handler = handler_class()
handler.initialize(request, response)
As you can see, it calls the empty constructor on my handler class. And this is a problem for me, because what I think I would like to do is to inject, at runtime, the type of my session object, such that my class would look like this instead (fragment showed):
def __init__(self, session_type):
self.charset = 'utf8'
self._session = None
self._session_type = session_type
def _getsession(self):
if not self._session:
self._session = self._session_type(self)
return self._session
However I can't get my head around how I would achieve this, since the WSGIApplication only calls the empty constructor. I guess I could register the session_type in some global variable, but that does not really follow the philosophy of dependency injection (as I understand it), but as stated I'm new to Python, so maybe I'm just thinking about it the wrong way. In any event I would rather pass in a session object instead of it's type, but this looks kind of impossible here.
Any input is appreciated.
The simplest way to achieve what you want would be to create a module-level variable containing the class of the session to create:
session_class = gmemsess.Session
class Handler(webapp.Request
def _getsession(self):
if not self._session:
self._session = session_class(self)
return self._session
then, wherever it is that you decide between testing and running:
import myhandler
if testing:
myhandler.session_class = MyTestingSession
This leaves your handler class nearly untouched, leaves the WSGIApplication completely untouched, and gives you the flexibility to do your testing as you want.
Why not just test your handlers in isolation? That is, create your mock Request and Response objects, instantiate the handler you want to test, and call handler.initialize(request, response) with your mocks. There's no need for dependency injection here.

