Function now prints every letter instead of every word - python

I have data that looks like this:
owned category weight mechanics_split
28156 Environmental, Medical 2.8023 [Action Point Allowance System, Co-operative P...
9269 Card Game, Civilization, Economic 4.3073 [Action Point Allowance System, Auction/Biddin...
36707 Modern Warfare, Political, Wargame 3.5293 [Area Control / Area Influence, Campaign / Bat...
and used this function (taken from the generous answer in this question):
def owned_nums(games):
for row in games.iterrows():
owned_value = row[1]['owned']
mechanics = row[1]['mechanics_split']
for type_string in mechanics:
game_types.loc[type_string, ['owned']] += owned_value
to iterate over the values in the dataframe and put new values in a new dataframe called game_types. It worked great. In fact, it still works great; that notebook is open, and if I change the last line of the function to just print (type_string), it prints:
Action Point Allowance System
Co-operative Play
Hand Management
Point to Point Movement
Set Collection
Variable Player Powers
Action Point Allowance System...
Okay, perfect. So, I saved my data as a csv, opened a new notebook, opened the csv with the columns with the split strings, copied and pasted the exact same function, and when I print type_string, I now get:
The only thing I could notice is that the original lists were quote-less, with [Action Point Allowance System, Co-operative...] etc., and the new dataframe opened from the new csv was rendered as ['Action Point Allowance System', 'Co-operative...'], with quotes. I used str.replace("'","") which got rid of the quotes, but it's still returning every letter. I've tried experimenting with the escapechars in to_csv but to no avail. Very confused as to what setting I need to tweak.
Thanks very much for any help.

The only way the code
mechanics = row[1]['mechanics_split']
for type_string in mechanics:
game_types.loc[type_string, ['owned']] += owned_value
can have worked is if your mechanics_split column contained not a string but an iterable containing strings.
Storing non-scalar data in Series is not well-supported, and while it's sometimes useful (though slow) as an intermediate step, it's not supposed to be something you do regularly. Basically what you're doing is
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [["x","y"],["z"]]})
>>> df.to_csv("a.csv")
>>> !cat a.csv
0,"['x', 'y']"
after which you have
>>> df2 = pd.read_csv("a.csv", index_col=0)
>>> df2
0 ['x', 'y']
1 ['z']
>>> df.A.values
array([['x', 'y'], ['z']], dtype=object)
>>> df2.A.values
array(["['x', 'y']", "['z']"], dtype=object)
>>> type(df.A.iloc[0])
<class 'list'>
>>> type(df2.A.iloc[0])
<class 'str'>
and you notice that what was originally a Series containing lists of strings is now a Series containing only strings. Which makes sense, if you think about it, because CSVs never claimed to be type-preserving.
If you insist on using a frame like this, you should manually encode and decode your lists via some representation (e.g. JSON strings) on reading and writing. I'm too lazy to confirm what pandas does to str-ify lists, but you might be able to get away with applying ast.literal_eval to the resulting strings to turn them back into lists.


Applying function to pandas dataframe: is there a more efficient way of doing this?

