python read zipfile into numpy-array efficiently - python

I want to read a zipfile into memory and extract its content into a numpy array (as numpy-datatypes). This needs to happen in an extremely efficient/fast manner, since the files are rather big and there are many of them. Unfortunately looking at similiar questions didn't help me, because I couldn't find a way to convert the data into numpy-datatypes at the time of reading. Also the speed turned out to be a big problem.
For example: The zipfile "" contains "log_file.csv", which contains the needed data in the following format (yyyymmdd hhnnsszzz,float,float,zero):
20161001 190000100,1.000500,1.000800,0
20161001 190001000,1.001000,1.002000,0
20161001 190002500,1.001500,1.001200,0
The fastest that I managed to do so far (using pandas):
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile("", 'r')
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO("log_file.csv")), header=None, usecols=[0, 1, 2], delimiter=',', encoding='utf-8')
However this takes around 6 seconds for ~2,000,000 lines in the file (~80MB if unpacked), which is too slow (plus it's not a numpy object). When I compared the read-in speed of different numpy/pandas-methods, using the extracted file on the hard drive to test, np.fromfile performed the best with 0.08 seconds to simply get it into memory. It would be nice if it was possible to stay in this magnitude when reading the data from the zip-file.

I think this is not a problem about read speed from disk. Even though you are using HDD, reading 80MB into memory can be done in one second.
Take my experience as an example, the cost of time is determined by the process of uncompressing. If you just work with extracted data, it won't cost you a lot I believe.


