Pillow's Image.thumbnail() doesn't do anything - python

I try to make thumbnails using the following code:
import Image
# Skipping creation of file-like object 'f'
im = Image.open(f)
im.thumbnail((256, im.height))
im.save(f, 'WebP')
The docs say "This method modifies the image to contain a thumbnail version of itself, no larger than the given size." Thus, I expect the output to be fit within 256px width while preserving the aspect ratio. The above code, however, has no effect and output image has the same resolution as input, which is always larger than 256px width.
How can I achieve the desired effect?

Pillow docs specify that file needs to be opened in binary mode, but with w+b used here new image actually gets appended to the old one. It needs to be fully loaded to memory and file to be truncated. The working code is:
import Image
# Skipping creation of file-like object 'f'
im = Image.open(f)
im.thumbnail((256, im.height))
im.save(f, 'WebP')


Is there a proper way to convert common picture file extensions into a .PGM "P2" using PIL or cv2?

Edit: Problem solved and code updated.
I apologize in advance for the long post. I wanted to bring as much as I could to the table. My question consists of two parts.
Background: I was in need of a simple Python script that would convert common picture file extensions into a .PGM ASCII file. I had no issues coming up with a naive solution as PGM seems pretty straight forward.
# convert-to-pgm.py is a script for converting image types supported by PIL into their .pgm
# ascii counterparts, as well as resizing the image to have a width of 909 and keeping the
# aspect ratio. Its main purpose will be to feed NOAA style images into an APT-encoder
# program.
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageEnhance
import numpy as np
# Open image, convert to greyscale, check width and resize if necessary
im = Image.open(r"pics/NEKO.JPG").convert("L")
image_array = np.array(im)
print(f"Original 2D Picture Array:\n{image_array}") # data is stored differently depending on
# im.mode (RGB vs L vs P)
image_width, image_height = im.size
print(f"Size: {im.size}") # Mode: {im.mode}")
# im.show()
if image_width != 909:
print("Resizing to width of 909 keeping aspect ratio...")
new_width = 909
ratio = (new_width / float(image_width))
new_height = int((float(image_height) * float(ratio)))
im = im.resize((new_width, new_height))
print(f"New Size: {im.size}")
# im.show()
# Save image data in a numpy array and make it 1D.
image_array1 = np.array(im).ravel()
print(f"Picture Array: {image_array1}")
# create file w .pgm ext to store data in, first 4 lines are: pgm type, comment, image size,
# maxVal (=white, 0=black)
file = open("output.pgm", "w+")
file.write("P2\n# Created by convert-to-pgm.py \n%d %d\n255\n" % im.size)
# Storing greyscale data in file with \n delimiter
for number in image_array1:
# file.write(str(image_array1[number]) + '\n') #### This was the culprit of the hindered image quality...changed to line below. Thanks to Mark in comments.
file.write(str(number) + '\n')
im = im.save(r"pics/NEKO-greyscale.jpg")
# Strings to replace the newline characters
with open('output.pgm', 'rb') as open_file:
content = open_file.read()
content = content.replace(WINDOWS_LINE_ENDING, UNIX_LINE_ENDING)
with open('output.pgm', 'wb') as open_file:
This produces a .PGM file that, when opened with a text editor, looks similar to the same image that was exported as a .PGM using GIMP (My prior solution was to use the GIMP export tool to manually convert the pictures and I couldn't find any other converters that supported the "P2" format). However, the quality of the resulting picture is severely diminished compared to what is produced using the GIMP export tool. I have tried a few methods of image enhancement (brightness, equalize, posterize, autocontrast, etc.) to get a better result, but none have been entirely successful. So my first question: what can I do differently to obtain a result that looks more like what GIMP produces? I am not looking for perfection, just a little clarity and a learning experience. How can I automatically adjust {insert whatever} for the best picture?
Below is the .PGM image produced by my version compared GIMP's version, open in a text editor, using the same input .jpg
My version vs. GIMP's version:
Below are comparisons of adding various enhancements before creating the .pgm file compared to the original .jpg and the original .jpg converted as a greyscale ("L"). All photos are opened through GIMP.
Original .jpg
Greyscale .jpg, after .convert("L") command
**This is ideally what I want my .PGM to look like. Why is the numpy array data close, yet different than the data in the GIMP .PGM file, even though the produced greyscale image looks identical to what GIMP produces?
Answer: Because it wasn't saving the correct data. :D
GIMP's Resulting .PGM
My Resulting .PGM
My Resulting .PGM with lower brightness, with Brightness.enhance(0.5)
Resulting .PGM with posterize, ImageOps.posterize(im, 4)
My last issue comes when viewing the .PGM picture using various PGM viewers, such as these online tools (here and here). The .PGM file is not viewable through one of the above links, but works "fine" when viewing with the other link or with GIMP. Likewise, the .PGM file I produce with my script is also not currently compatible with the program that I intend to use it for. This is most important to me, since its purpose is to feed the properly formatted PGM image into the program. I'm certain that something in the first four lines of the .PGM file is altering the program's ability to sense that it is indeed a PGM, and I'm pretty sure that it's something trivial, since some other viewers are also not capable of reading my PGM. So my main question is: Is there a proper way to do this conversion or, with the proper adjustments, is my script suitable? Am I missing something entirely obvious? I have minimal knowledge on image processing.
GitHub link to the program that I'm feeding the .PGM images into: here
More info on this particular issue: The program throws a fault when ran with one of my .PGM images, but works perfectly with the .PGM images produced with GIMP. The program is in C++ and the line "ASSERT(buf[2] == '\n')" returns the error, implying that my .PGM file is not in the correct format. If I comment this line out and recompile, another "ASSERT(width == 909)..." throws an error, implying that my .PGM does not have a width of 909 pixels. If I comment this line out as well and recompile, I am left with the infamous "segmentation fault (core dumped)." I compiled this on Windows, with cygwin64. Everything seems to be in place, so the program is having trouble reading the contents of the file (or understanding '\n'?). How could this be if both my version and GIMP's version are essentially identical in format, when viewed with a text editor?
Terminal output:
Thanks to all for the help, any and all insight/criticism is acceptable.
The first part of my question was answered in the comments, it was a silly mistake on my end as I'm still learning syntax. The above code now works as intended.
I was able to do a little more research on the second part of my problems and I noticed something very important, and also feel quite silly for missing it yesterday.
So of course the reason why my program was having a problem reading the '\n' character was simply because Windows encodes newline characters as CRLF aka '\r\n' as opposed to the Unix way of LF aka '\n'. So in my script at the very end I just add the simple code [taken from here]:
# replacement strings
with open('output.pgm', 'rb') as open_file:
content = open_file.read()
content = content.replace(WINDOWS_LINE_ENDING, UNIX_LINE_ENDING)
with open('output.pgm', 'wb') as open_file:
Now, regardless on whether the text file is encoded with CRLF or LF, the script will work properly.

