GCloud: can't import datastore - python

Well I'm trying to use Datastore in a personal project using the Google App Engine. Though, I can't import the datastore module, no matter how hard I try.
I've been using the online console during the whole time (in order to avoid to have to solve problems first on my PC and then on GCloud...)
So, I'm using
from google.cloud import datastore
Unfortunately, that's not working at all. The last error I have is
ImportError: No module named google.protobuf
But before I had things like Can't import Datastore.
What I did was removing the integrality of /lib, and reinstalling every dependancy with pip. Here is my requirements.txt:
# This requirements file lists all third-party dependencies for this project.
# Run 'pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib/' to install these dependencies
# in `lib/` subdirectory.
# Note: The `lib` directory is added to `sys.path` by `appengine_config.py`.
(The last line was added to try to resolve the last error I got). Before having this error, I got
Also, a little clarification question: I've seen (while looking for answers) people using gcloud and some using google.cloud. What's the difference? What should I use?
Also, pip show google.cloud shows nothing.
What am I missing?
Thank you

Well, if anyone is wondering, here's how I solved the problem. What fixed it was changing the Flask version to 0.12 (don't know why, but that's what happened).
I deleted lib to be sure I was starting from scratch. Then, I used this requirements.txt file:
(click is needed by Flask 0.12).


Using local import instead of installed import

I currently have a stable version of APP running on my system. I aim to create a new version of APP but I still need the stable version to run while I do so. I cloned the repository of APP and I encounter the following problem:
Lines of the form from XXX import YYY do not import the local file (cloned repo) but imports the ones at /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/APP/XXX.py that where created by the stable version.
How can I change that (in VSCode) ?
This question has probably already been asked, but I have been unable to find an answer. If someone could redirect me towards an adequate answer, that would be awesome.
Remove the APP module from dist-packages.

Importing module from Github to use in Python

I'm a beginner in Python and I have no experience with GitHub at all. I want to import the module semsimlib from the following URL: https://github.com/timvdc/semsimlib
I have looked on the internet for help on how to do this but most of it is very unclear and doesn't seem to work for me. Can anyone provide a detailed explanation on how to do this in a easy way?
It looks the repo does not provide appropriate scripts to simply install the package. There is no setup.py file and there is no distribution on pypi.
What you can do is go to site-packages folder inside your python installation or inside your virtual environment. Then run git clone https://github.com/timvdc/semsimlib. You should now be able to import semsimlib. Keep in mind that you will also have to install all the other dependencies your self one by one since there is also no requirements file.
You can also clone the repo into any folder on your computer and at the top of your script put:
import sys
semsimlib will now be importable. However, I would try to get it to work with the first method.

Python program runs through sublime but not command line

I am attempting to make a web app with flask, and when I attempt to run my script through the command line, I get a "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google.cloud'". However, when I run the script in Sublime, I do not get this error.
I have already attempted installing google, google-cloud, and conda using pip.
Here are the lines that are involved in importing from google.cloud. The console states that the first line is the one the compilation is failing at.
from google.cloud import vision
from google.cloud.vision import types
I was expecting the code to be output to my localhost, but this compile time error is preventing this.
The library|package that you need is called google-cloud-vision, see:
You could add this directly to your project (at its current version) using:
pip install "google-cloud-vision==0.36.0"
Your problem may be a consequence of different python environments and I encourage you to review virtualenv:
Among other things, virtualenv enables (a) the creation of isolated python environments; (b) "clean room" like behavior wherein you can recreate python environments easily and predictably. This latter benefit may help with your "it works .... but doesn't work ... " issue.
One additional good practice, with|without virtualenv is to persist pip install ... to (conventionally) requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And, in this case, to have requirements.txt similar to:

Error with Serverless Framework Deployment

Background: I have been working in Python to create a lambda function that will hit the Binance API to fetch balances and transactions. To deploy, I have been using the Serverless Framework (https://serverless.com/) and virtualenv which has made it a breeze up until this point. I have 2 other functions working perfect with other exchanges.
Error: When I deploy, I am getting the following:
Unable to import module 'getBinanceTransactions': No module named '_regex'
getBinanceTransactions being the function I created to return what I want. Nothing crazy, just following the python-binance documentation (https://github.com/sammchardy/python-binance) to grab all transactions and then data wrangling.
Note that this works on my local machine!
I do a serverless deploy, and everything updates just fine using serverless-python-requirements to package everything separately. Here are my imports (only 2 external packages):
from __future__ import print_function
import json
from binance.client import Client
import pymysql
And my requirements.txt, with both this and the code separated in a directory just like the other I have working in a similar format:
I have been searching for the solution but no one has seem to run into this problem. It also seems that _regex is a code method to Python which makes the situation even more strange.
I have tried wiping my virtualenv out and rebuilding, rebuilding the entire file structure, pip freeze >> requirements.txt on installing both packages to make sure nothing was missed, changing the name of the imports and requirements, importing regex/re in my function, even switching to Python 2.7 for a hail mary. Nothing seems to work (despite the others working) and I get the same error every time.
Does anyone have any ideas?

How to manually install Flask extensions?

I have a Flask project which I've put the flask module (version 0.9) directly beside my app.py file. I've done this so that I can bundle everything into a version control repository that won't require anyone else using it to install additional Python modules.
I want to use flask-login so I've tried to manually install it by downloading the latest version and putting the flask_login.py file in my "local" flask/ext/ directory. However, while I can import flask and import flask.ext, I am unable to import flask.ext.login with Python throwing ImportError: No module named flask.ext.login. import flask.ext.flask_login throws an import error as well.
Is there something I have to do differently if Flask and it's extensions are local to the app.py?
The solution is to put the flask_login.py file in the same directory as my app.py file. No modification of the flask/ext/__init__.py file is necessary.
The flask.ext module is intended only as a an extension importer, not a repository for installed extensions. Based on the import path, I thought the flask/ext folder was where extensions were to be copied. This was incorrect. Extensions simply need to be somewhere on the python path.
Python doesn't throw the exception in your case, this Flask module is responsible for modifying the standard import hook in the ext folder:
So, I don't think putting flask_login.py into flask/ext is the right way to use extensions in Flask. The documentation recommends to use pip install flask-login or python setup.py install. After that you can do:
import flask_login
If you still want to do it manually, remove the setup() call from ext/__ init__.py.
It probably has a good reason why the Flask guys did it this way though :-)
Right, but the point was to manually install everything so it could be self-contained in a version control repository that won't require additional installs. I've looked at the setup.py file but can't determine how it achieves the installation. – Soviut Oct 25 at 10:06
Why not use virtualenv to achieve this? You can push your env to source control as well, although that's not normal usage.
See: http://www.virtualenv.org/en/latest/

