Is there any kind of hash list in python - python

I tried to find an answer here and in Python doc but the only things I got were questions about hashing list objects and details abaut how dicts work.
I'm developing a program that parses over a huge graphs (atm. 44K nodes, 14K of them are of any interest and they are connected by 15K edges) and have problems with performance although I allready optimized my algorithm as far as I could and now the last resort is to optimize the data structure:
def single_pass_build(nodes):
for node in nodes:
if node.__class__ in listOfRequiredClasses:
children = get_children(node)
for child in children:
if child__class__ in listOfRequiredClasses:
add_edge(node, child)
def get_children(node):
return [attr for attr in node.__dict__.values() if attr.__class__ in listOfRequiredClasses]
I still have to care about my add_connection function but even without it my program takes slightly over 10 Minutes for nothing but this iteration. For comparison: the module I get the data from generates it from an xml document in not more than 5 seconds.
I have a total of 44K object, each representing a node in a ralation graph. The objects I get have plenty attributes so I could try to optimize get_children to know all relevant attributes for every class or just speed up the lookup. Lists take O(n) (so if a is the number os attributes and k the number of classes in my list I get a total O(nak + mak)). Many of my attribute classes are not in that list so I am closer to the worst case than to the average. I'd like to speed up the lookup from O(k) to O(1) or at least O(log(k))
Knowing that a key lookup of dict should be O(log(n)) for many hash collision and with (few to) no hash collisions it becomes (almost) static. After I don't care for any values I'd like to know if there is a kind of (hash) list optimized for x in list?
I could use a dict with None values but with a total of 70000 lookups and greater graphs in future, every milli second counts. The space is not the big problem here because I expect ~50 classes total and in no case more than some hundred classes. In other cases, the space could be a issue too.
I don't expect the answer to be in standard Python but maby someone knows a common framework that can help or can make me believe that there is no reason at all why I can't use a dict for the job.

You want the builtin set type :
And yes its IS in standard Python ;)


Giving unique IDs to all nodes?

I am making a class in Python that relates a lot of nodes and edges together. I also have other operations that can take two separate objects and merge them into a single object of the same type, and so on.
However, I need a way to give every node a unique ID for easy lookup. Is there a "proper way" to do this, or do I just have to keep an external ID variable that I increment and pass into my class methods every time I add more nodes to any object?
I also considered generating a random string for each node upon creation, but there is still a risk of collision error (even if this probability is near-zero, it still exists and seems like a design flaw, if not a longwinded overengineered way of going about it anyway).
If you just need a unique identifier, the built-in Python id() function would do it:
Return the “identity” of an object. This is an integer (or long integer) which is guaranteed to be unique and constant for this object during its lifetime. Two objects with non-overlapping lifetimes may have the same id() value.
You could keep a class variable and use it for ordinal ids:
class Node(object):
_id = 0
def __init__(self):
self._id = Node._id
Node._id += 1
It also has the benefit that your class will be able to know how many objects were altogether created.
This is also way cheaper than random ids.
Pretty much both of your solutions are what is done in practice.
Your first solution is to just increment a number will give you uniqueness, as long as you don't overflow (with python bigintegers this isnt really a problem). The disadvantage of this approach is if you start doing concurrency you have to make sure you use locking to prevent data races when increment and reading your external value.
The other approach where you generate a random number works well in the concurrency situation. The larger number of bits you use, the less likely it is you will run into a collision. In fact you can pretty much guarantee that you won't have collisions if you use say 128-bits for your id.
An approach you can use to further guarantee you don't have collisions, is to make your unique ids something like TIMESTAMP_HASHEDMACHINENAME_PROCESSID/THREADID_UNIQUEID. Then pretty much can't have collisions unless you generate two of the same UNIQUEID on the same process/thread within 1 second. MongoDB does something like this where they just increment the UNIQUEID. I am not sure what they do in the case of an overflow (which I assume doesn't happen too often in practice). One solution might be just to wait till the next second before generating more ids.
This is probably overkill for what you are trying to do, but it is a somewhat interesting problem indeed.
UUID is good for this sort of thing.
>>> from uuid import uuid4
>>> uuid4().hex
Universally Unique ID's have very low collision rate -- unless you are creating billions of nodes, it should do the trick.

Optimizing Python Dictionary Lookup Speeds by Shortening Key Size?

