Merging and saving images in PIL Python - python

I have two folders of images and I am trying to build one large image from all the slices in each folder. I need to alternate between folders to build the image. For example the first slice comes from folder 1, the second slice comes from folder 2, the third from folder 1 ect. I have the files ordered by filename in the individual folders so I am trying to iterate through the folders and add a new strip to an image. The code runs BUT it doesn't seem to be saving the composite image. I am new to PIL, so I am sure that it is something simple, but your help is appreciated. Thanks!
def merge_images(file1, file2):
"""Merge two images into one, displayed above and below
:param file1: path to first image file
:param file2: path to second image file
:return: the merged Image object
if file1.startswith('.'):
return None
image1 =
image2 =
(width1, height1) = image1.size
(width2, height2) = image2.size
result_width = width1 + width2
result_height = max(height1, height2)
result ='RGB', (result_width, result_height))
result.paste(im=image1, box=(0, 0))
result.paste(im=image2, box=(0, height1))
return result
imageCounter = 0
firstPass = True
compImage ='RGBA', img.size, (0,0,0,0))
for i in range(len(boundingBoxes)+1):
if firstPass:
compImage = merge_images('./image_processing/'+ os.listdir('./image_processing/')[imageCounter],
if compImage is not None:
firstPass = False'./image_processing/compImage.jpg')
compImage = merge_images('./image_processing/compImage.jpg','./image_processing/'+ os.listdir('./image_processing/')[imageCounter])'./image_processing/compImage.jpg')
compImage = merge_images('./image_processing/compImage.jpg','./img_patches/outputs/'+ os.listdir('./img_patches/outputs/')[imageCounter])'./image_processing/compImage.jpg')
imageCounter = imageCounter + 1

You have to tell PIL to save the images:
for i in range(len(boundingBoxes)+1):
if firstPass:
compImage = merge_images('./image_processing/'+ os.listdir('./image_processing/')[imageCounter],
'./img_patches/outputs/'+os.listdir('./img_patches/outputs/')[imageCounter])'output/{}.png'.format(imageCounter), 'w'))


python: opencv,some issue when count pixel

I use opencv to count the number of white and black pixels of picture(I have convert them into black and white image), and everytime I run my code it return the number is 0,and the code is
output_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/dataset_demo/result_pic"
for pic in os.listdir(output_path):
if pic.endswith('.jpg'):
image = cv2.imread(pic,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
number_of_white_pix = np.sum(image == 255)
number_of_black_pix = np.sum(image == 0)
number_of_total = number_of_white_pix + number_of_black_pix
number_of_ratio = number_of_white_pix / number_of_black_pix
The pic variable contains only the file name of the image, but cv2.imread needs the full path to the image in order to read it. You need to use the full path to the image when you call cv2.imread.
output_path = "/content/drive/MyDrive/dataset_demo/result_pic"
for pic in os.listdir(output_path):
if pic.endswith('.jpg'):
pic = os.path.join(output_path, pic) #full path to the image
image = cv2.imread(pic,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
number_of_white_pix = np.sum(image == 255)
number_of_black_pix = np.sum(image == 0)
number_of_total = number_of_white_pix + number_of_black_pix
number_of_ratio = number_of_white_pix / number_of_black_pix

