I want to use a checkbox to control the ratio multiplied in slider function.
First I try to change the variable directly, but failed.
Then I try to change the dragCommand, but also failed.
How can I control it?
import pymel.core as pm
import math
myRatio = math.sqrt(2) * 0.5
def myPolyBevel(*args):
# called by convert
def convertOn(*args):
#myRatio = math.sqrt(2) * 0.5
myOffsetSlider.dragCommand = myOffsetOn
def convertOff(*args):
#myRatio = 1.0
myOffsetSlider.dragCommand = myOffsetOff
# called by offset
def myOffsetOn(*args):
temp = pm.floatSliderGrp( myOffsetSlider, query = True, value = True ) * myRatio
pm.setAttr( myBevel.name()+".offset", temp )
def myOffsetOff(*args):
temp = pm.floatSliderGrp( myOffsetSlider, query = True, value = True )
pm.setAttr( myBevel.name()+".offset", temp )
# main
if pm.selected():
# add Bevel
newBevel = pm.polyBevel3( pm.selected(), offset = 0.1 * myRatio, segments = 2, smoothingAngle = 30, chamfer = 1 )
myBevel = newBevel[0]
# UI
bevelWindow = pm.window(title = 'Bevel')
bevelLayout = pm.columnLayout()
myConvert = pm.checkBoxGrp( numberOfCheckBoxes = 1, label = '', label1 = 'Convert', value1 = 1, onCommand = convertOn, offCommand = convertOff )
myOffsetSlider = pm.floatSliderGrp( label='Offset', field = True,
minValue = 0.0, maxValue = 5.0,
fieldMinValue = 0.0, fieldMaxValue = 100.0,
value = 0.1, step = 0.001,
dragCommand = myOffsetOn, changeCommand = myOffsetOn )
# Main
mainWindow = pm.window(title = 'Star')
mainLayout = pm.gridLayout( cellWidthHeight = (40,40), numberOfColumns = 5 )
bevelButton = pm.button( label = 'Bevel', command = myPolyBevel)
You may have to not nest all this command, it makes it harder (or use some Class method)
use partial to pass args :
Maya Python - Using data from UI
here a useful post you can refer, check theodor and my answers on the topic (we often answer this question )
How can I set vertex colors with the Maya python api, given a number of uv shells? So for each shell within a single mesh assign a random vertex color. At the bottom I have the previous code which is too slow in more dense meshes.
def setColors():
shells = getUvShelList( cmds.ls(sl=1)[0] )
print ( shells )
#3 similar objects combined into one
{0: ['pCube4.map[0]', 'pCube4.map[1]', 'pCube4.map[2]', 'pCube4.map[3]', 'pCube4.map[4]', 'pCube4.map[5]', 'pCube4.map[6]', 'pCube4.map[7]', 'pCube4.map[8]', 'pCube4.map[9]', 'pCube4.map[10]', 'pCube4.map[11]', 'pCube4.map[12]', 'pCube4.map[13]'],
1: ['pCube4.map[14]', 'pCube4.map[15]', 'pCube4.map[16]', 'pCube4.map[17]', 'pCube4.map[18]', 'pCube4.map[19]', 'pCube4.map[20]', 'pCube4.map[21]', 'pCube4.map[22]', 'pCube4.map[23]', 'pCube4.map[24]', 'pCube4.map[25]', 'pCube4.map[26]', 'pCube4.map[27]'],
2: ['pCube4.map[28]', 'pCube4.map[29]', 'pCube4.map[30]', 'pCube4.map[31]', 'pCube4.map[32]', 'pCube4.map[33]', 'pCube4.map[34]', 'pCube4.map[35]', 'pCube4.map[36]', 'pCube4.map[37]', 'pCube4.map[38]', 'pCube4.map[39]', 'pCube4.map[40]', 'pCube4.map[41]']}
selList2 = om2.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList()
dagPath = selList2.getDagPath(0)
selMesh = om2.MFnMesh(dagPath)
vertList = list(set(selMesh.getVertices()[1]))
lenVertList = len(vertList)
for shell in shells:
selection_shell = shells.get(shell)
r = [random.random() for i in range(3)]
tempColor = om2.MColor([r[0],r[1],r[2]])
vertexColorList = om2.MColorArray(lenVertList, tempColor)
selMesh.setVertexColors(vertexColorList, vertList)
My previous code(too slow):
for shell in chunk:
selection_shell = shells.get(shell)
facesSel = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(fromUV=True, toFace=True)
r = [random.random() for i in range(3)]
cmds.polyColorPerVertex(facesSel,rgb=(r[0], r[1], r[2]), cdo=1 )
Here's what I ended up doing, creating a random color per element within a mesh. Similar to element ID in 3ds max.
