Do something at the beginning & end of methods - python

Is there an easy way to do something at the beginning and end of each function in a class? I've looked into __getattribute__, but I don't think that I can use it in this situation?
Here's a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:
class Thing():
def __init__(self):
self.busy = False
def func_1(self):
if self.busy:
return None
self.busy = True
self.busy = False
def func_2(self):
if self.busy:
return None
self.busy = True
self.busy = False

You can use decorators (if you don't know them you can refer to PEP-318):
def decorator(method):
def decorated_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
# before the method call
if self.busy:
return None
self.busy = True
# the actual method call
result = method(self, *args, **kwargs)
# after the method call
self.busy = False
return result
return decorated_method
class Thing():
def __init__(self):
self.busy = False
def func_1(self):
def func_2(self):
You might want to use functools.wraps if you want the decorated method to "look like" the original method. The #decorator is just syntactic sugar, you could also apply the decorator explicitly:
class Thing():
def __init__(self):
self.busy = False
def func_1(self):
func_1 = decorator(func_1) # replace "func_1" with the decorated "func_1"
In case you really want to apply it to all methods you can additionally use a class decorator:
def decorate_all_methods(cls):
for name, method in cls.__dict__.items():
if name.startswith('_'): # don't decorate private functions
setattr(cls, name, decorator(method))
return cls
class Thing():
def __init__(self):
self.busy = False
def func_1(self):
def func_2(self):

As an alternative to the accepted answer, if you want this decoration to only be applicable for instance methods, you could use __getattribute__.
class Thing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.busy = False
def __getattribute__(self, name):
attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name)
if callable(attr) and not name.startswith('_') and attr.__self__ == self:
attr = decorator(attr)
return attr
def func_1(self):
# instance method will be wrapped by `decorator`
def class_func(cls):
# class method will not be wrapped by `decorator`
# when called using `self.`, `cls.` or `Thing.`.
def static_func():
# static method will not be wrapped by `decorator`
# when called using `Thing.`.
This requires object and will not work for old-style classes in Python 2.
callable was removed in Python 3.0, but returned in 3.2. Alternatively, isinstance(obj, collections.Callable) can be used.
If you'd like to wrap class methods and static methods differently, you could inherit from a custom type metaclass:
class Meta(type):
def __getattribute__(*args):
print("staticmethod or classmethod invoked")
return type.__getattribute__(*args)
class Thing(object, metaclass=Meta):
def __getattribute__(self, name):
attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name)
if callable(attr) and not name.startswith('_'):
if attr.__self__ == self:
attr = decorator(attr)
attr = Meta.__getattribute__(Thing, name)
return attr
The above metaclass=Meta is Python 3 syntax. In Python 2, it must be defined as:
class Thing(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta


How to automatically "register" methods in a python class as a list class variable?

When defining a Python class, I'd like to use decorators to register some of its methods into a class variable list. Here's an example of incorrect python that outlines what I'm looking for:
class MyClass:
dangerous_methods = []
def dangerous_method(cls, func):
return func
def incinerate(self):
def watch_tv(self):
def stab(self):
def print_dangerous_methods(self):
obj = MyClass()
with the expected output being
[<function MyClass.incinerate at 0x000001A42A629280>, <function MyClass.stab at 0x000001A42A629281>]
Is it possible to do this without torturing Python too much?
All you really want to do is to set dangerous on the methods. Remember that python functions and methods are first-class objects, you can set arbitrary attributes on them.
def print_dangerous_methods(cls):
""" yes, you could also return a list """
for name in dir(cls):
f = getattr(cls, name)
if callable(f) and getattr(f, "dangerous", False):
def dangerous(func):
setattr(func, "dangerous", True)
return func
class MyClass:
def incinerate(self):
def watch_tv(self):
def stab(self):
return "you've been stabbed"
class_born_dangerous = print_dangerous_methods
print("\non instance")
obj = MyClass()
print("\non class")
print("\nand yes, they work")
print (obj.stab())
print("\nas a classmethod")
on instance
on class
and yes, they work
you've been stabbed
as a classmethod
If you want to generalize this approach and set arbitrary attributes, you need to set up a parametrized decorator:
def annotate_func(**kwds):
"""set arbitrary attributes"""
def actual_decorator(func):
for k, v in kwds.items():
setattr(func, k, v)
return func
return actual_decorator
which you would use as follows:
def shoot(self, times):
for i in range(0, times):
This is one way to implement that:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.dangerous_methods = []
def dangerous_method(func):
def inner(self):
return func(self)
return inner
def incinerate(self):
print('Incinerate called!')