csv file uploaded to s3 using boto3 is empty in s3

I have two csv files that i am uploading from an ec2 instance to the s3 bucket along with a few other files. All the other files are being uploaded just fine but my csv files, though it is uploaded, there seems ot be no data inside it even though the local copy of the file on the instance is showing the data. im not sure why its saying 0 bytes on the bucket.
the csv file is part of another larger program. here is the code.
from boto3.session import Session
import botocore
import boto3
import zipfile
import darknet
import os
import cv2
import glob
import csv
import numpy as np
global lat_start, lon_start
import shutil
ACCESS_KEY = '*********'
SECRET_KEY = '******D'
def image_detection(image_path, network, class_names, class_colors, thresh):
# Darknet doesn't accept numpy images.
# Create one with image we reuse for each detect
width = darknet.network_width(network)
height = darknet.network_height(network)
darknet_image = darknet.make_image(width, height, 3)
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image_resized = cv2.resize(image_rgb, (width, height),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
darknet.copy_image_from_bytes(darknet_image, image_resized.tobytes())
detections = darknet.detect_image(network, class_names, darknet_image, thresh=thresh)
image = darknet.draw_boxes(detections, image_resized, class_colors)
return cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), detections
def discretize_line(lat_start, lon_start, d_element, d, bearing):
# d_element -> how many element we need in a line secment
# global lat_start, lon_start
R = 6371.0*1000.0
# -1 because in case of 10 elements/points we also want len(lat_array) the same
dstep = d/(d_element-1) #0.6524896365354135 #2.0 # meters
dist_list = np.ones(int(d/dstep))*dstep
# print(dist_list)
brg = np.radians(bearing)
# if d%dstep != 0:
# dist_list = np.append(dist_list, d%dstep)
# This will append lat and lon into array which contains
# small segments of distance
lat_array = np.array([np.radians(lat_start)]) # rads
lon_array = np.array([np.radians(lon_start)]) # rads
# lat_array = np.array([])
# lon_array = np.array([])
for i, dist in enumerate(dist_list):
## last element make the waypoint shifted, so we break it
if i >= (d_element):
lat1 = lat_array[i]
lon1 = lon_array[i]
# print(dist)
Ad = dist/R
lat2 = np.arcsin(np.sin(lat1)*np.cos(Ad) + np.cos(lat1)*np.sin(Ad)*np.cos(brg))
lon2 = lon1 + np.arctan2( (np.sin(brg)*np.sin(Ad)*np.cos(lat1)) , (np.cos(Ad) - np.sin(lat1)*np.sin(lat2)))
lat_array = np.append(lat_array, lat2)
lon_array = np.append(lon_array, lon2)
# print(i)
return lat_array, lon_array
def get_distance_bearing(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
# global lat_start, lon_start
R = 6371.0*1000.0
lat_start = np.radians(lat1)
lon_start = np.radians(lon1)
lat_end = np.radians(lat2)
lon_end = np.radians(lon2)
dLat = lat_end - lat_start
dLon = lon_end - lon_start
a = np.sin(dLat/2.0)*np.sin(dLat/2.0) + np.cos(lat_start)*np.cos(lat_end)*np.sin(dLon/2.0)*np.sin(dLon/2.0)
c = 2.0*np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a),np.sqrt(1-a))
d = c*R
y = np.sin(dLon)*np.cos(lat_end)
x = np.cos(lat_start)*np.sin(lat_end) - np.sin(lat_start)*np.cos(lat_end)*np.cos(dLon)
bearing = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y,x))
return d, bearing
def upload_to_aws(local_file, bucket, s3_file):
s3 = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=ACCESS_KEY,
s3.upload_file(local_file, bucket, s3_file)
print("Upload Successful")
return True
except FileNotFoundError:
print("The file was not found")
return False
except NoCredentialsError:
print("Credentials not available")
return False
#Unzip the zip file and its contents
path_to_zip_file = "/home/ubuntu/pano/Zip/"
with zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zip_file, 'r') as zip_ref:
print("Finished Unzipping")
