Spark dataframe update column where other colum is like with PySpark - python

This creates my example dataframe:
df = sc.parallelize([('abc',),('def',)]).toDF() #(
df = df.selectExpr("_1 as one",)
df = df.withColumn("two", lit('z'))
looking like this:
|abc| z|
|def| z|
now what I want to do is a series of SQL where like statements where column two is appended whether or not it matches
in "pseudo code" it looks like this:
for letter in ['a','b','c','d']:
df = df['two'].where(col('one').like("%{}%".format(letter))) += letter
finally resulting in a df looking like this:
|one| two|
|def| zd|

If you are using a list of strings to subset your string column, you can best use broadcast variables. Let's start with a more realistic example where your string still contain spaces:
df = sc.parallelize([('a b c',),('d e f',)]).toDF()
df = df.selectExpr("_1 as one",)
df = df.withColumn("two", lit('z'))
Then we create a broadcast variable from a list of letters, and consequently define an udf that uses them to subset a list of strings; and finally concatenates them with the value in another column, returning one string:
letters = ['a','b','c','d']
letters_bd = sc.broadcast(letters)
def subs(col1, col2):
l_subset = [x for x in col1 if x in letters_bd.value]
return col2 + ' ' + ' '.join(l_subset)
subs_udf = udf(subs)
To apply the above, the string we are subsetting need to be converted to a list, so we use the function split() first and then apply our udf:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, split
df.withColumn("three", split(col('one'), r'\W+')) \
.withColumn("three", subs_udf("three", "two")) \
| one|two| three|
|a b c| z|z a b c|
|d e f| z| z d|
Or without udf, using regexp_replace and concat if your letters can be comfortably fit into the regex expression.
from pyspark.sql.functions import regexp_replace, col, concat, lit
df.withColumn("three", concat(col('two'), lit(' '),
regexp_replace(col('one'), '[^abcd]', ' ')))


How to obtain the most repeat value in Array Type in Pyspark?

I have a pyspark data frame like the follow:
columns = ["id","values"]
data = [("sample1", ["a","b","a"]), ("sample2", ["b","b","a","c"])]
dataframe = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
| id| values|
|sample1| ["a","b","a"]|
|sample2| ["b","b","a","c"]|
I would like build a column with the most common value in the array and obtain a dataframe like the follow:
| id| values| common|
|sample1| ["a","b","a"]| "a"|
|sample2| ["b","b","a","c"]| "b"|
You can explode the array values the group by to count occurences of each value and use Window to filter the value with max count :
from pyspark.sql import Window
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df1 = df.withColumn(
).groupBy("id", "values", "common").count().withColumn(
F.row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("id", "values").orderBy(F.col("count").desc()))
).filter("rn = 1").drop("rn", "count")
#|id |values |common|
#|sample1|[a, b, a] |a |
#|sample2|[b, b, a, c]|b |
Another way without using explode is to do it with higher-order functions transform and filter along with some array functions:
df1 = df.withColumn(
x -> struct(
size(filter(values, y -> y = x)) as count,
x as value

How do you capitalize just the first letter in PySpark for a dataset? (Simple capitalization/sentence case)