To answer my own question, I had to convert the UV indices to Vertex indices per shell.
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
from itertools import zip_longest
from itertools import chain
import random
import colorsys
import time
import maya.mel as mel
class colorVariationShell():
def __init__(self):
def setSelection(self):
# Get the currently selected mesh.
self.mSelList = om.MGlobal.getActiveSelectionList()
self.path = self.mSelList.getDagPath(0)
self.fnMesh = om.MFnMesh(self.path)
def get_progress_bar(self,status_text, max_value):
progress_bar = mel.eval("$tmp = $gMainProgressBar")
except RuntimeError:
progress_bar = None
if progress_bar:
return progress_bar
def getUvShellsOnObj(self):
#Get UV Sets
uvSets = self.fnMesh.getUVSetNames()
for uvset in uvSets:
uvShellIds = self.fnMesh.getUvShellsIds(uvset)[1]
polyVertices = self.fnMesh.getVertices()
polyUvs = self.fnMesh.getAssignedUVs(uvset)
shells = {}
vertexGroup = []
list_zip = zip(polyVertices[1], polyUvs[1])
zipped_list = list(list_zip)
main_progress_bar_3 = self.get_progress_bar("Getting UV Shells IDS", len(zipped_list))
for i, n in enumerate(uvShellIds):
if n in shells:
shells[n].append( i )
shells[n] = [ ( i ) ]
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar_3, edit=True, step=1)
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar_3, edit=True, endProgress=True)
vertsID = []
uvsID = []
main_progress_bar = self.get_progress_bar("Gathering UV and Vertex Info", len(zipped_list))
for zipItem in zipped_list:
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, step=1)
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, endProgress=True)
vertex_id_from_shell = {}
main_progress_bar_2 = self.get_progress_bar("Passing UV and Vertex data", len(shells))
for shell in shells:
selection_shell = shells.get(shell)
for idx, item in enumerate(selection_shell):
if item in uvsID:
uv_index = uvsID.index(item)
vertex_ids = vertsID[uv_index]
# if the list does not exist, create it
if shell not in vertex_id_from_shell:
vertex_id_from_shell[shell] = []
# append to list
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar_2, edit=True, step=1)
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar_2, edit=True, endProgress=True)
return shells, vertex_id_from_shell
def setColors(self):
shells, target_vertex_id = self.getUvShellsOnObj()
#ammount of different colors
var = 3
vertexData = {key : [] for key in range(var)}
pool = []
for val in target_vertex_id.values():
if not pool:
pool = list(range(var))
main_progress_bar = self.get_progress_bar("Applying Vertex Colors", len(vertexData))
for vertex_idx, selection_vertex in vertexData.items():
vertexIds = selection_vertex
lenVertList = len(vertexIds)
sat_random = random.uniform(0.5, 1)
increment = 1/len(vertexData)
color_hsv = (vertex_idx*increment, sat_random, vertex_idx*increment+1/len(vertexData))
rgb_color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(color_hsv[0],color_hsv[1],color_hsv[2])
final_color = om.MColor(rgb_color)
vertexColorList = om.MColorArray(lenVertList, final_color)
#apply the color
self.fnMesh.setVertexColors(vertexColorList, vertexIds)
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, step=1)
cmds.progressBar(main_progress_bar, edit=True, endProgress=True)
start_time = time.time()
To give some background, I am attempting to use Python to give some of my users an interface through a third-party program (that already has IronPython embedded) to add, edit, and delete records from a SQL Server database.
I've received good assistance from one member here about Python .NET Winforms so I am attempting to get some more assistance. My goal is to populate a DataGridView (dgv) with records from a table. Seems pretty simple. However, when I run the code, my dgv is just an empty container.
I could use some assistance or better yet, point me in the right direction to find the answer. I am willing to learn.
