Go through to original URL on social media management websites - python

I'm doing web scraping as part of an academic project, where it's important that all links are followed through to the actual content. Annoyingly, there are some important error cases with "social media management" sites, where users post their links to detect who clicks on them.
For instance, consider this link on linkis.com, which links to http:// + bit.ly + /1P1xh9J (separated link due to SO posting restrictions), which in turn links to http://conservatives4palin.com. The issue arises as the original link at linkis.com does not automatically redirect forward. Instead, the user has to click the cross in the top right corner to go to the original URL.
Furthermore, there seems to be different variations (see e.g. linkis.com link 2, where the cross is at the bottom left of the website). These are the only two variations I've found, but there might be more. Note that I'm using a web scraper very similar to this one. The functionality to go through to the actual link does not need to be stable/functioning over time as this is a one-time academic project.
How do I automatically go on to the original URL? Would the best approach be to design a regex that finds the relevant link?

In many cases, you will have to use browser automation to scrape web pages that generate their content using javascript, scraping the html returned by the a get request will not yield the result you want, you have two options here :
Try to get your way around all the additional javascript requests to get the content you want which can be very time consuming .
Use browser automation, which lets you open a real browser and automates its tasks, you can use Selenium for that.
I have been developing bots and scrapers for years now, and unless the webpage you are requesting does not rely heavily on javascript, you should use something like selenium.
Here is some code to get you started with selenium:
from selenium import webdriver
#Create a chrome browser instance, other drivers are also available
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
#Request a page
#Select elements on the page and trigger events
#Selenium supports also xpath and css selectors
#Clicks the tag with the given id

The common architecture that the website follows is that it shows the website as an iframe. The sample code runs for both the cases.
In order to get the final URL you can do something like this:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
urls = ["http://linkis.com/conservatives4palin.com/uGXam", "http://linkis.com/paper.li/gsoberon/jozY2"]
response_data = []
for url in urls:
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
short_url = soup.find("iframe", {"id": "source_site"})['src']

According to the two websites that you given, i think you may try the following code to get the original url for they all hidden in a part of javascript(the main scraper code i am using is from the question that you post):
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
except ImportError:
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import requests, re
from contextlib import closing
reurl = re.compile("\"longUrl\":\"(.*?)\"")
buffer = ""
htmlp = HTMLParser()
with closing(requests.get("http://linkis.com/conservatives4palin.com/uGXam", stream=True)) as res:
for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=CHUNKSIZE, decode_unicode=True):
buffer = "".join([buffer, chunk])
match = reurl.search(buffer)
if match:

say you're able to grab the href attribute/value:
s = 'href="/url/go/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F1P1xh9J"'
then you need to do the following:
import urllib.parse
and s will now be a string of the original bit-ly link!

try the following code:
import requests
url = 'http://'+'bit.ly'+'/1P1xh9J'
realsite = requests.get(url)
it prints the desired output:


Python Web Crawler No Results

I am making a basic Web Crawler/Spider with Python. I am trying to crawl through a YouTube channel and print all the titles of the videos on it but it never returns anything.
Here is my code so far:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/c/DanTDM/videos'
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
x = soup.select(".yt-simple-endpoint style-scope ytd-grid-video-renderer")
And the output is always: []. An empty list (which means it didn't find anything). I need to know what I'm doing wrong.
The code seems correct.
Call print(response.text) and see if YouTube is returning you a blocking page.
Anti scraping measures can be in action, as checking your user agent, etc.
Browser Automation with Selenium
When I send a request to YouTube, I receive the following page:
(A 'Before you continue to
Youtube' page).
We should use Selenium instead as we need to click one of the buttons. I don't think we can interact with the website using the requests module.
Selenium allows you to have control over your browser. Read the documentation!

Why am I getting an empty body tag content when trying to use web scraping using the requests library?

