I am trying to use NiFi ExecuteScript to post messages to an irc chatroom using Python. Am I using the right syntax to pass a flowfile from a queue to the processor? Processor errors out with NameError: global name 'server' is not defined, but I am not positive what's causing it. Everything seems to work until I add the session.get().
import socket
from org.apache.nifi.processor.io import StreamCallback, InputStreamCallback
class PyStreamCallback(InputStreamCallback):
def __init__(self):
self.ircsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.server = "irc.freenode.net"
self.channel = ""
self.botnick = ""
self.ircsock.connect((server, 6667))
self.ircsock.send(bytes("USER "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" "+ botnick + " " + botnick + "\n"))
self.ircsock.send(bytes("NICK "+ botnick +"\n"))
def joinchan(self, chan):
self.ircsock.send(bytes("JOIN "+ chan +"\n"))
ircmsg = ""
while ircmsg.find("End of /NAMES list.") == -1:
self.ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048)
self.ircmsg = ircmsg.strip('\n\r')
def sendmsg(self, msg, target=channel):
self.ircsock.send(bytes("PRIVMSG "+ target +" :"+ msg +"\n"))
flowFile = session.get()
if (flowFile != None):
flowFile = session.read(flowFile,PyStreamCallback())
self.ircsock.connect((server, 6667))
should be
self.ircsock.connect((self.server, 6667))
I'm setting up a little server with commands and other kind of stuff, but ,I don't get the thread functionement, when I connect my server it seems like everything is okay, I can connect a first client "without" problems, but when I want to connect another client it never get conected , the code runs but I can send anything I want it never shows up on the other client or the server.
I've already read the Threading documentation but even with the exemples, I don't get it, can someone give me some clues about how to proceed to handle more than just one client?
the server code :
import socket
import sys
from time import sleep
import threading
import random
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 33700
MSG_SIZE = 32768
serveur_on = True
CLIENT_NICK_CHAN = {} #clients" nicks dict like {nickname : channel} -> needed to easily know who is where
CLIENT_NICK_SOCKET = {} #clients" dict like {nickname : socket} -> needed to send private message to the nickname's socket easily
CLIENT_NICK_THREAD = {} #clients" dict with like {nick : thread}
Rand_disconnection_msg = [" has drown in the abyss.", " is disconnected.", " is now in a better place.", " is now a part of our past", " passed away, in really tragic circumstances..."]
CHANNELS = ["main lobby", "test"]
COMMANDS = ["/NICK <nickname>: Use only when you\'re connecting, allow you to choose a unique nickname",
"/JOIN <channel_name>: Allow you to join or create a channel, you can\'t use this command if your are already in another channel than the" + CHANNELS[0],
"/CHANNELS : Allow you to see every channels on the server with every connected people",
"/LEAVE : You leave the channel your within and get bringed back to the" + CHANNELS[0],
"/HELP : Gives you the whole command list",
"/BYE : Disconnect ou from the server, you have to in the " + CHANNELS[0] + " to use this command"
class Colors:
Blue, Cyan, Green, Red, Magenta, Yellow, White =b"\033[94m", b"\033[96m", b"\033[92m", b"\033[91m", b"\033[95m", b"\033[93m", b"\033[0m"
Normal, Bold, Italics, Thin = b"\033[0m", b"\033[1m", b"\x1B[3m", b"\033[2m"
class thread_client(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,conn):
self.nom = ""
if(self.nom == ""):
nickname_input(connexion, self)
print("nom : " + self.nom.decode("utf8"))
self.channel = CHANNELS[0]
self.admin = False
self.adress = ""
self.connexion = conn
print("init done")
def run(self):
while True:
msgClient = self.connexion.recv(MSG_SIZE)
if not msgClient or msgClient == b"BYE":