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import *
from System.Drawing import *
from System.Data import *
from System.Data.SqlClient import *
from System.Globalization import *
class MyForm(Form):
def __init__(self):
# Setup the form
self.Text = "Calculated Control Limits Form"
self.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.form.startposition?view=net-5.0
# Create & configure the DataGridView label
# Create, configure, and populate data for the DataGridView
# Create & configure a line seperator
# Create & configure a Label to grab the users Employee ID
# Create & configure a label for the Lower Control Limit Label
# Create & configure a TextBox for the Lower Control Limit
# Create & configure a label for the Target Mean
# Create & configure a TextBox for the Target Mean
# Create & configure a label for the Upper Control Limit
# Create & configure a TextBox for the Upper Control Limit
# Create & configure a label for the Comment
# Create a TextBox for the Comment
# Create & configure the button
# Register the event handler
self.button.Click += self.button_Click
self.Size = Size (550, self.button.Bottom + self.button.Height + 15)
#Load the Controls to the Form
def button_Click(self, sender, args):
def setupDataGridView(self):
self.dgvCCL = DataGridView()
self.dgvCCL.AllowUserToOrderColumns = True
self.dgvCCL.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize
self.dgvCCL.Location = Point(self.lblCCL.Left, self.lblCCL.Bottom + 5)
self.dgvCCL.Size = Size(500, 250)
self.dgvCCL.TabIndex = 3
#self.dgvCCL.ColumnCount = len(headers)
self.dgvCCL.ColumnHeadersVisible = True
def setupSeperator(self):
self.lblSep = Label()
self.lblSep.Size = Size(500, 2)
self.lblSep.BackColor = Color.DarkGray
self.lblSep.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
self.lblSep.Location = Point(self.dgvCCL.Left, self.dgvCCL.Bottom + 10)
def setupDataGridViewLabel(self):
self.lblCCL = Label()
self.lblCCL.Text = "Calculated Control Limits View"
self.lblCCL.Font = Font(self.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
self.lblCCL.Location = Point(10, 10)
self.lblCCL.BorderStyle = 0 # BorderStyle.None --> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.borderstyle?view=net-5.0
self.lblCCL.Size = Size(self.lblCCL.PreferredWidth, self.lblCCL.PreferredHeight)
def setupEmployeeIDLabel(self):
self.lblEmpID = Label()
self.lblEmpID.Text = 'login.computeruser.upper()'
self.lblEmpID.Font = Font(self.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
self.lblEmpID.Size = Size(self.lblEmpID.PreferredWidth, self.lblEmpID.PreferredHeight)
self.lblEmpID.Location = Point(self.dgvCCL.Right - self.lblEmpID.Width, self.dgvCCL.Top - 15)
self.lblEmpID.BorderStyle = 0
def Load_LCL_Label(self):
self.lblLCL = Label()
self.lblLCL.Text = 'Lower Control Limit'
self.lblLCL.Size = Size(self.lblLCL.PreferredWidth, self.lblLCL.PreferredHeight)
self.lblLCL.Location = Point(self.lblSep.Left + 65, self.lblSep.Top + 15)
self.lblLCL.BorderStyle = 0
def Load_LCL_TextBox(self):
self.txtLCL = TextBox()
self.txtLCL.Size = Size(100, 50)
self.txtLCL.Location = Point(self.lblLCL.Left, self.lblLCL.Bottom + 3)
def LoadTargetMeanLabel(self):
self.lblTarget = Label()
self.lblTarget.Text = 'Target Mean'
self.lblTarget.Size = Size(self.lblLCL.PreferredWidth, self.lblLCL.PreferredHeight)
self.lblTarget.Location = Point(self.lblLCL.Left + 125, self.lblSep.Top + 15)
self.lblTarget.BorderStyle = 0
def LoadTargetMeanTextBox(self):
self.txtTarget = TextBox()
self.txtTarget.Size = Size(100, 50)
self.txtTarget.Location = Point(self.lblLCL.Left + 125, self.lblLCL.Bottom + 3)
def Load_UCL_Label(self):
self.lblUCL = Label()
self.lblUCL.Text = 'Upper Control Limit'
self.lblUCL.Size = Size(self.lblUCL.PreferredWidth, self.lblUCL.PreferredHeight)
self.lblUCL.Location = Point(self.lblTarget.Left + 125, self.lblSep.Top + 15)
self.lblUCL.BorderStyle = 0
def Load_UCL_TextBox(self):
self.txtUCL = TextBox()
self.txtUCL.Size = Size(100, 50)
self.txtUCL.Location = Point(self.lblTarget.Left + 125, self.lblLCL.Bottom + 3)
def LoadCommentLabel(self):
self.lblComment = Label()
self.lblComment.Text = 'Comment'
self.lblComment.Size = Size(self.lblUCL.PreferredWidth, self.lblUCL.PreferredHeight)
self.lblComment.Location = Point(self.lblSep.Left, 350)
self.lblComment.BorderStyle = 0
def LoadCommentTextBox(self):
self.txtComment = TextBox()
self.txtComment.Multiline = True
self.txtComment.Size = Size(500, 50)
self.txtComment.Location = Point(self.lblSep.Left, self.lblComment.Bottom + 5)
def LoadButton(self):
self.button = Button()
self.button.Size = Size(100, 30)
self.button.Location = Point(self.lblSep.Left, self.txtComment.Bottom + 10)
self.button.Text = "Click Me!"
