All cv2 functions are not found - python

I have pip installed opencv-python on my Ubuntu guest OS hosted in a virtual box. Both my python and Ubuntu are 64-bit. But when I import cv2 I couldn't find all the functions to manipulate images. The following is an image of the ini file I get when I do ctrl+B.
I uninstalled the opencv and followed many tutorials to install opencv using apt-get including from the official opencv website and none of them worked for me. Can someone give me a hint what I can do to get opencv to work?

Following this tutorial, I was able to finally install opencv properly. I am posting my answer to help someone in a similar situation. Ubuntu version is the most important thing you have to check before you follow any of the tutorials. Just like my case, if you happen to follow one of the old tutorials but your Ubuntu version is 16, you need to remove the opencv altogether then follow the tutorial.
After the fix, my ini looks like this. It consists all the functions to manipulate image. The screenshot shows the partial shot in my ide.


How to install tensorflow on a raspberry pi 4 running Manjaro

I am trying to get tensorflow installed on a raspberry pi 4 which is running manjaro. It is to use the open source BNN library Larq, which recommended manjaro as an OS because it was 64bit as opposed to Raspbian. I have tried to install using yay from Archlinux user repository but got a couple different errors, like: "tensorflow/workspace.bzl: patch does not apply" and a failure to download. Any suggestions, I am very new to manjaro.
As a side note, I am not particularly stuck to Manjaro is anyone has experience using Larq and the larq compute engine on a RPi4 with a different OS any insight there would be helpful as well.
Thank you!
I cannot help you with Manjaro. However, I used Ubuntu 20.04 (64 bits) on my RPI4. I suppose you need the RPI4 to deploy and run your BNNs. If I am correct, I give you the following advice.
Please, note that the RPI4 is needed only to run LCE models (*.tflite). To this end, you don't need to install Tensorflow on your RPI4.
For everything else (see below) you can use a regular Linux box.
To check if everything is fine with your runtime environment (i.e. the RPI4), You can use your main Larq+LCE installation to convert one of your models into an LCE model and test it with the benchmark tool available here. For the RPI4+Ubuntu you should use lce_benchmark_model_aarch64.
If you need to compile your own BNN-based applications for your RPI4, you can follow the build guide on the LCE website. I did it once a long time ago. I used the LCE Docker to have a working environment. Then, from the inside of the docker, I followed the ARM guide: "Cross-compiling with Make" version.
I hope this helps.

install opencv from source windows

I am trying to install OpenCV following this link
opencv-4.5.1 is the version I am building from source. I have no errors in my entire process( up to Step 16)
Step 17 which INSTALL also has no errors, but Step 18 'import cv2 as cv' will not import this module.
I have python 3.9.1. I followed all the steps with CMAKE and was able to generate with no errors.
Is there something that I am missing here?
I would recommend to use another IDE like Pycharm to create your projects. It is extremely easy to setup an OpenCV work environment :).
IDLE is great for smaller projects but I`ve seen a lot of people having issues with it.

PyCharm: Can't install opencv-contrib-python

I can't install opencv-contrib-python on PyCharm using the Setting options provided by PyCharm. I get these error everytime I tried first not using the --user option, such as in image 1:
Then I tried using the --user option, and I got what is showed in image 2
My knowledge of Python is very weak and I don't need to get it better right now. I have a script I need to run for a very close presentation (in the script there are many section with many examples of how to use SIFT, image homography, and other stuff used in image processing and artificial vision. I can't run the SIFT part, this is why I need opencv-contrib-python). I'm using opencv and I need to make the script working for that distribution!
I haven't found anything of useful since now and I'm in quite a hurry and still without a solution.
Thank you for the help!

OpenCV: cv2.videoCapture successful, but isOpen fails right after

I have found some other threads but they didn't help my problem.
The lines that I'm confused about are:
self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
print("is open?",self.cap.isOpened())
It says my file exists (the first line returns true, and prints the direct path to my .mp4), and when I put cv2.VideoCapture in a try/catch, it succeeded without an issue. However it says the video is not open and I can't pull any frames from it. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04, using OpenCV 3.3 and Python 3.5.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thank you.
In the end it was because I had the wheel version of OpenCV installed on top of my manual installation. DON'T use pip install opencv-python as it is not official and errors like this will occur. This was an incredible guide that made it very easy:
To be clear though, I had gone through this whole process once, and then tried pip just because, and it broke it, so once you install it manually, don't touch the wheel packages!

extract single frame from video

I am trying to write a script that will extract a single frame from a user uploaded video clip in order to create a thumbnail. It sounds like either OpenCV or ffmpeg will do what I need, but I am having trouble installing them.
I tried installing OpenCV using apt-get install libopencv-dev, and it looks like everything worked, but when running import cv2 in Python, it says there is no such module. Also tried installing using these instructions, but when I run the import, it hangs for a second or two and then says Failed to initialize libdc1394.
I then tried to install ffmpeg with pyffmpeg, but the most recent version of pyffmpeg I could find was released 3 years ago and built for Python2.6 on Ubuntu 10.10, while I am using 2.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.
Does anyone have experience installing either of these, or would recommend something else for this purpose?
If you are trying to install ffmpeg, you can do this more easily if you have homebrew and then use brew to install it. It's a lot more complicated otherwise.
If you just want to be able to complete this task, and it doesn't have to be the tool you're listing, you could try ffmpeg-python. After you have it installed, you can use the get_video_thumbnail example to get a single image. You could also probably tweak the read_frame_as_jpeg example to get a single image from a frame if you want.

