Architecture of the Large All-CNN network - python

I want to implement this neural network using Keras:
When trying to run the following commands:
model_All_CNN = Sequential()
# input: 126*126 images with 3 channels -> (126, 126, 3) tensors.
# this applies 320 convolution filters of size 2*2 each.
act = keras.layers.advanced_activations.LeakyReLU(alpha=0.3)
# This returns a tensor
#input_img = Input(shape=(3 ,126, 126))
conv1 = model_All_CNN.add(Conv2D(320, (2, 2), strides=(1, 1), activation=act,input_shape= (128,128,3)))
I am getting the following error:
File "/Users/M.I.T/anaconda/envs/Mulimediaassignment/lib/python3.5/site-packages/keras/backend/",
line 2856, in conv2d
x = tf.nn.convolution(
AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.ops.nn' has no attribute 'convolution'


Input 0 of layer "conv2d" is incompatible with the layer expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 3

How to solve this error?
Preprocessing of image:
def PreprocessData(img, mask, target_shape_img, target_shape_mask, path1, path2):
Processes the images and mask present in the shared list and path
Returns a NumPy dataset with images as 3-D arrays of desired size
# Pull the relevant dimensions for image and mask
m = len(img) # number of images
i_h,i_w,i_c = target_shape_img # pull height, width, and channels of image
m_h,m_w,m_c = target_shape_mask # pull height, width, and channels of mask
# Define X and Y as number of images along with shape of one image
X = np.zeros((m,i_h,i_w,1), dtype=np.float32)
y = np.zeros((m,m_h,m_w,1), dtype=np.int32)
# RGBA image has 4 channels.
#255 will make the pixel completely opaque,
#value 0 fully transparent,
#values in between will make the pixels partly transparent
# Resize images and masks
for file in img:
# convert image into an array of desired shape (3 channels)
index = img.index(file)
path = os.path.join(path1, file)
single_img = np.asarray(,i_w))) # (0.21, 0.75, 0.04)
#single_img = np.reshape(single_img,(i_h,i_w,i_c))
single_img = single_img/255.
X[index] = single_img[..., None] #X (dims: # images, img height, img width, img channels)
# convert mask into an array of desired shape 4 channel
single_mask_ind = mask[index]
path = os.path.join(path2, single_mask_ind)
single_mask = np.asarray(,i_w)))
single_mask = single_mask > 0 #binarizing of targets
# single_mask = single_mask - 1 ### single_mask = single_mask/256???
y[index] = single_mask[..., None] #y (dims: # masks, mask height, mask width, mask channels)
return X, y
def EncoderMiniBlock(inputs, n_filters=32, dropout_prob=0.3, max_pooling=True):
This block uses multiple convolution layers, max pool, relu activation to create an architecture for learning.
Dropout can be added for regularization to prevent overfitting.
The block returns the activation values for next layer along with a skip connection which will be used in the decoder
# Add 2 Conv Layers with relu activation and HeNormal initialization using TensorFlow
# Proper initialization prevents from the problem of exploding and vanishing gradients
# 'Same' padding will pad the input to conv layer such that the output has the same height and width (hence, is not reduced in size)
conv = Conv2D(n_filters,
3, # Kernel size
conv = Conv2D(n_filters,
3, # Kernel size
# Batch Normalization will normalize the output of the last layer based on the batch's mean and standard deviation
conv = BatchNormalization()(conv, training=False)
# In case of overfitting, dropout will regularize the loss and gradient computation to shrink the influence of weights on output
if dropout_prob > 0:
conv = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(dropout_prob)(conv)
# Pooling reduces the size of the image while keeping the number of channels same
# Pooling has been kept as optional as the last encoder layer does not use pooling (hence, makes the encoder block flexible to use)
# Below, Max pooling considers the maximum of the input slice for output computation and uses stride of 2 to traverse across input image
if max_pooling:
next_layer = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2,2))(conv)
next_layer = conv
# skip connection (without max pooling) will be input to the decoder layer to prevent information loss during transpose convolutions
skip_connection = conv
return next_layer, skip_connection
def DecoderMiniBlock(prev_layer_input, skip_layer_input, n_filters=32):
Decoder Block first uses transpose convolution to upscale the image to a bigger size and then,
merges the result with skip layer results from encoder block
Adding 2 convolutions with 'same' padding helps further increase the depth of the network for better predictions
