why each time a new queue is generated by celery+rabbitmq? - python

from celery import Celery
app = Celery('abmp', backend='amqp://guest#localhost',broker='amqp://guest#localhost' )
def add(self, a, b):
return a + b
from abmp import add
execute celery
celery -A abmp worker -E -Q push_tasks -l info
execute execute_test.py
python2.7 execute_test.py。
Finally to the rabbitmq background view and found that the implementation of execute_test.py each time to generate a new queue, rather than the task thrown into push_tasks queue.

You are using AMQP as result backend. Celery stores each task's result as new queue, named with the task's ID. Use a better suited backend (Redis, for example) to avoid spamming new queues.

When you are using AMQP as the result backend for Celery, default behavior is to store every task result (for 1 day as per the faqs in http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/faq.html).
As per the documentation on current stable version (4.1), this is deprecated and should not be used.
Your options are,
Use result_expires setting, if you plan to go ahead with amqp as backend.
Use a different backend (like redis)
If you dont need the results at all, user ignore_result setting


How to Inspect the Queue Processing a Celery Task

I'm currently leveraging celery for periodic tasks. I am new to celery. I have two workers running two different queues. One for slow background jobs and one for jobs user's queue up in the application.
I am monitoring my tasks on datadog because it's an easy way to confirm my workers a running appropriately.
What I want to do is after each task completes, record which queue the task was completed on.
def on_task_publish(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs):
task = celery.tasks.get(sender)
queue_name = task.queue
statsd.increment("celery.on_task_publish.increment", tags=[f"{queue_name}:{task}"])
The following function is something that I implemented after researching the celery docs and some StackOverflow posts, but it's not working as intended. I get the first statsd increment but the remaining code does not execute.
I am wondering if there is a simpler way to inspect inside/after each task completes, what queue processed the task.
Since your question says is there a way to inspect inside/after each task completes - I'm assuming you haven't tried this celery-result-backend stuff. So you could check out this feature which is provided by Celery itself : Celery-Result-Backend / Task-result-Backend .
It is very useful for storing results of your celery tasks.
Read through this => https://docs.celeryproject.org/en/stable/userguide/configuration.html#task-result-backend-settings
Once you get an idea of how to setup this result-backend, Search for result_extended key (in the same link) to be able to add queue-names in your task return values.
Number of options are available - Like you can setup these results to go to any of these :
Sql-DB / NoSql-DB / S3 / Azure / Elasticsearch / etc
I have made use of this Result-Backend feature with Elasticsearch and this how my task results are stored :
It is just a matter of adding few configurations in settings.py file as per your requirements. Worked really well for my application. And I have a weekly cron that clears only successful results of tasks - since we don't need the results anymore - and I can see only failed results (like the one in image).
These were main keys for my requirement : task_track_started and task_acks_late along with result_backend

Django celery redis remove a specific periodic task from queue

There is a specific periodic task that needs to be removed from message queue. I am using the configuration of Redis and celery here.
def task_abcd():
some operations here
There are other periodic tasks also in the project but I need to stop this specific task to stop from now on.
As explained in this answer, the following code will work?
def task_abcd():
In this example periodic task schedule is defined directly in code, meaning it is hard-coded and cannot be altered dynamically without code change and app re-deploy.
The provided code with task logic deleted or with simple return at the beginning - will work, but will not be the answer to the question - task will still run, there just is no code that will run with it.
Also, it is recommended NOT to use #periodic_task:
"""Deprecated decorator, please use :setting:beat_schedule."""
so it is not recommended to use it.
First, change method from being #periodic_task to just regular celery #task, and because you are using Django - it is better to go straightforward for #shared_task:
from celery import shared_task
def task_abcd():
Now this is just one of celery tasks, which needs to be called explicitly. Or it can be run periodically if added to celery beat schedule.
For production and if using multiple workers it is not recommended to run celery worker with embedded beat (-B) - run separate instance of celery beat scheduler.
Schedule can specified in celery.py or in django project settings (settings.py).
It is still not very dynamic, as to re-read settings app needs to be reloaded.
Then, use Database Scheduler which will allow dynamically creating schedules - which tasks need to be run and when and with what arguments. It even provides nice django admin web views for administration!
That code will work but I'd go for something that doesn't force you to update your code every time you need to disable/enable the task.
What you could do is to use a configurable variable whose value could come from an admin panel, a configuration file, or whatever you want, and use that to return before your code runs if the task is in disabled mode.
For instance:
def task_abcd():
config = load_config_for_task_abcd()
if not config.is_enabled:
# some operations here
In this way, even if your task is scheduled, its operations won't be executed.
If you simply want to remove the periodic task, have you tried to remove the function and then restart your celery service. You can restart your Redis service as well as your Django server for safe measure.
Make sure that the function you removed is not referenced anywhere else.