I have been trying to use web scraping on a website using the requests and Beautifulsoup python libraries.
The problem is that I'm getting the html data of the web page but the body tag content is empty while on the inspect panel on the website it isn't.
Does anyone can explain why is it happening and what can I do to get the content of the body?
Here is my code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
source = requests.get('https://webaccess-il.rexail.com/?s_jwe=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..gKfb7AnqhUiIMIn0PGb35g.SUsLS70gBec9GBgraaV5BK8hKyqm-VvMSNjP3nIumtcrj9h19zOkYjaBHrW4SDL10DjeIcwQcz9ul1p8umMHKxPPC-QZpCyJbk7JQkUSqFM._d_sGsiSyPF_Xqs2hmLN5A#/store-products-shopping-non-customers').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(source, 'lxml')
Here is the inspect panel of the website:
And here is the output of my code:
Thank you :)
There are two reasons, your code could not work for. The fist one is, the website does require additional header or cookie information, that you could try to find using the Inspect Browser Tool and add via
requests.get(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
where headers and cookies are dictionaries.
Another reason, which I believe it is, is that the content is dynamically loaded via Javascript after the side is build, and what you do get is the initially loaded website.
To also provide you a solution, I attache an example using Selenium, which simulates a whole browser, which does serve the full website, however selenium has a bit of a setup overhead, that you can easily google.
from time import sleep
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://webaccess-il.rexail.com/?s_jwe=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..gKfb7AnqhUiIMIn0PGb35g.SUsLS70gBec9GBgraaV5BK8hKyqm-VvMSNjP3nIumtcrj9h19zOkYjaBHrW4SDL10DjeIcwQcz9ul1p8umMHKxPPC-QZpCyJbk7JQkUSqFM._d_sGsiSyPF_Xqs2hmLN5A#/store-products-shopping-non-customers'
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
content = driver.page_source
soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
If you want the browser simulation to be none visible you can add
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options
options = Options()
options.headless = True
driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
which will make it run in the backgroud.
Alternatively to Firefox, you can use pretty much any browser using the appropriate driver.
A Linux based setup example can be found here Link
Even though I find the use of Selenium easier for beginners, that site bothered me, so I figured out a pure requests way, that I also want to share.
When you look at the network traffic after loading the website, you find a lot of outgoing get requests. Assuming, you are interested in the products, that are loaded, I found a call right above the product images being loaded from Amazon S3 going to
Upon clicking the URL I found it to be indeed a JSON of the products. However the s_jwe token is dynamic and without it, the JSON doesn't load.
Now investigating the initially loading url and searching for s_jwe you will find
window.customerStore = {store: angular.fromJson({"id":26,"name":"\u05de\u05e9\u05e7 \u05d4\u05e8 \u05e4\u05e8\u05d7\u05d9\u05dd","imagePath":"images\/stores\/26\/88aa6827bcf05f9484b0dafaedf22b0a.png","secondaryImagePath":"images\/stores\/4d5d1f54038b217244956071ca62312d.png","thirdImagePath":"images\/stores\/26\/2f9294180e7d656ba7280540379869ee.png","fourthImagePath":"images\/stores\/26\/bd2861565b18613497a6ce66903bf9eb.png","externalWebTrackingAccounts":"[{\"accountType\":\"googleAnalytics\",\"identifier\":\"UA-130110792-1\",\"primaryDomain\":\"ecomeshek.co.il\"},{\"accountType\":\"facebookPixel\",\"identifier\":\"3958210627568899\"}]","worksWithStoreCoupons":false,"performSellingUnitsEstimationLearning":false}), s_jwe: "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..gKfb7AnqhUiIMIn0PGb35g.SUsLS70gBec9GBgraaV5BK8hKyqm-VvMSNjP3nIumtcrj9h19zOkYjaBHrW4SDL10DjeIcwQcz9ul1p8umMHKxPPC-QZpCyJbk7JQkUSqFM._d_sGsiSyPF_Xqs2hmLN5A"};
const externalWebTrackingAccounts = angular.fromJson(customerStore.store.externalWebTrackingAccounts);
s_jwe: "eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..gKfb7AnqhUiIMIn0PGb35g.SUsLS70gBec9GBgraaV5BK8hKyqm-VvMSNjP3nIumtcrj9h19zOkYjaBHrW4SDL10DjeIcwQcz9ul1p8umMHKxPPC-QZpCyJbk7JQkUSqFM._d_sGsiSyPF_Xqs2hmLN5A"
So to summerize, even though, the initial page does not contain the products, it does contain the token and the product url.
Now you can extract the two and call the product catalog directly as such:
import requests
import re
import json
s = requests.Session()
initial_url = 'https://webaccess-il.rexail.com/?s_jwe=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..gKfb7AnqhUiIMIn0PGb35g.SUsLS70gBec9GBgraaV5BK8hKyqm-VvMSNjP3nIumtcrj9h19zOkYjaBHrW4SDL10DjeIcwQcz9ul1p8umMHKxPPC-QZpCyJbk7JQkUSqFM._d_sGsiSyPF_Xqs2hmLN5A#/store-products-shopping-non-customers'
initial_site = s.get(url= initial_url).content.decode('utf-8')
jwe = re.findall(r's_jwe:.*"(.*)"', initial_site)
product_url = "https://client-il.rexail.com/client/public/public-catalog?s_jwe="+ jwe[0]
products_site = s.get(url= product_url).content.decode('utf-8')
products = json.loads(products_site)["data"]
There is a little bit of finetuning required with the decoding, but I am sure you can manage that. ;)
This of course is the leaner way of scraping that website, but as I hopefully showed, scraping is always a bit of playing Sherlock Holmes.
Any questions, glad to help.