def watch_tv(self):
print('Watch_tv called!')
def stab(self):
print('Stab called!')
def print_dangerous_methods(self):
obj = MyClass()
# Incinerate called!
# Watch_tv called!
# Stab called!
# Incinerate called!
# [<function MyClass.incinerate at 0x0000029C11666EE8>, <function MyClass.stab at 0x0000029C11666B88>, <function MyClass.incinerate at 0x0000029C11666EE8>]
Just note that in this way, functions are being added to the list ONLY once they've called and there is a risk that a function being added to the list multiple times. However, if you know that there are some functions in mind that you want to add to the list and they're constants, you can simply add them while the object is being constructed:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self):
self.dangerous_methods = [self.incinerate, self.stab]
def incinerate(self):
print('Incinerate called!')
def watch_tv(self):
print('Watch_tv called!')
def stab(self):
print('Stab called!')
def print_dangerous_methods(self):
obj = MyClass()
# [<bound method MyClass.incinerate of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x0000029C11388F08>>, <bound method MyClass.stab of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x0000029C11388F08>>]
The following snippet does exactly what you described.
Note that print_dangerous_methods is declared as a class method, because that’s what it really is (it applies to the class, not to a certain instance). That means you can call it even without creating an instance.
class MyClass:
def dangerous_method(meth):
meth.is_dangerous = True
return meth
def incinerate(self):
def watch_tv(self):
def stab(self):
def print_dangerous_methods(cls):
print ([
meth for meth in [
getattr(cls, methname) for methname in dir(cls)
if getattr(meth, "is_dangerous", False)

Add an automated function call to each method

Is it possible to create a "constructor".. or rather "Initializer" to each function, instead of having to manually write it at the top of each function in class?
So, each time a function in a class is called, the other assigned function (unknown to caller) is always called first (called pre_check in below example).
An example using super(), but I then have to manually copy it inside each function.
class Helper():
def pre_check(self):
print("Helper fcn")
class Parent(Helper):
def __init__(self):
def foo(self):
super().pre_check() # <---- new code
# ... existing code here ...
def bar(self):
super().pre_check() # <---- new code
# ... existing code here ...
def many_more_functions(self):
super().pre_check() # <---- new code
# ... existing code here ...
m = Parent()
Note how __init__ in Parent is not supposed to run pre_check.
You can use a decorator for the class that will in turn decorate all public methods defined in the class:
def addhelper(helpmethod):
def deco(cls):
def decomethod(method):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
# copy signature, doc and names from the original method
inner.__signature__ = inspect.signature(method)
inner.__doc__ = method.__doc__
inner.__name__ = method.__name__
inner.__qualname__ = method.__qualname__
return inner
# search all methods declared in cls with a name not starting with _
for name, meth in inspect.getmembers(
cls,lambda x: inspect.isfunction(x)
and not x.__name__.startswith('_')
and x.__qualname__.startswith(cls.__name__)):
# replace each method with its decoration
setattr(cls, name, decomethod(meth))
return cls
return deco
class Helper():
def pre_check(self):
print("Helper fcn")
class Parent(Helper):
def __init__(self):
def foo(self):
# super().pre_check() # <----
print('in foo')
def bar(self):
# super().pre_check() # <----
print('in bar')
def many_more_functions(self):
# super().pre_check() # <----
print('in many_more_functions')
We can now use it:
>>> p = Parent()
Helper fcn
in foo
Helper fcn
in bar
>>> p.many_more_functions()
Helper fcn
in many_more_functions
Use __init_subclass__ to change subclasses as they are created. You can wrap the methods of subclasses:
class Helper():
def __init_subclass__(cls):
for field, value in cls.__dict__.items():
# add additional checks as desired, e.g. exclude __special_methods__
if inspect.isfunction(value) and not getattr(value, 'checked', False):
setattr(cls, field, cls._check(value)) # wrap method
def _check(cls, fcn):
"""Create a wrapper to inspect the arguments passed to methods"""
def checked_fcn(*args, **kwargs):
print(fcn, "got", args, kwargs)
return fcn(*args, **kwargs)
return checked_fcn
class Parent(Helper):
def __init__(self):
def foo(self):
Note that this will wrap all methods, including special methods such as __init__:
>>> Parent().foo()
<function Parent.__init__ at 0x1029b2378> got (<__main__.Parent object at 0x102c09080>,) {}
<function at 0x1029b2158> got (<__main__.Parent object at 0x102c09080>,) {}
You can extend the check in __init_subclass__ with arbitrary rules to filter out functions. For example, field[:2] == field[-2:] == "__" excludes special methods.