Adding celery queue at bootstep

I want to make two things
I made a worker bootstep that loads configuration from remote.
I want to get a param from config and add a queue with set it at consumer queue name.
works perfect
but i can't make a SetQueue boot step
simply my SetQueue now looks like:
class SetQueue(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
requires = (Consumer, )
def start(self, parent, **kwargs):
parent.add_task_queue('q_name', exchange='q_name', routing_key='q_name')
it doesn't work.
I think my problem is that i doesn't understand - at what moment(requires=(???, )) does queues can be added.
In Celery there are different "blueprints", where each blueprint is composed of multiple bootsteps.
The first blueprint to start is the Worker, which e.g. starts the execution pool,
the last blueprint to start is the Consumer, which connects to the broker and starts the
task consumer, among other things.
So your requires is not pointing to a bootstep, it's pointing to a blueprint.
I see that your bootstep adds another queue to consume from, so it would make more sense
for it to depend on the Tasks bootstep, which is required to be running if you want to call
class SetQueue(bootsteps.StartStopStep):
requires = ('celery.worker.consumer:Tasks', )
You can see the startup components overview here:
Also, with custom bootsteps registered you can generate a new version of this graph
$ celery -A proj graph bootsteps | dot -Tpng -o steps.png

Create dynamic queues with Celery

Here's my scenario:
When a user logs in to my website, I queue up a bunch of tasks for the given user (typically each task takes 100s of msecs and there are 100s of tasks per user). These tasks are queued to the default Celery Queue and I have 100s of workers running. I use websockets to show the user real-time progress as the tasks complete on the backend. Life is good if I have just 1 or 2 users active.
Now if I a few concurrent users log-in to my site, the latter users are queued behind the initial users and their tasks starve (since all the tasks go to the same queue). My thoughts are to create a dynamic queue per user to ensure fairness. However as per Celery documentation (http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/routing.html#defining-queues), seems I need to be define the queues statically.
Any suggestions on best practices for using celery for my scenario?
celery -A proj control add_consumer foo -d worker1.local
The same can be accomplished dynamically using the app.control.add_consumer() method:
app.control.add_consumer('foo', reply=True)
[{u'worker1.local': {u'ok': u"already consuming from u'foo'"}}]
app.control.add_consumer('foo', reply=True,
You can dynamically assign a task to a Queue at runtime when invoking it refer calling.html#routing-options.
This would work if you have CELERY_CREATE_MISSING_QUEUES enabled.

How to inspect and cancel Celery tasks by task name

I'm using Celery (3.0.15) with Redis as a broker.
Is there a straightforward way to query the number of tasks with a given name that exist in a Celery queue?
And, as a followup, is there a way to cancel all tasks with a given name that exist in a Celery queue?
I've been through the Monitoring and Management Guide and don't see a solution there.
# Retrieve tasks
# Reference: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/reference/celery.events.state.html
query = celery.events.state.tasks_by_type(your_task_name)
# Kill tasks
# Reference: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/workers.html#revoking-tasks
for uuid, task in query:
celery.control.revoke(uuid, terminate=True)
There is one issue that earlier answers have not addressed and may throw off people if they are not aware of it.
Among those solutions already posted, I'd use Danielle's with one minor modification: I'd import the task into my file and use its .name attribute to get the task name to pass to .tasks_by_type().
[uuid for uuid, _ in
However, this solution will ignore those tasks that have been scheduled for future execution. Like some people who commented on other answers, when I checked what .tasks_by_type() return I had an empty list. And indeed my queues were empty. But I knew that there were tasks scheduled to be executed in the future and these were my primary target. I could see them by executing celery -A [app] inspect scheduled but they were unaffected by the code above.
I managed to revoke the scheduled tasks by doing this:
[scheduled["request"]["id"] for scheduled in
app.control.inspect().scheduled() returns a dictionary whose keys are worker names and values are lists of scheduling information (hence, the need for chain.from_iterable which is imported from itertools). The task information is in the "request" field of the scheduling information and "id" contains the task id. Note that even after revocation, the scheduled task will still show among the scheduled tasks. Scheduled tasks that are revoked won't get removed from the list of scheduled tasks until their timers expire or until Celery performs some cleanup operation. (Restarting workers triggers such cleanup.)
You can do this in one request:
for uuid, _ in
As usual with Celery, none of the answers here worked for me at all, so I did my usual thing and hacked together a solution that just inspects redis directly. Here we go...
# First, get a list of tasks from redis:
import redis, json
r = redis.Redis(
l = r.lrange('celery', 0, -1)
# Now import the task you want so you can get its name
from my_django.tasks import my_task
# Now, import your celery app and iterate over all tasks
# from redis and nuke the ones that have a matching name.
from my_django.celery_init import app
for task in l:
task_headers = json.loads(task)['headers']
task_name = task_headers["task"]
if task_name == my_task.name:
task_id = task_headers['id']
print("Terminating: %s" % task_id)
app.control.revoke(task_id, terminate=True)
Note that revoking in this way might not revoke prefetched tasks, so you might not see results immediately.
Also, this answer doesn't support prioritized tasks. If you want to modify it to do that, you'll want some of the tips in my other answer that hacks redis.
It looks like flower provides monitoring:
Real-time monitoring using Celery Events
Task progress and history Ability to show task details (arguments,
start time, runtime, and more) Graphs and statistics Remote Control
View worker status and statistics Shutdown and restart worker
instances Control worker pool size and autoscale settings View and
modify the queues a worker instance consumes from View currently
running tasks View scheduled tasks (ETA/countdown) View reserved and
revoked tasks Apply time and rate limits Configuration viewer Revoke
or terminate tasks HTTP API
OpenID authentication

