Batch Processing in Apache Beam with large overhead - python

I'm currently working on a larger Apache Beam pipeline with the Python API which reads data from BigQuery and in the end writes it back to another BigQuery task.
One of the transforms needs to use a binary program to transform the data, and for that it needs to load a 23GB file with binary lookup data. So starting and running the program takes a lot of overhead (takes about 2 minutes to load/run each time) and RAM, and it wouldn't make sense to start it up for just a single record. Plus the 23GB file would need to be copied locally from Cloud Storage every time.
The workflow for the binary would be:
Copy 23GB file from cloud storage if it's not there already
Save records to a file
run the binary with call()
read the output of the binary and return it
The amount of records the program can process at a time is basically unlimited, so it would be nice to get a somewhat-distributed Beam Transform, where I could specify a number of records to be processed at once (say 100'000 at a time), but still have it distributed so it can run it for 100'000 records at a time on multiple nodes.
I don't see Beam supporting this behaviour, it might be possible to hack something together as a KeyedCombineFn operation that collects records based on some split criterion/key and then runs the binary in the merge_accumulators step over the accumulated records. But this seems very hackish to me.
Or is it possible to GroupByKey and process groups as batches? Does this guarantee that each group is processed at once, or can groups be split behind the scenes by Beam?
I also saw there's a GroupIntoBatches in the Java API, which sounds like what I'd need, but isn't available in the Python SDK as far as I can tell.
My two question are, what's the best way (performance-wise) to achieve this use-case in Apache Beam, and if there isn't a good solution, is there some other Google Cloud service that might be better suited that could be used like Beam --> Other Service --> Beam ?

Groups cannot be split behind the scenes, so using a GroupByKey should work. In fact, this is a requirement since each individual element must be processed on a single machine and after a GroupByKey all values with a given key are part of the same element.
You will likely want to assign random keys. Keep in mind that if there are too many values with a given key it may also be difficult to pass all of those values to your program -- so you may also want to limit how many of the values you pass to the program at a time and/or adjust how you assign keys.
One trick for assigning random keys is to generate the random number in start bundle (say 1 to 1000) and then in process element just increment this and wrap 1001 to 1000. This avoids generating a random number for every element, and still ensures a good distribution of keys.
You could create a PTransform for both this logic (divide a PCollection<T> into PCollection<List<T>> chunks for processing), and that would be potentially reusable in similar situations.


Will the for loop effect the speed in pyspark dataframe

I have this code which splits the dataframe in 10000 rows and writes to file.
I tried instance with z1d with 24cpu and 192GB but even that didn't do much speed and for 1 million rows it took 9 mins.
This is code
total = df2.count()
offset = 10000
counter = int(total/offset) + 1
idxDf = df.withColumn("idx", monotonically_increasing_id())
for i in range(0, counter):
lower = i * offset
upper = lower + offset
filter = f"idx > {lower} and idx < {upper}"
ddf = idxDf.filter(filter)
ddf2 = ddf.drop("idx")
ddf2.write.option("header", "false").option("delimiter", " ").option("compression","gzip").csv(outputpath)
Is there any way i can make in it. Currently i am using single master node only. I have 100 million rows and want to know how fast i can do that with emr.
Look like my normal python code is also able to do the same stuff in same minutes
A few problems with what you’re trying to do here:
Stop trying to write pyspark code as if it’s normal python code. It isn’t. Read up on exactly how spark works first and foremost. You’ll have more success if you change the way you program when you use spark, not try to get spark to do what you want in the way you want.
Avoid for loops with Spark wherever possible. for loops only work within native python, so you’re not utilising spark when you start one. Which means one CPU on one Spark node will run the code.
Python is, by default, single threaded. Adding more CPUs will do literally nothing to performance for native python code (ie your for loop) unless you rewrite your code for either (a) multi-threaded processing (b) distributed processing (ie spark).
You only have one master node (and I assume zero slaves nodes). That’s going to take aaaaaaggggggggeeeessss to process a 192GB file. The point of Spark is to distribute the workload onto many other slave nodes. There’s some really technical ways to determine the optimal number of slave nodes for your problem. Try something like >50 or >100 or slaves. Should help you see a decent performance uplift (each node able to process at least between 1gb-4gb of data). Still too slow? Either add more slave nodes, or choose more powerful machines for the slaves. I remember running a 100GB file through some heavy lifting took a whole day on 16 nodes. Upping the machine spec and number of slaves brought it down to an hour.
For writing files, don’t try and reinvent the wheel if you don’t need to.
Spark will automatically write your files in a distributed manner according to the level of partitioning on the dataframe. On disk, it should create a directory called outputpath which contains the n distributed files:
df.write.option("header", "false").option("delimiter", " ").option("compression","gzip").csv(outputpath)
You should get a directory structured something like this:
- part-737hdeu-74dhdhe-uru24.csv.gz
- part-24hejje—hrhehei-47dhe.csv.gz
- ...
Hope this helps. Also, partitioning is super important. If your initial file is not distributed (one big csv), it’s a good idea to do df.repartition(x) on the resulting dataframe after you load it, where x = number of slave nodes.

