Error with Reading Files - python

I am working through Learn Python the Hard Way but am having a problem with an exercise that reads a file:
I have followed this and made sure my file is in the same folder as my python file. I keep getting the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in <module>
txt = open(filename)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ex15_sample.txt'
I am entering: python ex15_sample.txt into the powershell. I tried looking up the problem I'm having but could not find anything that helped in my case. Let me know if I am doing something wrong or if I'm missing something. Thanks

You can check your current path and whether your file exists by
import os
#get the current working directory
#check whether your file exists in the current working directory

try 2 things below
Check both files .py and .txt are at same location. and then execute program.
this is how i ran the code.
enter File Name: ex15_sample.txt
This is stuff I typed into a file.
It is really cool stuff.
Lots and lots of fun to have in here.
If your file is at other location you need to provide absolute path for your file. as
C:\Users\db\Desktop\Python>python C:\Users\deepakb\Desktop\ex15_sample.txt
i had my txt file at desktop this time.

A brief demonstration on working directory and relative file locations..
Say we have a text file named hello.txt with the contents:
Hello World!
that is located at "C:\Users\username\Documents\python\hello.txt"
And we have a python script named with the contents:
with open('hello.txt', 'r') as f:
Which is located at "C:\Users\username\Documents\python\"
If I just hit the windows key and type power shell and hit enter to open it, I'll see it by default gives me a prompt at my home directory: "C:\Users\username>". From here I can execute my python script by calling C:\Users\username> python C:\Users\username\Documents\python\ If I do this, however, they python interpreter would have started in my home folder, and when it tries to find "hello.txt" it will only search through the folder "C:\Users\username". That's not where the file is, so we get a file not found error.
To resolve this we have a few options. Number one is to re-write our script file to include the full path of our text file: ... open("C:/Users/username/Documents/python/hello.txt", ... This way there is no searching necessary, and the script can be run from anywhere. Another option is to change the working directory of the interpreter from within the script. You can set the working directory with the os library by calling os.chdir('C:/Users/username/Documents/python'). Finally you can set the working directory with PowerShell before calling the python interpreter using the cd command:
C:\Users\username> cd .\Documents\python\

I had the same error.
It was a mistake from me naming the file as ex15_sample.txt.
When you are creating a file in notepad, the file name would be automatically .txt
so if you have created a file just rename it as ex15_sample.
You can also run the same program by giving python ex15_sample.txt.txt
As you can see the file name might be ex15_sample.txt with a .txt extension.


No such file or directory

I am trying to use Pillow Library in Python. I am writing basic code to open up a picture that I have saved.
But every time I run the code, it says
"can't open file 'C:\Users\saadn\PycharmProjects\Giraffe\':
[Errno 2] No such file or directory".
The path for where the picture is saved is "C:\Users\saadn\PycharmProjects\Giraffe\DirectoryAssign1"
Now I know that in the error it says "Girrafe\". but I don't have a python file named main at all. Someone guide me.
the code I wrote was
from PIL import Image
img ="dany.jpg")
Here is a screenshot for better understanding.
Actually I think there are 2 issues, and not 1.
Error 1 - Wrong File is being tried to run :
In the picture you attached there is an error which means it cannot open (No such file) . You entered a wrong file name, your file name is
How to fix?
Be sure to open the terminal or command prompt and be sure you are in the following directory C:\Users\saadn\PycharmProjects\Giraffe\ and enter the following command as you are a Windows OS User:
Fun fact: Of course Python won't search in the whole PC or directory (including folders which are in the directory) , so that's why you need to mention it is in a folder in the Giraffe folder!
Error 2 - Wrong location for the picture
If you had fixed error 1, you will get another error, that dany.jpg is not such file, why ? Because it is in another folder inside the folder your code is located, you can use dany.jpg when they are in the same folder, not in another folder in the same folder, in this case, it is in DirectoryAssign1 which is in Girrafe folder.
How to fix?
To fix it, change the path:
From : The current Path:
To : The following path below:
You are running the wrong file. In PyCharm, afaik you can right click on the file and run. Your PyCharm is now trying to run the file
Otherwise, you can use the terminal:

PythonError: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Text.txt'

