Can´t download images with Scrapy - python

I can't download images. I have several problems (I tried so many variations). This is my code (I guess it has many errors)
The goal is to crawl the start URL and save all the product images and change its names by SKU number. Also, the spider has to click "next button" to do the same task in all the pages (there are around 24.000 products)
The problems that I noticed are:
I don't know the exact configuration with Items Pipelines
The images don't download on the folder in
I want to filter images by resolution and use thumbnails. Which one is the recommended configuration?
The images are located on another server. This is a problem?
BOT_NAME = 'soarimages'
SPIDER_MODULES = ['soarimages.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'soarimages.spiders'
DEFAULT_ITEM_CLASS = 'soarimages.items'
ITEM_PIPELINES = {'soarimages.pipelines.soarimagesPipeline': 1}
IMAGES_STORE = '/soarimages/images'
import scrapy
class soarimagesItem(scrapy.Item):
title = scrapy.Field()
image_urls = scrapy.Field()
images = scrapy.Field()
import scrapy
from scrapy.contrib.pipeline.images import ImagesPipeline
class soarimagesPipeline(ImagesPipeline):
def set_filename(self, response):
#add a regex here to check the title is valid for a filename.
return 'full/{0}.jpg'.format(response.meta['title'][0])
def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
for image_url in item['image_urls']:
yield scrapy.Request(image_url, meta={'title': item['title']})
def get_images(self, response, request, info):
for key, image, buf in super(soarimagesPipeline, self).get_images(response, request, info):
key = self.set_filename(response)
yield key, image, buf
Productphotos.PY (Spider)
# import the necessary packages
import scrapy
from scrapy.spiders import Rule, CrawlSpider
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from soarimages.items import soarimagesItem
class soarimagesSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'productphotos'
allowed_domains = ['','']
start_urls = ['']
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=['*']), 'parse')]
def parse(self, response):
SECTION_SELECTOR = '.one-prod'
for soarimages in response.css(SECTION_SELECTOR):
image = soarimagesItem()
image['title'] = response.xpath('.//p[#class="sku"]/text()').re_first(r'SKU:\s*(.*)').strip(),
rel = response.xpath('//div/a/img/#data-original').extract_first()
image['image_urls'] = ['http:'+rel[0]]
yield image
NEXT_PAGE_SELECTOR = ' ::attr(href)'
next_page = response.css(NEXT_PAGE_SELECTOR).extract_first()
if next_page:
yield scrapy.Request(

This is my code (I guess it has many errors)
In fact I could spot at least one error: allowed_domains should list only the domains. You must not include any http:// prefix:
allowed_domains = ['', '']
You maybe want to fix this and test your spider. If new questions arise create specific questions for each specific problem. This makes it easier to help you. See also how to ask


Scrapy dont save values to items

Since today, my spider wont save any information to my items "DuifpicturesItem".
I got almost the same spider created for a different customer, but this one wont save anything, idk why. My only have two fields: Images and Link
In my console, i can see, that i collects the right data, but it doenst save it
My Code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from ..items import DuifpicturesItem
from scrapy.http import Request, FormRequest
import csv
class DuifLogin(CrawlSpider):
name = "duiflogin"
allowed_domains = ['']
login_page = ''
custom_settings = {'FEED_EXPORT_FIELDS' : ['SKU', 'Title', 'Price', 'Link', 'Title_small', 'NL_PL_PC', 'Description' ] }
with open("duifonlylinks.csv","r") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
start_urls = [items['Link'] for items in reader]
rules = (
def start_requests(self):
yield Request(
def parse(self, response):
return FormRequest.from_response(response,formdata={
'username' : '****',
'password' : '****',
'submit' : ''
}, callback=self.after_loging)
def after_loging(self, response):
accview = response.xpath('//div[#class="c-accountbox clearfix js-match-height"]/h3')
if accview:
for url in self.start_urls:
yield response.follow(url=url, callback=self.parse_page)
def parse_page(self, response):
productpage = response.xpath('//div[#class="product-details col-md-12"]')
if not productpage:
print('No product', response.url)
for a in productpage:
items = DuifpicturesItem()
items['Link'] = response.url
items['Images'] = response.xpath('//div[#class="inner"]/img/#src').getall()
yield items
My console
here you can see, that it scrapes links and images like i want to, but the .csv/.json file still empty
the login data isnt correct, but for this proccess, i dont have to be login, so i guess, it doenst effect the crawling process.
Not sure of what you mean by "save it". Since you made no mention to a pipeline, I'm assuming you don't have one for handling your items, so your Items are beign kept on memory only.
If you want to save your scraped items into a file you need to use the feed export. Simplest way would be:
scrapy crawl myspider -o items.json
It supports other formats, check the documentation.
If you meant to save into a DB or do something else with the data check the ItemPipelines.