#End of Unzip
# CSV open and declaration##
data_file_path = "/home/ubuntu/pano/stack/quantity.csv"
data_file = open(data_file_path, "w+")
dataCSVWriter = csv.writer(data_file, delimiter=',',quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
dataCSVWriter.writerow(['lat', 'lon', 'Quantity'])
#CSV for lane thumbnail
thumbnail_data_file_path = "/home/ubuntu/pano/stack/lane_thumbnail.csv"
thumbnail_data_file = open(thumbnail_data_file_path, "w+")
thumbnail_dataCSVWriter = csv.writer(thumbnail_data_file, delimiter=',',quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
thumbnail_dataCSVWriter.writerow(['lat', 'lon'])
#Define start and end point lists
#start_point_list = [(35.841454251754755, 139.52427014959153),(35.84147944801779, 139.52420150963678)]
start_point_list = [(36.12083710338884, 139.21630320454503),(36.12080527337101, 139.2164926108044)]
#end_point_list = [(35.84151350159559, 139.52424466860762),(35.84144222040454, 139.52422739581436)]
end_point_list = [(36.12083735438514, 139.2164757318577),(36.12081575161991, 139.21630345327617)]
wp_lat_array = np.array([])
wp_lon_array = np.array([])
##Split th eline into points and it is stored in lat array lon array
"""for i in range(len(start_point_list)):
## input two points and find a slicing waypoint between it
distance, bearing_deg = get_distance_bearing(start_point_list[i][0], start_point_list[i][1], end_point_list[i][0], end_point_list[i][1])
lat_array, lon_array = discretize_line(start_point_list[i][0], start_point_list[i][1], float(d_element[i]), distance, bearing_deg)"""
#Initialize the detector variables and paths
quantity_bottles_frame = []
config_file = "/home/ubuntu/darknet_bottle_example/yolov4_bottle_can.cfg"
data_file = "/home/ubuntu/darknet_bottle_example/"
weights = "/home/ubuntu/darknet_bottle_example/yolov4_bottle_can_best.weights"
network, class_names, class_colors = darknet.load_network(
image_dir = "/home/ubuntu/pano/Frames"
#1.Split into frames
path = "/home/ubuntu/pano/Video/Panorama/Videos"
j = 0
"""Order of events
1. Split into frames
2. Rotate images if needed
3. Running through detctor
4. Calculate count and draw bounding boxes
5. Store these images in respective directoies
6. Take start point of lane and end point and split into many coordinates in between based on number of frames
7. Write to csv file
8. Stack the images per lane
9. Empty the Frames folder after every lane
10. Upload stacked images and csv to cloud """
# Parameter to change is fps in the ffmpeg command. Change accoprding to need based on reference
for filename in os.listdir(path):
if (filename.endswith(".mp4")): #or .avi, .mpeg, whatever.
j += 1
path1 = path + filename
os.system("ffmpeg -i /home/ubuntu/pano/Video/Panorama/Videos/{0} -vf fps=0.07 /home/ubuntu/pano/Frames/{1}-%3d.jpg".format(filename,j))
#2. Rotate images if needed
frames_path = "/home/ubuntu/pano/Frames/*.jpg"
list_images = glob.glob(frames_path)
list_sorted = sorted(list_images)
#for image in list_sorted:
#read the image
# temp = cv2.imread(image)
# image1 = cv2.rotate(temp, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
# cv2.imwrite("{0}".format(image), image1)
## according to how many partial panorama we have in each lane
d_element =[len(list_images)]
print(f"Now detecting objects in lane {j}")
#3. Running through detctor
frame_number = 1
for image in sorted(os.listdir(image_dir)):
#Path to the input images for the detector i.e Frames
quantity_frame = 0
image_name = f"{image}"
ext = '.jpg'
input_image_name = image_name
image_path = os.path.join(image_dir, input_image_name)
#Path to output images to be stored after running through detector
output_dir = f"/home/ubuntu/pano/lane{j}"
output_name = "yolo_" + image_name
output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_name)
# image = load_images(image_path)
dn_frame_width = 416
dn_frame_height = 416
frame = cv2.imread(image_path)
frame_width = frame.shape[1]