def PopulateDataGridView(self, selectcommand):
bs = BindingSource()
connectionstring = "YourSQLServerConnectionString"
# Create a new data adapter based on the specified query.
da = SqlDataAdapter(selectcommand, connectionstring)
# Create a command builder to generate SQL update, insert, and delete commands based on selectCommand.
cb = SqlCommandBuilder(da)
# Populate a new data table and bind it to the BindingSource.
dt = DataTable()
Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
bs.DataSource = dt
# Resize the DataGridView columns to fit the newly loaded content.
#String connectionString =
#"Data Source=<SQL Server>;Initial Catalog=Northwind;" +
#"Integrated Security=True";
#// Create a new data adapter based on the specified query.
#dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectCommand, connectionString);
#// Create a command builder to generate SQL update, insert, and
#// delete commands based on selectCommand.
#SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter);
#// Populate a new data table and bind it to the BindingSource.
#DataTable table = new DataTable
# Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
#bindingSource1.DataSource = table;
#// Resize the DataGridView columns to fit the newly loaded content.
except SqlException:
Messagebox.Show("Something happened.")
I have created a PyQt5 GUI in my main.py file which is in a main app folder. In the file for the interface, a button initiates a new class called Calculation (in the file entry.py) passing in the values of several inputs on the page and in this class the startCalculation() method is called. In this method, the different variables are passed to methods in imported python files, then the result of those calculation is returned and passed to the next calculation in another python file. These returns are in the form of arrays containing values (for the y axis which is then displayed using numpy and plotly).
When I run the app and click on the button in the main interface, the app starts loading (rainbow animation on Mac) and it says it is not responding. It is not a problem with the class itself as a normal print test works in the startCalculation() method, but the function from the imported file causes this to happen. Also, no errors are given in the terminal.
The following is code in the PyQt interface file (main.py)
from app import entry
def startButton(self):
massaTotale = float(self.lineEdit.text())
dragCoefficient = float(self.lineEdit_5.text())
liftCoefficient = float(self.lineEdit_6.text())
powerAvionics = float(self.lineEdit_3.text())
powerPayload = float(self.lineEdit_4.text())
airSpeed = float(self.lineEdit_8.text())
valoreUnico = float(self.valoreUnicoEdit.text())
engineEfficiency = float(self.lineEdit_9.text())
turbolenceCoeff = float(self.lineEdit_10.text())
dayOfYear = float(self.day_LineEdit.text())
latitude = float(self.latitude_LineEdit.text())
sunsetHourAngle = float(self.sunsetHourAngle_LineEdit.text())
declination = float(self.declination_LineEdit.text())
newCaluclation = entry.Calculation(massaTotale, dragCoefficient, liftCoefficient, powerAvionics, powerPayload, airSpeed, valoreUnico, engineEfficiency, turbolenceCoeff, dayOfYear, latitude, sunsetHourAngle, declination)
And this is the code in the class calling the function in the external file
from app.mainFunctions import pLevel
#constructor method
def __init__(self, massaTotale, dragCoefficient, liftCoefficient, powerAvionics, powerPayload, airSpeed, valoreUnico, efficiencyEngine, turbolenceCoeff, dayOfYear, latitude, sunsetHourAngle, declination):
# calculate plevel
self.totM = massaTotale
self.vair = airSpeed
self.cl = liftCoefficient
self.cd = dragCoefficient
self.efficiencyEngine = efficiencyEngine
self.valoreUnico = valoreUnico
self.powerAvionics = powerAvionics
self.powerPayload = powerPayload
self.turbolenceCoeff = turbolenceCoeff
self.day_of_year = dayOfYear
self.latitude = latitude
self.sunset_hour_angle = sunsetHourAngle
self.declination = declination
#starting the calculation
def startCalculation(self):
self.x_values, self.pLevel_values = pLevel.calculate_pLevel(self.valoreUnico, self.cd, self.cl, self.totM)
self.pEngine_values = pEngine.calculate_pEngine(self.x_values, self.pLevel_values, self.efficiencyEngine, self.turbolenceCoeff)
self.pOut_values = pOut.calculate_pOut(self.x_values, self.pEngine_values, self.powerAvionics, self.powerPayload)
self.I_loctime = I_loctime.calculate_I_loctime(self.day_of_year, self.latitude, self.sunset_hour_angle, self.declination)
self.asm_values = area_Solar_Module.calculate_asm(self.x_values, self.pOut_values, self.I_loctime)
The pLevel.py file has the following code in it and should return the array of values to pass to the second function in the entry Calculation class file.