You can use metaclass and define a decorator for each method in the instance of that metaclass
Code :
def decorate(f):
def do_something(self, a):
if (f(self, a) > 18) :
return ("Eligible to vote")
else :
return ("Not eligible to vote")
return do_something
class Meta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwds):
namespace = {k: v if k.startswith('__') else decorate(v) for k, v in namespace.items()}
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)
class MetaInstance(metaclass=Meta):
def foo1(self, val):
return val + 15
def foo2(self, val):
return val + 9
obj1 = MetaInstance()

Delegation design pattern with abstract methods in python

I have the following classes implementing a "Delegation Design Pattern" with an additional DelegatorParent class:
class DelegatorParent():
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
class ConcreteDelegatee():
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
a = Delegator()
result = a.myMethod()
Everything looks fine.
Now I would like to put an abstract method in DelegatorParent, to ensure that "myMethod" is always defined.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class DelegatorParent():
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def myMethod(self):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
class ConcreteDelegatee():
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
# This method seems unnecessary, but if I erase it an exception is
# raised because the abstract method's restriction is violated
def myMethod(self):
return self.delegatee.myMethod()
a = Delegator()
result = a.myMethod()
Can you help me find an "elegant" way to remove "myMethod" from "Delegator"... Intuition tells me that it is somehow redundant (considering that a custom getattr method is defined).
And more importantly, notice that with this implementation, if I forget to define myMethod in ConcreteDelegatee the program compiles, but it may crash in runtime if I call Delegator.myMethod(), which is exactly what I wanted to avoid by using abstract methods in DelegatorParent.
Obviously a simple solution would be to move #abstractmethod to the Delegator class, but I want to avoid doing that because in my program DelegatorParent is a very important class (and Delegator is just an auxiliary class).
You can decide to automatically implement abstract methods delegared to ConcreteDelegatee.
For each abstract method, check if it's name exist in the ConcreteDelegatee class and implement this method as a delegate to this class method.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class DelegatorParent(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
def myMethod(self):
class Delegatee(object):
class ConcreteDelegatee(Delegatee):
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
def myMethod2(self):
return 'myMethod2'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
implemented = set()
for name in cls.__abstractmethods__:
if hasattr(ConcreteDelegatee, name):
def delegated(this, *a, **kw):
meth = getattr(this.delegatee, name)
return meth(*a, **kw)
setattr(cls, name, delegated)
cls.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(cls.__abstractmethods__ - implemented)
obj = super(Delegator, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
obj.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
return obj
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
# Called only for attributes not defined by this class (or its bases).
# Retrieve attribute from current behavior delegate class instance.
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
# All abstract methods are delegared to ConcreteDelegatee
a = Delegator()
print(a.myMethod()) # correctly prints 'myMethod'
print(a.myMethod2()) #correctly prints 'myMethod2'
This solves the main problem (prevent ConcreteDelegatee from forgetting to define myMethod). Other abstract methods are still checked if you forgot to implement them.
The __new__ method is in charge of the delegation, that frees your __init__ to do it.
Since you use ABCMeta, you must defined the abstract methods. One could remove your method from the __abstractmethods__ set, but it is a frozenset. Anyway, it involves listing all abstract methods.
So, instead of playing with __getattr__, you can use a simple descriptor.
For instance:
class Delegated(object):
def __init__(self, attrname=None):
self.attrname = attrname
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
delegatee = instance.delegatee
return getattr(delegatee, self.attrname)
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
myMethod = Delegated('myMethod')
An advantage here: the developer has the explicit information that "myMethod" is delegated.
