Getting weird values on predicting MNIST dataset - python

I am using TF.LEARN with mnist data. I trained my neural network with 0.96 accuracy but now I am not really sure how to predict a value.
Here is my code..
#getting mnist data to a zip in the computer.
mnist.SOURCE_URL = ''
trainX, trainY, testX, testY = mnist.load_data(one_hot=True)
# Define the neural network
def build_model():
# This resets all parameters and variables
net = tflearn.input_data([None, 784])
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 100, activation='ReLU')
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 10, activation='softmax')
net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer='sgd', learning_rate=0.1, loss='categorical_crossentropy')
# This model assumes that your network is named "net"
model = tflearn.DNN(net)
return model
# Build the model
model = build_model(), trainY, validation_set=0.1, show_metric=True, batch_size=100, n_epoch=8)
#Here is the problem
#lets say I want to predict what my neural network will reply back if I put back the send value from my trainX
the value of trainX[2] is 4
pred = model.predict([trainX[2]])
#What I get is
[[2.6109733880730346e-05, 4.549271125142695e-06, 1.8098366126650944e-05, 0.003199575003236532, 0.20630565285682678, 0.0003870908112730831, 4.902480941382237e-05, 0.006617342587560415, 0.018498118966817856, 0.764894425868988]]
what I want is -> 4
The problem is that I am not sure how to use this predict function and put in the trainX value to get a prediction.

The prediction of tensorflow gives you a probabilistic output. It is sufficient to get the label with maximum probability from pred to get the peediction of the network.
pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1)
Which in this case is not 4, but 9.
Where np is numpy module imported as import numpy as np, but feel free to replace it with tf.argmax(pred, 1) to use tensorflow's argmax instead.

You are getting a 9, which is quite similar to a 4.
What model.predict returns is score and while the 5-th value in the results array (the 5th value is 4 since it starts with a zero) gets a relatively high score (0.26-second high) - your model gives the last digit (9) the highest score-0.76. It just means your classifier is a bit wrong here - so you should consider using a different one or play with the hyper-parameters.


The difference between mean squared error of train data and test data is very large

i used linear regression to make ML model but met problem.
this is my result values
Model1 Training Mean squared error: 154.96
Model1 Test Mean squared error: 72018955075415565139968.00
training score: 0.48
testing score: -236446352571492139008.00
i dont know why these values are printed
because overfitting?
i am using tensorflow 1.13.1 and python 3.7
This seems to be the case of Overfitting.
You can
Ensure that you are following the Data Pre-Processing Steps like 1. Missing Value Imputation 2. Fixing the Outliers 3. Scaling or Normalizing the Features
Ensure that you are Performing Feature Engineering (removing undesired Features, adding meaningful Features)
Shuffle the Data, by using shuffle=True in Code is shown below:
history = = X_train_reshaped,
y = y_train,
batch_size = 512,
epochs = epochs, callbacks=[callback],
verbose = 1, validation_data = (X_test_reshaped, y_test),
validation_steps = 10, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,
shuffle = True)
Use Early Stopping. Code is shown below
callback = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=15)
Use Dropout
Use Regularization. Code for Regularization is shown below (You can try l1 Regularization or l1_l2 Regularization as well):
from tensorflow.keras.regularizers import l2
Regularizer = l2(0.001)
units = 64, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=Regularizer, bias_regularizer=Regularizer,
model.add(Dense(units = 10, activation = 'sigmoid',
activity_regularizer=Regularizer, kernel_regularizer=Regularizer))`
Last but not the least, Try removing some Layers, as it reduces the number of Trainable Parameters
If your Test Accuracy and Testing Score doesn't improve despite following above instructions, please share the complete code so that we can help you.
Hope this helps. Happy Learning!

