I have the following dataset:
id Rank condition1 condition2 result
1 2 50 0 0
1 2 50 0 0
2 55 50 1 0
2 55 50 1 0
I want to make the result column to 1 conditional on the two columns condition 1 and condition 2.
The Result should become 1 if rank <= condition 1 AND if condition2 = 0
id Rank condition1 condition2 result
1 2 50 0 1
1 2 50 0 1
2 55 50 1 0
2 55 50 1 0
I have tried the following code but get "invalid syntax".
df["result"][df[condition2] = 0 & df["Rank"]<= df["condition1"]] = 1
Can somebody help me in finding the error? I know how to make this command conditional on one condition, but I do not know how to incorporate the second condition with the AND command.
You need to use == for equality checks, the single = is for assignments not for comparisons:
df["result"][(df['condition2'] == 0) & (df["Rank"]<= df["condition1"])] = 1
You also forgot the ' for condition2 and I included some parenthesis to seperate the conditions because & has higher precedence than == or <=.
Pandas also provides methods for comparisons (eq and le in this case), so you could also use:
df["result"][df['condition2'].eq(0) & df['Rank'].le(df['condition1'])] = 1
Consider this pandas dataframe where the condition column is 1 when value is below 5 (any threshold).
import pandas as pd
d = {'value': [30,100,4,0,80,0,1,4,70,70],'condition':[0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
value condition
0 30 0
1 100 0
2 4 1
3 0 1
4 80 0
5 0 1
6 1 1
7 4 1
8 70 0
9 70 0
What I want is to have all consecutive values below 5 to have the same id and all values above five have 0 (or NA or a negative value, doesn't matter, they just need to be the same). I want to create a new column called new_id that contains these cumulative ids as follows:
value condition new_id
0 30 0 0
1 100 0 0
2 4 1 1
3 0 1 1
4 80 0 0
5 0 1 2
6 1 1 2
7 4 1 2
8 70 0 0
9 70 0 0
In a very inefficient for loop I would do this (which works):
for i in range(0,df.shape[0]):
if (df.loc[df.index[i],'condition'] == 1) & (df.loc[df.index[i-1],'condition']==0):
new_id = counter # assign new id
counter += 1
elif (df.loc[df.index[i],'condition']==1) & (df.loc[df.index[i-1],'condition']!=0):
new_id = counter-1 # assign current id
elif (df.loc[df.index[i],'condition']==0):
new_id = df.loc[df.index[i],'condition'] # assign 0
df.loc[df.index[i],'new_id'] = new_id
But this is very inefficient and I have a very big dataset. Therefore I tried different kinds of vectorization but I so far failed to keep it from counting up inside each "cluster" of consecutive points:
# First try using cumsum():
df['new_id'] = 0
df['new_id_temp'] = ((df['condition'] == 1)).astype(int).cumsum()
df.loc[(df['condition'] == 1), 'new_id'] = df['new_id_temp']
df[['value', 'condition', 'new_id']]
# Another try using list comprehension but this just does +1:
[row+1 for ind, row in enumerate(df['condition']) if (row != row-1)]
I also tried using apply() with a custom if else function but it seems like this does not allow me to use a counter.
There is already a ton of similar posts about this but none of them keep the same id for consecutive rows.
Example posts are:
Maintain count in python list comprehension
Pandas cumsum on a separate column condition
Python - keeping counter inside list comprehension
python pandas conditional cumulative sum
Conditional count of cumulative sum Dataframe - Loop through columns
You can use the cumsum(), as you did in your first try, just modify it a bit:
# calculate delta
df['delta'] = df['condition']-df['condition'].shift(1)
# get rid of -1 for the cumsum (replace it by 0)
df['delta'] = df['delta'].replace(-1,0)
# cumulative sum conditional: multiply with condition column
df['cumsum_x'] = df['delta'].cumsum()*df['condition']
Welcome to SO! Why not just rely on base Python for this?
def counter_func(l):
new_id = [0] # First value is zero in any case
counter = 0
for i in range(1, len(l)):
if l[i] == 0:
elif l[i] == 1 and l[i-1] == 0:
counter += 1
elif l[i] == l[i-1] == 1:
else: new_id.append(None)
return new_id
df["new_id"] = counter_func(df["condition"])
Looks like this
value condition new_id
0 30 0 0
1 100 0 0
2 4 1 1
3 0 1 1
4 80 0 0
5 0 1 2
6 1 1 2
7 4 1 2
8 70 0 0
9 70 0 0
Edit :
You can also use numba, which sped up the function quite a lot for me about : about 1sec to ~60ms.