str_name = self.nom.decode("utf8")
msg = str_name + " > " + msgClient.decode("utf8")
print("string type name is : " + str_name + "\n")
str_msg = msgClient.decode("utf8")
print("{} > {}".format(str_name, str_msg))
for clients in CLIENT_NICK_SOCKET:
if clients != self.nom:
self.connexion.send(b"You are now disconnected.\n")
del CLIENT_NICK_SOCKET[self.nom.decode("utf8")]
del CLIENT_NICK_CHAN[self.nom.decode("utf8")]
rand_leave = random.randint(0, len(Rand_disconnection_msg)-1)
leaving_msg = Rand_disconnection_msg[rand_leave]
print(str_name + leaving_msg + "\n")
def nickname_input(client_socket, thread):
print("now in input nickname")
msg_nom = client_socket.recv(MSG_SIZE)
print("msg_nom = " + msg_nom.decode("utf8"))
msg_nom_arr = msg_nom.split()
if not msg_nom_arr[0]:
client_socket.send(b"Please send a non void message")
nickname_input(client_socket, thread)
print("msg_nom_arr[0] = " + str(msg_nom_arr[0]))
if(msg_nom_arr[0] == b"NICK"):
if(len(msg_nom_arr)== 1):
client_socket.send(b"Please do not just enter '/NICK' -> you have to type '/NICK <your_nickname>', please proceed again :\n")
nickname_input(client_socket, thread)
thread.nom = msg_nom_arr[1]
client_socket.send(b"It seems like you forgot to use '/NICK' before entering your nickname, please proceed again:\n")
nickname_input(client_socket, thread)
def print_channels(client_socket, thread):
client_socket.send(b"Here\'s the current channel list :\n\n")
for chan in CHANNELS:
client_socket.send( bytes(chan,"utf8") + b":\n current members :\n")
for chan_user in CLIENT_NICK_CHAN:
if(CLIENT_NICK_CHAN[chan_user] == chan):
if(chan_user == thread.nom):
client_socket.send(b" " +Colors.Bold + Colors.Yellow + b"#"+ thread.nom + b"#" + Colors.Normal + b"\n")
client_socket.send(b" " +Colors.Bold + Colors.Yellow + thread.nom + Colors.Normal + b"\n")
client_socket.send(b" " +bytes(chan_user,"utf8") + b"#\n")
def join_channel(client_socket, thread, data, data_array):
if(not data_arr[1]):
connexion.send(b"Please select a channel you want to join using '/JOIN <channel_name>'\nNote that if the channel you asked for doesn\'t exists a new channel <channel_name> will be created and you will be the administrator of this channel")
asked_channel = data_arr[1]
if( not (asked_channel in CHANNELS)):
thread.channel = asked_channel
thread.admin = True
connexion.send(b"Welcome in " + asked_channel + b" channel, since you\'re the on who created this channel you are granted as administrator for this channel")
connexion.send(b"Note that being administrator allow you tu use some new commands as '/GRANT', '/REVOKE' or '/REN', for more information please use '/HELP'")
thread.channel = asked_channel
connexion.send(b"Welcome in " + asked_channel + b" channel !")
SERVER = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
except socket.error:
print("Server connexion failed")
print("Server is now connected\nWaiting for connexions...\n")
connexion, adresse = SERVER.accept()
thread = thread_client(connexion)
print("thread type = " +str(type(thread)) +"\n")
print("thread = ")
connexion.send(bytes("Welcome ","utf8") + Colors.Yellow + Colors.Bold + thread.nom + Colors.Normal)
nick = thread.nom #type -> bytes
str_nick = nick.decode("utf8")
CLIENT_NICK_CHAN[str_nick] = thread.channel
CLIENT_NICK_SOCKET[str_nick] = connexion
CLIENT_NICK_THREAD[str_nick] = thread
print("client list : ")
while serveur_on:
conn_msg = str_nick + " joined the chat\n"
connexion.send(b"hello world 3\n\n")
connexion.send(b"*" * 80 + b"\n")
connexion.send(Colors.Red + Colors.Bold + b"\nWELCOME IN THE MAIN LOBBY \n" + Colors.Normal+b"\nTo enter a channel use '/JOIN <channel_name>'\nthe <channel_name> have to be composed by one world or use underscores to join words\nIf the channel does not exists a new one will be created\n\nNote that you have to be in another channel than the main lobby to chat\n")