I need to clean several fields: species/description are usually a simple capitalization in which the first letter is capitalized. PySpark only has upper, lower, and initcap (every single word in capitalized) which is not what I'm looking for.
Python has a native capitalize() function which I have been trying to use but keep getting an incorrect call to column.
fields_to_cap = ['species', 'description']
for col_name in fields_to_cap:
df = df.withColumn(col_name, df[col_name].captilize())
Is there a way to easily capitalize these fields?
To be clear, I am trying to capitalize the data within the fields. Here is an example:
"tHis is a descripTion."
"This is a description."
Use initcap
data = [
(1001, 'jana', 'yes'),
(1001, 'Jleo', 'no')
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ['SID','species', 'description']).show()
| SID|species|description|
|1001| jana| yes|
|1001| Jleo| no|
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df.withColumn("species", initcap(col('species'))).withColumn("description", initcap(col('description'))).show()
| SID|species|description|
|1001| Jana| Yes|
|1001| Jleo| No|
You can use a workaround by splitting the first letter and the rest, make the first letter uppercase and lowercase the rest, then concatenate them back
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([[1, 'rush HouR'],
[2, 'kung-Fu Panda'],
[3, 'titaniC'],
[4, 'the Sixth sense']], schema="id int, title string")
df = df.withColumn('title_capitalize', F.concat(F.upper(F.expr("substring(title, 1, 1)")),
F.lower(F.expr("substring(title, 2)"))))
| id| title|title_capitalize|
| 1| rush HouR| Rush hour|
| 2| kung-Fu Panda| Kung-fu panda|
| 3| titaniC| Titanic|
| 4|the Sixth sense| The sixth sense|
or you can use a UDF if you want to stick using Python's .capitalize()
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
udf_capitalize = F.udf(lambda x: str(x).capitalize(), StringType())
df = df.withColumn('title_capitalize', udf_capitalize('title'))

How do I convert convert a unicode list contained in pyspark column of a dataframe into float list?

I have created a dataframe as shown
import ast
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
values = [(u'['2','4','713',10),(u'['12','245']',20),(u'['101','12']',30)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(values,['list','A'])
| list| A|
|u'['2','4','713']| 10|
| u' ['12','245']| 20|
| u'['101','12',]| 30|
**How can I convert the above dataframe such that each element in the list is a float and is within a proper list**
I tried the below one :
def df_amp_conversion(df_modelamp):
string_list_to_list = udf(lambda row: ast.literal_eval(str(row)))
df_modelamp = df_modelamp.withColumn('float_list',string_list_to_list(col("list")))
df2 = amp_conversion(df)
But the data remains the same without a change.
I dont want convert the dataframe to pandas or use collect as it is memory intensive.
And if possible try to give me an optimal solution.I am using pyspark
That's because you forgot about the type
udf(lambda row: ast.literal_eval(str(row)), "array<integer>")
Though something like this would be more efficient:
from pyspark.sql.functions import rtrim, ltrim, split
df = spark.createDataFrame(["""u'[23,4,77,890,4]"""], "string").toDF("list")
regexp_replace("list", "^u'\\[|\\]$", ""), ","
# +-------------------+
# | list|
# +-------------------+
# |[23, 4, 77, 890, 4]|
# +-------------------+
I can create the true result in python 3 with a little change in definition of function df_amp_conversion. You didn't return the value of df_modelamp! This code works for me properly:
import ast
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
values = [(u"['2','4','713']",10),(u"['12','245']",20),(u"['101','12']",30)]
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(values,['list','A'])
def df_amp_conversion(df_modelamp):
string_list_to_list = udf(lambda row: ast.literal_eval(str(row)))
df_modelamp = df_modelamp.withColumn('float_list',string_list_to_list(col("list")))
return df_modelamp
df2 = df_amp_conversion(df)
# +---------------+---+-----------+
# | list| A| float_list|
# +---------------+---+-----------+
# |['2','4','713']| 10|[2, 4, 713]|
# | ['12','245']| 20| [12, 245]|
# | ['101','12']| 30| [101, 12]|
# +---------------+---+-----------+

Iterating over dict RDD and assign value to dataframe column

So I have a dataframe df like so,
| 1| 123|
I also have a dict like so:
Now, what I have to do is to update df with keys in dict being the new column name and the value of key being the costant value of the column.
Expected df should be like:
| 1| 123| abc| |
Now here's my python code to do it which is working fine...
input_data = pd.read_csv(inputFilePath,dtype=str)
for key, value in mapRow.iteritems(): #mapRow is the dict
if value is None:
input_data[key] = ""
input_data[key] = value
Now I'm migrating this code to pyspark and would like to know how to do it in pyspark?
Thanks for the help.
To combine RDDs, we use use zip or join . Below is the explanation using zip. zip is to concat them and map to flatten.
from pyspark.sql import Row
rdd_1 = sc.parallelize([Row(ID=1,COL_A=2)])
rdd_2 = sc.parallelize([Row(COL_B="abc",COL_C=" ")])
result_rdd = x: [j for i in x for j in i])
NOTE I didn't have payspark currently with me so this isn't tested.