The function returns the decoded layer output
# Start with a transpose convolution layer to first increase the size of the image
up = Conv2DTranspose(
(3,3), # Kernel size
# Merge the skip connection from previous block to prevent information loss
merge = concatenate([up, skip_layer_input], axis=3)
# Add 2 Conv Layers with relu activation and HeNormal initialization for further processing
# The parameters for the function are similar to encoder
conv = Conv2D(n_filters,
3, # Kernel size
conv = Conv2D(n_filters,
3, # Kernel size
return conv
U-Net compilation
def UNetCompiled(input_size=(128, 128, 3), n_filters=32, n_classes=3):
Combine both encoder and decoder blocks according to the U-Net research paper
Return the model as output
# Input size represent the size of 1 image (the size used for pre-processing)
inputs = Input(input_size)
# Encoder includes multiple convolutional mini blocks with different maxpooling, dropout and filter parameters
# Observe that the filters are increasing as we go deeper into the network which will increase the # channels of the image
cblock1 = EncoderMiniBlock(inputs, n_filters,dropout_prob=0, max_pooling=True)
cblock2 = EncoderMiniBlock(cblock1[0],n_filters*2,dropout_prob=0, max_pooling=True)
cblock3 = EncoderMiniBlock(cblock2[0], n_filters*4,dropout_prob=0, max_pooling=True)
cblock4 = EncoderMiniBlock(cblock3[0], n_filters*8,dropout_prob=0.3, max_pooling=True)
cblock5 = EncoderMiniBlock(cblock4[0], n_filters*16, dropout_prob=0.3, max_pooling=False)
# Decoder includes multiple mini blocks with decreasing number of filters
# Observe the skip connections from the encoder are given as input to the decoder
# Recall the 2nd output of encoder block was skip connection, hence cblockn[1] is used
ublock6 = DecoderMiniBlock(cblock5[0], cblock4[1], n_filters * 8)
ublock7 = DecoderMiniBlock(ublock6, cblock3[1], n_filters * 4)
ublock8 = DecoderMiniBlock(ublock7, cblock2[1], n_filters * 2)
ublock9 = DecoderMiniBlock(ublock8, cblock1[1], n_filters)
# Complete the model with 1 3x3 convolution layer (Same as the prev Conv Layers)
# Followed by a 1x1 Conv layer to get the image to the desired size.
# Observe the number of channels will be equal to number of output classes
conv9 = Conv2D(n_filters,
conv10 = Conv2D(n_classes, 1, padding='same')(conv9)
# Define the model
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=conv10)
return model
Define the desired shape
target_shape_img = [128, 128, 3]
target_shape_mask = [128, 128,1]
Process data using apt helper function
X, y = PreprocessData(img, mask, target_shape_img, target_shape_mask, path1, path2)
I am not able to understand what is wrong because I am getting this error:
ValueError: in user code:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/engine/",
line 1021, in train_function *
return step_function(self, iterator)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/engine/",
line 1010, in step_function **
outputs =, args=(data,))
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/engine/",
line 1000, in run_step **
outputs = model.train_step(data)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/engine/",
line 859, in train_step
y_pred = self(x, training=True)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/utils/",
line 67, in error_handler
raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/keras/engine/",
line 249, in assert_input_compatibility
f'Input {input_index} of layer "{layer_name}" is '
ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "model" (type Functional).
Input 0 of layer "conv2d" is incompatible with the layer: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 3, but received input with shape None, 128, 128, 1)
Call arguments received:
• inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, 128, 128, 1), dtype=float32)
• training=True
• mask=None
You seem to have defined a model that takes inputs of shape (128,128,3) and are inputting shape (128,128,1). If you change the input shape when you define the UNetCompiled function, it should solve the issue.
def UNetCompiled(input_size=(128, 128, 1), n_filters=32, n_classes=3):
Or you could change the input shape in the PreprocessData function if the images are colour and not greyscale images
You have defined the images as having 1 channel
# Define X and Y as number of images along with shape of one image
X = np.zeros((m,i_h,i_w,1), dtype=np.float32)
y = np.zeros((m,m_h,m_w,1), dtype=np.int32)
but in the next line have written # RGBA image has 4 channels.
If your input image has 4 channels, both the images and the model input_shape needs to reflect this

