PyMC3 - Poisson works with switch point, Exponential does not - python

The following model (taken from the Bayesian Methods for Hackers) works with the Poisson.
count_data = np.loadtxt("data/txtdata.csv")
n_count_data = len(count_data)
with pm.Model() as model:
alpha = 1.0/count_data.mean() # Recall count_data is the
# variable that holds our txt counts
lambda_1 = pm.Exponential("lambda_1", alpha)
lambda_2 = pm.Exponential("lambda_2", alpha)
tau = pm.DiscreteUniform("tau", lower=0, upper=n_count_data - 1)
idx = np.arange(n_count_data) # Index
lambda_ = pm.math.switch(tau >= idx, lambda_1,lambda_2)
observation = pm.Poisson("obs", lambda_, observed=count_data)
step = [pm.Metropolis(), pm.NUTS()]
trace = pm.sample(10000, tune=5000,step=step)
pm.traceplot(trace, ['lambda_1', 'lambda_2', 'tau'])
With Poisson Distribution :
However, when using an Exponential random variable in this model:
observation = pm.Exponential("obs", lambda_, observed=count_data)
I get:
With Exponential Distribution :
The reason I wish to use Exponential distribution is using non integers.
I am not sure if the problem is with the lambda_ definition or with something else (the sampler needed for this).

The Poisson distribution models counts.
It can also used in things like queue networks to model the inter-arrival times of single customers. Note, the expected inter-arrival times of customers would be the inverse of the rate parameter (usually lambda).
One can feed data to the Poisson process as counts per fixed sampled interval of time e.g. how many customers did you get per day.
An exponential distribution is used to model some transition time. It is not a count process. It is a continuous process with its discrete analog being the geometric distribution.
A Poisson distribution is used to model discrete data and discrete counts that have exponential distribution of time between successive counts.
They are very similar looking but are different in nature.
It is likely that the count data that was fed into the exponential distribution confused the whole process.
In other words, the exponential distribution is not the appropriate model as it can not understand the given data.


How to calculate one-sided tolerance interval with scipy

I would like to calculate a one sided tolerance bound based on the normal distribution given a data set with known N (sample size), standard deviation, and mean.
If the interval were two sided I would do the following:
conf_int = stats.norm.interval(alpha, loc=mean, scale=sigma)
In my situation, I am bootstrapping samples, but if I weren't I would refer to this post on stackoverflow: Correct way to obtain confidence interval with scipy and use the following: conf_int = stats.norm.interval(0.68, loc=mean, scale=sigma / np.sqrt(len(a)))
How would you do the same thing, but to calculate this as a one sided bound (95% of values are above or below x<--bound)?
I assume that you are interested in computing one-side tolerance bound using the normal distribution (based on the fact you mention the scipy.stats.norm.interval function as the two-sided equivalent of your need).
Then the good news is that, based on the tolerance interval Wikipedia page:
One-sided normal tolerance intervals have an exact solution in terms of the sample mean and sample variance based on the noncentral t-distribution.
(FYI: Unfortunately, this is not the case for the two-sided setting)
This assertion is based on this paper. Besides paragraph 4.8 (page 23) provides the formulas.
The bad news is that I do not think there is a ready-to-use scipy function that you can safely tweak and use for your purpose.
But you can easily calculate it yourself. You can find on Github repositories that contain such a calculator from which you can find inspiration, for example that one from which I built the following illustrative example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm, nct
# sample size
# Percentile for the TI to estimate
# confidence level
g = 0.95
# a demo sample
x = np.array([np.random.normal(100) for k in range(n)])
# mean estimate based on the sample
mu_est = x.mean()
# standard deviation estimated based on the sample
sigma_est = x.std(ddof=1)
# (100*p)th percentile of the standard normal distribution
zp = norm.ppf(p)
# gth quantile of a non-central t distribution
# with n-1 degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter np.sqrt(n)*zp
t = nct.ppf(g, df=n-1., nc=np.sqrt(n)*zp)
# k factor from Young et al paper
k = t / np.sqrt(n)
# One-sided tolerance upper bound
conf_upper_bound = mu_est + (k*sigma_est)
Here is a one-line solution with the openturns library, assuming your data is a numpy array named sample.
import openturns as ot
ot.NormalFactory().build(sample.reshape(-1, 1)).computeQuantile(0.95)
Let us unpack this. NormalFactory is a class designed to fit the parameters of a Normal distribution (mu and sigma) on a given sample: NormalFactory() creates an instance of this class.
The method build does the actual fitting and returns an object of the class Normal which represents the normal distribution with parameters mu and sigma estimated from the sample.
The sample reshape is there to make sure that OpenTURNS understands that the input sample is a collection of one-dimension points, not a single multi-dimensional point.
The class Normal then provides the method computeQuantile to compute any quantile of the distribution (the 95-th percentile in this example).
This solution does not compute the exact tolerance bound because it uses a quantile from a Normal distribution instead of a Student t-distribution. Effectively, that means that it ignores the estimation error on mu and sigma. In practice, this is only an issue for really small sample sizes.
To illustrate this, here is a comparison between the PDF of the standard normal N(0,1) distribution and the PDF of the Student t-distribution with 19 degrees of freedom (this means a sample size of 20). They can barely be distinguished.
deg_freedom = 19
graph = ot.Normal().drawPDF()
student = ot.Student(deg_freedom).drawPDF().getDrawable(0)
graph.setLegends(['Normal(0,1)', 't-dist k={}'.format(deg_freedom)])

How to sample from a custom distribution when parameters are known?