You should input numpy arrays into the function to use it, meaning you'll have to df["condition"].values.
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
def func(arr):
res = np.empty(arr.shape[0])
counter = 0
res[0] = 0 # First value is zero anyway
for i in range(1, arr.shape[0]):
if arr[i] == 0:
res[i] = 0
elif arr[i] and arr[i-1] == 0:
counter += 1
res[i] = counter
elif arr[i] == arr[i-1] == 1:
res[i] = counter
else: res[i] = np.nan
return res
df["new_id"] = func(df["condition"].values)
I have 2 columns of data called level 1 event and level 2 event.
Both are columns of 1s and zeros.
lev_1 lev_2 lev_2_&_lev_1
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0
3 1 1 1
4 1 0 0
col['lev2_&_lev_1] = 1 if lev_2 of current row and lev_1 of previous row are both 1.
I have achieved this by using for loop.
i = 1
while i < a.shape[0]:
if a['lev_1'].iloc[i - 1] == 1 & a['lev_2'].iloc[i] == 1:
a['lev_2_&_lev_1'].iloc[i] = 1
i += 1
I wanted to know a computationally efficient way to do this because my original df is very big.
Thank you!
Use np.where and .shift():
df['lev_2_&_lev_1'] = np.where(df['lev_2'].eq(1) & df['lev_1'].shift().eq(1), 1, 0)
lev_1 lev_2 lev_2_&_lev_1
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 1 0 0
3 1 1 1
4 1 0 0
df['lev_2'].eq(1): checks if current row is equal to 1
df['lev_1'].shift().eq(1): checks if previous row is equal to 1
np.where(condition, 1, 0): if condition is True return 1 else 0
You want:
(df['lev_2'] & df['lev_1'].shift()).astype(int)
My understanding of a Pandas dataframe vectorization (through Pandas vectorization itself or through Numpy) is applying a function to an array, similar to .apply() (Please correct me if I'm wrong). Suppose I have the following dataframe:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'color' : ['red','blue','yellow','orange','green',
'group' : [1,1,1,1,1,
df = df.set_index('color')
For this data, I want to apply a special counter for each unique value in A. Here's my current implementation of it:
df['C'] = 0
for value in set(df['group'].values):
filtered_df = df[df['group'] == value]
adj_counter = 0
initialize_counter = -1
spacing_counter = 20
special_counters = [0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5,6,-6,7,-7]
for color,rows in filtered_df.iterrows():
if len(filtered_df.index) < 7:
initialize_counter +=1
df.loc[color,'C'] = (46+special_counters[initialize_counter])
spacing_counter +=1
if spacing_counter > 5:
spacing_counter = 0
df.loc[color,'C'] = spacing_counter
Is there a faster way to implement this that doesn't involve iterrows or itertuples? Since the counting in the C columns is very irregular, I'm not sure as how I could implement this through apply or even through vectorization
What you can do is first create the column 'C' with groupby on the column 'group' and cumcount that would almost represent spacing_counter or initialize_counter depending on if len(filtered_df.index) < 7 or not.
