How to show the current time and the duration of an audio using Pyglet? - python

I am new in Python - Pyglet and Stackoverflow. I would like know how to show the current playing time and the total duration of an audio in Pyglet. It is clearly given in Pyglet Docs but I don't excactly understood how to use it properly. So kindly I would like to request for help.
It would be lot easier by showing an example. Thanks!
Here is my code..
from tkinter import*
import pyglet
root = Tk()
player =
song = "er.mp3"
src =
def play():
def pause():
button_1 = Button(root,text = "Play", command = play)
button_2 = Button(root,text = "Pause", command = pause)
(Sorry For Bad English)

Short answer is:
current_time = player.time
That will give/store the time of the currently playing audio.
What you do with this information is up to you, I assume you want to add it to a label or something.
v = StringVar()
Label(master, textvariable=v).pack()
# Probably in a event driven loop or something.
However the long answer is, don't mix your libraries.
Pyglet is great for 2D/3D rendering since you can hook into the GL libraries pretty well.
What Pyglet does not do great is Audio (even tho it has support for it).
Tkinter on the other hand does nothing of these things but instead gives you buttons and other "widgets".
I would recommend using any other library under how to play music through python with mpg321 for playing audio with tkinter.
Either The Snack Sound Toolkit or winsound if you're on windows.


How can i link my log in window to my game window? [duplicate]

A friend and I are making a game in pygame. We would like to have a pygame window embedded into a tkinter or WxPython frame, so that we can include text input, buttons, and dropdown menus that are supported by WX or Tkinter. I have scoured the internet for an answer, but all I have found are people asking the same question, none of these have been well answered.
What would be the best way implement a pygame display embedded into a tkinter or WX frame? (TKinter is preferable)
Any other way in which these features can be included alongside a pygame display would also work.
(Note this solution does not work on Windows systems with Pygame 2.
See Using 'SDL_WINDOWID' does not embed pygame display correctly into another application #1574. You can currently download older versions of Pygame here.)
According to this SO question and the accepted answer, the simplest way to do this would be to use an SDL drawing frame.
This code is the work of SO user Alex Sallons.
import os
import pygame
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()
embed = tk.Frame(root, width = 500, height = 500) #creates embed frame for pygame window
embed.grid(columnspan = (600), rowspan = 500) # Adds grid
embed.pack(side = LEFT) #packs window to the left
buttonwin = tk.Frame(root, width = 75, height = 500)
buttonwin.pack(side = LEFT)
os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(embed.winfo_id())
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500,500))
def draw():, (0,0,0), (250,250), 125)
button1 = Button(buttonwin,text = 'Draw', command=draw)
while True:
This code is cross-platform, as long as the windib SDL_VIDEODRIVER line is omitted on non Windows systems. I would suggest
# [...]
import platform
if platform.system == "Windows":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
# [...]
Here are some links.
For embedding in WxPython An Article on
For Embedding in WxPython An Article on the WxPython wiki
For embedding in Tkinter see this SO question
Basically, there are many approaches.
On Linux, you can easily embed any application in a frame inside another. Simple.
Direct Pygame output to a WkPython Canvas
Some research will provide the relevant code.
According to the tracebacks, the program crashes due to TclErrors. These are caused by attempting to access the same file, socket, or similar resource in two different threads at the same time. In this case, I believe it is a conflict of screen resources within threads. However, this is not, in fact, due to an internal issue that arises with two gui programs that are meant to function autonomously. The errors are a product of a separate thread calling root.update() when it doesn't need to because the main thread has taken over. This is stopped simply by making the thread call root.update() only when the main thread is not doing so.