Convert CSV table to Redis data structures

I am looking for a method/data structure to implement an evaluation system for a binary matcher for a verification.
This system will be distributed over several PCs.
Basic idea is described in many places over the internet, for example, in this document:
This matcher, that I am testing, takes two data items as an input and calculates a matching score that reflects their similarity (then a threshold will be chosen, depending on false match/false non-match rate).
Currently I store matching scores along with labels in CSV file, like following:
label1, label2, genuine, 0.1
label1, label4, genuine, 0.2
label_2, label_n+1, impostor, 0.8
label_2, label_n+3, impostor, 0.9
label_m, label_m+k, genuine, 0.3
(I've got a labeled data base)
Then I run a python script, that loads this table into Pandas DataFrame and calculates FMR/FNMR curve, similar to the one, shown in figure 2 in the link above. The processing is rather simple, just sorting the dataframe, scanning rows from top to bottom and calculating amount of impostors/genuines on rows above and below each row.
The system should also support finding outliers in order to support matching algorithm improvement (labels of pairs of data items, produced abnormally large genuine scores or abnormally small impostor scores). This is also pretty easy with the DataFrames (just sort and take head rows).
Now I'm thinking about how to store the comparison data in RAM instead of CSV files on HDD.
I am considering Redis in this regard: amount of data is large, and several PCs are involved in computations, and Redis has a master-slave feature that allows it quickly sync data over the network, so that several PCs have exact clones of data.
It is also free.
However, Redis does not seem to me to suit very well for storing such tabular data.
Therefore, I need to change data structures and algorithms for their processing.
However, it is not obvious for me, how to translate this table into Redis data structures.
Another option would be using some other data storage system instead of Redis. However, I am unaware of such systems and will be grateful for suggestions.
You need to learn more about Redis to solve your challenges. I recommend you give a try and then think about your questions.
TL;DR - Redis isn't a "tabular data" store, it is a store for data structures. It is up to you to use the data structure(s) that serves your query(ies) in the most optimal way.
IMO what you want to do is actually keep the large data (how big is it anyway?) on slower storage and just store the model (FMR curve computations? Outliers?) in Redis. This can almost certainly be done with the existing core data structures (probably Hashes and Sorted Sets in this case), but perhaps even more optimally with the new Modules API. See the redis-ml module as an example of serving machine learning models off Redis (and perhaps your use case would be a nice addition to it ;))
Disclaimer: I work at Redis Labs, home of the open source Redis and provider of commercial solutions that leverage on it, including the above mentioned module (open source, AGPL licensed).

Fast saving and retrieving of python data structures for an autocorrect program?

So, I have written an autocomplete and autocorrect program in Python 2. I have written the autocorrect program using the approach mentioned is Peter Norvig's blog on how to write a spell checker, link.
Now, I am using a trie data structure implemented using nested lists. I am using a trie as it can give me all words starting with a particular prefix.At the leaf would be a tuple with the word and a value denoting the frequency of the word.For e.g.- the words bad,bat,cat would be saved as-
Where 4,3,4 are the number times the words have been used or the frequency value. Similarly I have made a trie of about 130,000 words of the english dictionary and stored it using cPickle.
Now, it takes about 3-4 seconds for the entire trie to be read each time.The problem is each time a word is encountered the frequency value has to be incremented and then the updated trie needs to be saved again. As you can imagine it would be a big problem waiting each time for 3-4 seconds to read and then again that much time to save the updated trie each time. I will need to perform a lot of update operations each time the program is run and save them.
Is there a faster or efficient way to store a large data structure which repeatedly will be updated? How are the data structures of the autocorrect programs in IDEs and mobile devices saved & retrieved so fast? I am open to different approaches as well.
A few things come to mind.
1) Split the data. Say use 26 files each storing the tries starting with a certain character. You can improve it so that you use a prefix. This way the amount of data you need to write is less.
2) Don't reflect everything to disk. If you need to perform a lot of operations do them in ram(memory) and write them down at then end. If you're afraid of data loss, you can checkpoint your computation after some time X or after a number of operations.
3) Multi-threading. Unless you program only does spellchecking, it's likely there are other things it needs to do. Have a separate thread that does loading writing so that it doesn't block everything while it does disk IO. Multi-threading in python is a bit tricky but it can be done.
4) Custom structure. Part of the time spent in serialization is invoking serialization functions. Since you have a dictionary for everything that's a lot of function calls. In the perfect case you should have a memory representation that matches exactly the disk representation. You would then simply read a large string and put it into your custom class (and write that string to disk when you need to). This is a bit more advanced and likely the benefits will not be that huge especially since python is not so efficient in playing with bits, but if you need to squeeze the last bit of speed out of it, this is the way to go.
I would suggest you to move serialization to a separate thread and run it periodically. You don't need to re-read your data each time because you already have the latest version in memory. This way your program would be responsive to the user while the data is being saved to the disk. The saved version on disk may be lagging and the latest updates may get lost in case of program crash but this shouldn't be a big issue for your use case, I think.
It depends on a particular use case and environment but, I think, most programs having local data sets sync them using multi-threading.

