Named Entity Tagger - python

I have made a function that extracts Gpe but it doesn't work.
The error generated is "invalid syntax" in the line that i will underline with * * in the code.
def EstraiLuoghi(frasi):
TokensTOT = []
TokensPOStot = []
NamedGPE = []
for frase in frasi:
for nodo in analisi:
if hasattr(nodo, 'label'):
if nodo.label() in ["GPE"]:
for partNE in nodo.leaves():
NE=NE+' '+partNE[0]
return TokensTOT, TokensPOStot, NamedGPE
TokensTOT1, TokensPOStot1, NamedGPEC1 = EstraiLuoghi(frasi1)********
freqGPEC1 = nltk.FreqDist(NamedGPEC1)
luoghiOrdinatiC1 = freqGPEC1.most_common(20)
TokensTOT2, TokensPOStot2, NamedGPEC2 = EstraiLuoghi(frasi2)
freqGPEC2 = nltk.FreqDist(NamedGPEC2)
luoghiOrdinatiC2 = freqGPEC2.most_common(20)


‘module’ object has no attribute ‘MStatus' in Maya python Api 2020

I am trying to build a command in python for Maya following a course on youtube and it's showing this error "# Error: RuntimeError: file line 2: AttributeError: file C:/Users/saeed/OneDrive/Documents/maya/2020/Plugins/ line 23: 'module' object has no attribute 'MStatus' # "
I checked Maya API documents and we should have "MStatus" class but I have no idea why it's not accepted, I tried to use "MStatusCode" and it's showing same error.
from maya import OpenMaya
from maya import OpenMayaMPx
from maya import OpenMayaFX
import sys
commandName = "vertexParticle"
kHelpFlag = "-h"
kHelpLongFlag = "-help"
kSparseFlag = "-s"
kSparseLongFlag = "-sparse"
helpMessage = "This command will attach a particle for each vertex"
class pluginCommand(OpenMayaMPx.MPxCommand):
sparse = None
def __init__(self):
def argumentParser(self, argList):
syntax = self.syntax()
parserArguments = OpenMaya.MArgDatabase(syntax, argList)
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kSparseFlag):
self.sparse = parserArguments.flagArgumentDouble(kSparseFlag, 0)
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kSparseLongFlag):
self.sparse = parserArguments.flagArgumentDouble(kSparseLongFlag, 0)
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag):
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kHelpLongFlag):
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def isUndoable(self):
return True
def undoIt(self):
print "undo"
mFnDagNode = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode(self.mObjParticle)
mDagMod = OpenMaya.MDagModifier()
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def redoIt(self):
mSel = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
mDagPath = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
mFnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh()
if mSel.length() >= 1:
mSel.getDagPath(0, mDagPath)
print "please select a poly mesh"
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kUnknownParameter
print "please select a poly mesh"
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kUnknownParameter
mPointArray = OpenMaya.MPointArray()
mFnMesh.getPoints(mPointArray, OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld)
mFnParticle = OpenMayaFX.MFnParticleSystem()
self.mObjParticle = mFnParticle.create()
mFnParticle = OpenMayaFX.MFnParticleSystem(self.mObjParticle)
counter == 0
for i in xrange(mPointArray.length()):
if i%self.sparse == 0:
counter += 1
print "total points :" + str(counter)
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def doIt(self, argList):
if self.sparse != None:
return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess
def cmdCreator():
return OpenMayaMPx.asMPxPtr(pluginCommand())
def syntaxCreator():
syntax = OpenMaya.MSyntax()
syntax.addFlag(kHelpFlag, kHelpLongFlag)
syntax.addFlag(kSparseFlag, kSparseLongFlag, OpenMaya.MSyntax.kDouble)
return syntax
def initializePlugin(mObject):
mPlugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(mObject)
mPlugin.registerCommand(commandName, cmdCreator, syntaxCreator)
sys.stderr.write("Failed to register" + commandName)
def uninitializePlugin(mObject):
mPlugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(pluginCommand())
sys.stderr.write("Failed to deregister" + commandName)
Because MStatus.MStatusCode is an enum, you can return its integer value in Python. The only issue is that because in C++ this is an enum, there is no guarantee that the values won't change/shift between releases. This enum has remained consistent since 2019, so there isn't much risk of this happening for MStatus.MStatusCode.
Somewhere in the top of your file simply add the constants you intend to use:
MStatus_kSuccess = 0
MStatus_kFailure = 1
MStatus_kUnknownParameter = 5
Then return the constant instead in your functions:
if parserArguments.isFlagSet(kHelpFlag):
return MStatus_kSuccess

