I want to make a small python script to calculate pi to N number of decimal points and then only output that number of decimals. I don't know how to change the print statement to dynamically limit the number of outputted decimals. Here's my code.
import math
N = input("Enter the number of digits of pi you would like to compute: ")
runs = math.ceil(N/math.log(2))
a_0 = 1.0
b_0 = 1.0/(2.0**(1.0/2.0))
t_0 = 1.0/4.0
p_0 = 1.0
for x in xrange(1,N):
a = (a_0 + b_0)/2
b = (a_0*b_0)**(1.0/2.0)
t = t_0 - p_0*(a_0 - a)**2
p = 2*p_0
pi = ((a_0 + b_0)**2)/(4*t)
print pi
a_0 = a
b_0 = b
t_0 = t
p_0 = p
print 'Pi to %d number of digits is: ' % (N)
print "%0" N "d\n" % pi
I know my last print statement isn't how you implement this feature, but it gives an idea of how you might do it in something kinda like C.
I just want that last print statement to output pi to N number of digits.
Python 2 how to do this.Print the value of the series x = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + … + 1/n for the user’s input of n.
Here you go:
n = int( input() ) # reading user input
x = 0
for i in range(1, n + 1): # adding 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n
x += 1.0/i
print(x) # => outputs : 2.283333333333333
There may be a Harmonic Series function in Python packages like math or numpy, or some similar way to deal with it, especially if you need high precision at large values of n. Otherwise, you could just do this:
>>> n = 5
>>> print(sum(1.0/i for i in range(1,n+1)))
Note that the "1.0" is important for Python 2.x so that it knows to deal with floats. Otherwise things get rounded along the way:
>>> print(sum(1/i for i in range(1,n+1)))
I'm trying to write a program that calculates pi with different accuracies and prints out the number and the time elapsed. I want to print the result with the current accuracy each time. I used print('pi = %*f'%(i, pi)) where i is my current floating point accuracy. This made the program round up the number to the i decimal digit. I'm attaching a picture showing my results running the same algorithm but changing output from:
print (" pi = ", pi, " =with ", i-1, " decimal points accuracy= in: ", (-1)*t, "sec")
print (" pi = %.*f"%(i, pi), " =with ", i-1, " decimal points accuracy= in: ", (-1)*t, "sec")
This is my full code:
import time
accuracy = 4
for i in range(1,accuracy + 1):
pi = 0
prevPi = 1
x = 0
t = time.time()
while abs((pi * 4) - prevPi) > 10**((-1)*(i+1)):
#while x < lim:
prevPi = pi * 4
pi += (((-1)**(x))/(1+(2*x)))
#print(abs((pi * 4) - prevPi))
x += 1
pi *= 4
t -= time.time()
print (" pi = %.*f"%(i, pi), " =with ", i-1, " decimal points accuracy= in: ", (-1)*t, "sec")
How do I print the number with i decimal digits WITHOUT rounding?
You could approach your problem by defining function which truncates your number. That function could take two arguments:
number which you want to truncate,
position, at which it would drop all following values.
def truncate(number, position):
'''Return number with dropped decimal places past specified position.'''
return number - number%(10**position)
For instance if you would want number 3.14 truncated to 3.1, you should call following:
truncate(3.14, -1)
Also I modified your code so it would be simpler and match PEP 8 coding conventions. Therefore now it has increased variable naming clarity and better code formatting.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Module for different pi accuracies calculation time comparison.'''
from time import time
def truncate(number, position):
'''Return number with dropped decimal places past specified position.'''
return number - number%(10**position)
def calculate_pi(accuracy):
'''Return pi with certain floating point accuracy.'''
previous_pi = 0
current_pi = 4
iterator = 1
while abs(current_pi - previous_pi) > 10 ** (accuracy-1):
previous_pi = current_pi
current_pi += 4 * ((-1)**iterator) / (1+(2*iterator))
iterator += 1
return truncate(current_pi, accuracy)
def calculation_speed_comparison(max_accuracy):
'''Print comparison of different accuracy pi calculation time.'''
for current_accuracy in range(max_accuracy+1):
calculation_time = time()
current_pi = calculate_pi(-current_accuracy)
calculation_time -= time()
print('pi = {} with {} decimal points accuracy in {} seconds.'.format(
current_pi, current_accuracy, -calculation_time))
Output to this code remains very similar to original one:
pi = 3.0 with 0 decimal points accuracy in 3.266334533691406e-05 seconds.
pi = 3.1 with 1 decimal points accuracy in 0.00016045570373535156 seconds.
pi = 3.14 with 2 decimal points accuracy in 0.0014882087707519531 seconds.
pi = 3.141 with 3 decimal points accuracy in 0.01430201530456543 seconds.
pi = 3.1415 with 4 decimal points accuracy in 0.1466822624206543 seconds.