Number of map tasks and split size

What I'm trying to do
I'm new to hadoop and I'm trying to perform MapReduce several times with a different number of mappers and reducers, and compare the execution time. The file size is about 1GB, and I'm not specifying the split size so it should be 64MB. I'm using a machine with 4 cores.
What I've done
The mapper and reducer are written in python. So, I'm using hadoop streaming. I specified the number of map tasks and reduce tasks by using '-D -D mapred.reduce.tasks=1'
Because I specified to used 1 map task and 1 reduce task, I expected to see just one attempt but I actually have 38 map attempts, and 1 reduce task. I read tutorials and SO questions similar to this problem, and some said that the default map task is 2, but I'm getting 38 map tasks. I also read that only suggests the number and the number of map tasks is the number of split size. However, 1GB divided by 64MB is about 17, so I still don't understand why 38 map tasks were created.
1) If I want to use only 1 map task, do I have to set the input splits size to 1GB??
2) Let's say I successfully specify that I want to use only 2 map tasks, does it use 2 cores? And each core has 1 map task??
Number of mappers is actually governed by the InputFormat you are using. Having said that, based on the type of data you are processing, InputFormat may vary. Normally, for the data stored as files in HDFS FileInputFormat, or a subclass, is used which works on the principle of MR split = HDFS block. However, this is not always true. Say you are processing a flat binary file. In such a case there is no delimiter(\n or something else) to represent the split boundary. What would you do in such a case? So, the above principle doesn't always work.
Consider another scenario wherein you are processing data stored in a DB, and not in HDFS. What will happen in such a case as there is no concept of 64MB block size when we talk about DBs?
The framework tries its best to carry out the computation in a manner as efficient as possible, which might involve creation of lesser/more number of mappers as specified/expected by you. So, in order to see how exactly mappers are getting created you need to look into the InputFormat you are using in your job. getSplits() method to be precise.
If I want to use only 1 map task, do I have to set the input splits size to 1GB??
You can override the isSplitable(FileSystem, Path) method of your InputFormat to ensure that the input files are not split-up and are processed as a whole by a single mapper.
Let's say I successfully specify that I want to use only 2 map tasks, does it use 2 cores? And each core has 1 map task??
It depends on availability. Mappers can run on multiple cores simultaneously. And a single core can run multiple mappers sequentially.
Some add-on to your question 2: the parallelism of running map/reduce tasks on a node is controllable. One can set the maximum number of map/reduce tasks running simultaneously by a tasktracker via and mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum. Defaults for both parameters are 2. For 4-core node should be increased to at least 4, i.e. to make use of each core. 2 for max-reduce-tasks is expectedly ok. Btw, finding out best values for max map/reduce tasks is non-trivial as it depends on the degree of jobs parallelism on a cluster, whether mappers/reducers of a job(-s) are io- or computationally intensive, etc.

Sorting using Map-Reduce - Possible approach

I have a large dataset with 500 million rows and 58 variables. I need to sort the dataset using one of the 59th variable which is calculated using the other 58 variables. The variable happens to be a floating point number with four places after decimal.
There are two possible approaches:
The normal merge sort
While calculating the 59th variables, i start sending variables in particular ranges to to particular nodes. Sort the ranges in those nodes and then combine them in the reducer once i have perfectly sorted data and now I also know where to merge what set of data; It basically becomes appending.
Which is a better approach and why?
I'll assume that you are looking for a total sort order without a secondary sort for all your rows. I should also mention that 'better' is never a good question since there is typically a trade-off between time and space and in Hadoop we tend to think in terms of space rather than time unless you use products that are optimized for time (TeraData has the capability of putting Databases in memory for Hadoop use)
Out of the two possible approaches you mention, I think only one would work within the Hadoop infrastructure. Num 2, Since Hadoop leverages many nodes to do one job, sorting becomes a little trickier to implement and we typically want the 'shuffle and sort' phase of MR to take care of the sorting since distributed sorting is at the heart of the programming model.
At the point when the 59th variable is generated, you would want to sample the distribution of that variable so that you can send it through the framework then merge like you mentioned. Consider the case when the variable distribution of x contain 80% of your values. What this might do is send 80% of your data to one reducer who would do most of the work. This assumes of course that some keys will be grouped in the sort and shuffle phase which would be the case unless you programmed them unique. It's up to the programmer to set up partitioners to evenly distribute the load by sampling the key distribution.
If on the other hand we were to sort in memory then we could accomplish the same thing during reduce but there are inherent scalability issues since the sort is only as good as the amount of memory available in the node currently running the sort and dies off quickly when it starts to use HDFS to look for the rest of the data that did not fit into memory. And if you ignored the sampling issue you will likely run out of memory unless all your key values pairs are evenly distributed and you understand the memory capacity within your data.
Check out the Hadoop Comparator Class Part of HadoopStreaming Wiki Page
You can move the datasets to HDFS, use Python to write a mapper and do a hadoop streaming mapper only job. The Hadoop Streaming will automatically help you sort them.
Then you can use hdfs dfs -getmerge and -copyToLocal to move the sorted records back to local if you want.