Converting CSV to numpy NPY efficiently

How to convert a .csv file to .npy efficently?
I've tried:
import numpy as np
filename = "myfile.csv"
vec =np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=",")"{filename}.npy", vec)
While the above works for smallish file, the actual .csv file I'm working on has ~12 million lines with 1024 columns, it takes quite a lot to load everything into RAM before converting into an .npy format.
Q (Part 1): Is there some way to load/convert a .csv to .npy efficiently for large CSV file?
The above code snippet is similar to the answer from Convert CSV to numpy but that won't work for ~12M x 1024 matrix.
Q (Part 2): If there isn't any way to to load/convert a .csv to .npy efficiently, is there some way to iteratively read the .csv file into .npy efficiently?
Also, there's an answer here to save the csv file as numpy array iteratively. But seems like the np.vstack isn't the best solution when reading the file. The accepted answer there suggests hdf5 but the format is not the main objective of this question and the hdf5 format isn't desired in my use-case since I've to read it back into a numpy array afterwards.
Q (Part 3): If part 1 and part2 are not possible, are there other efficient storage (e.g. tensorstore) that can store and efficiently convert to numpy array when loading the saved storage format?
There is another library tensorstore that seems to efficiently handles arrays which support conversion to numpy array when read, But somehow there isn't any information on how to save the tensor/array without the exact dimensions, all of the examples seem to include configurations like 'dimensions': [1000, 20000],.
Unlike the HDF5, the tensorstore doesn't seem to have reading overhead issues when converting to numpy, from docs:
Conversion to an numpy.ndarray also implicitly performs a synchronous read (which hits the in-memory cache since the same region was just retrieved)
Nice question; Informative in itself.
I understand you want to have the whole data set/array in memory, eventually, as a NumPy array. I assume, then, you have enough (RAM) memory to host such array -- 12M x 1K.
I don't specifically know about how np.loadtxt (genfromtxt) is operating behind the scenes, so I will tell you how I would do (after trying like you did).
Reasoning about memory...
Notice that a simple boolean array will cost ~12 GBytes of memory:
>>> print("{:.1E} bytes".format(
np.array([True]).itemsize * 12E6 * 1024
1.2E+10 bytes
And this is for a Boolean data type. Most likely, you have -- what -- a dataset of Integer, Float? The size may increase quite significantly:
>>> np.array([1], dtype=bool).itemsize
>>> np.array([1], dtype=int).itemsize
>>> np.array([1], dtype=float).itemsize
It's a lot of memory (which you know, just want to emphasize).
At this point, I would like to point out a possible swapping of the working memory. You may have enough physical (RAM) memory in your machine, but if not enough of free memory, your system will use the swap memory (i.e, disk) to keep your system stable & have the work done. The cost you pay is clear: read/writing from/to the disk is very slow.
My point so far is: check the data type of your dataset, estimate the size of your future array, and guarantee you have that minimum amount of RAM memory available.
I/O text
Considering you do have all the (RAM) memory necessary to host the whole numpy array: I would then loop over the whole (~12M lines) text file, filling the pre-existing array row-by-row.
More precisely, I would have the (big) array already instantiated before start reading the file. Only then, I would read each line, split the columns, and give it to np.asarray and assign those (1024) values to each respective row of the output array.
The looping over the file is slow, yes. The thing here is that you limit (and control) the amount of memory being used. Roughly speaking, the big objects consuming your memory are the "output" (big) array, and the "line" (1024) array. Sure, there are quite a considerable amount of memory being consumed in each loop in the temporary objects during reading (text!) values, splitting into list elements and casting to an array. Still, it's something that will remain largely constant during the whole ~12M lines.
So, the steps I would go through are:
0) estimate and guarantee enough RAM memory available
1) instantiate (np.empty or np.zeros) the "output" array
2) loop over "input.txt" file, create a 1D array from each line "i"
3) assign the line values/array to row "i" of "output" array
Sure enough, you can even make it parallel: If on one hand text files cannot be randomly (r/w) accessed, on the other hand you can easily split them (see How can I split one text file into multiple *.txt files?) to have -- if fun is at the table -- them read in parallel, if that time if critical.
Hope that helps.
Export to a different function other than .npy seems inevitable unless your machine is able to handle the size of the data in-memory as per described in #Brandt answer.
Reading the data, then processing it (Kinda answering Q part 2)
To handle data size larger than what the RAM can handle, one would often resort to libraries that performs "out-of-core" computation, e.g. turicreate.SFrame, vaex or dask . These libraries would be able to lazily load the .csv files into dataframes and process them by chunks when evaluated.
from turicreate import SFrame
filename = "myfile.csv"
sf = SFrame.read_csv(filename)
sf.apply(...) # Trying to process the data
import vaex
filename = "myfile.csv"
df = vaex.from_csv(filename,
Converting the read data into numpy array (kinda answering Q part 1)
While out-of-core libraries can read and process the data efficiently, converting into numpy is an "in-memory" operation, the machine needs to have enough RAM to fit all data.
The turicreate.SFrame.to_numpy documentation writes:
Converts this SFrame to a numpy array
This operation will construct a numpy array in memory. Care must be taken when size of the returned object is big.
And the vaex documentation writes:
In-memory data representations
One can construct a Vaex DataFrame from a variety of in-memory data representations.
And dask best practices actually reimplemented their own array objects that are simpler than numpy array, see But when going through the docs, it seems like the format they have saved the dask array in are not .npy but various other formats.
Writing the file into non-.npy versions (answering Q Part 3)
Given the numpy arrays are inevitably in-memory, trying to save the data into one single .npy isn't the most viable option.
Different libraries seems to have different solutions for storage. E.g.
vaex saves the data into hdf5 by default if the convert=True argument is set when data is read through vaex.from_csv()
sframe saves the data into their own binary format
dask export functions save to_hdf() and to_parquet() format
It it's latest version (4.14) vaex support "streaming", i.e. lazy loading of CSV files. It uses pyarrow under the hood so it is supper fast. Try something like
df =
# or
df = vaex.from_csv_arrow(my_file.csv, lazy=True)
Then you can export to bunch of formats as needed, or keep working with it like that (it is surprisingly fast). Of course, it is better to convert to some kind of binary format..
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Define the input and output file names
csv_file = 'data.csv'
npy_file = 'data.npy'
# Create dummy data
data = np.random.rand(10000, 100)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df.to_csv(csv_file, index=False)
# Define the chunk size
chunk_size = 1000
# Read the header row and get the number of columns
header = pd.read_csv(csv_file, nrows=0)
num_cols = len(header.columns)
# Initialize an empty array to store the data
data = np.empty((0, num_cols))
# Loop over the chunks of the csv file
for chunk in pd.read_csv(csv_file, chunksize=chunk_size):
# Convert the chunk to a numpy array
chunk_array = chunk.to_numpy()
# Append the chunk to the data array
data = np.append(data, chunk_array, axis=0), data)
# Load the npy file and check the shape
npy_data = np.load(npy_file)
print('Shape of data before conversion:', data.shape)
print('Shape of data after conversion:', npy_data.shape)```
I'm not aware of any existing function or utility that directly and efficiently converts csv files into npy files. With efficient I guess primarily meaning with low memory requirements.
Writing a npy file iteratively is indeed possible, with some extra effort. There's already a question on SO that addresses this, see:
save numpy array in append mode
For example using the NpyAppendArray class from Michael's answer you can do:
with open('data.csv') as csv, NpyAppendArray('data.npy') as npy:
for line in csv:
row = np.fromstring(line, sep=',')
npy.append(row[np.newaxis, :])
The NpyAppendArray class updates the npy file header on every call to append, which is a bit much for your 12M rows. Maybe you could update the class to (optionally) only write the header on close. Or you could easily batch the writes:
batch_lines = 128
with open('data.csv') as csv, NpyAppendArray('data.npy') as npy:
done = False
while not done:
batch = []
for count, line in enumerate(csv):
row = np.fromstring(line, sep=',')
if count + 1 >= batch_lines:
done = True
(code is not tested)

