Need fresh eyes on a cipher program - python

I have been working for a while on cipher program in python for an online course. I keep going back and forth between successes and set backs, and recently thought I had figured it out. That is, until I compared the output I was getting to what the course said I should actually be getting. When I input "The crow flies at midnight!" and a key of "boom", I should be getting back "Uvs osck rwse bh auebwsih!" but instead get back "Tvs dfci tzufg mu auebwsih!" I am at a loss for what my program is doing, and could use a second look at my program from someone. Unfortunately, I don't have a person in real life to go to lol. Any help is greatly appreciated.
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def alphabet_position(letter):
lower_letter = letter.lower() #Makes any input lowercase.
return alphabet.index(lower_letter) #Returns the position of input as a number.
def vigenere(text,key):
m = len(key)
newList = ""
for i in range(len(text)):
if text[i] in alphabet:
text_position = alphabet_position(text[i])
key_position = alphabet_position(key[i % m])
value = (text_position + key_position) % 26
newList += alphabet[value]
newList += text[i]
return newList
print (vigenere("The crow flies at midnight!", "boom"))
# Should print out Uvs osck rmwse bh auebwsih!
# Actually prints out Tvs dfci tzufg mu auebwsih!

Ok.The problem was the expected cipher skipped non-alphabetical characters and continued on the next letter with the same key.But in your implementaion you skipped the key too.
The crow
boo mboo // expected
boo boom // your version
So here is the corrected code:
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def alphabet_position(letter):
lower_letter = letter.lower() #Makes any input lowercase.
return alphabet.index(lower_letter) #Returns the position of input as a number.
def vigenere(text,key):
text_lower = text.lower()
m = len(key)
newList = ""
c = 0
for i in range(len(text)):
if text_lower[i] in alphabet:
text_position = alphabet_position(text[i])
key_position = alphabet_position(key[c % m])
value = (text_position + key_position) % 26
if text[i].isupper():
newList += alphabet[value].upper()
newList += alphabet[value]
c += 1
newList += text[i]
return newList
print (vigenere("The crow flies at midnight!", "boom"))
# Should print out Uvs osck rmwse bh auebwsih!
# Actually prints out Tvs dfci tzufg mu auebwsih!

In your vigenere function, convert set text = text.lower() .
To find such problems just follow one letter and see what happens, it was very easy to see that it doesn't work because 'T' is not in the alphabet but 't' is so you should convert the text to lower case.

It looks like the problem is that you didn't remind to handle the spaces. The "m" of "boom" should be used to encrypt the "c" of "crow", not the space between "The" and "crow"


How do I choose 2 or more letters in a word?

Basically my plan was to return text with random-sized letters in words i.e. "upper" or "lower". The script is working, though it seems raw (I am a Beginner and I'd appreciate some corrections from You).
The problem is:
It is not consistent. With that said, it can print word 'about' even if it should be 'About' or something similar.
I want to be sure that the maximum of UPPER or lower letters in a row do not exceed 3 letters. and I don't know how to do it.
Thank you in advance.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
message = input()
stop = ''
def mocking(message):
result = ''
for word in message:
for letter in word:
word = random.choice(random.choice(letter.upper()) + random.choice(letter.lower()))
result += word
return result
while stop != 'n':
stop = input("Wanna more? y/n ").lower()
if stop == 'n':
message = input()
You need to split the input into words, decide how many positions inside the word you want to change (minimum 3 or less if the word is shorter).
Then generate 3 unique positions inside the word (via random.sample) to change, check if upper then make lower else make upper. Add to resultlist and join words back together.
import random
message = "Some text to randomize"
def mocking(message):
result = []
for word in message.split():
len_word = len(word)
# get max 3 random positions
p = random.sample(range(len_word),k = min(len_word,3))
for position in p:
l = word[position]
if l.isupper():
word = word[:position] + l.lower() + word[position+1:]
word = word[:position] + l.upper() + word[position+1:]
return ' '.join(result)
while True:
stop = input("Wanna more? y/n ").lower()
if stop == 'n':
message = input()
See Understanding slice notation for slicing
At most 3 modifications? I would go with something like this.
def mocking(message):
result = ''
randomCount = 0
for word in message:
for letter in word:
newLetter = random.choice( letter.upper() + letter.lower() )
if randomCount < 3 and newLetter != letter:
randomCount += 1
result += newLetter
result += letter
randomCount = 0
return result
If the random choice has modified the letter then count it.