How do I scrape a full instagram page in python?

Long story short, I'm trying to create an Instagram python scraper, that loads the entire page and grabs all the links to the images. I have it working, only problem is, it only loads the original 12 photos that Instagram shows. Is there anyway I can tell requests to load the entire page?
Working code;
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import sys
r = requests.get('https://www.instagram.com/accountName/')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
script = soup.find('script', text=lambda t: t.startswith('window._sharedData'))
page_json = script.text.split(' = ', 1)[1].rstrip(';')
data = json.loads(page_json)
non_bmp_map = dict.fromkeys(range(0x10000, sys.maxunicode + 1), 0xfffd)
for post in data['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['edges']:
image_src = post['node']['display_url']
As Scratch already mentioned, Instagram uses "infinite scrolling" which won't allow you to load the entire page. But you can check the total amount of messages at the top of the page (within the first span with the _fd86t class). Then you can check if the page already contains all of the messages. Otherwise, you'll have to use a GET request to get a new JSON response. The benefit to this is that this request contains the first field, which seems to allow you to modify how many messages you get. You can modify this from its standard 12 to get all of the remaining messages (hopefully).
The necessary request looks similar to the following (where I've anonymised the actual entries, and with some help from the comments):
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from InstagramAPI import InstagramAPI
import time
c = webdriver.Chrome()
# load IG page here, whether a hashtag or a public user's page using c.get(url)
for i in range(10):
soup = BeautifulSoup(c.page_source, 'html.parser')
ids = [a['href'].split('/') for a in soup.find_all('a') if 'tagged' in a['href']]
Once you have the ids, you can use Instagram's old API to get data for those. I'm not sure if it still works, but there was an API that I used -- which was limited by how much FB has slowly deprecated parts of the old API. Here's the link, in case you don't want to access Instagram API on your own :)
You can also add improvements to this simple code. Like instead of a "for" loop, you could do a "while" loop instead (i.e. while page is still loading, keep pressing END button.)
#zero's answer is incomplete (at least as of 1/15/19). c.send_keys is not a valid method. Instead, this is what I did:
c = webdriver.Chrome()
element = c.find_element_by_tag_name('body') # or whatever tag you're looking to scrape from
for i in range(10):
soup = BeautifulSoup(c.page_source, 'html.parser')
Here is a link to good tutorial for scraping Instagram profile info and posts that also handles pagination and works in 2022: Scraping Instagram
In summary, you have to use Instagram GraphQL API endpoint that requires user identifier and cursor from the previous page response: https://instagram.com/graphql/query/?query_id=17888483320059182&id={user_id}&first=24&after={end_cursor}

How to scrape Hackerearth pages which are java script protected?

I want to get Problem Solved in the hackerearth page, for example,
When I do inspect element, I get
But on doing view source, I cannot find the class dark-weight 700. I think the content is loaded from java script. Therefore, when I use python's bs4 library, it returns me None Element.
I do not want to use selenium because it will open a new browser windows but I am doing all this in DJANGO platform so I want all the scripts to be processed in backend without any interruption and return only the number of problems solved, that is, 119.
Fortunately the data is loaded via publicly avaliable api (/users/pagelets/babe/coding-data/ for this user), so you can get the info with requests and bs4.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
user = 'babe'
url = 'https://www.hackerearth.com/users/pagelets/{}/coding-data/'.format(user)
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml')
problems_solved = soup.find(string='Problems Solved').find_next().text