map values in a dataframe from a dictionary using pyspark

I want to know how to map values in a specific column in a dataframe.
I have a dataframe which looks like:
df = sc.parallelize([('india','japan'),('usa','uruguay')]).toDF(['col1','col2'])
| col1| col2|
|india| japan|
| usa|uruguay|
I have a dictionary from where I want to map the values.
dicts = sc.parallelize([('india','ind'), ('usa','us'),('japan','jpn'),('uruguay','urg')])
The output I want is:
| col1| col2|col1_map|col2_map|
|india| japan| ind| jpn|
| usa|uruguay| us| urg|
I have tried using the lookup function but it doesn't work. It throws error SPARK-5063. Following is my approach which failed:
def map_val(x):
return dicts.lookup(x)[0]
myfun = udf(lambda x: map_val(x), StringType())
df = df.withColumn('col1_map', myfun('col1')) # doesn't work
df = df.withColumn('col2_map', myfun('col2')) # doesn't work
I think the easier way is just to use a simple dictionary and df.withColumn.
from itertools import chain
from pyspark.sql.functions import create_map, lit
simple_dict = {'india':'ind', 'usa':'us', 'japan':'jpn', 'uruguay':'urg'}
mapping_expr = create_map([lit(x) for x in chain(*simple_dict.items())])
df = df.withColumn('col1_map', mapping_expr[df['col1']])\
.withColumn('col2_map', mapping_expr[df['col2']])
udf way
I would suggest you to change the list of tuples to dicts and broadcast it to be used in udf
dicts = sc.broadcast(dict([('india','ind'), ('usa','us'),('japan','jpn'),('uruguay','urg')]))
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
from pyspark.sql import types as t
def newCols(x):
return dicts.value[x]
callnewColsUdf = f.udf(newCols, t.StringType())
df.withColumn('col1_map', callnewColsUdf(f.col('col1')))\
.withColumn('col2_map', callnewColsUdf(f.col('col2')))\
which should give you
|col1 |col2 |col1_map|col2_map|
|india|japan |ind |jpn |
|usa |uruguay|us |urg |
join way (slower than udf way)
All you have to do is change the dicts rdd to dataframe too and use two joins with aliasings as following
df = sc.parallelize([('india','japan'),('usa','uruguay')]).toDF(['col1','col2'])
dicts = sc.parallelize([('india','ind'), ('usa','us'),('japan','jpn'),('uruguay','urg')]).toDF(['key', 'value'])
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
df.join(dicts, df['col1'] == dicts['key'], 'inner')\
.select(f.col('col1'), f.col('col2'), f.col('value').alias('col1_map'))\
.join(dicts, df['col2'] == dicts['key'], 'inner') \
.select(f.col('col1'), f.col('col2'), f.col('col1_map'), f.col('value').alias('col2_map'))\
which should give you the same result
Similar to Ali AzG, but pulling it all out into a handy little method if anyone finds it useful
from itertools import chain
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from typing import Dict
def map_column_values(df:DataFrame, map_dict:Dict, column:str, new_column:str="")->DataFrame:
"""Handy method for mapping column values from one value to another
df (DataFrame): Dataframe to operate on
map_dict (Dict): Dictionary containing the values to map from and to
column (str): The column containing the values to be mapped
new_column (str, optional): The name of the column to store the mapped values in.
If not specified the values will be stored in the original column
spark_map = F.create_map([F.lit(x) for x in chain(*map_dict.items())])
return df.withColumn(new_column or column, spark_map[df[column]])
This can be used as follows
from pyspark.sql import Row, SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[3]").getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([Row(A=0), Row(A=1)])
df = map_column_values(df, map_dict={0:"foo", 1:"bar"}, column="A", new_column="B")
#| A| B|
#| 0|foo|
#| 1|bar|