If you try:
a = Delegator()
result = a.myMethod()
It works! But if you forget to implement myMethod in Delegator class, you have the classic error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 40, in <module>
a = Delegator()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Delegator with abstract methods myMethod
This implementation can be generalized as follow:
class DelegatorParent():
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def myMethod1(self):
def myMethod2(self):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
class ConcreteDelegatee1():
def myMethod1(self):
return 'myMethod1'
class ConcreteDelegatee2():
def myMethod2(self):
return 'myMethod2'
class DelegatedTo(object):
def __init__(self, attrname):
self.delegatee_name, self.attrname = attrname.split('.')
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
delegatee = getattr(instance, self.delegatee_name)
return getattr(delegatee, self.attrname)
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee1 = ConcreteDelegatee1()
self.delegatee2 = ConcreteDelegatee2()
myMethod1 = DelegatedTo('delegatee1.myMethod1')
myMethod2 = DelegatedTo('delegatee2.myMethod2')
a = Delegator()
result = a.myMethod2()
Here, we can specify the delegatee name and delegatee method.
Here is my current solution. It solves the main problem (prevent ConcreteDelegatee from forgetting to define myMethod), but I'm still not convinced because I still need to define myMethod inside Delegator, which seems redundant
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
class DelegatorParent(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self):
self.a = 'whatever'
def myMethod(self):
class Delegatee(object):
def checkExistence(self, attrname):
if not callable(getattr(self, attrname, None)):
error_msg = "Can't instantiate " + str(self.__class__.__name__) + " without abstract method " + attrname
raise NotImplementedError(error_msg)
class ConcreteDelegatee(Delegatee):
def myMethod(self):
return 'myMethod'
def myMethod2(self):
return 'myMethod2'
class Delegator(DelegatorParent):
def __init__(self):
self.delegatee = ConcreteDelegatee()
for method in DelegatorParent.__abstractmethods__:
def myMethod(self, *args, **kw):
return self.delegatee.myMethod(*args, **kw)
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
# Called only for attributes not defined by this class (or its bases).
# Retrieve attribute from current behavior delegate class instance.
return getattr(self.delegatee, attrname)
# if I forget to implement myMethod inside ConcreteDelegatee,
# the following line will correctly raise an exception saying
# that 'myMethod' is missing inside 'ConcreteDelegatee'.
a = Delegator()
print a.myMethod() # correctly prints 'myMethod'
print a.myMethod2() #correctly prints 'myMethod2'

Using #classmethod with #property [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Using property() on classmethods
(19 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
In python I can add a method to a class with the #classmethod decorator. Is there a similar decorator to add a property to a class? I can better show what I'm talking about.
class Example(object):
the_I = 10
def __init__( self ):
self.an_i = 20
def i( self ):
return self.an_i
def inc_i( self ):
self.an_i += 1
# is this even possible?
def I( cls ):
return cls.the_I
def inc_I( cls ):
cls.the_I += 1
e = Example()
assert e.i == 20
assert e.i == 21
assert Example.I == 10
assert Example.I == 11
Is the syntax I've used above possible or would it require something more?
The reason I want class properties is so I can lazy load class attributes, which seems reasonable enough.
Here's how I would do this:
class ClassPropertyDescriptor(object):
def __init__(self, fget, fset=None):
self.fget = fget
self.fset = fset
def __get__(self, obj, klass=None):
if klass is None:
klass = type(obj)
return self.fget.__get__(obj, klass)()
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if not self.fset:
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
type_ = type(obj)
return self.fset.__get__(obj, type_)(value)
def setter(self, func):
if not isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
func = classmethod(func)
self.fset = func
return self
def classproperty(func):
if not isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):
func = classmethod(func)
return ClassPropertyDescriptor(func)
class Bar(object):
_bar = 1
def bar(cls):
return cls._bar
def bar(cls, value):
cls._bar = value
# test instance instantiation
foo = Bar()
assert == 1
baz = Bar()
assert == 1
# test static variable = 5
assert == 5
# test setting variable on the class = 50
assert == 50
assert == 50
The setter didn't work at the time we call, because we are calling, which is not
Adding a metaclass definition solves this:
class ClassPropertyMetaClass(type):
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key in self.__dict__:
obj = self.__dict__.get(key)
if obj and type(obj) is ClassPropertyDescriptor:
return obj.__set__(self, value)
return super(ClassPropertyMetaClass, self).__setattr__(key, value)
# and update class define:
# class Bar(object):
# __metaclass__ = ClassPropertyMetaClass
# _bar = 1
# and update ClassPropertyDescriptor.__set__
# def __set__(self, obj, value):
# if not self.fset:
# raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
# if inspect.isclass(obj):
# type_ = obj
# obj = None
# else:
# type_ = type(obj)
# return self.fset.__get__(obj, type_)(value)
Now all will be fine.
