I get an 'PlotlyRequestError: No message' when I execute the code.
import plotly
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
Filedata = pd.read_csv('C:\\Documents\\Book4.csv')
data = [go.Scatter(x=Filedata.ix[:,0],y=Filedata.ix[:,1])]
layout = go.Layout(
title='Analysis 2016',
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
This is because you are trying to plot online which requires credentials based authentication. To plot offline, use plotly.offline's plot class to accomplish this without authentication.
from plotly.offline import plot
and then use this plot to plot your figure.
I had the same issue and I solved the problem by importing plotly like this:
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# these two lines allow your code to show up in a notebook
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
And then calling iplot like this:
I had the same issue and I solved the problem by importing plotly and cufflinks like this:
from plotly.offline import iplot
import cufflinks as cf
and then apply
For the moment this code always opens the following candlestick chart on a google chrome page, however, I wanted to appear on a Tkinter.
I tried to use candlestick_ohlc for Tkinter (it works best on apparently Tkinter) but it does not give me the same appearance as this candlestick.
Is there any way that I can make this candlestick chart ( using go.candlestick) appear on Tkinter?
import yfinance as yf
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = yf.download(tickers='BTC-USD', period='1mo', interval='5m')
fig3 = make_subplots(specs=[[{"secondary_y": True}]])
fig3.update_yaxes(visible=False, secondary_y=True)
fig3.update_layout(title={'text':'BTC-USD', 'x':0.5},yaxis_title='Price',xaxis_title='Date-Time')
I have a df - Wards - that contains the number of different events that happen on each ward of a hospital. I just want a simple bar chart of the totals of these events. I have used plotly before - I am no means an expert (evidently!) but I can't figure out where I am going wrong! With the code below I am seeing anything with fig.show(). I added the fig.write_image command to test - this returns the correct graph - but I can't figure out why my fig.show() command doesn't work
import plotly.express as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = px.bar(Wards, x='Ward', y='Total_Tasks')
I tried to duplicate your code but of course I don't have the data, so I made some up and I also didn't know for sure what modules you are importing, so I used the help at:
but anyway, here is what I came up with
that seems to work.
import plotly.express as px
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = px.bar(x=["a", "b", "c"], y=[1, 3, 2])
I have a plotly object that should be showing up properly but for some reason it only shows up blank in DataBricks. The object type is:
I have tried the following to display the figure:
All possible solutions I can think of result in the same thing. Thanks!
Btw... Using Plotly Version 4.9
Try using the plot method from plotly.offline. This following is from DataBricks documentation, but Jupyter notebooks have a similar issue where a Plotly graph_object Figure won't render unless you use plotly.offline.
from plotly.offline import plot
import plotly.graph_objects as go
# Instead of simply calling plot(...), store your plot as a variable and pass it to displayHTML().
# Make sure to specify output_type='div' as a keyword argument.
# (Note that if you call displayHTML() multiple times in the same cell, only the last will take effect.)
p = plot(
[ ## define your go.Figure here ##
Worth noting that you can similarly use the plot method from plotly.offline to display plotly.express plots.
This saves a lot of code for simple plots where graph_objects are overkill!
from plotly.offline import plot
import plotly.express as px
p = plot(
px.scatter(x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], y=[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]),
I am using the waterfall_chart package in Python to create a waterfall figure. The package mainly uses matplotlib in the backend, so I was trying to use the tls.mpl_to_plotly(mpl_fig) function to covert the matplotlib figure into plotly. But when converting, an error pops up. Is there a way to convert waterfall_chart into plotly or is there an easy way to create the chart directly in plotly? I saw some previous discussion on similar chart in plotly, but it involved pretty manual coding of the chart number.
You could use the following code to recreate the chart.
import waterfall_chart
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.tools as tls
a = ['sales','returns','credit fees','rebates','late charges','shipping']
b = [10,-30,-7.5,-25,95,-7]
mpl_fig = plt.figure()
waterfall_chart.plot(a, b)
waterfall chart
But when I try to convert to plotly using mpl_to_plotly(), there is an error:
plotly_fig = tls.mpl_to_plotly(mpl_fig)
ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence
The detail of the waterfall_chart package could be found here: https://github.com/chrispaulca/waterfall/blob/master/waterfall_chart.py
My answer addresses
[...] or is there an easy way to create the chart directly in plotly?
With newer versions of plotly you can use plotly.graph_objs.Waterfall.
Below is a basic example with your data sample with a setup that uses iplot in an off-line Jupyter Notebook:
# imports
import plotly
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# setup
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:35% !important; } .widget-select > select {background-color: gainsboro;}</style>"))
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
py.init_notebook_mode(connected = False)
# your values
a = ['sales','returns','credit fees','rebates','late charges','shipping']
b = [10,-30,-7.5,-25,95,-7]
# waterfall trace
trace = go.Waterfall(
x = a,
textposition = "outside",
text = [str(elem) for elem in b],
y = b,
connector = {"line":{"color":"rgb(63, 63, 63)"}},
layout = go.Layout(
title = "Waterfall chart, plotly version 3.9.0",
showlegend = True
iplot(go.Figure([trace], layout))
Check your version with:
import plotly
Update your version in a cmd console using:
pip install plotly --upgrade
List a has a length of 6, list b has a length of 5.
Matplotlib refuses to display an empty array, list or whatever.
Solve it to add a number or 0 to b or add an if to your code, to avoid matplotlib gets an empty sequence.
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import iplot
import plotly.offline as py_offline
import pandas_datareader as web
from datetime import datetime
df = web.DataReader("aapl", 'morningstar').reset_index()
trace = go.Candlestick(x=df.Date,
data = [trace]
iplot(data, filename='simple_candlestick')
That code worked pretty well inside a jupyter notebook. Now, I want to execute it inside a standard python script. Once it is executed, I wanted a window to pop-up to see the graph related to that code, but it failed. How could I modify this code so that it works?
Instead of iplot() in the last line, using py_offline.plot() should open the plot in a browser window.
py_offline.plot(data, filename='simple_candlestick')