I'm working with scipy.integrate.odeint and want to understand it better. For this I have two slightly related questions:
Which mathematical method is it using? Runge-Kutta? Adams-Bashforth? I found this site, but it seems to be for C++, but as far as I know the python function uses the C++ version as well... It states that it switches automatically between implicit and explicit solver, does anybody know how it does this?
To understand/reuse the information I would like to know at which timepoints it evaluates the function and how exactly it computes the solution of the ODE, but fulloutput does not seem to help/I wasn't able to find out how. So to be more precise, an example with Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg: I want the different timepoints at which it evaluated f and the weights it used to multiply it.
Additional information (what for this Info is needed):
I want to reuse this information to use automatic differentiation. So I would call odeint as a black box, find out all the relevant steps it made and reuse this info to calculate the differential dx(T_end)/dx0.
If you know of any other method to solve my problem, please go ahead. Also if another ode solver might be more appropriate to d this.
PS: I'm new, so would it be better to split this question into to questions? I.e. seperate 1. and 2.?
Does anyone know how to feed in an initial solution or matrix of initial solutions into the differential evolution function from the Scipy library?
The documentation doesn't explain if its possible but I know that initial solution implementation is not unusual. Scipy is so widely used I would expect it to have that type of functionality.
Ok, after review and testing I believe I now understand it.
There are a set of parameters that the scipy.optimize.differential_evolution(...) function can accept, one is the init parameter which allows you to upload an array of solutions. Personally I was looking at a set of coordinates so enumerated them into an array and fed in 99 other variations of it (100 different solutions) and fed this matrix into the inti parameter. I believe it needs to have more than 4 solutions or your are going to get a tuple error.
I probably didn't need to ask/answer the question though it may help others that got equally confused.
This question may be half computational math, half programming.
I'm trying to estimate log[\int_0^\infty\int_0^\infty f(x,y)dxdy] [actually thousands of such integrals] in Python. The function f(x,y) involves some very large/very small numbers that are bound to cause overflow/underflow errors; so I'd really prefer to work with log[f(x,y)] instead of f(x,y).
Thus my question is two parts:
1) Is there a way to estimate log[\int_0^\infty\int_0^\infty f(x,y)dxdy] using the log of the function instead of the function itself?
2) Is there an implementation of this in Python?
I would be surprised if the math and/or numpy libraries or perhaps some more specific third party libraries would not be able to solve a problem like this. Here are some of their log functions:
math.log(x[, base]), math.log1p(x), math.log2(x), math.log10(x) (https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/math.html)
numpy.log, numpy.log10, numpy.log2, numpy.log1p, numpy.logaddexp, numpy.logaddexp2 (https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/routines.math.html#exponents-and-logarithms)
Generally, Just google: "logarithm python library" and try to identify similar stackoverflow problems, which will allow you to find the right libraries and functions to try out. Once you do that, then you can follow this guide, so that someone can try to help you get from input to expected output: How to make good reproducible pandas examples
From what I have seen, odeint seems to automatically decide what sort of algorithm it wants to use. However, the math that I am using is sufficiently finicky in converging that I want to have more control over which algorithm gets used. I've tried using ode (specifically, vode), but I'm having a hard time debugging it because of all the moving parts. I'm really not interested in taking apart all the details of the ode solver I'm using: I just want to be able to tell odeint to use one specific alogrithm and call it a day. Is this possible, or will I need to debug ode?
LSODA method used by odeint automatically switches between Adam's method (non-stiff) and BDF (stiff) and as far as I see it does not allow to change this behaviour.
If you are looking for a solver with a similar interface but where you can explicitly choose an integration method, have a look at scipy's solve_ivp.
It has an optional argument method that allows you to choose an integration method. Make sure not to choose 'LSODA' or you will get the same problem again.
After using scipy.integrate for a while I am at the point where I need more functions like bifurcation analysis or parameter estimation. This is why im interested in using the PyDSTool, but from the documentation I can't figure out how to work with ModelSpec and if this is actually what will lead me to the solution.