Keras accuracy and actual accuracy are exactly reverse of each other

I'm learning Neural Networks and currently implemented object classification on CFAR-10 dataset using Keras library. Here is my definition of a neural network defined by Keras:
# Define the model and train it
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(units = 60, input_dim = 1024, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 50, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 60, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 70, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 30, activation = 'relu'))
model.add(Dense(units = 10, activation = 'sigmoid'))
metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, epochs=50, batch_size=10000)
So I've 1 input layer having the input of dimensions 1024 or (1024, ) (each image of 32 * 32 *3 is first converted to grayscale resulting in dimensions of 32 * 32), 5 hidden layers and 1 output layer as defined in the above code.
When I train my model over 50 epochs, I got the accuracy of 0.9 or 90%. Also when I evaluate it using test dataset, I got the accuracy of approx. 90%. Here is the line of code which evaluates the model:
print (model.evaluate(X_test, y_test))
This prints following loss and accuracy:
[1.611809492111206, 0.8999999761581421]
But When I calculate the accuracy manually by making predictions on each test data images, I got accuracy around 11% (This is almost the same as probability randomly making predictions). Here is my code to calculate it manually:
wrong = 0
for x, y in zip(X_test, y_test):
if not (np.argmax(model.predict(x.reshape(1, -1))) == np.argmax(y)):
wrong += 1
print (wrong)
This prints out 9002 out of 10000 wrong predictions. So what am I missing here? Why both accuracies are exactly reverse (100 - 89 = 11%) of each other? Any intuitive explanation will help! Thanks.
Here is my code which processes the dataset:
# Process the training and testing data and make in Neural Network comfortable
# convert given colored image to grayscale
def rgb2gray(rgb):
return, [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140])
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = [], [], [], []
def process_batch(batch_path, is_test = False):
batch = unpickle(batch_path)
imgs = batch[b'data']
labels = batch[b'labels']
for img in imgs:
img = img.reshape(3,32,32).transpose([1, 2, 0])
img = rgb2gray(img)
img = img.reshape(1, -1)
if not is_test:
for label in labels:
if not is_test:
process_batch('cifar-10-batches-py/test_batch', True)
number_of_classes = 10
number_of_batches = 5
number_of_test_batch = 1
X_train = np.array(X_train).reshape(meta_data[b'num_cases_per_batch'] * number_of_batches, -1)
print ('Shape of training data: {0}'.format(X_train.shape))
# create labels to one hot format
y_train = np.array(y_train)
y_train = np.eye(number_of_classes)[y_train]
print ('Shape of training labels: {0}'.format(y_train.shape))
# Process testing data
X_test = np.array(X_test).reshape(meta_data[b'num_cases_per_batch'] * number_of_test_batch, -1)
print ('Shape of testing data: {0}'.format(X_test.shape))
# create labels to one hot format
y_test = np.array(y_test)
y_test = np.eye(number_of_classes)[y_test]
print ('Shape of testing labels: {0}'.format(y_test.shape))
The reason why this is happening is due to the loss function that you are using. You are using binary cross entropy where you should be using categorical cross entropy as the loss. Binary is only for a two-label problem but you have 10 labels here due to CIFAR-10.
When you show the accuracy metric, it is in fact misleading you because it is showing binary classification performance. The solution is to retrain your model by choosing categorical_crossentropy.
This post has more details: Keras binary_crossentropy vs categorical_crossentropy performance?
Related - this post is answering a different question, but the answer is essentially what your problem is: Keras: model.evaluate vs model.predict accuracy difference in multi-class NLP task
You mentioned that the accuracy of your model is hovering at around 10% and not improving in your comments. Upon examining your Colab notebook and when you change to categorical cross-entropy, it appears that you are not normalizing your data. Because the pixel values are originally unsigned 8-bit integer, when you create your training set it promotes the values to floating-point, but because of the dynamic range of the data, your neural network has a hard time learning the right weights. When you try to update the weights, the gradients are so small that there are essentially no updates and hence your network is performing just like random chance. The solution is to simply divide your training and test dataset by 255 before you proceed:
X_train /= 255.0
X_test /= 255.0
This will transform your data so that the dynamic range scales from [0,255] to [0,1]. Your model will have an easier time training due to the smaller dynamic range, which should help gradients propagate and not vanish because of the larger scale before normalizing. Because your original model specification has a significant number of dense layers, due to the dynamic range of your data the gradient updates will most likely vanish which is why the performance is poor initially.
When I run your notebook, I get 37% accuracy. This is not unexpected with CIFAR-10 and only a fully-connected / dense network. Also when you run your notebook now, the accuracy and the fraction of wrong examples match.
If you want to increase accuracy, I have a couple of suggestions:
Actually include colour information. Each object in CIFAR-10 has a distinct colour profile that should help in discrimination
Add Convolutional layers. I'm not sure where you are in your learning, but convolutional layers help in learning and extracting the right features in the image so that the most optimal features are presented to the dense layers so that classification on these features increases accuracy. Right now you're classifying raw pixels, which is not advisable given how noisy they can be, or due to how unconstrained things can get (rotation, translation, skew, scale, etc.).