Convert mp3 song image from png to jpg

I have a set of many songs, some of which have png images in metadata, and I need to convert these to jpg.
I know how to convert png images to jpg in general, but I am currently accessing metadata using eyed3, which returns ImageFrame objects, and I don't know how to manipulate these. I can, for instance, access the image type with
which returns
but I don't know how to progress from here. Very naively I tried loading the image with OpenCV, but it is either not a compatible format or I didn't do it properly. And anyway I wouldn't know how to update the old image with the new one either!
Note: While I am currently working with eyed3, it is perfectly fine if I can solve this any other way.
I was finally able to solve this, although in a not very elegant way.
The first step is to load the image. For some reason I could not make this work with eyed3, but TinyTag does the job:
from PIL import Image
from tinytag import TinyTag
tag = TinyTag.get(mp3_path, image=True)
image_data = tag.get_image()
img_bites = io.BytesIO(image_data)
photo = Image.open(im)
Then I manipulate it. For example we may resize it and save it as jpg. Because we are using Pillow (PIL) for these operations, we actually need to save the image and finally load it back to get the binary data (this detail is probably what should be improved in the process).
photo = photo.resize((500, 500)) # suppose we want 500 x 500 pixels
rgb_photo = photo.convert("RGB")
rgb_photo.save(temp_file_path, format="JPEG")
The last step is thus to load the image and set it as metadata. You have more details about this step in this answer.:
audio_file = eyed3.load(mp3_path) # this has been loaded before
3, open(temp_file_path, "rb").read(), "image/jpeg"