I am trying to simply build a program, which reads another file. When I try to run the code I get the error mentioned in the topic. I've already tried to take the full path, but it wasn't working.
Do you have any ideas to solve the problem?
file = open("Text.txt")
vari =
When you're launching from a command line, the current working directory may not be the same as the home directory of your top-level file (i.e., the directory where your program file resides).
If you run it in cmd.exe (Command Prompt), then path to file "Text.txt" will be searched for in the directory currently opened in the Command line. Usually, C:\Users\[user]\ is the default working directory on Windows.
You need to run your program using Python interpreter/Py Laucher, that is usually opened on double click on *.py top-level program file or simply change the current directory in Command prompt with cd <TOP_LEVEL_FILE_DIR>.
You have to add the full path above file = open("Text.txt") line to indicate where this file is located. Adding the full path to the open(/path/to/where/this/text.txt) like an example is required in this case (so even if your main program is not in the same directory as the file you're trying to open, it will still work). There are many examples on SO, that show how this can be achieved.
Try the following code,
To open the file, use the built-in open() function.
fileLocation = open("C:/Users/Desktop/Text.txt", "r")
vari =
"r": read file "w": write file
It will read the file and will display the contents of the file.
Make sure you use the forward slash in the path.

How to run a Python script in VSCode using the same path of the script? (otherwise it can't find an input file located in the same folder)

I have this Python code:
which runs perfectly from the terminal (Python 3 required) if I do for example: python
But if I try to run it from VSCode, taking advantage of the Python extension and integration, I get this error:
(aoc) ➜ advent_of_code_2019 git:(master) /Users/andrea/.virtualenvs/aoc/bin/python /Users/andrea/Documents/advent_of_code_2019/aoc/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/andrea/Documents/advent_of_code_2019/aoc/", line 70, in <module>
with open('aoc_03_input.txt', 'r') as file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'aoc_03_input.txt'
My guess is that when invoked from VSCode, the script is run from a different path, so it cannot find the file aoc_03_input.txt which is located in the same folder of the script.
How do I tell VSCode to run my script from the /Users/andrea/Documents/advent_of_code_2019/aoc/ folder, so that it will be able to find my input file?
Actually, I should have tried more before asking this question, because I just found the solution, but at this point I will write it here in case it can be useful to anyone:
If I change the path in this way:
with open('./aoc_03_input.txt', 'r') as file:
The file is being open correctly when I run the code in VSCode and when I run it from the terminal. Tested under OSX (but it should work under Linux too. Not sure about Windows).

"No such file or directory" when files are in the same directory

Both files, the .py file and a .txt file it calls with
champions_list = open('champions.txt','rU').read().split('\n')
are in the file folder C:\Users\[My Name]\Programming\[file name].
I'm calling the .py file through Command prompt and it returns the error
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: champions.txt
Has this happened to anyone else before?
When you open a file with open('champions.txt'), then the OS expects to find the champions.txt file in the current directory. The current directory is the directory of the command prompt window where you started the program. This is not (necessarily) the same as the directory where the Python script is stored.
You may be able to fix this by doing:
import os
import sys
open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'champions.txt')
This takes the full name of the script in sys.argv[0], takes the directory part, and then joins that to the file name you want. This will open the file in the script directory, not the current directory.
(Note that using sys.argv[0] in this way is OS-dependent, and works on Windows but may not work the same way on other systems.)
Just because the file is in the same folder as the script does not mean the python interpreter knows that the file is there. It is looking for a file in the cwd. You can:
Try using the full absolute path of the file; or
Add the directory containing the file using os.path.append

Python not opening text files when they are in the same directory as script

I'm trying to open a file in python. Simple enough. The script that I am using is the same directory as my code, so I just use
myfile = open('file.txt', 'r')
This worked fine before, but now I am getting the error 'No such file or directory' (Errno2)
Why is this happening? I've used OS to check if I am in the right directory, and it is fine. What is python doing differently now than it did 20 minutes ago, when it found the file perfectly??
Assuming the file you are trying to open/read has appropriate permissions, the behavior is defined based on how you are invoking your python program. Let's assume your code and the file.txt are in ~/Desktop
If you are in ~/Desktop and do a python your code will work fine. But if you are in say your home folder - ~ and do a python ~/Desktop/ then the python interpreter assumes your current working directory to be ~ and will return the error:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'file.txt'
since it will not find file.txt in ~
Further, in the context of the given example:
returns the absolute path of your home directory and
returns the absolute path of your python source file
Is it possible you are typing the name wrong, eg "test.fna" versus "test.fna.txt"?