Different results when training a model with same initial weights and same data

I'm trying to make some transfer learning to adjust the ResNet50 to my data set.
the problem is when I run the training again with the same parameters, I get a different result (loss and accuracy for train and val sets, so I guess also different weights and as a result different error rate for the test set)
here is my model:
the weights parameter is 'imagenet', all other parameter value isn't really important, the important thing is they are the same for each run...
def ImageNet_model(train_data, train_labels, param_dict, num_classes):
X_datagen = get_train_augmented()
validatin_cut_point= math.ceil(len(train_data)*(1-param_dict["validation_split"]))
base_model = applications.resnet50.ResNet50(weights=param_dict["weights"], include_top=False, pooling=param_dict["pooling"],
input_shape=(param_dict["image_size"], param_dict["image_size"],3))
# Define the layers in the new classification prediction
x = base_model.output
x = Dense(num_classes, activation='relu')(x) # new FC layer, random init
predictions = Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(x) # new softmax layer
model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=predictions)
# Freeze layers
layers_to_freeze = param_dict["freeze"]
for layer in model.layers[:layers_to_freeze]:
layer.trainable = False
for layer in model.layers[layers_to_freeze:]:
layer.trainable = True
sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=param_dict["lr"], momentum=param_dict["momentum"], decay=param_dict["decay"])
model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
lables_ints = [y.argmax() for y in np.array(train_labels)]
class_weights = class_weight.compute_class_weight('balanced',
train_generator = X_datagen.flow(np.array(train_data)[0:validatin_cut_point],np.array(train_labels)[0:validatin_cut_point], batch_size=param_dict['batch_size'])
validation_generator = X_datagen.flow(np.array(train_data)[validatin_cut_point:len(train_data)],
history= model.fit_generator(
steps_per_epoch=validatin_cut_point // param_dict['batch_size'],
validation_steps=(len(train_data)-validatin_cut_point) // param_dict['batch_size'],
return model
what can make the output of each run different?
Since the initial weights are the same, it can't explain the difference ( I also tried to freeze some layers, didn't help). any ideas?
When you initialize the weights randomly in Dense layer, weights are initialized differently across runs and also converge to different local minima.
x = Dense(num_classes, activation='relu')(x) # new FC layer, random init
If you want the output to be same you need to initialize weights with same value across runs. You can read the details on how to obtain reproducible results on Keras here. These are the steps you need to follow
Set the PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable to 0
Set random seed for numpy generated random numbers np.random.seed(SEED)
Set random seed for Python generated random numbers random.seed(SEED)
Set random state for tensorflow backend tf.set_random_seed(SEED)

Extracting weights from best Neural Network in Tensorflow/Keras - multiple epochs