Python crashes when I run Tkinter.messagebox with Pygame [duplicate]

A friend and I are making a game in pygame. We would like to have a pygame window embedded into a tkinter or WxPython frame, so that we can include text input, buttons, and dropdown menus that are supported by WX or Tkinter. I have scoured the internet for an answer, but all I have found are people asking the same question, none of these have been well answered.
What would be the best way implement a pygame display embedded into a tkinter or WX frame? (TKinter is preferable)
Any other way in which these features can be included alongside a pygame display would also work.
(Note this solution does not work on Windows systems with Pygame 2.
See Using 'SDL_WINDOWID' does not embed pygame display correctly into another application #1574. You can currently download older versions of Pygame here.)
According to this SO question and the accepted answer, the simplest way to do this would be to use an SDL drawing frame.
This code is the work of SO user Alex Sallons.
import os
import pygame
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()
embed = tk.Frame(root, width = 500, height = 500) #creates embed frame for pygame window
embed.grid(columnspan = (600), rowspan = 500) # Adds grid
embed.pack(side = LEFT) #packs window to the left
buttonwin = tk.Frame(root, width = 75, height = 500)
buttonwin.pack(side = LEFT)
os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(embed.winfo_id())
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500,500))
def draw():, (0,0,0), (250,250), 125)
button1 = Button(buttonwin,text = 'Draw', command=draw)
while True:
This code is cross-platform, as long as the windib SDL_VIDEODRIVER line is omitted on non Windows systems. I would suggest
# [...]
import platform
if platform.system == "Windows":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
# [...]
Here are some links.
For embedding in WxPython An Article on
For Embedding in WxPython An Article on the WxPython wiki
For embedding in Tkinter see this SO question
Basically, there are many approaches.
On Linux, you can easily embed any application in a frame inside another. Simple.
Direct Pygame output to a WkPython Canvas
Some research will provide the relevant code.
According to the tracebacks, the program crashes due to TclErrors. These are caused by attempting to access the same file, socket, or similar resource in two different threads at the same time. In this case, I believe it is a conflict of screen resources within threads. However, this is not, in fact, due to an internal issue that arises with two gui programs that are meant to function autonomously. The errors are a product of a separate thread calling root.update() when it doesn't need to because the main thread has taken over. This is stopped simply by making the thread call root.update() only when the main thread is not doing so.

Use Tkinter With Pygame [duplicate]

A friend and I are making a game in pygame. We would like to have a pygame window embedded into a tkinter or WxPython frame, so that we can include text input, buttons, and dropdown menus that are supported by WX or Tkinter. I have scoured the internet for an answer, but all I have found are people asking the same question, none of these have been well answered.
What would be the best way implement a pygame display embedded into a tkinter or WX frame? (TKinter is preferable)
Any other way in which these features can be included alongside a pygame display would also work.
(Note this solution does not work on Windows systems with Pygame 2.
See Using 'SDL_WINDOWID' does not embed pygame display correctly into another application #1574. You can currently download older versions of Pygame here.)
According to this SO question and the accepted answer, the simplest way to do this would be to use an SDL drawing frame.
This code is the work of SO user Alex Sallons.
import os
import pygame
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()
embed = tk.Frame(root, width = 500, height = 500) #creates embed frame for pygame window
embed.grid(columnspan = (600), rowspan = 500) # Adds grid
embed.pack(side = LEFT) #packs window to the left
buttonwin = tk.Frame(root, width = 75, height = 500)
buttonwin.pack(side = LEFT)
os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(embed.winfo_id())
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500,500))
def draw():, (0,0,0), (250,250), 125)
button1 = Button(buttonwin,text = 'Draw', command=draw)
while True:
This code is cross-platform, as long as the windib SDL_VIDEODRIVER line is omitted on non Windows systems. I would suggest
# [...]
import platform
if platform.system == "Windows":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
# [...]
Here are some links.
For embedding in WxPython An Article on
For Embedding in WxPython An Article on the WxPython wiki
For embedding in Tkinter see this SO question
Basically, there are many approaches.
On Linux, you can easily embed any application in a frame inside another. Simple.
Direct Pygame output to a WkPython Canvas
Some research will provide the relevant code.
According to the tracebacks, the program crashes due to TclErrors. These are caused by attempting to access the same file, socket, or similar resource in two different threads at the same time. In this case, I believe it is a conflict of screen resources within threads. However, this is not, in fact, due to an internal issue that arises with two gui programs that are meant to function autonomously. The errors are a product of a separate thread calling root.update() when it doesn't need to because the main thread has taken over. This is stopped simply by making the thread call root.update() only when the main thread is not doing so.