print_channels(connexion, thread)
connexion.send(b"*" * 80 + b"\n\n")
while True:
print("thread list = ")
data = connexion.recv(MSG_SIZE) #receiving data from client
data_arr= data.split() #convert data into an array to check if the first word in the message is "MSG" or not
print(str_nick +" is now in -> " + thread.channel + "\n")
if(data_arr[0] in CMD_LIST):
if(data.startswith(b"HELP")): #HELP CMD
for command in COMMANDS:
connexion.send(bytes(command,"utf") + b"\n")
if(data.startswith(b"CHANNELS")): #Channels + current members CMD
print_channel(connexion, thread)
join_channel(connexion, thread, data, data_arr)
if ((thread.channel != CHANNELS[0]) and (data.startswith("MSG"))):
for chan_user in thread.channel:
chan_user.send(nick + b" > " + bytes(data,"utf8"))
print("data = " + data)
elif (thread.channel == CHANNELS[0]):
connexion.send(b"You have to be in another channel than the " + bytes(CHANNELS[0], "utf8") + b" to start chating !\nPlease use '/JOIN <channel_name>' or '/HELP' to learn how to join another channel.\n\n")
and the client code:
host = ''
port = 33700
MSG_SIZE = 32768
emission_stop = False
import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
def Tsend():
while True:
msg_envoi = input("> ")
if msg_envoi.startswith("/"):
msg_envoi = msg_envoi.replace("/","",1)
msg_envoi = msg_envoi
if emission_stop:
def Trecv():
while True:
msg_recu = CLIENT.recv(MSG_SIZE).decode("utf8")
print("\n" + msg_recu)
if not msg_recu:
emission_stop = True
print("connexion lost\n")
CLIENT = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
except socket.error:
print("connexion failed\n")
print("Now connected to the server on port: {}\n".format(port))
print("Please now enter your nickname using '/NICK'\n")
thread_emission = threading.Thread(target = Tsend)
thread_reception = threading.Thread(target = Trecv)
What I want is just to have multiple clients that are allowed to talk to each other but I can't even get two clients.
The biggest problem I can see is that you are only calling SERVER.accept() once. This means you will only ever accept 1 client connection. When using blocking sockets as you are, a typical approach is to keep doing SERVER.accept() inside a loop so that you can keep accepting all client sockets. After you accept() a new socket, you create new thread(s) dedicated to sending/receiving for that socket, so that you don't block the accepting thread. And then you continue accepting more connections. Something like this:
while serveur_on:
connexion, adresse = SERVER.accept()
# Possibly do some limited IO with client socket here, but be careful not
# to block this thread too long because that will prevent more clients from
# connecting.
thread = thread_client(connexion)
# No more client IO on this thread, it's the client thread's job now.
You seem to have code that communicates with the client (receiving messages and sending responses) in 2 different places: on the main thread after you SERVER.accept(), and up in thread_client.run(). It doesn't make sense that way, it should all be in thread_client.run().
I'm coding a small socket Chat Server for personal use, and have come across and issue.
My client is a simple program with two threads, one waiting on a user input, the other on the server; this code works perfectly:
import socket
import threading
from threading import Thread
username = input("Username? >")
host = input("host ip?")
port = 8000
Socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
def SendMessage():
while True:
def RecvMessage():
while True:
msgthread = Thread(target = SendMessage, args = ())
recvthread = Thread(target = RecvMessage, args = ())
(Forgive the sloppy code, it was thrown together in ~20mins on a Monday evening)
As you can see, I am calling two threads, both of which have halting functions in them, and it works seamlessly.