I'm not clear on what goes on behind the scenes of a dictionary lookup. Does key size factor into the speed of lookup for that key?
Current dictionary keys are between 10-20 long, alphanumeric.
I need to do hundreds of lookups a minute.
If I replace those with smaller key IDs of between 1 & 4 digits will I get faster lookup times? This would mean I would need to add another value in each item the dictionary is holding. Overall the dictionary will be larger.
Also I'll need to change the program to lookup the ID then get the URL associated with the ID.
Am I likely just adding complexity to the program with little benefit?
Dictionaries are hash tables, so looking up a key consists of:
Hash the key.
Reduce the hash to the table size.
Index the table with the result.
Compare the looked-up key with the input key.
Normally, this is amortized constant time, and you don't care about anything more than that. There are two potential issues, but they don't come up often.
Hashing the key takes linear time in the length of the key. For, e.g., huge strings, this could be a problem. However, if you look at the source code for most of the important types, including [str/unicode](, you'll see that they cache the hash the first time. So, unless you're inputting (or randomly creating, or whatever) a bunch of strings to look up once and then throw away, this is unlikely to be an issue in most real-life programs.
On top of that, 20 characters is really pretty short; you can probably do millions of such hashes per second, not hundreds.
From a quick test on my computer, hashing 20 random letters takes 973ns, hashing a 4-digit number takes 94ns, and hashing a value I've already hashed takes 77ns. Yes, that's nanoseconds.
Meanwhile, "Index the table with the result" is a bit of a cheat. What happens if two different keys hash to the same index? Then "compare the looked-up key" will fail, and… what happens next? CPython's implementation uses probing for this. The exact algorithm is explained pretty nicely in the source. But you'll notice that given really pathological data, you could end up doing a linear search for every single element. This is never going to come up—unless someone can attack your program by explicitly crafting pathological data, in which case it will definitely come up.
Switching from 20-character strings to 4-digit numbers wouldn't help here either. If I'm crafting keys to DoS your system via dictionary collisions, I don't care what your actual keys look like, just what they hash to.
More generally, premature optimization is the root of all evil. This is sometimes misquoted to overstate the point; Knuth was arguing that the most important thing to do is find the 3% of the cases where optimization is important, not that optimization is always a waste of time. But either way, the point is: if you don't know in advance where your program is too slow (and if you think you know in advance, you're usually wrong…), profile it, and then find the part where you get the most bang for your buck. Optimizing one arbitrary piece of your code is likely to have no measurable effect at all.
Python dictionaries are implemented as hash-maps in the background. The key length might have some impact on the performance if, for example, the hash-functions complexity depends on the key-length. But in general the performance impacts will be definitely negligable.
So I'd say there is little to no benefit for the added complexity.

What makes sets faster than lists?

The python wiki says: "Membership testing with sets and dictionaries is much faster, O(1), than searching sequences, O(n). When testing "a in b", b should be a set or dictionary instead of a list or tuple."
I've been using sets in place of lists whenever speed is important in my code, but lately I've been wondering why sets are so much faster than lists. Could anyone explain, or point me to a source that would explain, what exactly is going on behind the scenes in python to make sets faster?
list: Imagine you are looking for your socks in your closet, but you don't know in which drawer your socks are, so you have to search drawer by drawer until you find them (or maybe you never do). That's what we call O(n), because in the worst scenario, you will look in all your drawers (where n is the number of drawers).
set: Now, imagine you're still looking for your socks in your closet, but now you know in which drawer your socks are, say in the 3rd drawer. So, you will just search in the 3rd drawer, instead of searching in all drawers. That's what we call O(1), because in the worst scenario you will look in just one drawer.
Sets are implemented using hash tables. Whenever you add an object to a set, the position within the memory of the set object is determined using the hash of the object to be added. When testing for membership, all that needs to be done is basically to look if the object is at the position determined by its hash, so the speed of this operation does not depend on the size of the set. For lists, in contrast, the whole list needs to be searched, which will become slower as the list grows.
This is also the reason that sets do not preserve the order of the objects you add.
Note that sets aren't faster than lists in general -- membership test is faster for sets, and so is removing an element. As long as you don't need these operations, lists are often faster.
I think you need to take a good look at a book on data structures. Basically, Python lists are implemented as dynamic arrays and sets are implemented as a hash tables.
The implementation of these data structures gives them radically different characteristics. For instance, a hash table has a very fast lookup time but cannot preserve the order of insertion.
While I have not measured anything performance related in python so far, I'd still like to point out that lists are often faster.
Yes, you have O(1) vs. O(n). But always remember that this gives information only about the asymptotic behavior of something. That means if your n is very high O(1) will always be faster - theoretically. In practice however n often needs to be much bigger than your usual data set will be.
So sets are not faster than lists per se, but only if you have to handle a lot of elements.
Python uses hashtables, which have O(1) lookup.
Basically, Depends on the operation you are doing …
*For adding an element - then a set doesn’t need to move any data, and all it needs to do is calculate a hash value and add it to a table. For a list insertion then potentially there is data to be moved.
*For deleting an element - all a set needs to do is remove the hash entry from the hash table, for a list it potentially needs to move data around (on average 1/2 of the data.
*For a search (i.e. an in operator) - a set just needs to calculate the hash value of the data item, find that hash value in the hash table, and if it is there - then bingo. For a list, the search has to look up each item in turn - on average 1/2 of all of the terms in the list. Even for many 1000s of items a set will be far quicker to search.
Actually sets are not faster than lists in every scenario. Generally the lists are faster than sets. But in the case of searching for an element in a collection, sets are faster because sets have been implemented using hash tables. So basically Python does not have to search the full set, which means that the time complexity in average is O(1). Lists use dynamic arrays and Python needs to check the full array to search. So it takes O(n).
So finally we can see that sets are better in some case and lists are better in some cases. Its up to us to select the appropriate data structure according to our task.
A list must be searched one by one, where a set or dictionary has an index for faster searching.