Brute Force Dictionary Attack Caesar Cipher Python Code not working past 18'th shift

This was made to brute force caesar ciphers using a dictionary file from It is run through three functions, lang_lib() which makes the text of the dictionary into a callable object, isEnglish(), which checks the percentage of the phrase, and if at least 60% of it matchwa with the any words in the dictionary, it would return a True value. Using this, a caeser cipher function runs through all shifts, and checking them from english words. It should return the result with the highest percentage, but it only seems to work through shifts 1-18. I can't figure out why it isn't working.
def lang_lib():
file = open('dictionary.txt', 'r')
file_read =
file_split = file_read.split()
words = []
for word in file_split:
return words
dictionary = lang_lib()
def isEnglish(text):
split_text = text.lower().split()
counter = 0
not_in_dict = []
for word in split_text:
if word in dictionary:
counter += 1
length = len(split_text)
text_percent = ((counter / length) * 100)
if text_percent >= 60.0:
return True
return False
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!##$%/."
def caeser(text): #Put in text, and it will spit out all possible values
lower_text = text.lower()
ciphertext = "" #stores current cipher value
matches = [] #stores possible matches
for i in range(len(alphabet)): #loops for the length of input alphabet
for c in lower_text:
if c in alphabet:
num = alphabet.find(c)
newnum = num - i
if newnum >= len(alphabet):
newnum -= len(alphabet)
elif newnum < 0:
newnum += len(alphabet)
ciphertext = ciphertext + alphabet[newnum]
ciphertext = ciphertext + c
testing = isEnglish(ciphertext)
for text in ciphertext:
if testing == True and len(ciphertext) == len(lower_text):
return i, matches
ciphertext = "" #clears ciphertext so it doesn't get cluttered
print(caeser('0x447 #0x$x 74w v0%5')) #shift of 19
print(caeser('zw336 #zw9w 63v uz#4')) #shift of 18
Thanks guys.
This part is indented too far as #tripleee suggested:
testing = isEnglish(ciphertext)
for text in ciphertext:
if testing == True:
return i, matches
Also you don't need to check the length if you have the indentation right and let the previous loop complete....
I found out that the dictionary.txt does not contain 2 or 3 letter words, so it would skew long inputs with many of these words, and return False. I added a list of common words, so now all inputs work accurately.
If anyone wants to help me make this code more efficient, I'd love some pointers. I am very new to Python.