How to close a Pygame window without closing Tkinter window? [duplicate]

A friend and I are making a game in pygame. We would like to have a pygame window embedded into a tkinter or WxPython frame, so that we can include text input, buttons, and dropdown menus that are supported by WX or Tkinter. I have scoured the internet for an answer, but all I have found are people asking the same question, none of these have been well answered.
What would be the best way implement a pygame display embedded into a tkinter or WX frame? (TKinter is preferable)
Any other way in which these features can be included alongside a pygame display would also work.
(Note this solution does not work on Windows systems with Pygame 2.
See Using 'SDL_WINDOWID' does not embed pygame display correctly into another application #1574. You can currently download older versions of Pygame here.)
According to this SO question and the accepted answer, the simplest way to do this would be to use an SDL drawing frame.
This code is the work of SO user Alex Sallons.
import os
import pygame
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import *
root = tk.Tk()
embed = tk.Frame(root, width = 500, height = 500) #creates embed frame for pygame window
embed.grid(columnspan = (600), rowspan = 500) # Adds grid
embed.pack(side = LEFT) #packs window to the left
buttonwin = tk.Frame(root, width = 75, height = 500)
buttonwin.pack(side = LEFT)
os.environ['SDL_WINDOWID'] = str(embed.winfo_id())
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((500,500))
def draw():, (0,0,0), (250,250), 125)
button1 = Button(buttonwin,text = 'Draw', command=draw)
while True:
This code is cross-platform, as long as the windib SDL_VIDEODRIVER line is omitted on non Windows systems. I would suggest
# [...]
import platform
if platform.system == "Windows":
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'
# [...]
Here are some links.
For embedding in WxPython An Article on
For Embedding in WxPython An Article on the WxPython wiki
For embedding in Tkinter see this SO question
Basically, there are many approaches.
On Linux, you can easily embed any application in a frame inside another. Simple.
Direct Pygame output to a WkPython Canvas
Some research will provide the relevant code.
According to the tracebacks, the program crashes due to TclErrors. These are caused by attempting to access the same file, socket, or similar resource in two different threads at the same time. In this case, I believe it is a conflict of screen resources within threads. However, this is not, in fact, due to an internal issue that arises with two gui programs that are meant to function autonomously. The errors are a product of a separate thread calling root.update() when it doesn't need to because the main thread has taken over. This is stopped simply by making the thread call root.update() only when the main thread is not doing so.

How can I run a python code opening a Tkinter window and not a shell's one?

This is my first question.
I have a python program that recognize voice and reply with voice.
I wish to add a little GUI for my program (it should have only an image on background and a button to quit the program)
I would like that when I launch my code from terminal, it opened a Tkinter window and at the same time the python program start.
I’m working on Mac Os.
I use speech_recognition package to recognize voice and I use NSS speaker to let my computer speak.
This is a example of my code:
import speech_recognition as sr
from AppKit import NSSpeechSynthesizer
L = sr.Recognizer() #LISTENING
nssp = NSSpeechSynthesizer #SPEAKING
S = nssp.alloc().init()
while True:
audio = L.listen(source)
s = L.recognize_google(audio, language="en-US")
if s == "hi":
Where do I have to write the Tkinter instructions to make sure that when I run my code it opens only a Tkinter window (while my program goes on) and not a shell's one?
You'll find it difficult to introduce your GUI as your code has already been written, note that everything in Tkinter has to be stored in some sort of Label or Widget and so you can't just print what you already have onto the Tkinter screen.
Here is some code to create a basic Tkinter window. Try searching online and playing around with how to present your variables within said window
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
root = tkinter.Tk()
root.configure(background = "#66ffdd") #here you can use any hex color code or just leave it blank and configure as default
root.title("Voice Program") #use the name of your program (this is the window header/title)
root.geometry("800x500") #these are your window dimensions
welcome = tkinter.Message(root, text = "Welcome to my program")
button = tkinter.Button(root, text="This button", command=print("hello")) #here insert a function for the button to perform i.e quit
button.pack() #packing presents your variables to the window - you can also use other geometry managers like grid
This site is really useful for showing you what widgets are available and what you can do with them - try searching any issues or posting a more specific question in the future if you struggle.