If you define classproperty as follows, then your example works exactly as you requested.
class classproperty(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def __get__(self, obj, owner):
return self.f(owner)
The caveat is that you can't use this for writable properties. While e.I = 20 will raise an AttributeError, Example.I = 20 will overwrite the property object itself.
[answer written based on python 3.4; the metaclass syntax differs in 2 but I think the technique will still work]
You can do this with a metaclass...mostly. Dappawit's almost works, but I think it has a flaw:
class MetaFoo(type):
def thingy(cls):
return cls._thingy
class Foo(object, metaclass=MetaFoo):
_thingy = 23
This gets you a classproperty on Foo, but there's a problem...
print("Foo.thingy is {}".format(Foo.thingy))
# Foo.thingy is 23
# Yay, the classmethod-property is working as intended!
foo = Foo()
if hasattr(foo, "thingy"):
print("Foo().thingy is {}".format(foo.thingy))
print("Foo instance has no attribute 'thingy'")
# Foo instance has no attribute 'thingy'
# Wha....?
What the hell is going on here? Why can't I reach the class property from an instance?
I was beating my head on this for quite a while before finding what I believe is the answer. Python #properties are a subset of descriptors, and, from the descriptor documentation (emphasis mine):
The default behavior for attribute access is to get, set, or delete the
attribute from an object’s dictionary. For instance, a.x has a lookup chain
starting with a.__dict__['x'], then type(a).__dict__['x'], and continuing
through the base classes of type(a) excluding metaclasses.
So the method resolution order doesn't include our class properties (or anything else defined in the metaclass). It is possible to make a subclass of the built-in property decorator that behaves differently, but (citation needed) I've gotten the impression googling that the developers had a good reason (which I do not understand) for doing it that way.
That doesn't mean we're out of luck; we can access the properties on the class itself just fine...and we can get the class from type(self) within the instance, which we can use to make #property dispatchers:
class Foo(object, metaclass=MetaFoo):
_thingy = 23
def thingy(self):
return type(self).thingy
Now Foo().thingy works as intended for both the class and the instances! It will also continue to do the right thing if a derived class replaces its underlying _thingy (which is the use case that got me on this hunt originally).
This isn't 100% satisfying to me -- having to do setup in both the metaclass and object class feels like it violates the DRY principle. But the latter is just a one-line dispatcher; I'm mostly okay with it existing, and you could probably compact it down to a lambda or something if you really wanted.
If you use Django, it has a built in #classproperty decorator.
from django.utils.decorators import classproperty
For Django 4, use:
from django.utils.functional import classproperty
I think you may be able to do this with the metaclass. Since the metaclass can be like a class for the class (if that makes sense). I know you can assign a __call__() method to the metaclass to override calling the class, MyClass(). I wonder if using the property decorator on the metaclass operates similarly.
Wow, it works:
class MetaClass(type):
def getfoo(self):
return self._foo
foo = property(getfoo)
def bar(self):
return self._bar
class MyClass(object):
__metaclass__ = MetaClass
_foo = 'abc'
_bar = 'def'
Note: This is in Python 2.7. Python 3+ uses a different technique to declare a metaclass. Use: class MyClass(metaclass=MetaClass):, remove __metaclass__, and the rest is the same.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to write a setter for a class property without creating a new metaclass.
I have found that the following method works. Define a metaclass with all of the class properties and setters you want. IE, I wanted a class with a title property with a setter. Here's what I wrote:
class TitleMeta(type):
def title(self):
return getattr(self, '_title', 'Default Title')
def title(self, title):
self._title = title
# Do whatever else you want when the title is set...
Now make the actual class you want as normal, except have it use the metaclass you created above.