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: cannot convert a Tensor of dtype resource to a numpy array

I am trying to design a GAN using tensorflow.keras models and layers classes. I made a discriminator that takes in a list of 2 pictures and outputs a Dense sigmoid activated percentage of similarity:
prediction = Dense(1, activation = "sigmoid")(Flatten()(conv4))
model = Model(inputs = [firstImage, secondImage], outputs = prediction)
Then a generator that takes in a random one dimension vector and returns a picture out of it:
generated = Conv2D(3, kernel_size = (4, 4), padding = "same",
kernel_initializer = kernelInit, activation = "sigmoid")(conv5) # output shape (256, 256, 3)
model = Model(inputs = noise, outputs = generated)
I made a custom generator using a keras.ImageDataGenerator.flow_from_directory() to load in pictures:
def loadRealImages(batch):
for gen in pixGen.flow_from_directory(picturesPath, target_size = (256, 256),
batch_size = batch, class_mode = "binary"):`
yield gen
I didn't have any trouble compiling any of these two but then when I try to link them together into an adversarial model with this code:
inNoise = Input(shape = (generatorInNoise,))
fake = generator(inNoise) # get one fake
real = np.array(next(loadRealImages(1))[0], dtype = np.float32) # get one real image
discriminator.trainable = False # lock discriminator weights
prediction = discriminator([real, fake]) # check similarity
adversarial = Model(inputs = inNoise, outputs = [fake, prediction]) # set adversarial model
I get this error on the last line:
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Cannot convert a Tensor of dtype resource to a NumPy array.
I ascertained the shape of inNoise, fake and prediction:
<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor'> (None, 16) Tensor("input_4:0", shape=(None, 16), dtype=float32)
<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor'> (None, 256, 256, 3) Tensor("model_1/Identity:0", shape=(None, 256, 256, 3), dtype=float32)
<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor'> (1, 1) Tensor("dense_2/Identity:0", shape=(1, 1), dtype=float32)
But I still can't figure out what is raising the error and looking it up on google didn't really give me any pointers either. Can anyone help with this?
At the core, the issue here is that you're trying to make a numpy array a part of the computation graph. This can lead to undefined behaviour depending on how you use it. Some minor changes to you code can help:
inNoise = Input(shape = (generatorInNoise,))
fake = generator(inNoise) # get one fake
real = Input((real_image_shape)) # get one real image
discriminator.trainable = False # lock discriminator weights
prediction = discriminator([real, fake]) # check similarity
adversarial = Model(inputs = [inNoise, real], outputs = [fake, prediction]) # set adversarial model
As you can see, the real image needs to be provided as an input to the model, not derived as a part of it.

Landsat 8 data with keras autoencoder

I am trying to input a 7 band .tif image to a keras input layer.
input_img = Input(shape=(246, 177, 7))
The tif image is 246 x 177 and has 7 bands.
I am using rasterio to read the image as follows:
with as src:
landsat_post_fire =
This gives me 7 arrays of shape 177, 246
Since i have only one image, I am inserting it into an array:
x_train = np.expand_dims(landsat_post_fire, axis=0)
My complete autoencoder looks as follows:
input_size = 43542 #246 x 177
hidden_size = 20000
code_size = 5000
input_img = Input(shape=(246, 177, 7))
hidden_1 = Dense(hidden_size, activation='relu')(input_img)
code = Dense(code_size, activation='relu', activity_regularizer=l1(10e-6))(hidden_1)
hidden_3 = Dense(hidden_size, activation='relu')(code)
output_img = Dense(input_size, activation='sigmoid')(hidden_3)
autoencoder = Model(input_img, output_img)
autoencoder.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy'), x_train, epochs=1)
When I finally run the code, I get the following error:
Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have shape (246, 177, 7) but got array with shape (7, 177, 246)
Am I missing how the input shape is working?
I don't understand what seems to be the issue here. I would be grateful if someone can help explaining how the Input understands the dimension.
I added the following line after reading the image:
But now the error is:
Error when checking target: expected dense_4 to have shape (177, 246, 43542) but got array with shape (177, 246, 7)
I think this is not the right way to tell the input about the number of bands in the image?

How to reproduce the Bottleneck Blocks in Mobilenet V3 with Keras API?