frame_height = frame.shape[0]
#### Passing the image to darknet
image, detections = image_detection(image_path, network, class_names, class_colors, thresh=0.05)
#cv2.imwrite(f'/home/ubuntu/temp/Inference{frame_number}.jpg', image)
#cv2.imwrite(f'/home/ubuntu/temp/orignal_detect{frame_number}.jpg', frame)
###Based on the detections, running them through a loop to draw bounding box and also incrememnt count of object in the frame
#4. Calculate count and draw bounding boxes
for i in range(len(detections)):
xc_percent = detections[i][2][0]/dn_frame_width
yc_percent = detections[i][2][1]/dn_frame_height
w_percent = detections[i][2][2]/dn_frame_width
h_percent = detections[i][2][3]/dn_frame_height
xc = xc_percent*frame_width
yc = yc_percent*frame_height
w = w_percent*frame_width
h = h_percent*frame_height
xmin = xc - w/2.0
ymin = yc - h/2.0
xmax = xc + w/2.0
ymax = yc + h/2.0
#If object is detected, increase the count of the object in the frame
if detections[i][0] == "bottle":
cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(xmin),int(ymin)),(int(xmax),int(ymax)),(0,0,255),2)
cv2.putText(frame, "bottle", (int(xmin), int(ymin-10)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0,0,255), 2)
quantity_frame += 1
elif detections[i][0] == "can":
cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(xmin),int(ymin)),(int(xmax),int(ymax)),(255,0,0),2)
cv2.putText(frame, "can", (int(xmin), int(ymin-10)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (255,0,0), 2)
print(f"{image} has no objects ")
print(f"Quantity in frame {frame_number} = {quantity_frame}")
#5. Store these images in respective directoies
cv2.imwrite(output_path, frame)
frame_number += 1
###Split the points into equidistant points between start point and end point
##6. Take start point of lane and end point and split into many coordinates in between based on number of frames
distance, bearing_deg = get_distance_bearing(start_point_list[j-1][0], start_point_list[j-1][1], end_point_list[j-1][0], end_point_list[j-1][1])
lat_array, lon_array = discretize_line(start_point_list[j-1][0], start_point_list[j-1][1], float(d_element[0]), distance, bearing_deg)
lat_csv = []
lon_csv = []
##Convery those points into degrees
for lat,lon in zip(lat_array, lon_array):
lat_degrees = "{:}".format(np.degrees(lat))
lon_degrees = "{:}".format(np.degrees(lon))
#lat_csv = "{:}".format(np.degrees(lat))
#lon_csv = "{:}".format(np.degrees(lon))
##7.Write each row in the csv file
for k in range(d_element[0]):
dataCSVWriter.writerow([lat_csv[k], lon_csv[k], quantity_bottles_frame[k]])
#if k != d_element[0]-1:
# dataCSVWriter.writerow([lat_csv[k], lon_csv[k], quantity_bottles_frame[k], "-", "-" ])
if k ==d_element[0]-1:
thumbnail_dataCSVWriter.writerow([ lat_csv[int(d_element[0]/2)],lon_csv[int(d_element[0]/2)]])
images = []
stacking_input = f"/home/ubuntu/pano/lane{j}/*.jpg"
list_images = glob.glob(stacking_input)
stacking_input_reverse = sorted(list_images, reverse = True)
for image in stacking_input_reverse:
img = cv2.imread(image)
final_image = cv2.hconcat(images)
image_name = f"cloud_lane{j}_stack.jpg"
stacking_output = f"/home/ubuntu/pano/stack"
output_path = os.path.join(stacking_output, image_name)
cv2.imwrite(output_path, final_image)
for f in os.listdir(image_dir):
del_path = "/home/ubuntu/pano/Frames/" + f
#Close csv file
### 10. Upload to s3 bucket ####
stack_path = "/home/ubuntu/pano/stack"
for file in sorted(os.listdir(stack_path)):
print(f"Uploading {file}")
uploaded = upload_to_aws(f'/home/ubuntu/pano/stack/{file}', 'fbt-pano-test', f'{file}')
Do i need to close the csv file in any way? Or does s3 not support csv upload through boto3?
I found it. Turns out, the csv files werent closed at the end. So i moved the upload to s3 part to another program. now python closes the csv files at the end of this program automatically. and so when the upload program runs next, it gets uploaded properly.