Why is collections.deque slower than collections.defaultdict?

Forgive me for asking in in such a general way as I'm sure their performance is depending on how one uses them, but in my case collections.deque was way slower than collections.defaultdict when I wanted to verify the existence of a value.
I used the spelling correction from Peter Norvig in order to verify a user's input against a small set of words. As I had no use for a dictionary with word frequencies I used a simple list instead of defaultdict at first, but replaced it with deque as soon as I noticed that a single word lookup took about 25 seconds.
Surprisingly, that wasn't faster than using a list so I returned to using defaultdict which returned results almost instantaneously.
Can someone explain this difference in performance to me?
Thanks in advance
PS: If one of you wants to reproduce what I was talking about, change the following lines in Norvig's script.
-NWORDS = train(words(file('big.txt').read()))
+NWORDS = collections.deque(words(file('big.txt').read()))
-return max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)
+return candidates
These three data structures aren't interchangeable, they serve very different purposes and have very different characteristics:
Lists are dynamic arrays, you use them to store items sequentially for fast random access, use as stack (adding and removing at the end) or just storing something and later iterating over it in the same order.
Deques are sequences too, only for adding and removing elements at both ends instead of random access or stack-like growth.
Dictionaries (providing a default value just a relatively simple and convenient but - for this question - irrelevant extension) are hash tables, they associate fully-featured keys (instead of an index) with values and provide very fast access to a value by a key and (necessarily) very fast checks for key existence. They don't maintain order and require the keys to be hashable, but well, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
All of these properties are important, keep them in mind whenever you choose one over the other. What breaks your neck in this particular case is a combination of the last property of dictionaries and the number of possible corrections that have to be checked. Some simple combinatorics should arrive at a concrete formula for the number of edits this code generates for a given word, but everyone who mispredicted such things often enough will know it's going to be surprisingly large number even for average words.
For each of these edits, there is a check edit in NWORDS to weeds out edits that result in unknown words. Not a bit problem in Norvig's program, since in checks (key existence checks) are, as metioned before, very fast. But you swaped the dictionary with a sequence (a deque)! For sequences, in has to iterate over the whole sequence and compare each item with the value searched for (it can stop when it finds a match, but since the least edits are know words sitting at the beginning of the deque, it usually still searches all or most of the deque). Since there are quite a few words and the test is done for each edit generated, you end up spending 99% of your time doing a linear search in a sequence where you could just hash a string and compare it once (or at most - in case of collisions - a few times).
If you don't need weights, you can conceptually use bogus values you never look at and still get the performance boost of an O(1) in check. Practically, you should just use a set which uses pretty much the same algorithms as the dictionaries and just cuts away the part where it stores the value (it was actually first implemented like that, I don't know how far the two diverged since sets were re-implemented in a dedicated, seperate C module).

Memory efficiency: One large dictionary or a dictionary of smaller dictionaries?