Using Keras API, I am trying to write the MobilenetV3 as explained in this article: with the architecture as described in this picture:
For that, I need to implement the bottloneck_blocks from the previous article See image for architecture:
I managed to glue together the Initial and final Conv layers:
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, Add, AvgPool2D, UpSampling2D
first_input = Input(shape=(256, 256, 3))
firt_conv = Conv2D(16,3, strides=2, name="FirstConv2d", padding="same")(first_input)
bneck1 = add_bottleneck_block(firt_conv, 16, 16)
bneck2 = add_bottleneck_block(bneck1, 64, 24, strides=2)
#... Skiping all the other BottleNeck Blocks for simplicity
lastBneck = add_bottleneck_block(second2LastBneck, 960, 160, bneck_depth=5)
middleConv = Conv2D(160, 1 , strides=1, name="MiddleConv", )(bneck3)
pool7 = AvgPool2D(7, strides=1, padding='same', name="7x7Pool")(middleConv)
SecondLastConv = Conv2D(1280, 1, strides=1, name="SecondLastConv")(pool7)
lastConv = Conv2D(3,1, strides=1, name="lastConv1x1")(SecondLastConv)
upScale = UpSampling2D(2)(lastConv) # This layer is application specific for my training.
v3 = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[first_input], outputs=upScale)
v3.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(),)
Where the bottleneck_block is given in the next snippet of code (modified from
def bottleneck_block(x, expand=64, squeeze=16, strides=1, bneck_depth=3):
Bottleneck block with Activation and batch normalization commented since
I don't believe this is the issue in my problem
m = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(expand, (1,1), strides=1)(x)
#m = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(m)
#m = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu6')(m)
m = tf.keras.layers.DepthwiseConv2D(bneck_depth, padding='same', strides=strides)(m)
#m = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(m)
#m = Activation('relu6')(m)
m = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(squeeze, (1,1), strides=1)(m)
#m = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(m)
return tf.keras.layers.Add()([m, x])
However, in bneck2 I get the following error:
ValueError: Operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (16, 16, 24) (128, 128, 16)
I know the error means the dimension of the inputs and outputs are off, but I don't know how to fix it to structure the network as the MobileNetV3.
What am I missing here?
For reference, here is source code in the tensorflow repo for the same network:
The Solution is to modify the bottleneck_block as described in the V3 author's repo:
import tensorflow as tf
def bottleneck_block(x, expand=64, squeeze=16, strides=1, bneck_depth=3, se=False):
se stands for squeeze_excite
m = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(expand, (1,1), strides=1)(x)
m = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(m)
#m = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu6')(m)
m = tf.keras.layers.DepthwiseConv2D(bneck_depth, padding='same', strides=strides)(m)
m = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(m)
#m = Activation('relu6')(m)
if se:
m = squeeze_excite_block(m, ratio=4)
m = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(squeeze, (1,1), strides=1, padding='same')(m)
m = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(m)
if (
# stride check enforces that we don't add residuals when spatial
# dimensions are None
strides == 1 and
# Depth matches
m.get_shape().as_list()[3] == x.get_shape().as_list()[3]
m = tf.keras.layers.Add()([m, x])
return m
The check in dimension and stride prevents the error I initially got when adding two nets that do not match the dimension
In your bottolneck layers, there are Add() ops.
Now, Add expects two tensors with the same shape. But, as you have skipped so many layers when this line is run, tf.keras.layers.Add()([m, x]) - m and x have different dimensions.
So, either design a smaller network with fewer layers or just implement all of the intermediate layers.


i'm trying to create a simple convolution from an 224 * 244 * 3 image down to and 56 * 56 * 3 tensor which i want to compare to another image.
For that purpose i create a composite reader
scale = ImageDeserializer.scale(width=224,
scale2 = ImageDeserializer.scale(width=56,
image_source = ImageDeserializer(os.path.join(path, "images_map.txt"))
image_source.map_features('features', [scale])
mask_source = ImageDeserializer(os.path.join(path, "images_mask_map.txt"))
mask_source.map_features('mask', [scale2])
return MinibatchSource([image_source, mask_source])
and with that reader a create an input map
input_map = {
input_var: reader_train["features"],
input_var_mask: reader_train["mask"]
the cnn looks like this
conv1 = cntk.layers.Convolution((5, 5), filterdims[0], pad=True, activation=cntk.ops.relu)(input_var)
maxpool1 = cntk.layers.MaxPooling((2, 2), (2, 2))(conv1)
conv2 = cntk.layers.Convolution((4, 4), filterdims[1], pad=True, activation=cntk.ops.relu)(maxpool1)
maxpool2 = cntk.layers.MaxPooling((2, 2), (2, 2))(conv2)
conv3 = cntk.layers.Convolution((4, 4), 3, pad=True, activation=cntk.ops.relu)(maxpool2)
return conv3 # shape is (3, 56, 56) conv3 = z in the error equation
with inputs
input_var = cntk.ops.input_variable((3, 224, 224), np.float32)
input_var_mask = cntk.ops.input_variable((3, 56, 56), np.float32)
and the error function
f2 = cntk.ops.element_times(cntk.ops.constant(0.00390625), input_var_mask, name="f2")
err = cntk.ops.reshape(cntk.ops.minus(z, f2), (56 * 56 * 3))
sq_err = cntk.ops.element_times(err, err)
mse = cntk.ops.reduce_mean(sq_err)
rmse_loss = cntk.ops.sqrt(mse)
rmse_eval = cntk.ops.sqrt(mse)
When i train to train it everything works fine until
data = reader_train.next_minibatch(min(minibatch_size, epoch_size - sample_count), input_map=input_map) # fetch minibatch.
trainer.train_minibatch(data) # Error as in title
where i get the
return _cntk_py.Trainer_train_minibatch_overload_for_minibatchdata(self, *args)
RuntimeError: cuDNN failure 7: CUDNN_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR ; GPU=0 ; hostname=STEPHENPC ; expr=err
cudaStreamDestroy failed (PrefetchGPUDataTransferer dtor): an illegal memory access was encountered (cuda error 77)
Can some help me and tell me the cause of the error?
Thanks in advance
According to other projects that have run into this issue (see for example here) this may indicate a bug in the cudnn library. CNTK does not use texture memory so it is best to report this problem to NVidia.