# Python 2 style:
class ClassWithTitle(object):
__metaclass__ = TitleMeta
# The rest of your class definition...
# Python 3 style:
class ClassWithTitle(object, metaclass = TitleMeta):
# Your class definition...
It's a bit weird to define this metaclass as we did above if we'll only ever use it on the single class. In that case, if you're using the Python 2 style, you can actually define the metaclass inside the class body. That way it's not defined in the module scope.
def _create_type(meta, name, attrs):
type_name = f'{name}Type'
type_attrs = {}
for k, v in attrs.items():
if type(v) is _ClassPropertyDescriptor:
type_attrs[k] = v
return type(type_name, (meta,), type_attrs)
class ClassPropertyType(type):
def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
Type = _create_type(meta, name, attrs)
cls = super().__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
cls.__class__ = Type
return cls
class _ClassPropertyDescriptor(object):
def __init__(self, fget, fset=None):
self.fget = fget
self.fset = fset
def __get__(self, obj, owner):
if self in obj.__dict__.values():
return self.fget(obj)
return self.fget(owner)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if not self.fset:
raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
return self.fset(obj, value)
def setter(self, func):
self.fset = func
return self
def classproperty(func):
return _ClassPropertyDescriptor(func)
class Bar(metaclass=ClassPropertyType):
__bar = 1
def bar(cls):
return cls.__bar
def bar(cls, value):
cls.__bar = value
bar = Bar()
nbar = Bar()
I happened to come up with a solution very similar to #Andrew, only DRY
class MetaFoo(type):
def __new__(mc1, name, bases, nmspc):
nmspc.update({'thingy': MetaFoo.thingy})
return super(MetaFoo, mc1).__new__(mc1, name, bases, nmspc)
def thingy(cls):
if not inspect.isclass(cls):
cls = type(cls)
return cls._thingy
def thingy(cls, value):
if not inspect.isclass(cls):
cls = type(cls)
cls._thingy = value
class Foo(metaclass=MetaFoo):
_thingy = 23
class Bar(Foo)
_thingy = 12
This has the best of all answers:
The "metaproperty" is added to the class, so that it will still be a property of the instance
Don't need to redefine thingy in any of the classes
The property works as a "class property" in for both instance and class
You have the flexibility to customize how _thingy is inherited
In my case, I actually customized _thingy to be different for every child, without defining it in each class (and without a default value) by:
def __new__(mc1, name, bases, nmspc):
nmspc.update({'thingy':, '_thingy': None})
return super(MetaFoo, mc1).__new__(mc1, name, bases, nmspc)
If you only need lazy loading, then you could just have a class initialisation method.
class Example(object):
def initclass(cls):
if EXAMPLE_SET: return
cls.the_I = 'ok'
def __init__( self ):
self.an_i = 20
print Example.the_I
except AttributeError:
print 'ok class not "loaded"'
foo = Example()
print foo.the_I
print Example.the_I
But the metaclass approach seems cleaner, and with more predictable behavior.
Perhaps what you're looking for is the Singleton design pattern. There's a nice SO QA about implementing shared state in Python.

in Python remember last method called/get

I'm trying to do something like this:
inst = AnyClass()
print inst.last_method # print bar
print inst.last_method # print foo
inst.remember_last_method = False
print inst.last_method # print foo
inst.remember.last_method = True
Any suggestion to write the remember_last_method function?
First edit:
seems that votes are negatives...