Convert huge csv to hdf5 format

I downloaded IBM's Airline Reporting Carrier On-Time Performance Dataset; the uncompressed CSV is 84 GB. I want to run an analysis, similar to Flying high with Vaex, with the vaex libary.
I tried to convert the CSV to a hdf5 file, to make it readable for the vaex libary:
import time
import vaex
df = vaex.from_csv(r"D:\airline.csv", convert=True, chunk_size=1000000)
I always get an error when running the code:
RuntimeError: Dirty entry flush destroy failed (file write failed: time = Fri Sep 30 17:58:55 2022
, filename = 'D:\airline.csv_chunk_8.hdf5', file descriptor = 7, errno = 22, error message = 'Invalid argument', buf = 0000021EA8C6B128, total write size = 2040, bytes this sub-write = 2040, bytes actually written = 18446744073709551615, offset = 221133661).
Second run, I get this error:
RuntimeError: Unable to flush file's cached information (file write failed: time = Fri Sep 30 20:18:19 2022
, filename = 'D:\airline.csv_chunk_18.hdf5', file descriptor = 7, errno = 22, error message = 'Invalid argument', buf = 000002504659B828, total write size = 2048, bytes this sub-write = 2048, bytes actually written = 18446744073709551615, offset = 348515307)
Is there an alternative way to convert the CSV to hdf5 without Python? For example, a downloadable software which can do this job?
I'm not familiar with vaex, so can't help with usage and functions. However, I can read error messages. :-)
It reports "bytes written" with a huge number (18_446_744_073_709_551_615), much larger than the 84GB CSV. Some possible explanations:
you ran out of disk
you ran out of memory, or
had some other error
To diagnose, try testing with a small csv file and see if vaex.from_csv() works as expected. I suggest the lax_to_jfk.csv file.
Regarding your question, is there an alternative way to convert a csv to hdf5?, why not use Python?
Are you more comfortable with other languages? If so, you can install HDF5 and write your code with their C or Fortran API.
OTOH, if you are familiar with Python, there are other packages you can use to read the CSV file and create the HDF5 file.
Python packages to read the CSV
Personally, I like NumPy's genfromtxt() to read the CSV (You can also use loadtxt() to read the CSV, if you don't have missing values and don't need the field names.) However, I think you will run into memory problems reading a 84GB file. That said, you can use the skip_header and max_rows parameters with genfromtxt() to read and load a subset of lines. Alternately you can use csv.DictReader(). It reads a line at a time. So, you avoid memory issues, but it could be very slow loading the HDF5 file.
Python packages to create the HDF5 file
I have used both h5py and pytables (aka tables) to create and read HDF5 files. Once you load the CSV data to a NumPy array, it's a snap to create the HDF5 dataset.
Here is a very simple example that reads the lax_to_jfk.csv data and loads to a HDF5 file.
csv_name = 'lax_to_jfk'
rec_arr = np.genfromtxt(csv_name+'.csv', delimiter=',',
dtype=None, names=True, encoding='bytes')
with h5py.File(csv_name+'.h5', 'w') as h5f:
After posting this example, I decided to test with a larger file (airline_2m.csv). It's 861 MB, and has 2M rows. I discovered the code above doesn't work. However, it's not because of the number of rows. The problem is the columns (field names). Turns out the data isn't as clean; there are 109 field names on row 1, and some rows have 111 columns of data. As a result, the auto-generated dtype doesn't have a matching field. While investigating this, I also discovered many rows only have the values for first 56 fields. In other words, fields 57-111 are not very useful. One solution to this is to add the usecols=() parameter. Code below reflects this modification, and works with this test file. (I have not tried testing with your large file airline.csv. Given it's size likely you will need to read and load incrementally.)
csv_name = 'airline_2m'
rec_arr = np.genfromtxt(csv_name+'.csv', delimiter=',',
dtype=None, names=True, encoding='bytes') #,
usecols=(i for i in range(56)) )
with h5py.File(csv_name+'.h5', 'w') as h5f:
I tried reproducing your example. I believe the problem you are facing is quite common when dealing with CSVs. The schema is not known.
Sometimes there are "mixed types" and pandas (used underneath vaex's read_csv or from_csv ) casts those columns as dtype object.
Vaex does not really support such mixed dtypes, and requires each column to be of a single uniform type (kind of a like a database).
So how to go around this? Well, the best way I can think of is to use the dtype argument to explicitly specify the types of all columns (or those that you suspect or know to have mixed types). I know this file has like 100+ columns and that's annoying.. but that is also kind of the price to pay when using a format such as CSV...
Another thing i noticed is the encoding.. using pure pandas.read_csv failed at some point because of encoding and requires one to add encoding="ISO-8859-1". This is also supported by (since the args are just passed down to pandas).
In fact if you want to do manually what does automatically for you (given that this CSV file might not be as clean as one would hope), do something like (this is pseudo code but I hope close to the real thing)
# Iterate over the file in chunks
for i, df_tmp in enumerate(pd.read_csv(file, chunksize=11_000_000, encoding="ISO-8859-1", dtype=dtype)):
# Assert or check or do whatever needs doing to ensure column types are as they should be
# Pass the data to vaex (this does not take extra RAM):
df_vaex = vaex.from_pandas(df_tmp)
# Export this chunk into HDF5
# df_vaex.export_hdf5(f'chunk_{i}.hdf5')
# When the above loop finishes, just concat and export the data to a single file if needed (gives some performance benefit).
df ='chunk*.hdf5')
df.export_hdf5('converted.hdf5', progress='rich')
I've seen potentially much better/faster way of doing this with vaex, but it is not released yet (i saw it in the code repo on github), so I will not go into it, but if you can install from source, and want me to elaborate further feel free to drop a comment.
Hope this at least gives some ideas on how to move forward.
In last couple of versions of vaex core, opens all CSV files lazily, so then just export to hdf5/arrow directly, it will do it in one go. Check the docs for more details:

Increase speed numpy.loadtxt?

I have hundred of thousands of data text files to read. As of now, I'm importing the data from text files every time I run the code. Perhaps the easy solution would be to simply reformat the data into a file faster to read.
Anyway, right now every text files I have look like:
User: unknown
Title : OE1_CHANNEL1_20181204_103805_01
Sample data
Wavelength OE1_CHANNEL1
185.000000 27.291955
186.000000 27.000877
187.000000 25.792290
188.000000 25.205620
189.000000 24.711882
The code where I read and import the txt files is:
path = 'T2'
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
path = sys.argv[1]
files = os.listdir(path)
trans_import = []
for index, item in enumerate(files):
trans_import.append(np.loadtxt(path+'/'+files[1], dtype=float, skiprows=4, usecols=(0,1)))
The resulting array looks in the variable explorer as:
{ndarray} = [[185. 27.291955]\n [186. 27.000877]\n ... ]
I'm wondering, how I could speed up this part? It takes a little too long as of now just to import ~4k text files. There are 841 lines inside every text files (spectrum). The output I get with this code is 841 * 2 = 1682. Obviously, it considers the \n as a line...
It would probably be much faster if you had one large file instead of many small ones. This is generally more efficient. Additionally, you might get a speedup from just saving the numpy array directly and loading that .npy file in instead of reading in a large text file. I'm not as sure about the last part though. As always when time is a concern, I would try both of these options and then measure the performance improvement.
If for some reason you really can't just have one large text file / .npy file, you could also probably get a speedup by using, e.g., multiprocessing to have multiple workers reading in the files at the same time. Then you can just concatenate the matrices together at the end.
Not your primary question but since it seems to be an issue - you can rewrite the text files to not have those extra newlines, but I don't think np.loadtxt can ignore them. If you're open to using pandas, though, pandas.read_csv with skip_blank_lines=True should handle that for you. To get a numpy.ndarray from a pandas.DataFrame, just do dataframe.values.
Let use pandas.read_csv (with C speed) instead of numpy.loadtxt. This is a very helpful post:

Python hangs silently on large file write

I am trying to write a big list of numpy nd_arrays to disk.
The list is ~50000 elements long
Each element is a nd_array of size (~2048,2) of ints. The arrays have different shapes.
The method I am (curently) using is
def _write_with_yaml(path, obj):
with, 'w+', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
yaml.dump(obj, outfile, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)
I have also tried pickle which also give the same problem:
On small lists (~3400 long), this works fine, finishes fast enough (<30 sec).
On ~6000 long lists, this finishes after ~2 minutes.
When the list gets larger, the process seems not to do anything. No change in RAM or disk activity.
I stopped waiting after 30 minutes.
After force stopping the process, the file suddenly became of significant size (~600MB).
I can't know if it finished writing or not.
What is the correct way to write such large lists, know if he write succeeded, and, if possible, knowing when the write/read is going to finish?
How can I debug what's happening when the process seems to hang?
I prefer not to break and assemble the lists manually in my code, I expect the serialization libraries to be able to do that for me.
For the code
import numpy as np
import yaml
x = []
for i in range(0,50000):
print("Arrays generated")
with open("t.yaml", 'w+', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
yaml.dump(x, outfile, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)
on my system (MacOSX, i7, 16 GiB RAM, SSD) with Python 3.7 and PyYAML 3.13 the finish time is 61min. During the save the python process occupied around 5 GBytes of memory and final file size is 2 GBytes. This also shows the overhead of the file format: as the size of the data is 50k * 2048 * 2 * 8 (the size of a float is generally 64 bits in python) = 1562 MBytes, means yaml is around 1.3 times worse (and serialisation/deserialisation is also taking time).
To answer your questions:
There is no correct or incorrect way. To have a progress update and
estimation of finishing time is not easy (ex: other tasks might
interfere with the estimation, resources like memory could be used
up, etc.). You can rely on a library that supports that or implement
something yourself (as the other answer suggested)
Not sure "debug" is the correct term, as in practice it might be that the process just slow. Doing a performance analysis is not easy, especially if
using multiple/different libraries. What I would start with is clear
requirements: what do you want from the file saved? Do they need to
be yaml? Saving 50k arrays as yaml does not seem the best solution
if you care about performance. Should you ask yourself first "which is the best format for what I want?" (but you did not give details so can't say...)
Edit: if you want something just fast, use pickle. The code:
import numpy as np
import yaml
import pickle
x = []
for i in range(0,50000):
print("Arrays generated")
pickle.dump( x, open( "t.yaml", "wb" ) )
finishes in 9 seconds, and generates a file of 1.5GBytes (no overhead). Of course pickle format should be used in very different circumstances than yaml...
I cant say this is the answer, but it may be it.
When I was working on app that required fast cycles, I found out that something in the code is very slow. It was opening / closing yaml files.
It was solved by using JSON.
Dont use YAML for anything else than as some kind of config you dont open often.
Solution to your array saving:,array) # path = path+name+'.npy'
If you really need to save a list of arrays, I recommend you to save list with array paths(array themselfs you will save on disk with Saving python objects on disk is not really what you want. What you want is to save numpy arrays with
Complete solution(Saving example):
for array_index in range(len(list_of_arrays)):'.npy',list_of_arrays[array_index])
# path = array_index+'.npy'
Complete solution(Loading example):
list_of_array_paths = ['1.npy','2.npy']
list_of_arrays = []
for array_path in list_of_array_paths:
Further advice:
Python cant really handle large arrays. Moreover if you have loaded several of them in the list. From the point of speed and memory, always work with one,two arrays at a time. The rest must be waiting on the disk. So instead of object reference, have reference as a path and when needed, load it from disk.
Also, you said you dont want to assemble the list manually.
Possible solution, which I dont advice, but is possibly exactly what you are looking for
>>> a = np.zeros(shape = [10,5,3])
>>> b = np.zeros(shape = [7,7,9])
>>> c = [a,b]
>>> d = np.load('data.npy')
>>> d.shape
>>> type(d)
<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
>>> d.shape
>>> d[0].shape
(10, 5, 3)
I believe I dont need to comment above mentioned code. However, after loading back, you will lose list as the list will be transformed into numpy array.

How can I speed up unpickling large objects if I have plenty of RAM?