I have a dataframe that has a small number of columns but many rows (about 900K right now, and it's going to get bigger as I collect more data). It looks like this:
Amira Charfeddine
Wild Fadhila 01
الكتاب هذا نهديه لكل تونسي حس إلي الكتاب يحكي ...
Amira Charfeddine
Wild Fadhila 02
في التزغريت، والعياط و الزمامر، ليوم نتيجة الب...
هذا ما ينص عليه إدوستور التونسي لا رئاسة مدى ا...
\n\n\n\n\n\nاعلنت الجامعة التونسية لكرة اليد ا...
quel est le résultat final\n,,,,????
The "Text" Column has a string of text that may be just a few words (in the case of a forum post) or it may a portion of a novel and have tens of thousands of words (as in the two first rows above).
I have code that constructs the dataframe from various corpus files (.txt and .json), then cleans the text and saves the cleaned dataframe as a pickle file.
I'm trying to run the following code to analyze how variable the spelling of different words are in the corpus. The functions seem simple enough: One counts the occurrence of a particular spelling variable in each Text row; the other takes a list of such frequencies and computes a Gini Coefficient for each lemma (which is just a numerical measure of how heterogenous the spelling is). It references a spelling_var dictionary that has a lemma as its key and the various ways of spelling that lemma as values. (like {'color': ['color', 'colour']} except not in English.)
This code works, but it uses a lot of CPU time. I'm not sure how much, but I use PythonAnywhere for my coding and this code sends me into the tarpit (in other words, it makes me exceed my daily allowance of CPU seconds).
Is there a way to do this so that it's less CPU intensive? Preferably without me having to learn another package (I've spent the past several weeks learning Pandas and am liking it, and need to just get on with my analysis). Once I have the code and have finished collecting the corpus, I'll only run it a few times; I won't be running it everyday or anything (in case that matters).
Here's the code:
import pickle
import pandas as pd
import re
with open('1_raw_df.pkl', 'rb') as pickle_file:
df = pickle.load(pickle_file)
spelling_var = {
'illi': ["الي", "اللي"],
'besh': ["باش", "بش"],
spelling_df = df.copy()
def count_word(df, word):
pattern = r"\b" + re.escape(word) + r"\b"
return df['Text'].str.count(pattern)
def compute_gini(freq_list):
proportions = [f/sum(freq_list) for f in freq_list]
squared = [p**2 for p in proportions]
return 1-sum(squared)
for w, var in spelling_var.items():
count_list = []
for v in var:
count_list.append(count_word(spelling_df, v))
gini = compute_gini(count_list)
spelling_df[w] = gini
I rewrote two lines in the last double loop, see the comments in the code below. does this solve your issue?
gini_lst = []
for w, var in spelling_var.items():
count_list = []
for v in var:
count_list.append(count_word(spelling_df, v))
#gini = compute_gini(count_list) # don't think you need to compute this at every iteration of the inner loop, right?
#spelling_df[w] = gini # having this inside of the loop creates a new column at each iteration, which could crash your CPU
# this creates a df with a row for each lemma with its associated gini value
df_lemma_gini = pd.DataFrame(data={"lemma_column": list(spelling_var.keys()), "gini_column": gini_lst})

Optical Character Recognition on PDFs (python)

I'm using ocrmypdf. I'm trying to do ocr on campaign finances pdfs. Example pdfs:
My clients wants to parse these pdfs, as well as others (form 496s, form 497s). The problem is, even with forms of the same type, the ocr results are inconsistent.
For example, one pdf (form 460) will yield these results:
Statement covers period
from 07/01/2005
through __11/30/2005
and another of the same type yields:
Statement covers period
through 03/17/2006
Notice in the first, the first date comes after the from, whereas in the second, the first date comes before the from. This creates complications when trying to parse the data.
I'm using what I call "checkpoints" to parse forms of similar type. Here's an example:
checkpoints = [
['Statement covers period from', 'Date From'],
['through', 'Date Thru'],
['Date of election if applicable:', None],
['\n', None],
['\\NUMBER Treasurer(s)\n', 'ID'],
['\n', None],
['COMMITTEE NAME (OR CANDIDATE’S NAME IF NO COMMITTEE)\n\n', 'Committee / Candidate Name'],
['\n', None],
['NAME OF TREASURER\n\n', 'Name of Treasurer'],
['\n', None],
['NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE\n\n', 'Name of Officeholder or Candidate'],
['\n', None],
['\n', None],
I loop through every checkpoint, find the start index and end (using current checkpoint and next) index of the current iteration, [0] and not [1], and I save the contents to a key in a master object, like county_object[checkpoint[1]] = contents[start_index:end_index].
This setup only works specifically for the pdf I am parsing. Because ocrmypdf yields different results for even same form types, my setup is not ideal. Can someone point me in the right direction on how I should go about this?
I imagine the difference between "identical" Form 460's is a
vertical misalignment due to one being scanned
at a slight CW angle and another at a slight CCW angle.
I hope you are invoking with --deskew,
but even with that there may be minor aberrations that prove troublesome.
The vertical separation between the dates seems large and robust,
so one date will precede the other in the proper way.
Consider focusing more on the mm/dd/yyyy pattern
and less on the text anchors.
You can obtain bound box coordinates from Tesseract OCR.
Use them to disambiguate dates,
based on your knowledge of what appears higher or lower on the form,
and by (approximately) how much.

Re-writing a python program into VB, how to sort CSV?