Scrape multiple pages with BeautifulSoup and Python

My code successfully scrapes the tr align=center tags from [ http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/courses.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=ACCY ] and writes the td elements to a text file.
However, there are multiple pages available at the site above in which I would like to be able to scrape.
For example, with the url above, when I click the link to "page 2" the overall url does NOT change. I looked at the page source and saw a javascript code to advance to the next page.
How can my code be changed to scrape data from all the available listed pages?
My code that works for page 1 only:
import bs4
import requests
response = requests.get('http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/courses.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=ACCY')
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text)
acct = open("/Users/it/Desktop/accounting.txt", "w")
for tr in soup.find_all('tr', align='center'):
stack = []
for td in tr.findAll('td'):
stack.append(td.text.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').strip())
acct.write(", ".join(stack) + '\n')
The trick here is to check the requests that are coming in and out of the page-change action when you click on the link to view the other pages. The way to check this is to use Chrome's inspection tool (via pressing F12) or installing the Firebug extension in Firefox. I will be using Chrome's inspection tool in this answer. See below for my settings.
Now, what we want to see is either a GET request to another page or a POST request that changes the page. While the tool is open, click on a page number. For a really brief moment, there will only be one request that will appear, and it's a POST method. All the other elements will quickly follow and fill the page. See below for what we're looking for.
Click on the above POST method. It should bring up a sub-window of sorts that has tabs. Click on the Headers tab. This page lists the request headers, pretty much the identification stuff that the other side (the site, for example) needs from you to be able to connect (someone else can explain this muuuch better than I do).
Whenever the URL has variables like page numbers, location markers, or categories, more often that not, the site uses query-strings. Long story made short, it's similar to an SQL query (actually, it is an SQL query, sometimes) that allows the site to pull the information you need. If this is the case, you can check the request headers for query string parameters. Scroll down a bit and you should find it.
As you can see, the query string parameters match the variables in our URL. A little bit below, you can see Form Data with pageNum: 2 beneath it. This is the key.
POST requests are more commonly known as form requests because these are the kind of requests made when you submit forms, log in to websites, etc. Basically, pretty much anything where you have to submit information. What most people don't see is that POST requests have a URL that they follow. A good example of this is when you log-in to a website and, very briefly, see your address bar morph into some sort of gibberish URL before settling on /index.html or somesuch.
What the above paragraph basically means is that you can (but not always) append the form data to your URL and it will carry out the POST request for you on execution. To know the exact string you have to append, click on view source.
Test if it works by adding it to the URL.
Et voila, it works. Now, the real challenge: getting the last page automatically and scraping all of the pages. Your code is pretty much there. The only things remaining to be done are getting the number of pages, constructing a list of URLs to scrape, and iterating over them.
Modified code is below:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
import requests as rq
import re
base_url = 'http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/courses.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=ACCY'
r = rq.get(base_url)
soup = bsoup(r.text)
# Use regex to isolate only the links of the page numbers, the one you click on.
page_count_links = soup.find_all("a",href=re.compile(r".*javascript:goToPage.*"))
try: # Make sure there are more than one page, otherwise, set to 1.
num_pages = int(page_count_links[-1].get_text())
except IndexError:
num_pages = 1
# Add 1 because Python range.
url_list = ["{}&pageNum={}".format(base_url, str(page)) for page in range(1, num_pages + 1)]
# Open the text file. Use with to save self from grief.
with open("results.txt","wb") as acct:
for url_ in url_list:
print "Processing {}...".format(url_)
r_new = rq.get(url_)
soup_new = bsoup(r_new.text)
for tr in soup_new.find_all('tr', align='center'):
stack = []
for td in tr.findAll('td'):
stack.append(td.text.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').strip())
acct.write(", ".join(stack) + '\n')
We use regular expressions to get the proper links. Then using list comprehension, we built a list of URL strings. Finally, we iterate over them.
Processing http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/courses.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=ACCY&pageNum=1...
Processing http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/courses.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=ACCY&pageNum=2...
Processing http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/courses.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=ACCY&pageNum=3...
[Finished in 6.8s]
Hope that helps.
Out of sheer boredom, I think I just created a scraper for the entire class directory. Also, I update both the above and below codes to not error out when there is only a single page available.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
import requests as rq
import re
spring_2015 = "http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/subjects.cfm?campId=1&termId=201501"
r = rq.get(spring_2015)
soup = bsoup(r.text)
classes_url_list = [c["href"] for c in soup.find_all("a", href=re.compile(r".*courses.cfm\?campId=1&termId=201501&subjId=.*"))]
print classes_url_list
with open("results.txt","wb") as acct:
for class_url in classes_url_list:
base_url = "http://my.gwu.edu/mod/pws/{}".format(class_url)
r = rq.get(base_url)
soup = bsoup(r.text)
# Use regex to isolate only the links of the page numbers, the one you click on.
page_count_links = soup.find_all("a",href=re.compile(r".*javascript:goToPage.*"))
num_pages = int(page_count_links[-1].get_text())
except IndexError:
num_pages = 1
# Add 1 because Python range.
url_list = ["{}&pageNum={}".format(base_url, str(page)) for page in range(1, num_pages + 1)]
# Open the text file. Use with to save self from grief.
for url_ in url_list:
print "Processing {}...".format(url_)
r_new = rq.get(url_)
soup_new = bsoup(r_new.text)
for tr in soup_new.find_all('tr', align='center'):
stack = []
for td in tr.findAll('td'):
stack.append(td.text.replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').strip())
acct.write(", ".join(stack) + '\n')