Clear dictionary every time web page refresh

This code returns a JSON datas in my localhost from pokeAPI ( already filtered. But everytime I reload the page my dictionary gets duplicated and I just want the original always. PS: the red mark on the picture shows the original dictionary and the rest of it is wrong.
#listas auxiliares
tipo = [] #aux tipo
habil = [] #aux habilidade
lista_hab = []
lista_tipo = []
lista_todos = []
lista_aux = []
dicio_stat = {}
dicio_todos = {}
dicio_aux = {}
def pokemons(request):
for i in range(1, 10):
url = f"{i}"
requisicao = requests.get(url)
lista = requisicao.json()
except ValueError:
print("ERRO TIPO")
dicio = {
'ID': lista['id'],
'Nome': lista['name'],
'Tipo': lista_tipo,
'Peso': lista['weight'],
'Altura': lista['height'],
'Habilidades': lista_hab,
'Estatisticas': dicio_stat,
'Link_img': lista['sprites']['other']['official-artwork']['front_default']
for a in lista['abilities']:
#dic_abi[i['ability']['name']] = i['ability']['url']
dicio['Habilidades'] = habil[:]
for s in lista['stats']:
dicio_stat[s['stat']['name']] = s['base_stat']
for t in lista['types']:
#dic_type[i['type']['name']] = i['type']['url']
dicio['Tipo'] = tipo[:]
dicio_aux = dicio.copy()
dicio_todos['pokemons'] = lista_aux
return JsonResponse(dicio_todos)

List index errror

I have created a program which reads a file line into a list. When i run the code below, i see that there is a list with elements inside it.
dogs_list_player = []
dogs_list_computer = []
with open("dogs.txt") as f:
for i in range(Y):
for i in range(Z):
The result is:
[['Tim'], ['Bob']]
[['Tim'], ['Bob'], ['Jess']]
[['Tim'], ['Bob'], ['Jess'], ['Bess']]
[['Tim'], ['Bob'], ['Jess'], ['Bess'], ['Tess']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom'], ['Will']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom'], ['Will'], ['Ben']]
[['Dom'], ['Tom'], ['Will'], ['Ben'], ['Joe']]
But the issue arises when i add this part of code:
dogs_list_player = []
dogs_list_computer = []
with open("dogs.txt") as f:
for i in range(Y):
for i in range(Z):
class Dog_card:
name = ""
friendliness = ""
intelligence = ""
exercise = ""
drool = ""
def printing_card(self):
prnt_str = "Name:%s \nIntelligence:%s \nExercise:%s \nDrool:%s" %(, self.friendliness, self.intelligence, self.exercise, self.drool)
return prnt_str
player_card = Dog_card()
card_count = 0 = dogs_list_player[0]#i think this is where the issue is happening
the result of this code is:
IndexError: list index out of range
Any help would be appreciated
your Dog_card class has some errors :
you forget "friendliness" parameter in the string that is in printing_card method and also you have not any constructor in your class .
class Dog_card:
def __init__(self): = ""
self.friendliness = ""
self.intelligence = ""
self.exercise = ""
self.drool = ""
def printing_card(self):
prnt_str = "Name:%s \nIntelligence:%s friendliness:%s \nExercise:%s \nDrool:%s" %(, self.friendliness, self.intelligence, self.exercise, self.drool)
return prnt_str
this shoud be work .