About a year back, I wrote a little program in python that basically automates a part of my job (with quite a bit of assistance from you guys!) However, I ran into a problem. As I kept making the program better and better, I realized that Python did not want to play nice with excel, and (without boring you with the details suffice to say xlutils will not copy formulas) I NEED to have more access to excel for my intentions.
So I am starting back at square one with VB (2010 Express if it helps.) The only programming course I ever took in my life was on it, and it was pretty straight forward so I decided I'd go back to it for this. Unfortunately, I've forgotten much of what I had learned, and we never really got this far down the rabbit hole in the first place. So, long story short I am trying to:
1) Read data from a .csv structured as so:
2) Sort that data alphabetically by column 5
3) Then selecting only the ones with an "l" in column 5, sort THOSE numerically by column 2 (ascending order) AND copy them to a new file called coil.csv
4) Then selecting only the ones that have an "r" in column 5, sort those numerically by column 2 (descending order) and copy them to the SAME file coil.csv (appended after the others obviously)
After all of that hoopla I wish to get out:
I realize that this may be a pretty involved question, and I certainly understand if no one wants to deal with all this bs, lol. Anyway, some full on code, snippets, ideas or even relevant links would be GREATLY appreciated. I've been, and still am googling, but it's harder than expected to find good reliable information pertaining to this.
P.S. Here is the piece of python code that did what I am talking about (although it created two seperate files for the lefts and rights which I don't really need) - if it helps you at all.
msgbox(msg="Please locate your survey file in the next window.")
mainfile = fileopenbox(title="Open survey file")
toponame = boolbox(msg="What is the name of the shots I should use for topography? Note: TOPO is used automatically",choices=("Left","Right"))
fieldnames = ["A","B","C","D","E"]
surveyfile = open(mainfile, "r")
left_file = open("left.csv",'wb')
right_file = open("right.csv",'wb')
coil_file = open("coil1.csv","wb")
reader = csv.DictReader(surveyfile, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter=",")
left_writer = csv.DictWriter(left_file, fieldnames + ["F"], delimiter=",")
sortedlefts = sorted(reader,key=lambda x:float(x["B"])),0)
right_writer = csv.DictWriter(right_file, fieldnames + ["F"], delimiter=",")
sortedrights = sorted(reader,key=lambda x:float(x["B"]), reverse=True)
coil_writer = csv.DictWriter(coil_file, fieldnames, delimiter=",",extrasaction='ignore')
for row in sortedlefts:
if row["E"] == "l" or row["E"] == "cl+l":
row['F'] = '%s,%s' % (row['B'], row['D'])
for row in sortedrights:
if row["E"] == "r":
row['F'] = '%s,%s' % (row['B'], row['D'])
One option you have is to start with a class to hold the fields. This allows you to override the ToString method to facilitate the output. Then, it's a fairly simple matter of reading each line and assigning the values to a list of the class. In your case you'll want the extra step of making 2 lists sorting one descending and combining them:
Class Fields
Property A As Double = 0
Property B As Double = 0
Property C As Double = 0
Property D As Double = 0
Property E As String = ""
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Join({A.ToString, B.ToString, C.ToString, D.ToString, E}, ",")
End Function
End Class
Function SortedFields(filename As String) As List(Of Fields)
SortedFields = New List(Of Fields)
Dim test As New List(Of Fields)
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(filename)
Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(filename)
Do Until sr.EndOfStream
Dim fieldarray() As String = sr.ReadLine.Split(","c)
If fieldarray.Length = 5 AndAlso Not fieldarray(4)(0) = "e"c Then
If fieldarray(4) = "r" Then
test.Add(New Fields With {.A = Double.Parse(fieldarray(0)), .B = Double.Parse(fieldarray(1)), .C = Double.Parse(fieldarray(2)), .D = Double.Parse(fieldarray(3)), .E = fieldarray(4)})
SortedFields.Add(New Fields With {.A = Double.Parse(fieldarray(0)), .B = Double.Parse(fieldarray(1)), .C = Double.Parse(fieldarray(2)), .D = Double.Parse(fieldarray(3)), .E = fieldarray(4)})
End If
End If
End Using
SortedFields = SortedFields.OrderBy(Function(x) x.B).Concat(test.OrderByDescending(Function(x) x.B)).ToList
End Function
One simple way of writing the data to a csv file is to use the IO.File.WriteAllLines methods and the ConvertAll method of the List:
IO.File.WriteAllLines(" coil.csv", SortedFields("textfile1.txt").ConvertAll(New Converter(Of Fields, String)(Function(x As Fields) x.ToString)))
You'll notice how the ToString method facilitates this quite easily.
If the class will only be used for this you do have the option to make all the fields string.