My scrapy pagination works but it just show me the first page data for all pages

Im new to python and i mix up many example codes for my scrapy but it just show me the first page data for all pages. what is the problem?
My code is:
import scrapy
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class HotelAbbasiItem(Item):
class HotelabbasiSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'HotelAbbasi'
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self,response):
for part in all_div_parts:
yield items
if NextPage:
yield scrapy.Request(url=NextPage,callback=self.parse)

Python + Scrapy: Issues running "ImagesPipeline" when running crawler from script

I'm brand new to Python so I apologize if there's a dumb mistake here...I've been scouring the web for days, looking at similar issues and combing through Scrapy docs and nothing seems to really resolve this for me...
I have a Scrapy project which successfully scrapes the source website, returns the required items, and then uses an ImagePipeline to download (and then rename accordingly) the images from the returned image links... but only when I run from the terminal with "runspider".
Whenever I use "crawl" from the terminal or CrawlProcess to run the spider from within the script, it returns the items but does not download the images and, I assume, completely misses the ImagePipeline.
I read that I needed to import my settings when running this way in order to properly load the pipeline, which makes sense after looking into the differences between "crawl" and "runspider" but I still cannot get the pipeline working.
There are no error messages but I notice that it does return "[scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled item pipelines: []" ... Which I assumed was showing that it is still missing my pipeline?
Here's my
import scrapy
from scrapy2.items import Scrapy2Item
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings
class spider1(scrapy.Spider):
name = "spider1"
domain = ""
def start_requests(self):
yield scrapy.Request(url=spider1.domain ,callback = self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
items = Scrapy2Item()
titlevar = response.css('span.a-text-normal ::text').extract_first()
imgvar = [response.css('img ::attr(src)').extract_first()]
skuvar = response.xpath('//meta[#name="keywords"]/#content')[0].extract()
items['title'] = titlevar
items['image_urls'] = imgvar
items['sku'] = skuvar
yield items
process = CrawlerProcess(get_project_settings())
Here is my
import scrapy
class Scrapy2Item(scrapy.Item):
title = scrapy.Field()
image_urls = scrapy.Field()
sku = scrapy.Field()
Here is my
import scrapy
from scrapy.pipelines.images import ImagesPipeline
class Scrapy2Pipeline(ImagesPipeline):
def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
return [scrapy.Request(x, meta={'image_name': item['sku']})
for x in item.get('image_urls', [])]
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
return '%s.jpg' % request.meta['image_name']
Here is my
BOT_NAME = 'scrapy2'
SPIDER_MODULES = ['scrapy2.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'scrapy2.spiders'
'scrapy2.pipelines.Scrapy2Pipeline': 1,
IMAGES_STORE = 'images'
Thank you to anybody that looks at this or even attempts to help me out. It's greatly appreciated.
Since you are running your spider as a script, there is no scrapy project environment, get_project_settings won't work (aside from grabbing the default settings).
The script must be self-contained, i.e. contain everything you need to run your spider (or import it from your python search path, like any regular old python code).
I've reformatted that code for you, so that it runs, when you execute it with the plain python interpreter: python3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import scrapy
from scrapy.pipelines.images import ImagesPipeline
BOT_NAME = 'scrapy2'
IMAGES_STORE = 'images'
class Scrapy2Item(scrapy.Item):
title = scrapy.Field()
image_urls = scrapy.Field()
sku = scrapy.Field()
class Scrapy2Pipeline(ImagesPipeline):
def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
return [scrapy.Request(x, meta={'image_name': item['sku']})
for x in item.get('image_urls', [])]
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
return '%s.jpg' % request.meta['image_name']
class spider1(scrapy.Spider):
name = "spider1"
domain = ""
def start_requests(self):
yield scrapy.Request(url=spider1.domain ,callback = self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
items = Scrapy2Item()
titlevar = response.css('span.a-text-normal ::text').extract_first()
imgvar = [response.css('img ::attr(src)').extract_first()]
skuvar = response.xpath('//meta[#name="keywords"]/#content')[0].extract()
items['title'] = titlevar
items['image_urls'] = imgvar
items['sku'] = skuvar
yield items
if __name__ == "__main__":
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.settings import Settings
settings = Settings(values={
'__main__.Scrapy2Pipeline': 1,
process = CrawlerProcess(settings=settings)