Trying to avoid creating numerous variables in python

I am new to python and I have a lot of variables I will be using in this script. These variables are being used to grab data from each column in an uploaded file. I have added variables for each object type and I have about 12 more object types to add. Isn't there a better way I can do this? I have the file it's grabbing data from here:
Action Object Solution ID hostgroup_name alias
Add Host Group ISD-CR ISD-CR_database ISD-CR Database
Add Service ISD-CR ISD-CR_database
Update Service Group ISD-CR ISD-CR Database
Delete Service ISD-CR ISD-CR_database
Here is the script I have so far.
from pynag import Model
from pynag.Parsers import config
def addObject():
# Add hostgroup object
hg = Model.Hostgroup()
# Adding all attributes to allow any to be added if needed
hg.hostgroup_name = target_hostgroup_name
hg.alias = target_alias
hg.members = target_members
hg.hostgroup_members = target_hostgroup_members
hg.notes = target_notes
hg.notes_url = target_notes_url
hg.action_url = target_action_url
# Save
print "hostgroup added"
# Add service object
s = Model.Service()
# Adding all attributes to allow any to be added if needed
s.host_name = target_host_name
s.hostgroup_name = target_hostgroup_name
s.service_description = target_service_description
s.display_name = target_display_name
s.servicegroups = target_servicegroups
s.is_volatile = target_is_volatile
s.check_command = target_check_command
s.initial_state = target_initial_state
s.max_check_attempts = target_max_check_attempts
s.check_interval = target_check_interval
s.retry_interval = target_retry_interval
s.active_checks_enabled = target_active_checks_enabled
s.passive_checks_enabled = target_passive_checks_enabled
s.check_period = target_check_period
s.obsess_over_service = target_obsess_over_service
s.check_freshness = target_check_freshness
s.freshness_threshold = target_freshness_threshold
s.event_handler = target_event_handler
s.event_handler_enabled = target_event_handler_enabled
s.low_flap_threshold = target_low_flap_threshold
s.high_flap_threshold = target_high_flap_threshold
s.flap_detection_enabled = target_flap_detection_enabled
s.flap_detection_options = target_flap_detection_options
s.process_perf_data = target_process_perf_data
s.retain_status_information = target_retain_status_information
s.retain_nonstatus_information = target_retain_nonstatus_information
s.notification_interval = target_notification_interval
s.first_notification_delay = target_first_notification_delay
s.notification_period = target_notification_period
s.notification_options = target_notification_options
s.notification_enabled = target_notifications_enabled
s.contacts = target_contacts
s.contact_groups = target_contact_groups
s.stalking_options = target_stalking_options
s.notes = target_notes
s.notes_url = target_notes_url
s.action_url = target_action_url
s.icon_image = target_icon_image
s.icon_image_alt = target_icon_image_alt
# Save
print "service added"
# Add servicegroup object
sg = Model.Servicegroup()
# Adding all attributes to allow any to be added if needed
sg.servicegroup_name = target_servicegroup_name
sg.alias = target_alias
sg.members = target_members
sg.servicegroup_members = target_servicegroup_members
sg.notes = target_notes
sg.notes_url = target_notes_url
sg.action_url = '/etc/nagios/objects/solution1/{0}.cfg'.format(target_hostgroup_name)
# Save
print "service group added"
current_file = csv.reader(open(input_file, "rb"), delimiter='\t')
logging.error('No such file or directory. Please try again')
for line in current_file:
for row in current_file:
target_hostgroup_name = row[3]
target_alias = row[4]
target_members = row[5]
target_hostgroup_members = row[6]
target_notes = row[7]
target_notes_url = row[8]
target_action_url = row[9]
target_host_name = row[10]
target_service_description = row[11]
target_display_name = row[12]
target_servicegroups = row[13]
target_is_volatile = row[14]
target_check_command = row[15]
target_initial_state = row[16]
target_max_check_attempts = row[17]
target_check_interval = row[18]
target_retry_interval = row[19]
target_active_checks_enabled = row[20]
target_passive_checks_enabled = row[21]
target_check_period = row[22]
target_obsess_over_service = row[23]
target_check_freshness = row[24]
target_freshness_threshold = row[25]
target_event_handler = row[26]
target_event_handler_enabled = row[27]
target_low_flap_threshold = row[28]
target_high_flap_threshold = row[29]
target_flap_detection_enabled = row[30]
target_flap_detection_options = row[31]
target_process_perf_data = row[32]
target_retain_status_information = row[33]
target_retain_nonstatus_information = row[34]
target_notification_interval = row[35]
target_first_notification_delay = row[36]
target_notification_period = row[37]
target_notification_options = row[38]
target_notifications_enabled = row[39]
target_contacts = row[40]
target_contact_groups = row[41]
target_stalking_options = row[42]
target_icon_image = row[43]
target_icon_image_alt = row[44]
target_servicegroup_name = row[45]
target_servicegroup_members = row[46]
If the values are in the same order every time, you could consider populating a list that you then could loop over, instead of doing it one by one.
For the "target" portion of your script, you could nest another loop for range(3, 46) as well, and pass the index to your list instead of manually for every number from 3 to 46.
Why do you do this?
for line in current_file:
for row in current_file:
If the first row is a header row and you're skipping it on purpose, you can use a DictReader instead.
It doesn't look like you'll be able to do much to clean this up, but you could factor out each "section" into its own function:
def save_hostgroup(name, alias, members, hostgroup_members, notes, notes_url, action_url):
hg = Model.Hostgroup()
# Adding all attributes to allow any to be added if needed
hg.hostgroup_name = target_hostgroup_name
hg.alias = target_alias
hg.members = target_members
hg.hostgroup_members = target_hostgroup_members
hg.notes = target_notes
hg.notes_url = target_notes_url
hg.action_url = target_action_url
Behind the scenes all the member names of an object are stored in a dict. You can access this dict with vars(obj) or obj.__dict__. You can then use the update method of the dict to add a set of names to your object.
class SomeClass:
def __str__(self):
return "SomeClass({})".format(
", ".join(
"{}={!r}".format(key, value)
for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
__repr__ = __str__
target_names = ['var_a', 'var_b', 'var_c']
target_values = [1, 2, 3]
target = dict(zip(target_names, target_values))
assert target == {'var_a': 1, 'var_b': 2, 'var_c': 3}
s = SomeClass()
assert hasattr(s, 'var_a')
assert s.var_a == 1
print(s) # prints SomeClass(var_c=3, var_a=1, var_b=2)