Converting an imperative algorithm into functional style

I wrote a simple procedure to calculate the average of the test coverage of some specific packages in a Java project. The raw data in a huge html file is like this:
package pkg1 <line_coverage>11/111,<branch_coverage>44/444<end>
package pkg2 <line_coverage>22/222,<branch_coverage>55/555<end>
package pkg3 <line_coverage>33/333,<branch_coverage>66/666<end>
Given the specified packages "pkg1" and "pkg3", for example, the average line coverage is:
and average branch coverage is:
I wrote the follow procedure to get the result and it works well. But how to implement this calculation in a functional style? Something like "(x,y) for x in ... for b in ... if...". I know a little Erlang, Haskell and Clojure, So solutions in these languages are also appreciated. Thanks a lot!
from __future__ import division
import re
datafile = ('abc', 'd>11/23d>34/89d', 'e>25/65e>13/25e', 'f>36/92f>19/76')
core_pkgs = ('d', 'f')
covered_lines, total_lines, covered_branches, total_branches = 0, 0, 0, 0
for line in datafile:
for pkg in core_pkgs:
ptn = re.compile('.*'+pkg+'.*'+'>(\d+)/(\d+).*>(\d+)/(\d+).*')
match = ptn.match(line)
if match is not None:
cvln, tlln, cvbh, tlbh = match.groups()
covered_lines += int(cvln)
total_lines += int(tlln)
covered_branches += int(cvbh)
total_branches += int(tlbh)
print 'Line coverage:', '{:.2%}'.format(covered_lines / total_lines)
print 'Branch coverage:', '{:.2%}'.format(covered_branches/total_branches)
Down below you can find my Haskell solution. I will try to explain the important points I went through as I wrote it.
First you will find that I created a data structure for coverage data. It's generally a good idea to create data structures to represent whatever data you want to handle. This is in part because it makes it easier to design your code when you can think in terms of whatever you are designing – closely related to functional programming philosophies, and in part because it can eliminate a few bugs where you think you are doing something but are in actuality doing something else.
Related to the point before: The first thing I do is to convert the string-represented data into my own data structure. When you are doing functional programming, you are often doing things in "sweeps." You don't have a single function that converts data to your format, filters out the unwanted data and summarises the result. You have three different functions for each of those tasks, and you do them one at a time!
This is because functions are very composable, i.e. if you have three different ones, you can stick them together to form a single one if you want to. If you start with a single one, it is very difficult to take it apart to form three different ones.
The actual workings of the conversion function is actually quite uninteresting unless you are specifically doing Haskell. All it does is try to match each string with a regex, and if it succeeds, it adds the coverage data to the resulting list.
Again, mad composition is about to happen. I don't create a function to loop over a list of coverages and sum them up. I create a single function to sum two coverages, because I know I can use it together with the specialised fold loop (which is sort of like a for loop on steroids) to summarise all coverages in a list. There's no need for me to reinvent the wheel and create a loop myself.
Besides, my sumCoverages function works with a lot of specialised loops, so I don't have to write a ton of functions, I just stick my single function into a ton of pre-made library functions!
In the main function you will see what I mean by programming in "sweeps" or "passes" over the data. First I convert it to the internal format, then I filter out the unwanted data, then I summarise the remaining data. These are completely independent computations. That's functional programming.
You will also notice that I use two specialised loops there, filter and fold. This means that I don't have to write any loops myself, I just stick in a function to those standard library loops and let those take it from there.
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Regex (matchRegex, mkRegex)
corePkgs = ["d", "f"]
stats = [
format = mkRegex ".*(\\w+).*>([0-9]+)/([0-9]+).*>([0-9]+)/([0-9]+).*"
-- It might be a good idea to define a datatype for coverage data.
-- A bit of coverage data is defined as the name of the package it
-- came from, the lines covered, the total amount of lines, the
-- branches covered and the total amount of branches.
data Coverage = Coverage String Int Int Int Int
-- Then we need a way to convert the string data into a list of
-- coverage data. We do this by regex. We try to match on each
-- string in the list, and then we choose to keep only the successful
-- matches. Returned is a list of coverage data that was represented
-- by the strings.
convert :: [String] -> [Coverage]
convert = catMaybes . map match
where match line = do
[name, cl, tl, cb, tb] <- matchRegex format line
return $ Coverage name (read cl) (read tl) (read cb) (read tb)
-- We need a way to summarise two coverage data bits. This can of course also
-- be used to summarise entire lists of coverage data, by folding over it.
sumCoverage (Coverage nameA clA tlA cbA tbA) (Coverage nameB clB tlB cbB tbB) =
Coverage (nameA ++ nameB ++ ",") (clA + clB) (tlA + tlB) (cbA + cbB) (tbA + tbB)
main = do
-- First we need to convert the strings to coverage data
let coverageData = convert stats
-- Then we want to filter out only the relevant data
relevantData = filter (\(Coverage name _ _ _ _) -> name `elem` corePkgs) coverageData
-- Then we need to summarise it, but we are only interested in the numbers
Coverage _ cl tl cb tb = foldl' sumCoverage (Coverage "" 0 0 0 0) relevantData
-- So we can finally print them!
printf "Line coverage: %.2f\n" (fromIntegral cl / fromIntegral tl :: Double)
printf "Branch coverage: %.2f\n" (fromIntegral cb / fromIntegral tb :: Double)
Here are some quickly-hacked, untested ideas applied to your code:
import numpy as np
import re
datafile = ('abc', 'd>11/23d>34/89d', 'e>25/65e>13/25e', 'f>36/92f>19/76')
core_pkgs = ('d', 'f')
covered_lines, total_lines, covered_branches, total_branches = 0, 0, 0, 0
for pkg in core_pkgs:
ptn = re.compile('.*'+pkg+'.*'+'>(\d+)/(\d+).*>(\d+)/(\d+).*')
matches = map(datafile, ptn.match)
statsList = [map(int, match.groups()) for match in matches if matches]
# statsList is a list of [cvln, tlln, cvbh, tlbh]
stats = np.array(statsList)
covered_lines, total_lines, covered_branches, total_branches = stats.sum(axis=1)
Well, as you can see I haven't bothered to finish off the remaining loop, but I think the point is made by now. There's certainly a lot more than one way to do this; I elected to show off map() (which some will say makes this less efficient, and it probably does), as well as NumPy to get the (admittedly light) math done.
This is the corresponding Clojure solution:
(defn extract-data
"extract 4 integer from a string line according to a package name"
[pkg line]
(map read-string
(rest (first
(str pkg ".*>(\\d+)/(\\d+).*>(\\d+)/(\\d+)"))
(defn scan-lines-by-pkg
"scan all string lines and extract all data as integer sequences
according to package names"
[pkgs lines]
(filter seq (for [pkg pkgs
line lines]
(extract-data pkg line))))
(defn sum-data
"add all data in valid lines together"
[pkgs lines]
(apply map + (scan-lines-by-pkg pkgs lines)))
(defn get-percent
[covered all]
(str (format "%.2f" (float (/ (* covered 100) all))) "%"))
(defn get-cov
[pkgs lines]
{:line-cov (apply get-percent (take 2 (sum-data pkgs lines)))
:branch-cov (apply get-percent (drop 2 (sum-data pkgs lines)))})
(get-cov ["d" "f"] ["abc" "d>11/23d>34/89d" "e>25/65e>13/25e" "f>36/92f>19/76"])