Why am I getting multiple files when I save a Wand Image?

I have the following code:
def resizeImg(img, width, height):
outerImg = img(width=width, height=height, background=Color("WHITE"))
outerImg.resolution = (300, 300)
outerImg.format = img.format.lower()
outerImg.composite_channel('undefined', img, 'over', int((width - img.width) / 2), int((height - img.height) / 2))
return outerImg
for file in os.listdir():
if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in ('.tif', '.jpeg', '.jpg'):
with Image() as img:
fname = ntpath.basename(file).split('.')[0] # BC154360-ANG
img.resolution = (300, 300)
img.compression_quality = 99
img.format = 'jpg'
dim = max(img.width, img.height)
img.resize(height=dim, width=dim) # make image square
img.resize(height=1500, width=1500) # set image size to 1500x1500
img.resolution = (72, 72) = jpg_location + fname + '.jpg') # .jpg
The issue is that I am getting multiple files when I run this, and they're all slightly different. It seems as if each image has been processed differently. The "-0" image appears to be correct, as does the result when I run display(img).
Can someone explain what is going on here? Perhaps it is the result of the channel and operator parameters in the composite_channel function?

Python 3.5.1 - Assign variables to all Files (Filetype: .jpg) inside target folder

I am fairly new to Python and have a difficult Problem to solve:
Here is what I am trying to do -->
I have a Folder (path known) with 1 - x picture files (.jpg) in it, whereas x can be as high as 1000
These picture files should be stiched together (one on top of the other)
To do so I want Python to assign a variable to each Picture file in the known folder and then create a loop which stiches these variable-stored pictures together and outputs it as 1 picture (.jpg)
Here is what I have coded so far:
from PIL import Image
import glob
#The following GLOB part doesn't work, I tried to make a List with all the
#files (.jpg) inside the main directory
#image_list = []
#for filename in glob.glob('*.jpg'):
# test =
# image_list.append(test)
img1 ="img1.jpg")
img2 ="img2.jpg")
def merge_images(img1, img2):
(width1, height1) = img1.size
(width2, height2) = img2.size
result_width = max(width1, width2)
result_height = height1 + height2
result ='RGB', (result_width, result_height))
result.paste(im=img2, box=(0,0))
result.paste(im=img1, box=(0,height1-2890))
return result
merged = merge_images(img1, img2)"test.jpg")
What this does is to assign img1.jpg and img2.jpg to a variable and then stack them on top of oneanother and save this stacked picture as "test.jpg". Where do I go from here if I want to assign many pictures (.jpg) to variables and stack them on top of each other without typing a line of code for each new picture (see description further up?)
Thanks a lot for your help!
If you start with a 0x0 image, you can stack further images onto it like this:
stacked_img ='RGB', (0, 0))
for filename in glob.glob('*.jpg'):
stacked_img = merge_images(stacked_img,'stacked.jpg')
You might also like to change the height1-2890 to height2 in the merge_images() function if you are trying to stack the second image below the first image, i.e.
result.paste(im=img1, box=(0,height2))
Why not use a container such as a list?
images = [ for img_name in os.listdir(my_folder) if img_name.endswith('.jpg')
def merge_images(list_images):
result_width = max(img.size[0] for img in images)
result_height = sum(img.size[1] for img in images)
result ='RGB', (result_width, result_height))
for idx, img in enumerate(list_images):
result.paste(im=img, box=(0,list_images[0].size[1]-idx*2890))
See Data Structures for more information.
If performance is important, consider using map instead of a loop.
this is my code in which I implemented your approach. As a result, I am getting an image where 2 of the 4 images are displayed and the rest of the image is black. In the source directory I have 4 images (img1.jpg - img4.jpg)
from PIL import Image
import glob
stacked_img ='RGB', (0,0))
def merge_images(img1, img2):
(width1, height1) = img1.size
(width2, height2) = img2.size
result_width = max(width1, width2)
result_height = height1 + height2
result ='RGB', (result_width, result_height))
result.paste(im=img2, box=(0,0))
result.paste(im=img1, box=(0,height1))
return result
for filename in glob.glob('*.jpg'):
stacked_img = merge_images(stacked_img,'stacked.jpg')