I am trying to fix a problem I have, but I can't get the answers right.
Given is the following heading of a function to calculate the cosines.
def cosines (x, number_of_terms):
# x is a float; number_of_terms is an int
This method calculates the cosines of x with the series
x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - x^7/7! + x^9/9! - ...
x^n is the notation for "x to the power n" and n! is the notation for "the factorial of n".
The number of terms that should be calculated is given by the parameter number_of_terms.
Implement this method.
Do this without using any functions from the module math. Assume: number_of_terms >= 1.
So, what I did is this:
def cosines(x, number_of_terms):
sign = 1
result = 0.0
counter = x
denominator = 1.0
for i in range (number_of_terms, number_of_terms+1):
fracture = counter / denominator
term = sign * fracture
result += term
counter *= x
denominator *= i
sign = - sign
return result
first = cosines(90.0, 1)
second = cosines(90.0, 4)
third = cosines(90.0, 8)
print "should be 30.000000: %f" % first
print "should be -4546255.714286: %f" % second
print "should be -7167780281079.437000: %f" % third
This is the result I get:
should be 30.000000: 90.000000
should be -4546255.714286: 90.000000
should be -7167780281079.437000: 90.000000
----END TEST----
What am I doing wrong?
I corrected your code and changed the names of the function to 'sines' as that is what the math reflects:
def factorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
def sines(x_in_degrees, number_of_terms):
# Convert to radians
#import math
#x = math.radians(x_in_degrees)
x = x_in_degrees * 3.141592653589793/180.0
sign = 1
result = 0.0
p = 1
for i in range(1, number_of_terms+1):
num = x**p
denom = factorial(p)
temp = sign * num / denom
#temp = sign * math.pow(x, p) / math.factorial(p)
result = result + temp
sign = - sign
p = p + 2
return result
first = sines(90.0, 1)
second = sines(90.0, 4)
third = sines(90.0, 8)
print "Result with one term: %f" % first
print "Result with four terms: %f" % second
print "Result with eight terms: %f" % third
(EDITED) As pointed out in the comments, your code needs to
Work with angles in radians, not degrees
Implement the correct power series for cosine
Interpreting "number of terms" as the number of relevant terms in the power series you want computed, below is an example computing the cosine of 45 degrees or pi/4 radians.
If you want to compute the factorial in the loop, the key to making the code work is that that the computation of a term is done only for even iterations, to match the cosine power series.
def cosines(x, number_of_terms):
sign = 1
result = 1
counter = x
denominator = 1.0
# Counting the 1 in the cosine power series as the first "term"
terms_computed = 1
# skip computing for iterations not relevant to the power series
iterations = 1
while terms_computed < number_of_terms:
iterations += 1
counter *= x
denominator *= iterations
if iterations %2 == 0:
terms_computed += 1
sign = - sign
fracture = counter / denominator
term = sign * fracture
result += term
print 'input %d, number of relevant terms computed %d'%(number_of_terms,terms_computed)
return result
pi= 3.1415926
angle = pi/4.
print 'angle in radians ',angle
first = cosines(angle, 1)
second = cosines(angle, 2)
third = cosines(angle, 4)
fourth = cosines(angle, 8)
fifth = cosines(angle, 10)
print "first %f" % first
print "second %f" % second
print "third %f" % third
print "fourth %f" % fourth
print "fifth %f" % fifth
angle in radians 0.78539815
input 1, number of relevant terms computed 1
input 2, number of relevant terms computed 2
input 4, number of relevant terms computed 4
input 8, number of relevant terms computed 8
input 10, number of relevant terms computed 10
first 1.000000
second 0.691575
third 0.707103
fourth 0.707107
fifth 0.707107
I am trying to write a program to calclulate digits of pi using the Nilakantha Series in python. Every time it runs though it will not give me more than 50 decimals. Still learning python so any help is appreciated.
# Program using Nilakantha Series to crunch digits of pi
from math import *
from decimal import *
getcontext().prec = 200 # this is not doing anything
# epsilon is how accurate I want to be to pi
EPSILON = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
sum = float(3)
step = 0
i = 2
while abs(pi - sum) >= EPSILON:
step += 1
print (step)
if step % 2 == 1:
sum += 4.0 / (i * (i + 1) * (i + 2))
i += 2
sum -= 4.0 / (i * (i + 1) * (i + 2))
i += 2
print (Decimal(sum))
print (Decimal(pi))
print ("Total itterations: ", step)
print ("Accurate to: ", EPSILON)
You are not using the Decimal class to calculate Pi, but rather the float class. getcontext() affects Decimal, not float.