I am working on a 1 - hidden - layer Neural Network with 2000 neurons and 8 + constant input neurons for a regression problem.
In particular, as optimizer I am using RMSprop with learning parameter = 0.001, ReLU activation from input to hidden layer and linear from hidden to output. I am also using a mini-batch-gradient-descent (32 observations) and running the model 2000 times, that is epochs = 2000.
My goal is, after the training, to extract the weights from the best Neural Network out of the 2000 run (where, after many trials, the best one is never the last, and with best I mean the one that leads to the smallest MSE).
Using save_weights('my_model_2.h5', save_format='h5') actually works, but at my understanding it extract the weights from the last epoch, while I want those from the epoch in which the NN has perfomed the best. Please find the code I have written:
def build_first_NN():
model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(2000, activation=tf.nn.relu, input_shape=[len(X_34.keys())]),
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(0.001)
metrics=['mean_absolute_error', 'mean_squared_error']
return model
first_NN = build_first_NN()
history_firstNN_all_nocv =,
epochs = 2000)
first_NN.save_weights('my_model_2.h5', save_format='h5')
trained_weights_path = 'C:/Users/Myname/Desktop/otherfolder/Data/my_model_2.h5'
trained_weights = h5py.File(trained_weights_path, 'r')
weights_0 = pd.DataFrame(trained_weights['dense/dense/kernel:0'][:])
weights_1 = pd.DataFrame(trained_weights['dense_1/dense_1/kernel:0'][:])
The then extracted weights should be those from the last of the 2000 epochs: how can I get those from, instead, the one in which the MSE was the smallest?
Looking forward for any comment.
Building on the received suggestions, as for general interest, that's how I have updated my code, meeting my scope:
# build_first_NN() as defined before
first_NN = build_first_NN()
trained_weights_path = 'C:/Users/Myname/Desktop/otherfolder/Data/my_model_2.h5'
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(trained_weights_path,
history_firstNN_all_nocv =,
epochs = 2000,
callbacks = [checkpoint])
trained_weights = h5py.File(trained_weights_path, 'r')
weights_0 = pd.DataFrame(trained_weights['model_weights/dense/dense/kernel:0'][:])
weights_1 = pd.DataFrame(trained_weights['model_weights/dense_1/dense_1/kernel:0'][:])
Use ModelCheckpoint callback from Keras.
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_mean_squared_error', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max')
use this as a callback in your . This will always save the model with the highest validation accuracy (lowest MSE on validation) at the location specified by filepath.
You can find the documentation here.
Of course, you need validation data during training for this. Otherwise I think you can probably be able to check on lowest training MSE by writing a callback function yourself.

Constant Output and Prediction Syntax with LSTM Keras Network

I am new to neural networks and have two, probably pretty basic, questions. I am setting up a generic LSTM Network to predict the future of sequence, based on multiple Features.
My training data is therefore of the shape (number of training sequences, length of each sequence, amount of features for each timestep).
Or to make it more specific, something like (2000, 10, 3).
I try to predict the value of one feature, not of all three.
If I make my Network deeper and/or wider, the only output I get is the constant mean of the values to be predicted. Take this setup for example:
z0 = Input(shape=[None, len(dataset[0])])
z = LSTM(32, return_sequences=True, activation='softsign', recurrent_activation='softsign')(z0)
z = LSTM(32, return_sequences=True, activation='softsign', recurrent_activation='softsign')(z)
z = LSTM(64, return_sequences=True, activation='softsign', recurrent_activation='softsign')(z)
z = LSTM(64, return_sequences=True, activation='softsign', recurrent_activation='softsign')(z)
z = LSTM(128, activation='softsign', recurrent_activation='softsign')(z)
z = Dense(1)(z)
model = Model(inputs=z0, outputs=z)
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
history=, trainY,validation_split=0.1, epochs=200, batch_size=32,
callbacks=[ReduceLROnPlateau(factor=0.67, patience=3, verbose=1, min_lr=1E-5),
EarlyStopping(patience=50, verbose=1)])
If I just use one layer, like:
z0 = Input(shape=[None, len(dataset[0])])
z = LSTM(4, activation='soft sign', recurrent_activation='softsign')(z0)
z = Dense(1)(z)
model = Model(inputs=z0, outputs=z)
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
history=, trainY,validation_split=0.1, epochs=200, batch_size=32,
callbacks=[ReduceLROnPlateau(factor=0.67, patience=3, verbose=1, min_lr=1E-5),
EarlyStopping(patience=200, verbose=1)])
The predictions are somewhat reasonable, at least they are not constant anymore.
Why does that happen? Around 2000 samples not that many, but in the case of overfitting, I would expect the predictions to match perfectly...
EDIT: Solved, as stated in the comments, it's just that Keras always expects Batches: Keras
When I use:
to get the prediction for the first sequence, I get an dimension error:
"Error when checking : expected input_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (3, 3)"
I need to feed in an array of sequences like:
This is a workaround, but I am not really sure, whether this has any deeper meaning, or is just a syntax thing...
This is because you have not normalised input data.
Any neural network model will initially have weights normalised around zero. Since your training dataset has all positive values, the model will try to adjust its weights to predict only positive values. However, the activation function (in your case softsign) will map it to 1. So the model can do nothing except adding the bias. That is why you are getting an almost constant line around the average value of the dataset.
For this, you can use a general tool like sklearn to pre-process your data. If you are using pandas dataframe, something like this will help
data_df = (data_df - data_df.mean()) / data_df.std()
Or to have the parameters in the model, you can consider adding batch normalization layer to your model