The server, however, is where I am having problems:
import socket
import threading
from threading import Thread
connections = []
host = ""
port = 8000
threads = []
def ListenForCommands():
while True:
def SearchForConnections():
global connections, threads
while True:
conn, addr = Socket.accept()
username = conn.recv(10).decode()
conn.send(("You have successfully connected to the server!").encode())
print(username + " (" + str(addr[0]) + ":" + str(addr[1]) + ") Joined")
for i in range(len(connections)):
if connections[i][0] != conn:
connections[i][0].send((username + " Joined").encode())
connections += [[conn,addr,username]]
threads += [Thread(target = Listen, args = (conn, ))]
def Listen(conn):
global connections, threads
while True:
for i in range(len(connections)):
if connections[i][0] == conn:
username = connections[i][2]
data = conn.recv(1024).decode()
print(username + ": " + data)
for i in range(len(connections)):
if connections[i][0] != conn:
connections[i][0].send((username + ": " + data).encode())
print(username + " Disconnected")
for i in range(len(connections)):
if connections[i][0] == conn:
for i in range(len(connections)):
connections[i][0].send((username + " Disconnected").encode())
Socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print("Server created")
ListenThread = Thread(target = ListenForCommands, args = ())
The source of the problem is in these functions:
def ListenForCommands():
while True:
def SearchForConnections():
global connections, threads
while True:
conn, addr = Socket.accept()
username = conn.recv(10).decode()
conn.send(("You have successfully connected to the server!").encode())
print(username + " (" + str(addr[0]) + ":" + str(addr[1]) + ") Joined")
for i in range(len(connections)):
if connections[i][0] != conn:
connections[i][0].send((username + " Joined").encode())
connections += [[conn,addr,username]]
threads += [Thread(target = Listen, args = (conn, ))]
The program seems to be halting when arriving at this line
print(username + " (" + str(addr[0]) + ":" + str(addr[1]) + ") Joined")
and works fine without it; however, on the Client Program, this does not seem to be the case.
the ListenForCommands function (as of now just printing out the user input) is being declared as a thread:
ListenThread = Thread(target = ListenForCommands, args = ())
and the SearchForConnections function is being called normally. However, the entire program seems to be being halted until an input is taken from the user, unlike the client side which seems to be working perfectly.
I think I am missing something quite obvious, but have been at a loss for a few hours now, and would love it if someone could help me see the error in my ways!
I'm writing a Twitch bot and it will only send one message to server. When executing code below "Connected" shows up in Twitch chat, "Testing" does not.
import socket
HOST = "irc.chat.twitch.tv"
PORT = 6667
NICK = "mybot"
PASS = 'oauth:mytoken'
CHANNEL = "mychannel"
def send_message(msg):
s.send(bytes("PRIVMSG #" + CHANNEL + " :" + msg + "\r\n", "UTF-8"))
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
s.send(bytes("PASS " + PASS + "\r\n", "UTF-8"))
s.send(bytes("NICK " + NICK + "\r\n", "UTF-8"))
s.send(bytes("JOIN #" + CHANNEL + " \r\n", "UTF-8"))
I wrote a simple Python twitch bot following a video tutorial, but the tutorial didn't include whisper functionality. It can currently connect to the chat of the channel I specify, but when I try to have it send a whisper nothing happens. Here's the relevant code bits:
import socket
def openSocket():
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((HOST, PORT))
message = "PASS " + PASS + "\r\n"
message = "NICK " + USER + "\r\n"
message = "JOIN #" + CHAN + "\r\n"
return s
def sendMessage(s, message):
messageTemp = "PRIVMSG #" + CHAN + " :" + message + "\r\n"
print("Sent:" + messageTemp)
def sendWhisper(s, user, message):
messageTemp = "PRIVMSG #jtv :/w " + user + " " + message
import string
from Socket import sendMessage
def joinRoom(s):
readbuffer = ""
Loading = True
while Loading:
readbuffer = readbuffer + s.recv(1024).decode()
temp = readbuffer.split('\n')
readbuffer = temp.pop()
for line in temp:
Loading = loadingComplete(line)
def loadingComplete(line):
if("End of /NAMES list" in line):
return False;
else: return True
I've been reading a little bit about connecting to some sort of group chat in order to make this work, but I'm confused and haven't found what I'm looking for. It seems like it should be an easy fix. Any help is appreciated.
You were very close. Where you messed up is there should not be a # in front of jtv:
def sendWhisper(s, user, message):
messageTemp = "PRIVMSG jtv :/w " + user + " " + message