If you want to use Decimal, modify your code to convert to Decimal before looping. Note that AFAIK, the value of Pi is not available as a decimal in Python, so you need to get the value from someplace else (http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~huberty/math5337/groupe/digits.html).
Here's a picture of my output:
inptTol = float(input("Enter the tolerance: "))
term = 1
divNum = 3
npower = 1
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0
while abs(term) > inptTol:
sumPi += term
term = -term/(divNum * (3**npower))
divNum += 2
npower += 1
count += 1
sumPi = math.sqrt(12) * sumPi
pythonPi = math.pi
approxError = abs (sumPi - pythonPi)
print("The approximate value of pi is %.14e\n" \
" Python's value of pi is %.14e\n"
"The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
"The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
(sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))
These are the values it is is showing:
The approximate value of pi is 3.08770957930231e+00
Python's value of pi is 3.14159265358979e+00
I want it to show me this :
The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265358979
Python's value of pi is 3.14159265358979
I think you're missing signal. Apparently you tried to do this but changing the previous term signal and using it on the next term.
See my code, i tried to do like his. What do you think?
import math
inptTol = float(input("The tolerance: "))
signal = 1.0
term = 1.0
divNum = 3.0
npower = 1.0
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0.0
while inptTol < abs(term):
signal *= -1.0
sumPi += term
term = signal / (divNum * (3.0 ** npower))
divNum += 2.0
npower += 1.0
count += 1.0
sumPi *= math.sqrt(12.0)
pythonPi = math.pi
approxError = abs(sumPi - pythonPi)
print("The approximate value of pi is %.14f\n" \
" Python's value of pi is %.14f\n"
"The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
"The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
(sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))
As for me problem is because you change term value. it has to be 1 or -1 - sign.
My version - I use for loop
import math
terms_number = float(input("Enter terms number: "))
sign = 1
divNum = 1
npower = 0
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0
for x in range(terms_number):
sumPi += sign/(divNum * (3**npower))
# values for next term
sign = -sign
divNum += 2
npower += 1
count += 1
sumPi = math.sqrt(12) * sumPi
pythonPi = math.pi
approxError = abs (sumPi - pythonPi)
print("The approximate value of pi is %.14e\n" \
" Python's value of pi is %.14e\n"
"The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
"The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
(sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))
Result for 7 terms
The approximate value of pi is 3.14167431269884e+00
Python's value of pi is 3.14159265358979e+00
The error in the approximation of pi is 8.165911e-05
The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is 7
Result for 15 terms
The approximate value of pi is 3.14159265952171e+00
Python's value of pi is 3.14159265358979e+00
The error in the approximation of pi is 5.931921e-09
The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is 15
EDIT: version with your while loop
import math
inptTol = float(input("Enter the tolerance: "))
term = 1
sign = 1
divNum = 1
npower = 0
sumPi = 0.0
count = 0
while abs(term) > inptTol:
term = sign/(divNum * (3**npower))
sumPi += term
# values for next term
sign = -sign
divNum += 2
npower += 1
count += 1
sumPi = math.sqrt(12) * sumPi
pythonPi = math.pi
approxError = abs (sumPi - pythonPi)
print("The approximate value of pi is %.14e\n" \
" Python's value of pi is %.14e\n"
"The error in the approximation of pi is %.6e\n"
"The number of terms used to calculate the value of pi is %g " %
(sumPi, pythonPi, approxError, count))
Your term calculation is wrong:
term = -term/(divNum * (3**npower))
Say term is currently -1/(3*3). This line won't set term to 1/(5 * 3**2); it'll set term to 1/(3*3) / (5 * 3**2). You're reducing term way more than you're supposed to.
It looks like your trying to define term[i+1] in terms of term[i]. If you change that line to:
term = -term*(divNum-2)/(divNum * 3)
then the recursive definition will produce the appropriate values. This definition will flip the sign, remove the old odd number in the denominator, add the new odd number in the denominator, and add a factor of 3 in the denominator.
You can use this kind of pattern to generate the denominator for the terms in your approximation. I'll let you do the division and summation, and the final multiplication by sqrt(12)
print [(-1)**(i%2)*(3**(i)*(1+i*2)) for i in range(0,10)]
You are using e as the number format which means:
Exponent notation. Prints the number in scientific notation using the letter ‘e’ to indicate the exponent.
If you want fixed point output you can use f:
Fixed point. Displays the number as a fixed-point number.
Other formats/options can be found in the documentation
Found the bug in your code. Each term is calculated using the previous term as the numerator, when really you just want alternating -1 and 1s. Changing the formula for calculating term fixes the issue:
term = ((-1)**npower)/(divNum * (3**npower))