Pretty printing a list of list of floats?

Basically i have to dump a series of temperature readings, into a text file. This is a space delimited list of elements, where each row represents something (i don't know, and it just gets forced into a fortran model, shudder). I am more or less handling it from our groups side, which is extracting those temperature readings and dumping them into a text file.
Basically a quick example is i have a list like this(but with alot more elements):
temperature_readings = [ [1.343, 348.222, 484844.3333], [12349.000002, -2.43333]]
In the past we just dumped this into a file, unfortunately there is some people who have this irritating knack of wanting to look directly at the text file, and picking out certain columns and changing some things (for testing.. i don't really know..). But they always complain about the columns not lining up properly, they pretty much the above list to be printed like this:
1.343 348.222 484844.333
12349.000002 -2.433333
So those wonderful decimals line up. Is there an easy way to do this?
you can right-pad like this:
str = '%-10f' % val
to left pad:
set = '%10f' % val
or in combination pad and set the precision to 4 decimal places:
str = '%-10.4f' % val
import sys
rows = [[1.343, 348.222, 484844.3333], [12349.000002, -2.43333]]
for row in rows:
for val in row:
sys.stdout.write('%20f' % val)
1.343000 348.222000 484844.333300
12349.000002 -2.433330
The % (String formatting) operator is deprecated now.
You can use str.format to do pretty printing in Python.
Something like this might work for you:
for set in temperature_readings:
for temp in set:
print "{0:10.4f}\t".format(temp),
Which prints out the following:
1.3430 348.2220 484844.3333
12349.0000 -2.4333
You can read more about this here:
If you also want to display a fixed number of decimals (which probably makes sense if the numbers are really temperature readings), something like this gives quite nice output:
for line in temperature_readings:
for value in line:
print '%10.2f' % value,
1.34 348.22 484844.33
12349.00 -2.43
In Python 2.*,
for sublist in temperature_readings:
for item in sublist:
print '%15.6f' % item,
1.343000 348.222000 484844.333300
12349.000002 -2.433330
for your example. Tweak the lengths and number of decimals as you prefer, of course!