The target is to get samples from a distribution whose parameters is known.
For example, the self-defined distribution is p(X|theta), where theta the parameter vector of K dimensions and X is the random vector of N dimensions.
Now we know (1) the theta is known; (2) p(X|theta) is NOT known, but I know p(X|theta) ∝ f(X,theta), and f is a known function.
Can pymc3 do such sampling from p(X|theta), and how?
The purpose is not sampling from posterior distribution of parameters, but want to samples from a self-defined distribution.
Starting from a simple example of sampling from a Bernoulli distribution. I did the following:
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import theano.tensor as tt
with pm.Model() as model1:
density = pm.DensityDist('density',
lambda x1: tt.switch( x1, tt.log(p), tt.log(1 - p) ),
) #tt.switch( x1, tt.log(p), tt.log(1 - p) ) is the log likelihood from pymc3 source code
with model1:
step = pm.Metropolis()
samples = pm.sample(1000, step=step)
I expect the result is 1000 binary digits, with the proportion of 1 is about 0.3. However, I got strange results where very large numbers occur in the output.
I know something is wrong. Please help on how to correctly write pymc3 codes for such non-posterior MCMC sampling questions.
Prior predictive sampling (for which you should be using pm.sample_prior_predictive()) involves only using the RNGs provided by the RandomVariable objects in your compute graph. By default, DensityDist does not implement a RNG, but does provide the random parameter for this purpose, so you'll need to use that. The log-likelihood is only evaluated with respect to observables, so it plays no role here.
A simple way to generate a valid RNG for an arbitrary distribution is to use inverse transform sampling. In this case, one samples a uniform distribution on the unit interval and then transforms it through the inverse CDF of the desired function. For the Bernoulli case, the inverse CDF partitions the unit line based on the probability of success, assigning 0 to one part and 1 to the other.
Here is a factory-like implementation that creates a Bernoulli RNG compatible with pm.DensityDist's random parameter (i.e., accepts point and size kwargs).
def get_bernoulli_rng(p=0.5):
def _rng(point=None, size=1):
# Bernoulli inverse CDF, given p (prob of success)
_icdf = lambda q: np.uint8(q < p)
return _icdf(pm.Uniform.dist().random(point=point, size=size))
return _rng
So, to fill out the example, it would go something like
with pm.Model() as m:
p = 0.3
y = pm.DensityDist('y', lambda x: tt.switch(x, tt.log(p), tt.log(1-p)),
prior = pm.sample_prior_predictive(random_seed=2019)
prior['y'].mean() # 0.306
Obviously, this could equally be done with random=pm.Bernoulli.dist(p).random, but the above illustrates generically how one could do this with arbitrary distributions, given their inverse CDF, i.e., you only need to modify _icdf and the parameters.

Is there a way to get the probability of a prediction using XGBoostRegressor?

I have built a XGBoostRegressor model using around 200 categorical features predicting a countinous time variable.
But I would want to get both the actual prediction and the probability of that prediction as output. Is there any way to get this from the XGBoostRegressor model?
So I both want and P(Y|X) as output. Any idea how to do this?
There is no probability in regression, In regression the only output you will get is a predicted value thats why it is called regression, so for any regressor probability of a prediction is not possible. Its only there in classification.
As mentioned before, there is no probability associated with regression.
However, you could probably add a confidence interval on that regression, to see whether or not your regression can be trusted.
One thing to note though, is that the variance might not be the same along the data.
Let's assume that you study a time based phenomenon. Specifically, you have the temperature (y) after (x) time (in sec for instance) inside an oven. At x = 0s it is at 20°C, and you start heating it, and want to know the evolution in order to predict the temperature after x seconds. The variance could be the same after 20 seconds and after 5 minutes, or be completely different. This is called heteroscedasticity.
If you want to use a confidence interval, you probably want to make sure that you took care of heteroscedasticity, so your interval is the same for all the data.
You can probably try to get the distribution of your known outputs and compare the prediction on that curve, and check the pvalue. But that would only give you a measure of how realistic it is to get that output, without taking the input into consideration. If you know your inputs/outputs are in a specific interval, this could work.
This is how I would do it. Obviously the outputs are your real outputs.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
N = 1000 # The number of sample
mean = 0
std = 1
outputs = np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=N)
# We want to get a normed histogram (since this is PDF, if we integrate
# it must be equal to 1)
nbins = N / 10
n = int(N / nbins)
p, x = np.histogram(outputs, bins=n, normed=True)
plt.hist(outputs, bins=n, normed=True)
x = x[:-1] + (x[ 1] - x[0])/2 # converting bin edges to centers
# Now we want to interpolate :
# f = CubicSpline(x=x, y=p, bc_type='not-a-knot')
f = interp1d(x=x, y=p, kind='quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate')
x = np.linspace(-2.9*std, 2.9*std, 10000)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
# To check :
area = integrate.quad(f, x[0], x[-1])
print(area) # (should be close to 1)
Now, the interpolate method is not great for outliers. if a predicted data is extremely far (more than 3 times the std) from your distribution, it wont work. Other than that, you can now use the PDF to get meaningful results.
It is not perfect, but it is the best I came up with in that time. I'm sure there are some better ways to do it. If your data follow a normal law, it becomes trivial.
I suggest you to look into Ngboost (essentially a wrapper of Xgboost which provides eventually a probabilistic model.
Here you can find slides on the Ngboost functioning and the seminal Ngboost paper.
The basic idea is to assume a specific distribution for $P(Y|X=x)$ (by default is the Gaussian distribution) and fit an Xgboost model to estimate the best parameters of the distribution (for the Gaussian $\mu$ and $\sigma$. The model will split the variables' space into different regions with different distributions, i.e. same family (eg. Gaussian) but different parameters.
After training the model, you're provided with the method '''pred_dist''' which returns the estimated distribution $P(Y|X=x)$ for a given set of values $x$