Here is the code I started to write, if it can clarify the question:
def remember_last_method_get(cls):
Subclass cls in a way that remeber last method get by instances
>>> #remember_last_method_get
... class Foo(object):
... def bar(self):
... pass
... def baz(self):
... pass
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> foo.baz()
>>> print foo.last_method_get
>>> m = # get a method without calling it
>>> print foo.last_method_get
class clsRememberLastMethodGet(cls):
def __getattribute__(self,name):
attr = cls.__getattribute__(self,name)
if callable(attr):
self.last_method_get = name
return attr
return clsRememberLastMethodGet
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
Works on instances and not on classes as I want, and doesn't have the remember_last_method=True/False attribute
Second edit:
Here is a metaclass that do the job (only for method called, not
get, which is better):
class RememberLastMethod(type):
def __init__(self, name, bases, d):
type.__init__(self, name, bases, d)
for name,attr in d.iteritems():
if not callable(attr) or name.startswith('_'):
def create_new_attr(name,attr):
def new_attr(self,*args,**kwargs):
if self.remember_last_method:
self.last_method = name
return attr(self,*args,**kwargs)
return new_attr
orig__init__ = self.__init__
def new__init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.remember_last_method = True
self.last_method = None
self.__init__ = new__init__
class AnyClass(object):
__metaclass__ = RememberLastMethod
def foo(self):
def bar(self):
# Call two method, inst.last_method is the last
inst = AnyClass()
assert inst.last_method == "bar"
# Call a new method, changes inst.last_method.
assert inst.last_method == "foo"
# Stop changing inst.last_method.
inst.remember_last_method = False
assert inst.last_method == "foo"
# Changing last_method again.
inst.remember_last_method = True
assert inst.last_method == "bar"
# Work with reference to method as well
method =
inst.remember_last_method = False
assert inst.last_method == "bar"
inst.remember_last_method = True
assert inst.last_method == "foo"
Thrid edit:
Here is a function that take an instance as argument and do the same work as the metaclass:
def remember_last_method(inst):
inst.remember_last_method = True
cls = inst.__class__
for name in dir(inst):
if name.startswith('_'):
attr = getattr(inst,name)
if not callable(attr):
def create_new_attr(name,attr):
def new_attr(self,*args,**kwargs):
if self.remember_last_method:
self.last_method = name
return attr(*args,**kwargs)
return new_attr
class AnyClass(object):
def foo(self):
def bar(self):
inst = AnyClass()
# Call two method, inst.last_method is the last
assert inst.last_method == "bar"
# Call a new method, changes inst.last_method.
assert inst.last_method == "foo"
# Stop changing inst.last_method.
inst.remember_last_method = False
assert inst.last_method == "foo"
# Changing last_method again.
inst.remember_last_method = True
assert inst.last_method == "bar"
# Work with reference to method as well
method =
inst.remember_last_method = False
assert inst.last_method == "bar"
inst.remember_last_method = True
assert inst.last_method == "foo"
You can implement this yourself for each method:
class X(object):
def __init__(self):
self.last_method = None
self.should_store_last_method = True
def set_last_method(self, meth):
if self.should_store_last_method:
self.last_method = meth
def store_last_method(self, should_store):
self.should_store_last_method = should_store
def one(self):
def two(self):
to use it:
x = X()
print x.last_method
# <bound method of <__main__.X object at 0x1035f8210>>
print x.last_method
# <bound method X.two of <__main__.X object at 0x1035f8210>>
print x.last_method
# <bound method of <__main__.X object at 0x1035f8210>>
<bound method of <__main__.X object at 0x1035f8210>>
<bound method X.two of <__main__.X object at 0x1035f8210>>
<bound method of <__main__.X object at 0x1035f8210>>
A metaclass is definitely the way to go. Your metaclass implementation is a good one, but it falls over in a couple of edge cases. That is there are several things that are callable, but will not be turned into instance methods that can exist on a class. For instance, you might have a staticmethod or a classmethod or even define a class within the parent class, or most simply an object of a class that has a __call__ method.
Your function/property implementation avoids these problems, but with the downside of recording these function calls. These functions do not access the object on which can they can be found, so do you really want to be recording them?
I've provided an implementation below. This metaclass only works with Python 3. To convert to Python 2 you must remove the name arg from the __init__ and __new__ methods on MethodLoggerMetaclass. You will also have to use the __metaclass__ name instead of providing it as an argument on the class declaration line.
from types import FunctionType, MethodType
from collections import Callable
import builtins
class MethodLoggerMetaclass(type):
"""Records the last method that was called on a class as the base function
(called an unbound method in python 2.x)
By default _last_method is used to record which method was last called.
Use `class MyClass(metaclass=MethodLoggerMetaclass, name="new_name")' to
change this behaviour.
Set record_superclass to True to also record the methods on superclasses.
Set record_hidden to True to also record attributes beginning with s
single underscore.