how to parse a file which has more than one top level element using python

I have written python script for parsing a file.
python script :
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import xml.dom.minidom
DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("details.xml")
CallDetailRecord = DOMTree.documentElement
def getText(data):
detail = str(data)
#match ='(.*\s)(false).*|(.*\s)(true).*',detail,re.IGNORECASE)
match_false ='(.*\s)(false).*',detail,re.IGNORECASE)
if (match_false):
match_true ='(.*\s)(true).*',detail,re.IGNORECASE)
if (match_true):
org_addr = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("origAddress")
for record in org_addr:
ton_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("ton")[0]
npi_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("npi")[0]
pid_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("pid")[0]
msdn_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("msisdn")[0]
org_ton = ton_1.childNodes[0].data
org_npi = npi_1.childNodes[0].data
org_pid = pid_1.childNodes[0].data
org_msdn = msdn_1.childNodes[0].data
recp_addr = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("recipAddress")
for record in recp_addr:
ton_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("ton")[0]
npi_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("npi")[0]
pid_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("pid")[0]
msdn_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("msisdn")[0]
rec_ton = ton_1.childNodes[0].data
rec_npi = npi_1.childNodes[0].data
rec_pid = pid_1.childNodes[0].data
rec_msdn = msdn_1.childNodes[0].data
dgti_addr = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("dgtiAddress")
for record in dgti_addr:
ton_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("ton")[0]
npi_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("npi")[0]
pid_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("pid")[0]
msdn_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("msisdn")[0]
dgti_ton = ton_1.childNodes[0].data
dgti_npi = npi_1.childNodes[0].data
dgti_pid = pid_1.childNodes[0].data
dgti_msdn = msdn_1.childNodes[0].data
calling_line_id = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("callingLineId")
for record in calling_line_id:
ton_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("ton")[0]
npi_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("npi")[0]
pid_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("pid")[0]
msdn_1 = record.getElementsByTagName("msisdn")[0]
clid_ton = ton_1.childNodes[0].data
clid_npi = npi_1.childNodes[0].data
clid_pid = pid_1.childNodes[0].data
clid_msdn = msdn_1.childNodes[0].data
untransl_OrigAddress = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("untranslOrigAddress")
sub_time = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("submitTime")[0]
sub_time_value = sub_time.childNodes[0].data
print " \n SUBMIT TIME: %s \n" %sub_time_value
sub_date = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("submitDate")[0]
sub_date_value = sub_date.childNodes[0].data
print " \n SUBMIT DATE: %s\n" %sub_time_value
termin_time = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("terminTime")[0]
termin_time_value = termin_time.childNodes[0].data
print " \n TERMIN TIME: %s \n" %termin_time_value
termin_date = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("terminDate")[0]
termin_date_value = termin_date.childNodes[0].data
print " \n TERMIN DATE: %s\n" %termin_time_value
status = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("status")[0]
status_value = status.childNodes[0].data
print " \n STATUS: %s\n" %status_value
msglength = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("lengthOfMessage")[0]
msglength_value = msglength.childNodes[0].data
print " \n MESSAGE LENGTH: %s\n" %msglength_value
prioIndicator = CallDetailRecord.getElementsByTagName("prioIndicator")[0]
if (prioIndicator):
#print prioIndicator.childNodes[0].data
prioIndicator_value = getText(prioIndicator.childNodes[0])
print " \n PRIO INDICATOR: %s\n" %prioIndicator_value
To reduce the Size, I'm not posting my entire script.
Script works fine for this file. But suppose consider I have more than one
CallDetailRecord>, then how to parse that file.
Hopefully waiting for some good results :)!!!
Use wrapper class to parse this file. Wrap your file which contains multiple top elements into a wrapper like this
< wrapper>
#your file
< /wrapper>
and then start parsing the file with the root element . The parser will construct a document with a root element wrapper containing all the elements that were in the file.