Understandin how rename images scrapy works

I see all questions here, but i dont understand yet.
Actualy with de code bellow i do what i need, except rename de image, so i try change name in the file, pls check comments inside.
SPIDER_MODULES = ['xxx.spiders']
NEWSPIDER_MODULE = 'xxx.spiders'
ITEM_PIPELINES = {'scrapy.pipelines.images.ImagesPipeline': 1}
IMAGES_STORE = '/home/magicnt/xxx/images'
class XxxItem(scrapy.Item):
# define the fields for your item here like:
# name = scrapy.Field()
title = scrapy.Field()
image_urls = scrapy.Field()
#images = scrapy.Field()<---with that code work with default name images
images = title<--- I try rename here, but not work
from xxx.items import XxxItem
import scrapy
from scrapy.pipelines.images import ImagesPipeline
from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem
class CoverSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "pyimagesearch-cover-spider"
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
for bimb in response.css('#mod_imoveis_result'):
imageURL = bimb.xpath('./div[#id="g-img-imo"]/div[#class="img_p_results"]/img/#src').extract_first()
title = bimb.css('#titulo_imovel::text').extract_first()
yield {
'image_urls' : [response.urljoin(imageURL)],
'title' : title
next_page = response.xpath('//a[contains(#class, "num_pages") and contains(#class, "pg_number_next")]/#href').extract_first()
yield response.follow(next_page, self.parse)
My goal is rename downloaded images with the title from item. Any tip for this goal are welcome.
I'm totally new to python and oo, I usually scrape with structural php but realize what a good scrapy it can be, ask for a little patience and help.
My code is based on Scrapy Image Pipeline: How to rename images? I tested it a week ago and it works on my own spiders.
# This pipeline is designed for an item with multiple images
class ImagesWithNamesPipeline(ImagesPipeline):
def get_media_requests(self, item, info):
# values in field "image_name" must have suffix ".jpg"
# you can only change "image_name" to your own image name filed "images"
# however it should be a list
for (image_url, image_name) in zip(item[self.IMAGES_URLS_FIELD], item["image_names"]):
yield scrapy.Request(url=image_url, meta={"image_name": image_name})
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
image_name = request.meta["image_name"]
return image_name
Here is how the ImagePipeline works:
The pipeline will execute image_downloaded -> get_images -> file_path in order. ("->" means invokes)
image_downloaded: save images that get_images return by invoking persist_file
get_images: convert images to JPEG
file_path: return the relative path of image
I scaned through the source code of ImagePipeline and found no special field for rename an image. Scrapy will rename it in this way:
def file_path(self, request, response=None, info=None):
image_guid = hashlib.sha1(to_bytes(url)).hexdigest() # change to request.url after deprecation
return 'full/%s.jpg' % (image_guid)
Therefore we should override method file_path. According to the source code of FilePipeline which ImagePipeline inherits, we only need to return relative paths and persist_file will get things done.

Scrapy - Output to Multiple JSON files

I am pretty new to Scrapy. I am looking into using it to crawl an entire website for links, in which I would output the items into multiple JSON files. So I could then upload them to Amazon Cloud Search for indexing. Is it possible to split the items into multiple files instead of having just one giant file in the end? From what I've read, the Item Exporters can only output to one file per spider. But I am only using one CrawlSpider for this task. It would be nice if I could set a limit to the number of items included in each file, like 500 or 1000.
Here is the code I have set up so far (based off the used in the tutorial):
import scrapy
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from tutorial.items import DmozItem
class DmozSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = "dmoz"
allowed_domains = [""]
start_urls = [
rules = [Rule(LinkExtractor(), callback='parse_item', follow=True)]
def parse_item(self, response):
for sel in response.xpath('//ul/li'):
item = DmozItem()
item['title'] = sel.xpath('a/text()').extract()
item['link'] = sel.xpath('a/#href').extract()
item['desc'] = sel.xpath('text()').extract()
yield item
import scrapy
class DmozItem(scrapy.Item):
title = scrapy.Field()
link = scrapy.Field()
desc = scrapy.Field()
Thanks for the help.
I don't think built-in feed exporters support writing into multiple files.
One option would be to export into a single file in jsonlines format basically, one JSON object per line which is convenient to pipe and split.
Then, separately, after the crawling is done, you can read the file in the desired chunks and write into separate JSON files.
So I could then upload them to Amazon Cloud Search for indexing.
Note that there is a direct Amazon S3 exporter (not sure it helps, just FYI).
You can add a name to each item and use a custom pipeline to output to different json files. like so:
from scrapy.exporters import JsonItemExporter
from scrapy import signals
class MultiOutputExporter(object):
def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
pipeline = cls()
crawler.signals.connect(pipeline.spider_opened, signals.spider_opened)
crawler.signals.connect(pipeline.spider_closed, signals.spider_closed)
return pipeline
def spider_opened(self, spider):
self.items = ['item1','item2']
self.files = {}
self.exporters = {}
for item in self.items:
self.files[item] = open(f'{item}.json', 'w+b')
self.exporters[item] = JsonItemExporter(self.files[item])
def spider_closed(self, spider):
for item in self.items:
def process_item(self, item, spider):
return item
Then add names to your items as follows:
class Item(scrapy.Item):
name = 'item1'
Now enable the pipeline in scrapy.setting and voila.