Set record_callable to True to also record callable objects that are *not*
instance methods. eg. static methods and class methods."""
def __init__(self, classname, parents, attributes, name="_last_method",
record_superclass=False, record_hidden=False,
type.__init__(self, classname, parents, attributes)
method_logger_names[self] = name
if record_superclass:
for attr, value, needs_self in get_superclass_functions(self,
record_hidden, record_callable):
type.__setattr__(self, attr, wrap(value, name, needs_self))
def __new__(metaclass, classname, parents, attributes,
name="_last_method", record_superclass=False,
record_hidden=False, record_callable=False):
types = FunctionType if not record_callable else Callable
for attr, value in attributes.items():
if record(attr, value, record_hidden, types):
attributes[attr] = wrap(value, name, isinstance(value,
attributes[name] = MethodLoggerProperty()
return type.__new__(metaclass, classname, parents, attributes)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
"""Used to wrap functions that are added to the class after class
if isinstance(value, FunctionType):
type.__setattr__(self, attr, wrap(value,
method_logger_names[self], True))
type.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
class MethodLogger:
"""Used to record the last method called on a instance. Method stored as
base function. Has convenience properties for getting just the name or as a
method, or the unwrapped function.
Calling the provided function or method will also record the call if record
is set to True."""
_function = None
record = True
def __init__(self, instance):
self.instance = instance
def function(self):
return wrap(self._function, method_logger_names[type(self.instance)])
def function(self, function):
if self.record:
self._function = function
def unwrapped_function(self):
return self._function
def method(self):
if self._function:
return MethodType(self.function, self.instance)
def name(self):
if self._function:
return self._function.__name__
def __str__(self):
return "MethodLogger(instance={}, function={}, record={})".format(
self.instance, self._function, self.record)
__repr__ = __str__
class MethodLoggerProperty:
"""Provides initial MethodLogger for new instances of a class"""
def __get__(self, instance, cls=None):
method_logger = MethodLogger(instance)
setattr(instance, method_logger_names[cls], method_logger)
return method_logger
def wrap(function, method_logger_name, needs_self):
"""Wraps a function and in a logging function, and makes the wrapper
appear as the original function."""
if needs_self:
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if getattr(self, method_logger_name).record:
getattr(self, method_logger_name).function = function
return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if getattr(self, method_logger_name).record:
getattr(self, method_logger_name).function = function
return function(*args, **kwargs)
wrapper.__name__ = getattr(function, "__name__", str(function))
wrapper.__doc__ = function.__doc__
return wrapper
# used to store name where the method logger is stored for each class
method_logger_names = {}
def record(attr, value, record_hidden, types=FunctionType):
"""Returns whether an attribute is a method and should be logged.
Never returns true for "dunder" attributes (names beginning with __)"""
return isinstance(value, types) and not attr.startswith("__") and \
(record_hidden or not attr.startswith("_"))
def get_superclass_functions(cls, include_hidden, include_callable):
"""Finds all functions derived from the superclasses of a class. Gives
the name under which the function was found and the function itself.
Returns tuples of (attribute name, function, if the function needs an
object instance). If `include_callable' is False then the the function
always needs an object instance."""
base_types = FunctionType if not include_callable else Callable
attrs = set(vars(cls).keys())
for superclass in cls.mro()[1:-1]: # exclude actual class and object
types = (base_types if not hasattr(builtins, superclass.__name__) else
for attr, value in vars(superclass).items():
if attr not in attrs and record(attr, value, include_hidden, types):
yield attr, value, (isinstance(value, FunctionType) or
hasattr(builtins, superclass.__name__))
Example usage:
class MethodLoggerList(list, metaclass=MethodLoggerMetaclass,
name="_method_logger", record_superclass=True):
def f(self, kwarg="keyword argument"):
print(self, kwarg)
def g(self):
# example use
t = MethodLoggerList()
t.f("another value")
# note that methods on superclass are not recorded by default
# won't record dunder/magic methods at all
t += [1]
# stop recording
t._method_logger.record = False
# add methods to class after class creation, and still record them
def h(self):
MethodLoggerList.h = h
t._method_logger.record = True
# also records lambdas
MethodLoggerList.i = lambda self: None
# does not record monkey-patched methods
def j():
t.j = j
# does record method or function access from _last_method
method = t._method_logger.method