It's taking me up to an hour to read a 1-gigabyte NetworkX graph data structure using cPickle (its 1-GB when stored on disk as a binary pickle file).
Note that the file quickly loads into memory. In other words, if I run:
import cPickle as pickle
f = open("bigNetworkXGraph.pickle","rb")
binary_data = # This part doesn't take long
graph = pickle.loads(binary_data) # This takes ages
How can I speed this last operation up?
Note that I have tried pickling the data both in using both binary protocols (1 and 2), and it doesn't seem to make much difference which protocol I use. Also note that although I am using the "loads" (meaning "load string") function above, it is loading binary data, not ascii-data.
I have 128gb of RAM on the system I'm using, so I'm hoping that somebody will tell me how to increase some read buffer buried in the pickle implementation.
I had great success in reading a ~750 MB igraph data structure (a binary pickle file) using cPickle itself. This was achieved by simply wrapping up the pickle load call as mentioned here
Example snippet in your case would be something like:
import cPickle as pickle
import gc
f = open("bigNetworkXGraph.pickle", "rb")
# disable garbage collector
graph = pickle.load(f)
# enable garbage collector again
This definitely isn't the most apt way to do it, however, it reduces the time required drastically.
(For me, it reduced from 843.04s to 41.28s, around 20x)
You're probably bound by Python object creation/allocation overhead, not the unpickling itself.
If so, there is little you can do to speed this up, except not creating all the objects. Do you need the entire structure at once? If not, you could use lazy population of the data structure (for example: represent parts of the structure by pickled strings, then unpickle them only when they are accessed).
Why don't you try marshaling your data and storing it in RAM using memcached (for example). Yes, it has some limitations but as this points out marshaling is way faster (20 to 30 times) than pickling.
Of course, you should also spend as much time optimizing your data structure in order to minimize the amount and complexity of data you want stored.
This is ridiculous.
I have a huge ~150MB dictionary (collections.Counter actually) that I was reading and writing using cPickle in the binary format.
Writing it took about 3 min.
I stopped reading it in at the 16 min mark, with my RAM completely choked up.
I'm now using marshal, and it takes:
write: ~3s
read: ~5s
I poked around a bit, and came across this article.
Guess I've never looked at the pickle source, but it builds an entire VM to reconstruct the dictionary?
There should be a note about performance on very large objects in the documentation IMHO.
I'm also trying to speed up the loading/storing of networkx graphs. I'm using the adjacency_graph method to convert the graph to something serialisable, see for instance this code:
from networkx.generators import fast_gnp_random_graph
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
G = fast_gnp_random_graph(4000, 0.7)
with open('/tmp/graph.pickle', 'wb+') as f:
data = json_graph.adjacency_data(G)
pickle.dump(data, f)
with open('/tmp/graph.pickle', 'rb') as f:
d = pickle.load(f)
H = json_graph.adjacency_graph(d)
However, this adjacency_graph conversion method is quite slow, so time gained in pickling is probably lost on converting.
So this actually doesn't speed things up, bummer. Running this code gives the following timings:
0.666s ~ generating
0.790s ~ converting
0.237s ~ storing
0.295s ~ loading
1.152s ~ converting
2.761s ~ generating
3.282s ~ converting
1.068s ~ storing
1.105s ~ loading
4.941s ~ converting
6.377s ~ generating
7.644s ~ converting
2.464s ~ storing
2.393s ~ loading
12.219s ~ converting
12.458s ~ generating
19.025s ~ converting
8.825s ~ storing
8.921s ~ loading
27.601s ~ converting
This exponential growth is probably due to the graph getting exponentially more edges. Here is a test gist, in case you want to try yourself
Maybe the best thing you can do is to split the big data into smallest object smaller, let's say, than 50MB, so can be stored in ram, and recombine it.
Afaik there's no way to automatic splitting data via pickle module, so you have to do by yourself.
Anyway, another way (which is quite harder) is to use some NoSQL Database like MongoDB to store your data...
In general, I've found that if possible, when saving large objects to disk in python, it's much more efficient to use numpy ndarrays or scipy.sparse matrices.
Thus for huge graphs like the one in the example, I could convert the graph to a scipy sparse matrix (networkx has a function that does this, and it's not hard to write one), and then save that sparse matrix in binary format.
why don't you use pickle.load?
f = open('fname', 'rb')
graph = pickle.load(f)