Upper case characters every other character but ignoring symbols and spaces

I'm a novice working on a practice script of which I have 90% figured out but am stumped on one portion. I'm doing the mocking spongebob "challenge" on dmoj which asks you to make every other character of a given string upper case, but demands symbols and spaces to be ignored and only letters to be counted.
I and am able to make every other character upper case or lower case, but I am not sure how to ignore symbols and spaces? I'll drop what I have so far for critique. Thank you for your time.
meme1 = "I don't even know her like that"
meme2 = "You can't just make a new meme from a different Spongebob clip every
couple of months"
meme3 = "I must have listened to that latest Ed Sheeran song 10000 times!"
memeFIN1 = [""] * len(meme1)
memeFIN2 = [""] * len(meme2)
memeFIN3 = [""] * len(meme3)
memeFIN1[1::2] = meme1[1::2].upper()
memeFIN2[1::2] = meme2[1::2].upper()
memeFIN3[1::2] = meme3[1::2].upper()
memeFIN1[::2] = meme1[::2].lower()
memeFIN2[::2] = meme2[::2].lower()
memeFIN3[::2] = meme3[::2].lower()
memeFIN1 = "".join(memeFIN1)
memeFIN2 = "".join(memeFIN2)
memeFIN3 = "".join(memeFIN3)
All of the following solutions in the answers helped me come to my own, but none of them seemed to work entirely on their own. In cheesits solution, changing counter to start at 1 works, but not realizing that (as an utter noob) I did counters differently, essentially doing the same thing. This is the solution that worked for me:
meme1 = "I don't even know her like that"
meme2 = "You can't just make a new meme from a different Spongebob clip every couple of months"
meme3 = "I must have listened to that latest Ed Sheeran song 10000 times!"
def spongebobify(meme):
count = 0
char = []
for ch in meme:
if ch.isalpha() and count % 2 == 1:
count += 1
elif ch.isalpha():
count += 1
return ''.join(char)
m1 = spongebobify(meme1)
m2 = spongebobify(meme2)
m3 = spongebobify(meme3)
print (m1)
print (m2)
print (m3)
If you want something readable, try this:
def spongebobify(phrase):
## Turn every character lowercase
phrase = phrase.lower()
## Keep track of how many letters you've seen
counter = 0
## Create a list to hold characters
chars = []
## Go through the entire string
for ch in phrase:
## If this is a letter, increment
if ch.isalpha():
counter += 1
## If this is a letter and our counter is odd:
if ch.isalpha() and counter % 2:
## Otherwise, just add it as-is
return ''.join(chars)
If you want a one liner (disregarding efficiency):
def spongebobify(phrase):
return ''.join([ch.lower() if ch.isalpha() and len([c for c in phrase[:i] if c.isalpha()]) % 2 else ch for i, ch in enumerate(phrase.upper())])
## Readable version:
#return ''.join([
# ch.lower()
# if ch.isalpha()
# and len([c for c in phrase[:i] if c.isalpha()]) % 2
# else ch
# for i, ch in enumerate(phrase.upper())
you can use a bit to indicate which lower/upper you're currently looking at, toggling the bit whenever an alpha character is found.
def speak_like_spongebob(phrase):
case_bit = 0
res = []
for lower_upper in zip(phrase.lower(), phrase.upper()):
case_bit ^= lower_upper[0].isalpha()
return ''.join(res)
You need to use a loop, so you can increment a counter only when the character is a letter, and then check whether that counter is odd or even.
def mock_spongebob(input):
letters = 0
result = ""
for c in input:
if c.isalpha():
result += c.lower() if letters % 2 == 0 else c.upper()
letters += 1
result += c
return result
As others have mentioned, you will need to iterate through each character in the strings, determine whether it's a character or a symbol, and act accordingly.
The following program would print every other character in uppercase, not counting non-alphabetic characters:
meme1 = "I don't even know her like that"
meme2 = "You can't just make a new meme from a different Spongebob clip every couple of months"
meme3 = "I must have listened to that latest Ed Sheeran song 10000 times!"
for meme in [meme1, meme2, meme3]:
count = 0
meme_mod = ""
for c in meme:
if not c.isalpha():
meme_mod += c
elif count % 2 == 0:
meme_mod += c.lower()
meme_mod += c.upper()
count += 1
print meme_mod
This program would output:
i DoN't EvEn KnOw HeR lIkE tHaT
yOu CaN't JuSt MaKe A nEw MeMe FrOm A dIfFeReNt SpOnGeBoB cLiP eVeRy CoUpLe Of MoNtHs
i MuSt HaVe LiStEnEd To ThAt LaTeSt Ed ShEeRaN sOnG 10000 tImEs!
Here's an article that shows how to write a SpongeBob Mocking Converter script in Python

Breaking the Caesar Cipher with brute force

The first two functions are mine:
def rotated(n: int):
'''Returns a rotated letter if parameter is greater than 26'''
ALPHABET = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
if n >= 26:
n %= 26
return ALPHABET[n:26] + ALPHABET[:n]
assert rotated(0) == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
assert rotated(26) == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def Caesar_decrypt(text: str, key: int) -> str:
'''Returns a decryption of parameter text and key'''
text = text.lower()
key_to_zero = str.maketrans(rotated(key),rotated(0))
return text.translate(key_to_zero)
But my partner worked on the 3rd function:
def Caesar_break(code: str)-> str:
'Decrypts the coded text without a key'
file = open('wordlist.txt', 'r')
dic = []
dlist = file.readlines()
wl = []
l = []
cl = []
swl = []
sw = ''
for words in code:
if words.isalnum() or words.isspace():
l.append(' ')
Ncode = ''.join(l)
codelist = Ncode.split()
high = 0
for i in range(1,27):
highesthit = 0
hit = 0
out = Caesar_decrypt(Ncode, i)
e = 0
l = 0
while l < len(dlist):
l += 1
while e < len(dic):
if out == dic[e]:
hit += 1
e += 1
if hit > highesthit:
high = i
highesthit = hit
return(Caesar_decrypt(Ncode, high))
I can't contact him right now, so I was wondering if there is a simpler way to break the Caesar code using brute force. My partner used too many random letters in his code, so I can't really understand it.
Note: "wordlist.txt" is a document we downloaded down with all of the words in the dictionary. Here is the link for reference.
The Caesar_break code is supposed to work like this:
Caesar_break('amknsrcp qagclac') == 'computer science'
code breaking! Yay! The simplest way to break the caeser cipher is to assume that your encoded text is representative of the actual language it's in with respect to the frequency of letters. In English, that relative frequency looks kind of like:
# most to least common characters in English according to
The fastest way to break a Caeser Cipher, then, is to create a collections.Counter of the letters in your encrypted phrase, find the most common couple, and assume each one (in turn) is e. Calculate your difference from there, and apply the decrypt cipher. Test to see if it's valid English, and ta-da!
import collections
def difference(a: str, b: str) -> int:
a, b = a.lower(), b.lower()
return ord(b) - ord(a)
def english_test(wordlist: "sequence of valid english words",
text: str) -> bool:
"""english_test checks that every word in `text` is in `wordlist`"""
return all(word in wordlist for word in text)
def bruteforce_caeser(text: str) -> str:
with open('path/to/wordlist.txt') as words:
wordlist = {word.strip() for word in words}
# set comprehension!
c = collections.Counter(filter(lambda ch: not ch.isspace(), text))
most_common = c.most_common() # ordered by most -> least common
for ch, _ in most_common:
diff = difference('e', ch)
plaintext = Caeser_decrypt(text, diff)
if english_test(wordlist, plaintext):
return plaintext
There's a subtle logic error in this code though, w.r.t. an assumption made about the input text. I'll leave it as an exercise to the student to find the logic error and think of what small change could be made to ensure a result on any input. As a hint: try rotating and then decrypting the following phrase:
Judy I don't think it's right for you to contact such a marksman as this man, for without warning this marksman could shoot and kill you.
If you are sure that a ciphertext was encrypted with ceaser (x+3)mod25 you can just float letters. I would make all text lowercase first. then get asci values all chracters. For example asci(a)=97, make it 97-97=0; for b make it 98-97=1.Then I would make 2 arrays 1 for characters, 1 for integer values of chracters....