Python: SpooledTemporaryFile suffix not working

I want to write an image using opencv to a temporary file, get the path of that temporary file and pass that path to a function.
import cv2 as cv
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, SpooledTemporaryFile
img = create_my_awesome_image()
with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png") as temp:
cv.imwrite(temp.name, img) # this one sparks joy
with SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=1000000, suffix=".png") as temp:
cv.imwrite(temp.name, img) # this one does not
The first print prints C:\Users\FLORIA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpl2i6nc47.png.
While the second print prints: None.
Using NamedTemporaryFile works perfectly find. However, because the second print prints None, I cannot use the SpooledTemporaryFile together with opencv. Any ideas why the prefix argument of SpooledTemporaryFile is ignored?
The problem is that a spooled file (such as a SpooledTemporaryFile) doesn't exist on the disk, so it also doesn't have a name.
However, note that cv2.imread() will take a file name as an argument, meaning that it will handle the file opening and it doesn't support spooled files.
If you are only working with png images, they are not encoded, meaning that the variable img already contains the image data in memory and there is nothing else for you to do, just call cv2.imwrite() when you want to save it to the disk. If you want to use a temporary file, it has to be a NamedTemporaryFile.
If you want to handle an encoded image format in memory, such as jpg, you can use cv2.imencode() for that purpose, as in this answer.

How to send embedded image created using PIL/pillow as email (Python 3)

I am creating image that I would like to embed in the e-mail. I cannot figure out how to create image as binary and pass into MIMEImage. Below is the code I have and I have error when I try to read image object - the error is "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read'".
html="""<p>Please finish registration <br/><img src="cid:image.jpg"></p>"""
msgText = MIMEText(html,'html')
If you look at line 4 - I am trying to read image so that I can pass it into MIMEImage. Apparently, image needs to be read as binary. However, I don't know how to convert it to binary so that .read() can process it.
I edited code per suggestions from jsbueno - thank you very much!!!:
subject_header='Please use code provided in this e-mail to confirm your subscription.'
html="""<p>Please finish registration by loging into your account and typing in code from this e-mail.<br/><img src="cid:image.png"></p>"""
msgImg=MIMEImage(imgObj) #Is mistake here?
smtpObj=smtplib.SMTP('smtp.mandrillapp.com', 587)
I am not getting errors now but e-mail does not have image in it. I am confused about the way image gets attached and related to in html/email part. Any help is appreciated!
This code actually works - I just had minor typo in the code on my PC.
There are a couple of conceptual errors there, both in using PIL and on what format an image should be in order to be incorporated into an e-mail.
In PIL: the ImageDraw class operates inplace, not like the Image class calls, which usually return a new image after each operation. In your code, it means that the call to image_base.text is actually changing the pixel data of the object that lies in your image variable. This call actually returns None and the code above should raise an error like "AttributeError: None object does not have attribute 'read'" on the following line.
Past that (that is, you should fetch the data from your image variable to attach it to the e-mail) comes the second issue: PIL, for obvious reasons, have images in an uncompressed, raw pixel data format in memory. When attaching images in e-mails we usually want images neatly packaged inside a file - PNG or JPG formats are usually better depending on the intent - let's just stay with .PNG. So, you have to create the file data using PIL, and them attach the file data (i.e. the data comprising a PNG file, including headers, metadata, and the actual pixel data in a compressed form). Otherwise you'd be putting in your e-mail a bunch of (uncompressed) pixel data that the receiving party would have no way to assemble back into an image (even if he would treat the data as pixels, raw pixel data does not contain the image shape so-)
You have two options: either generate the file-bytes in memory, or write them to an actual file in disk, and re-read that file for attaching. The second form is easier to follow. The first is both more efficient and "the right thing to do" - so let's keep it:
from io import BytesIO
# In Python 2.x:
# from StringIO import StringIO.StringIO as BytesIO
# this actually modifies "image"
stream = BytesIO()
image.save(stream, format="png")
(NB: I have not checked the part dealing with mail and mime proper in your code - if you are using it correctly, it should work now)

PIL: How to reopen an image after verifying?

I need open an image, verify the image, then reopen it (see last sentence of below quote from PIL docs)
Attempts to determine if the file is broken, without actually decoding
the image data. If this method finds any problems, it raises suitable
exceptions. This method only works on a newly opened image; if the
image has already been loaded, the result is undefined. Also, if you
need to load the image after using this method, you must reopen the
image file.
This is what I have in my code, where picture is a django InMemoryUploadedFile object:
img = Image.open(picture)
img = Image.open(picture)
The first two lines work fine, but I get the following error for the third line (where I'm attempting to "reopen" the image):
IOError: cannot identify image file
What is the proper way to reopen the image file, as the docs suggest?
This is no different than doing
f = open('x.png')
The code above does not work because PIL advances in the file while reading its first few bytes to (attempt to) identify its format. Trying to use a second Image.open in this situation will fail as noted because now the current position in the file is past its image's header. To confirm this, you can verify what f.tell() returns. To solve this issue you have to go back to the start of the file either by doing f.seek(0) between the two calls to Image.open, or closing and reopening the file.
Try doing a del img between the verify and second open.