import math
import numpy as np
import plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import ipywidgets as widgets
import plotly.io as pio
import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
pio.renderers.default = "browser"
# calculating pLevel
x_values = []
y_values = []
layoutPLevel = go.Layout(
title='Surface Area Wing'
def calculate_pLevel(valoreUnico, cd, cl, totM):
x_values = []
count = 0
while (count < 5):
count = count + 0.01
y_values = []
iteration = 0
while (iteration < len(x_values)):
x_value = x_values[iteration]
if (x_value == 0):
y_value = 0
if (valoreUnico == 0.0):
# nessun dato per valoreUnico dato, utilizza i due valori separati
y_value = firstPart(cd, cl) * math.sqrt(secondPart(x_value, totM))
y_value = valoreUnico * \
math.sqrt(secondPart(x_value, totM))
iteration = iteration + 1
yNpArray = np.array(y_values)
xNpArray = np.array(x_values)
tracePLevel = go.Scatter(
figPLevel = go.Figure(data=[tracePLevel], layout=layoutPLevel)
return x_values, y_values
def firstPart(cd, cl):
return (cd / cl**(3/2))
def secondPart(x_value, totM):
return (2*(totM * 9.81)**3) / (1.225 * x_value)
The structure of the files is as follows:
-- __main__.py
-- entry.py
-- __init__.py
-- mainFunctions
--- pLevel.py
--- __init__.py
The loop for the x_values in the pLevel function was not adding one to the iteration so the loop went on forever. I just did not notice my error.
Instead of being
while (iteration < len(x_values)):
x_value = x_values[iteration]
if (x_value == 0):
y_value = 0
It should be
while (iteration < len(x_values)):
x_value = x_values[iteration]
if (x_value == 0):
y_value = 0
iteration = iteration+1
I wanted to try out some raycasting with Python in Maya using OpenMaya.MFnMesh.anyIntersection().
I just want to cast a ray from on object downwards and hit a plane, not go any further so I get only one raycasthit and get the translation values from the raycasthit.
I got the code from a video and made it a bit clearer to understand.
For the code to run properly in Maya you need an object that is higher in the Y-axis than a different one, preferably a polyPlane(for example: having a polySphere at position [0, 3, 0] and a polyPlane at position [0, 0, 0], select the polySphere and run the code)
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.cmds as cmds
def RayReposition(*args):
direction = (0.0, -1, 0)
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True)
fromPositionRay = cmds.xform(sel[0], query = True, translation = True)
selShape = cmds.listRelatives(shapes = True)
meshes = cmds.ls(geometry = True)
cmds.select(clear = True)
for x in meshes:
if x == selShape[0]:
sList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
item = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
sList.getDagPath(0, item)
fnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(item)
raySource = OpenMaya.MFloatPoint(fromPositionRay[0], fromPositionRay[1], fromPositionRay[2], 1.0)
rayDir = OpenMaya.MFloatVector(direction[0], direction[1], direction[2])
faceIds = None
triIds = None
idsSorted = False
testBothDirections = False
worldSpace = OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld
maxParam = 999999
accelParams = None
sortHits = True
hitPoints = OpenMaya.MFloatPointArray()
hitRayParams = OpenMaya.MFloatArray()
hitFaces = OpenMaya.MIntArray()
hitTris = None
hitBarys1 = None
hitBarys2 = None
tolerance = 0.0001
hit = fnMesh.anyIntersection(raySource, rayDir, worldSpace, maxParam, testBothDirections, faceIds, triIds, idsSorted, accelParams, tolerance, hitPoints, hitRayParams, hitFaces, hitTris, hitBarys1, hitBarys2)
firstHit = (hitPoints[0].x, hitPoints[0].y, hitPoints[0].z)
print firstHit
I expected to get the translation values from the raycasthit but I get the following error:
TypeError: in method 'MFnMesh_anyIntersection', argument 4 of type 'MIntArray const *'
Using the OpenMaya.MFnMesh.allIntersections() function instead works perfectly fine but I get every single hit from the raycast, but I only want the first hit.