Sampling random rates from poisson distribution given observed counts with Python

I want to generate rates which are consistent with observed counts according to a Poisson distribution.
It's easy to do the reverse with scipy. I can draw counts given a fixed rate
counts = scipy.stats.poisson.rvs(mu)
but I can't find an easy way with counts as the argument returning random rates.
Drawing counts from scipy.stats.poisson.rvs(mu) is sampling from a Poisson distribution. If you had a set of samples (counts) from a single Poisson distribution and you want a rate, you're trying to estimate the Poisson distrbution. To estimate the Poisson distribution compute the average counts: λ. Then the distribution is:
P(k) = λk e-λ / k!
The distribution can then be used to compute the probability of observing some count (k) in an interval.
If instead each of the counts is assumed to be from separate Poisson distribution - then you only have one sample from each and the best estimate of the distribution comes from taking the sample as the mean λ.
Turns out what I was actually looking for is the Gamma distribution, which has the same functional form, but is continuous. To accomplish what I was trying to do with scipy:
mu = scipy.stats.gamma.rvs(counts+1)
The counts+1 is just because of how the power is defined in the distribution
Scipy Docs

statsmodels - plotting the fitted distribution

The following code fits a oversimplified generalized linear model using statsmodels
model = smf.glm('Y ~ 1', family=sm.families.NegativeBinomial(), data=df)
results =
This gives the coefficient and a stderr:
coef stderr
Intercept 2.9471 0.120
Now I want to graphically compare the real distribution of the variable Y (histogram) with the distribution that comes from the model.
But I need two parameters r and p to evaluate the stats.nbinom(r,p) and plot it.
Is there a way to retrieve the parameters from the results of the fitting?
How can I plot the PMF?
Generalized linear models, GLM, in statsmodels currently does not estimate the extra parameter of the Negative Binomial distribution. Negative Binomial belongs to the exponential family of distributions only for fixed shape parameter.
However, statsmodels also has Negative Binomial as a Maximum Likelihood Model in discrete_model which estimates all parameters.
The parameterization of the Negative Binomial for count regression is in terms of the mean or expected value, which is different from the parameterization in scipy.stats.nbinom. Actually, there are two different commonly used parameterization for the Negative Binomial count regression, usually called nb1 and nb2
Here is a quickly written script that recovers the scipy.stats.nbinom parameters, n=size and p=prob from the estimated parameters. Once you have the parameters for the scipy.stats.distribution you can use all the available method, rvs, pmf, and so on.
Something like this should be made available in statsmodels.
In a few example runs, I got results like this
data generating parameters 50 0.25
estimated params 51.7167511571 0.256814610633
estimated params 50.0985814878 0.249989725917
Aside, because of the underlying exponential reparameterization, the scipy optimizers have sometimes problems to converge. In those cases, either providing better starting values or using Nelder-Mead as optimization method usually helps.
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
# generate some data to check
nobs = 1000
n, p = 50, 0.25
dist0 = stats.nbinom(n, p)
y = dist0.rvs(size=nobs)
x = np.ones(nobs)
loglike_method = 'nb1' # or use 'nb2'
res = sm.NegativeBinomial(y, x, loglike_method=loglike_method).fit(start_params=[0.1, 0.1])
print dist0.mean()
print res.params
mu = res.predict() # use this for mean if not constant
mu = np.exp(res.params[0]) # shortcut, we just regress on a constant
alpha = res.params[1]
if loglike_method == 'nb1':
Q = 1
elif loglike_method == 'nb2':
Q = 0
size = 1. / alpha * mu**Q
prob = size / (size + mu)
print 'data generating parameters', n, p
print 'estimated params ', size, prob
#estimated distribution
dist_est = stats.nbinom(size, prob)
BTW: I ran into this before but didn't have time to look at it