I'm writing an application in Python (2.6) that requires me to use a dictionary as a data store.
I am curious as to whether or not it is more memory efficient to have one large dictionary, or to break that down into many (much) smaller dictionaries, then have an "index" dictionary that contains a reference to all the smaller dictionaries.
I know there is a lot of overhead in general with lists and dictionaries. I read somewhere that python internally allocates enough space that the dictionary/list # of items to the power of 2.
I'm new enough to python that I'm not sure if there are other unexpected internal complexities/suprises like that, that is not apparent to the average user that I should take into consideration.
One of the difficulties is knowing how the power of 2 system counts "items"? Is each key:pair counted as 1 item? That's seems important to know because if you have a 100 item monolithic dictionary then space 100^2 items would be allocated. If you have 100 single item dictionaries (1 key:pair) then each dictionary would only be allocation 1^2 (aka no extra allocation)?
Any clearly laid out information would be very helpful!
Three suggestions:
Use one dictionary.
It's easier, it's more straightforward, and someone else has already optimized this problem for you. Until you've actually measured your code and traced a performance problem to this part of it, you have no reason not to do the simple, straightforward thing.
Optimize later.
If you are really worried about performance, then abstract the problem make a class to wrap whatever lookup mechanism you end up using and write your code to use this class. You can change the implementation later if you find you need some other data structure for greater performance.
Read up on hash tables.
Dictionaries are hash tables, and if you are worried about their time or space overhead, you should read up on how they're implemented. This is basic computer science. The short of it is that hash tables are:
average case O(1) lookup time
O(n) space (Expect about 2n, depending on various parameters)
I do not know where you read that they were O(n^2) space, but if they were, then they would not be in widespread, practical use as they are in most languages today. There are two advantages to these nice properties of hash tables:
O(1) lookup time implies that you will not pay a cost in lookup time for having a larger dictionary, as lookup time doesn't depend on size.
O(n) space implies that you don't gain much of anything from breaking your dictionary up into smaller pieces. Space scales linearly with number of elements, so lots of small dictionaries will not take up significantly less space than one large one or vice versa. This would not be true if they were O(n^2) space, but lucky for you, they're not.
Here are some more resources that might help:
The Wikipedia article on Hash Tables gives a great listing of the various lookup and allocation schemes used in hashtables.
The GNU Scheme documentation has a nice discussion of how much space you can expect hashtables to take up, including a formal discussion of why "the amount of space used by the hash table is proportional to the number of associations in the table". This might interest you.
Here are some things you might consider if you find you actually need to optimize your dictionary implementation:
Here is the C source code for Python's dictionaries, in case you want ALL the details. There's copious documentation in here:
Here is a python implementation of that, in case you don't like reading C.
(Thanks to Ben Peterson)
The Java Hashtable class docs talk a bit about how load factors work, and how they affect the space your hash takes up. Note there's a tradeoff between your load factor and how frequently you need to rehash. Rehashes can be costly.
If you're using Python, you really shouldn't be worrying about this sort of thing in the first place. Just build your data structure the way it best suits your needs, not the computer's.
This smacks of premature optimization, not performance improvement. Profile your code if something is actually bottlenecking, but until then, just let Python do what it does and focus on the actual programming task, and not the underlying mechanics.
"Simple" is generally better than "clever", especially if you have no tested reason to go beyond "simple". And anyway "Memory efficient" is an ambiguous term, and there are tradeoffs, when you consider persisting, serializing, cacheing, swapping, and a whole bunch of other stuff that someone else has already thought through so that in most cases you don't need to.
Think "Simplest way to handle it properly" optimize much later.
Premature optimization bla bla, don't do it bla bla.
I think you're mistaken about the power of two extra allocation does. I think its just a multiplier of two. x*2, not x^2.
I've seen this question a few times on various python mailing lists.
With regards to memory, here's a paraphrased version of one such discussion (the post in question wanted to store hundreds of millions integers):
A set() is more space efficient than a dict(), if you just want to test for membership
gmpy has a bitvector type class for storing dense sets of integers
Dicts are kept between 50% and 30% empty, and an entry is about ~12 bytes (though the true amount will vary by platform a bit).
So, the fewer objects you have, the less memory you're going to be using, and the fewer lookups you're going to do (since you'll have to lookup in the index, then a second lookup in the actual value).
Like others, said, profile to see your bottlenecks. Keeping an membership set() and value dict() might be faster, but you'll be using more memory.
I'd also suggest reposting this to a python specific list, such as comp.lang.python, which is full of much more knowledgeable people than myself who would give you all sorts of useful information.
If your dictionary is so big that it does not fit into memory, you might want to have a look at ZODB, a very mature object database for Python.
The 'root' of the db has the same interface as a dictionary, and you don't need to load the whole data structure into memory at once e.g. you can iterate over only a portion of the structure by providing start and end keys.
It also provides transactions and versioning.
Honestly, you won't be able to tell the difference either way, in terms of either performance or memory usage. Unless you're dealing with tens of millions of items or more, the performance or memory impact is just noise.
From the way you worded your second sentence, it sounds like the one big dictionary is your first inclination, and matches more closely with the problem you're trying to solve. If that's true, go with that. What you'll find about Python is that the solutions that everyone considers 'right' nearly always turn out to be those that are as clear and simple as possible.
Often times, dictionaries of dictionaries are useful for other than performance reasons. ie, they allow you to store context information about the data without having extra fields on the objects themselves, and make querying subsets of the data faster.
In terms of memory usage, it would stand to reason that one large dictionary will use less ram than multiple smaller ones. Remember, if you're nesting dictionaries, each additional layer of nesting will roughly double the number of dictionaries you need to allocate.
In terms of query speed, multiple dicts will take longer due to the increased number of lookups required.
So I think the only way to answer this question is for you to profile your own code. However, my suggestion is to use the method that makes your code the cleanest and easiest to maintain. Of all the features of Python, dictionaries are probably the most heavily tweaked for optimal performance.