compare a single image with 10 or more images and find the matching one

when i run the program I need my code to :
initialize the camera
take a picture
request user to enter paths for the current image to be stored and the image to be compared to
detect edges of currently taken picture and save in database
compare current edge image to 10 or more edge images in database
output as the edge image that has highest match percentage with current edge image
basically its like an object identification program ... can someone please help me out ?
here is the code i have done so far
from itertools import izip
import numpy as np
import cv2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
def take_and_save_picture(im_save):
'''Take a picture and save it
im_save: filepath where the image should be stored
camera_port = 0
ramp_frames = 30
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_port)
def get_image():
retval, im =
return im
for i in xrange(ramp_frames):
temp = get_image()
print("Taking image...")
# Take the actual image we want to keep
camera_capture = get_image()
#im_save_tmp = im_save + '.jpg'
im_save_tmp = im_save
# A nice feature of the imwrite method is that it will automatically choose the
# correct format based on the file extension you provide. Convenient!
cv2.imwrite(im_save_tmp, camera_capture)
# You'll want to release the camera, otherwise you won't be able to create a new
# capture object until your script exits
# del(cap)
img1 = cv2.imread(im_save_tmp, 0)
edges = cv2.Canny(img1, 100, 200)
cv2.imwrite(im_save, edges)
#im1 = "/Users/Me/gop.jpg"
#im2 = "/Users/Me/aarthi.jpg"
im1 = input('enter the path of database file')
im2 = input('enter the path where captured image is to be saved')
def compute_edges_diff(im1, im2):
'''Compute edges diff between to image files.
im1: filepath to the first image
im2: filepath to the second image
float: percentage of difference between images
#for no_file1 in range(0,10):
#template = cv2.imread('numbers1/{no_file}.png'.format(no_file=no_file1),0)
i1 =
i2 =
assert i1.mode == i2.mode, "Different kinds of images."
assert i1.size == i2.size, "Different sizes."
pairs = izip(i1.getdata(), i2.getdata())
if len(i1.getbands()) == 1:
# for gray-scale jpegs
dif = sum(abs(p1-p2) for p1,p2 in pairs)
dif = sum(abs(c1-c2) for p1,p2 in pairs for c1,c2 in zip(p1,p2))
ncomponents = i1.size[0] * i1.size[1] * 3
diff = (dif / 255.0 * 100) / ncomponents
return diff
def main():
#capture_img = "/Users/Me/home1.png"
capture_img = input('enter path of the file from database')
#img_to_compare = "/Users/Me/Documents/python programs/compare/img2.jpg"
diff = compute_edges_diff(im1, im2)
print "Difference (percentage):", diff
if diff > 0.5:
print im1
else :
print im2
if __name__ == '__main__':
this code works fine .. but i am able to compare only one image ... i need to compare the current taken images with all images in my database ...
In your main function, create a list to ask for the path for the image files, wrap the compare in a for loop:
def get_images_to_compare():
images_to_compare = []
while True:
comp_img = raw_input("Path of image to compare to: ")
if len(comp_img) <= 1:
# break if someone just hits enter
return images_to_compare
def main():
#capture_img = "/Users/Me/home1.png"
capture_img = input('enter path of the file from database')
#img_to_compare = "/Users/Me/Documents/python programs/compare/img2.jpg"
#### you have some odd var names here, basic gist, add a for loop
for comp_image in get_images_to_compare():
diff = compute_edges_diff(im1, im2)
print "Difference (percentage):", diff
if diff > 0.5:
print im1
print im2
as a suggestion, avoid having global scope vars intermingled between functions, it makes code hard to read (referring to you setting im1 and im2 between two fn defs.
Code for doing the multiple compares:
def main(folder_path_to_search, files_to_compare_to, source_image_path):
#capture_img = "/Users/Me/home1.png"
capture_img = input('enter path of the file from database')
#img_to_compare = "/Users/Me/Documents/python programs/compare/img2.jpg"
images_to_compare = [ os.path.join(folder_path_to_search,file_path) for file_path in os.listdir(folder_path_to_search) if file_path.endswith(files_to_compare_to) ]
for comp_image in get_images_to_compare():
diff = compute_edges_diff(source_image_path, comp_image)
print "Difference (percentage):", diff, "(", source_image_path, ":", comp_image, ")"
if __name__ == '__main__':
folder_path_to_search = raw_input("Enter folder path to search")
files_to_compare_to = raw_input("enter file extention to glob ex: '.jpg'")
source_image_path = raw_input("enter full file path of source image")
main(folder_path_to_search, files_to_compare_to, source_image_path)