df['C'] = df.groupby('group').cumcount()
Now you need to select the appropriate rows to do the if or the else part of your code. One way is to create a series using groupby again and transform to know the size of the group related to each row. Then, use loc on you df using this series and do: if the value is smaller than 7, you can map your values with the special_counters else just use modulo % 6
ser_size = df.groupby('group')['C'].transform('size')
df.loc[ser_size < 7,'C'] = df.loc[ser_size < 7,'C'].map(lambda x: 46 + special_counters[x])
df.loc[ser_size >= 7,'C'] %= 6
at the end, you get as expected:
print (df)
group C
red 1 0
blue 1 1
yellow 1 2
orange 1 3
green 1 4
white 1 5
black 1 0
brown 1 1
orange-red 1 2
teal 1 3
beige 1 4
mauve 2 46
cyan 2 47
goldenrod 2 45
auburn 2 48
azure 4 46
celadon 4 47
lavender 5 46
oak 6 46
chocolate 7 46
Having a DataFrame with the following column:
df['A'] = [1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1]
What would be the best vectorized way to control the length of "1"-series by some limiting value? Let's say the limit is 2, then the resulting column 'B' must look like:
0 1 1
1 1 1
2 1 0
3 0 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 0 0
9 1 1
One fully-vectorized solution is to use the shift-groupby-cumsum-cumcount combination1 to indicate where consecutive runs are shorter than 2 (or whatever limiting value you like). Then, & this new boolean Series with the original column:
df['B'] = ((df.groupby((df.A != df.A.shift()).cumsum()).cumcount() <= 1) & df.A)\
.astype(int) # cast the boolean Series back to integers
This produces the new column in the DataFrame:
0 1 1
1 1 1
2 1 0
3 0 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 0 0
9 1 1
1 See the pandas cookbook; the section on grouping, "Grouping like Python’s itertools.groupby"
Another way (checking if previous two are 1):
In [443]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1]})
In [444]: limit = 2
In [445]: df['B'] = map(lambda x: df['A'][x] if x < limit else int(not all(y == 1 for y in df['A'][x - limit:x])), range(len(df)))
In [446]: df
0 1 1
1 1 1
2 1 0
3 0 0
4 1 1
5 1 1
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 0 0
9 1 1
If you know that the values in the series will all be either 0 or 1, I think you can use a little trick involving convolution. Make a copy of your column (which need not be a Pandas object, it can just be a normal Numpy array)
a = df['A'].as_matrix()
and convolve it with a sequence of 1's that is one longer than the cutoff you want, then chop off the last cutoff elements. E.g. for a cutoff of 2, you would do
long_run_count = numpy.convolve(a, [1, 1, 1])[:-2]
The resulting array, in this case, gives the number of 1's that occur in the 3 elements prior to and including that element. If that number is 3, then you are in a run that has exceeded length 2. So just set those elements to zero.
a[long_run_count > 2] = 0
You can now assign the resulting array to a new column in your DataFrame.
df['B'] = a
To turn this into a more general method:
def trim_runs(array, cutoff):
a = numpy.asarray(array)
a[numpy.convolve(a, numpy.ones(cutoff + 1))[:-cutoff] > cutoff] = 0
return a
I have a dataframe which shows; 1) dates, prices and 3) the difference between two prices by row.
dates | data | result | change
24-09 24 0 none
25-09 26 2 pos
26-09 27 1 pos
27-09 28 1 pos
28-09 26 -2 neg
I want to create a summary of the above data in a new dataframe. The summary would have 4 columns: 1) start date, 2) end date 3) number of days 4) run
For example using the above there was a positive run of +4 from 25-09 and 27-09, so I would want this in a row of a dataframe like so:
In the new dataframe there would be one new row for every change in the value of result from positive to negative. Where run = 0 this indicates no change from the previous days price and would also need its own row in the dataframe.
start date | end date | num days | run
25-09 27-09 3 4
27-09 28-09 1 -2
23-09 24-09 1 0
The first step I think would be to create a new column "change" based on the value of run which then shows either of: "positive","negative" or "no change". Then maybe I could groupby this column.
A couple of useful functions for this style of problem are diff() and cumsum().
I added some extra datapoints to your sample data to flesh out the functionality.
The ability to pick and choose different (and more than one) aggregation functions assigned to different columns is a super feature of pandas.
df = pd.DataFrame({'dates': ['24-09', '25-09', '26-09', '27-09', '28-09', '29-09', '30-09','01-10','02-10','03-10','04-10'],
'data': [24, 26, 27, 28, 26,25,30,30,30,28,25],
'result': [0,2,1,1,-2,0,5,0,0,-2,-3]})
def cat(x):
return 1 if x > 0 else -1 if x < 0 else 0
df['cat'] = df['result'].map(lambda x : cat(x)) # probably there is a better way to do this
df['change'] = df['cat'].diff()
df['change_flag'] = df['change'].map(lambda x: 1 if x != 0 else x)
df['change_cum_sum'] = df['change_flag'].cumsum() # which gives us our groupings
foo = df.groupby(['change_cum_sum']).agg({'result' : np.sum,'dates' : [np.min,np.max,'count'] })
foo.columns = ['id','start date','end date','num days','run' ]
print foo
which yields:
id start date end date num days run
0 1 24-09 24-09 1 0
1 2 25-09 27-09 3 4
2 3 28-09 28-09 1 -2
3 4 29-09 29-09 1 0
4 5 30-09 30-09 1 5
5 6 01-10 02-10 2 0
6 7 03-10 04-10 2 -5