Links to the OpenMaya.MFnMesh API:
link: https://help.autodesk.com/view/MAYAUL/2016/ENU/?guid=__py_ref_class_open_maya_1_1_m_fn_mesh_html
The main thing is that anyIntersection is looking for a single intersection it hits first, not multiple. So your out parameters are of the wrong types because they're arrays.
I would also avoid clearing or making new selections in your loop as it would just slow down performance by having to redraw the viewports every time.
Here's a working example that will create a locator on the first mesh it hits:
import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya
import maya.cmds as cmds
def RayReposition(*args):
direction = (0.0, -1, 0)
sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
fromPositionRay = cmds.xform(sel[0], query=True, translation=True)
selShape = cmds.listRelatives(shapes=True)
meshes = cmds.ls(geometry=True)
for x in meshes:
if x == selShape[0]:
sList = OpenMaya.MSelectionList()
item = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
sList.getDagPath(0, item)
fnMesh = OpenMaya.MFnMesh(item)
raySource = OpenMaya.MFloatPoint(fromPositionRay[0], fromPositionRay[1], fromPositionRay[2], 1.0)
rayDir = OpenMaya.MFloatVector(direction[0], direction[1], direction[2])
worldSpace = OpenMaya.MSpace.kWorld
maxParam = 999999
testBothDirections = False
faceIds = None
triIds = None
idsSorted = False
accelParams = None
sortHits = True
hitPoints = OpenMaya.MFloatPoint()
hitRayParams = None
hitFaces = None
hitTris = None
hitBarys1 = None
hitBarys2 = None
tolerance = 0.0001
hit = fnMesh.anyIntersection(
raySource, rayDir, faceIds, triIds, idsSorted, worldSpace, maxParam, testBothDirections, accelParams,
hitPoints, hitRayParams, hitFaces, hitTris, hitBarys1, hitBarys2, tolerance)
if hit:
firstHit = (hitPoints.x, hitPoints.y, hitPoints.z)
loc = cmds.spaceLocator()[0]
cmds.xform(loc, ws=True, t=firstHit)
print "Hit on {} at {}".format(x, firstHit)
I find the c++ documentation a bit more clearer of what the method expects for parameters.
I have a code for a VoiceActivityDetector and want to give out the value speech_ratio which is in a function
I tried to set up a new function to print out the value
def __init__(self, wave_input_filename):
self.sample_window = 0.02 #20 ms
self.sample_overlap = 0.01 #10ms
self.speech_window = 0.5 #half a second
self.speech_energy_threshold = 0.6 #60% of energy in voice band
self.speech_start_band = 300
self.speech_end_band = 3000
#self.speech_ratio = 0
def detect_speech(self):
""" Detects speech regions based on ratio between speech band energy
and total energy.
Output is array of window numbers and speech flags (1 - speech, 0 - nonspeech).
detected_windows = np.array([])
sample_window = int(self.rate * self.sample_window)
sample_overlap = int(self.rate * self.sample_overlap)
data = self.data
sample_start = 0
start_band = self.speech_start_band
end_band = self.speech_end_band
while (sample_start < (len(data) - sample_window)):
sample_end = sample_start + sample_window
if sample_end>=len(data): sample_end = len(data)-1
data_window = data[sample_start:sample_end]
energy_freq = self._calculate_normalized_energy(data_window)
sum_voice_energy = self._sum_energy_in_band(energy_freq, start_band, end_band)
sum_full_energy = sum(energy_freq.values())
speech_ratio = sum_voice_energy/sum_full_energy
#self.speech_ratio2 = speech_ratio
# Hipothesis is that when there is a speech sequence we have ratio of energies more than Threshold
speech_ratio = speech_ratio>self.speech_energy_threshold
detected_windows = np.append(detected_windows,[sample_start, speech_ratio])
sample_start += sample_overlap
detected_windows = detected_windows.reshape(int(len(detected_windows)/2),2)
detected_windows[:,1] = self._smooth_speech_detection(detected_windows)
return detected_windows
def printing(self):
return self.speech_ratio
When I set speech_ratio as a variable in the init it does not change the variable later on in the detect_speech function.
If I do not initialize speech_ratio in the init function it wont be a attribute of my object at all.
You use self.speech_ratio to try and print the value; you should use the same expression to assign to it.