Here is a toy example of what I am trying to do: I have a network with two nodes, both having the same (SIR) dynamic, described by two ODEs, but different initial conditions. The equations are coupled between nodes via the Epsilon (see formula below).
formulas as a picture for better read, the 'n' and 'm' are indices, not exponents ~>
(could not use the upload on stack, sadly)
In the two node case my code (using PyDSTool) looks like this:
#multiple SIR metapopulations
#parameter and initial condition definition; a dict is a must
import PyDSTool as pdt
params={'alpha': 0.7, 'beta':0.1, 'epsilon1':0.5,'epsilon2':0.5}
#the for-macro generates formulas for s1,s2 and i1,i2;
#sum works similar but sums over the expressions in it
DS = pdt.Generator.Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
#computation, a trajectory object is generated
#extraction of the points for plotting
#plotting; pylab is imported along with PyDSTool as plt
But in my original problem, there are more than 1000 nodes and 5 ODEs for each, every node is coupled to a different number of other nodes and the epsilon values are not equal for all the nodes. So tinkering with this syntax did not led me anywhere near the solution yet.
What I am actually thinking of is a way to construct separate sub-models/solver(?) for every node, having its own parameters (epsilons, since they are different for every node). Then link them to each other. And this is the point where I do not know wether it is possible in PyDSTool and if it is the way to handle this kind of problems.
I looked through the examples and the Docs of PyDSTool but could not figure out how to do it, so help is very appreciated! If the way I'm trying to do things is unorthodox or plain stupid, you are welcome to make suggestions how to do it more efficiently. (Which is actually more efficient/fast/better way to solve problems like this: subdivide it into many small (still not decoupled) models/solvers or one containing all the ODEs at once?)
(Im neither a mathematician nor a programmer, but willing to learn, so please be patient!)
The solution is definitely not to build separate simulation models. That won't work because so many variables will be continuously coupled between the sub-models. You absolutely must have all the ODEs in one place together.
It sounds like the solution you need is to use the ModelSpec object constructs. These let you hierarchically build the sub-model definitions out of symbolic pieces. They can have their own "epsilon" parameters, etc. You declare all the pieces when you're finished and let PyDSTool make the final strings containing the ODE definitions for you. I suggest you look at the tutorial example at:
and the provided examples: ModelSpec_test.py, MultiCompartments.py. But, remember that you still have to have a source for the parameters and coupling data (i.e., a big matrix or dictionary loaded from a file) to be able to automate the process of building the model, otherwise you'd still be writing it all out by hand.
You have to build some classes for the components that you want to have. You might also create a factory function (compare 'makeSoma' in the neuralcomp.py toolbox) that will take all your sub-components and create an ODE based on summing something up from each of the declared components. At the end, you can refer to the parameters by their position in the hierarchy. One might be 's1.epsilon' while another might be 'i4.epsilon'.
Unfortunately, to build models like this efficiently you will have to learn to do some more complex programming! So start by understanding all the steps in the tutorial. You can email me directly through the SourceForge support discussions or email once you've got started and have specific questions.
Usually I use Mathematica, but now trying to shift to python, so this question might be a trivial one, so I am sorry about that.
Anyways, is there any built-in function in python which is similar to the function named Interval[{min,max}] in Mathematica ? link is : http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Interval.html
What I am trying to do is, I have a function and I am trying to minimize it, but it is a constrained minimization, by that I mean, the parameters of the function are only allowed within some particular interval.
For a very simple example, lets say f(x) is a function with parameter x and I am looking for the value of x which minimizes the function but x is constrained within an interval (min,max) . [ Obviously the actual problem is just not one-dimensional rather multi-dimensional optimization, so different paramters may have different intervals. ]
Since it is an optimization problem, so ofcourse I do not want to pick the paramter randomly from an interval.
Any help will be highly appreciated , thanks!
If it's a highly non-linear problem, you'll need to use an algorithm such as the Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) Method.
The idea of the generalized reduced gradient algorithm (GRG) is to solve a sequence of subproblems, each of which uses a linear approximation of the constraints. (Ref)
You'll need to ensure that certain conditions known as the KKT conditions are met, etc. but for most continuous problems with reasonable constraints, you'll be able to apply this algorithm.
This is a good reference for such problems with a few examples provided. Ref. pg. 104.
Regarding implementation:
While I am not familiar with Python, I have built solver libraries in C++ using templates as well as using function pointers so you can pass on functions (for the objective as well as constraints) as arguments to the solver and you'll get your result - hopefully in polynomial time for convex problems or in cases where the initial values are reasonable.
If an ability to do that exists in Python, it shouldn't be difficult to build a generalized GRG solver.
The Python Solution:
Edit: Here is the python solution to your problem: Python constrained non-linear optimization