Caesar Cipher Recursion

I am attempting to finish a problem involving decoding a string of text encoded with multiple levels of a Caesar cipher. It seems to work for the first shift by returning Do but it will not recurse. I have print statements throughout showing the snippets I am using and putting into the functions and they seem to be correct.
def build_decoder(shift):
cipher = build_coder(shift)
decoder = {}
for k, v in cipher.items():
decoder[v] = k
return decoder
def is_word(wordlist, word):
word = word.lower()
word = word.strip(" !##$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\:;'<>?,./\"")
return word in wordlist
def apply_coder(text, coder):
encrypted = []
for character in text:
if character in coder.keys():
return ''.join(encrypted)
def apply_shift(text, shift):
coder = build_coder(shift)
return apply_coder(text, coder)
def apply_shifts(text, shifts):
for index, shift in shifts:
text = (text[:index]) + (apply_coder(text[index:], build_coder(shift)))
return text
def find_best_shifts_rec(wordlist, text, start=0):
text: scrambled text to try to find the words for
start: where to start looking at shifts
returns: list of tuples. each tuple is (position in text, amount of shift)
key = []
for shift in range(28):
message = text[:start] + apply_shift(text[start:], -shift) #Concatenate text from beginning to start with an apply_shift from start to end of text.
space = message[start:].find(" ") #Find next space from start to " " character.
if is_word(wordlist, message[start:space]): #If text from start to space is a word.
print message[start:space]
key.append((start, shift)) #Add position and shift as tuple in list key.
print key
print len(message[:start]), message[:start]
print len(message[start:space]), message[start:space]
print len(message), message
print message[:space]
print message[space+1:]
print message[space+1]
if not(is_word(wordlist, message[start:])):
return message[:space] + find_best_shifts_rec(wordlist, message, space+1) #Return text from beginning to space(decrypted) and recursively call find_best_shifts_rec on rest of text.
return message[start:]
print "No shift match found, closest match:"
print key
return ''
s = apply_shifts("Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", [(0,6), (3, 18), (12, 16)])
print find_best_shifts_rec(wordlist, s)
[(0, 6)]
2 Do
36 Do Sevif vjrKylhtgvmgLslj ypjgZollw?
Sevif vjrKylhtgvmgLslj ypjgZollw?
No shift match found, closest match:
I assume this is for the MIT 6.00 Course? I wrote a working find_best_shifts and find_best_shifts_rec. This is my first experience coding so I'm sure my code can be improved, but it does work, so you might be able to use it as a baseline to improve upon.
def find_best_shifts(wordlist, text):
global shifts
shifts = []
return find_best_shifts_rec(wordlist, text, 0)
def find_best_shifts_rec(wordlist, text, start):
for shift in range(28):
decoded = apply_shift(text[start:], shift)
words = decoded.split()
decoded = text[:start] + decoded
string_split = decoded.split()
size = len(string_split)
correct_words = 0
if is_word(wordlist, words[0]):
if shift != 0:
new_start = start + len(words[0]) + 1
if new_start >= len(text)-1:
return shifts
return find_best_shifts_rec(wordlist, decoded, start=new_start)
for j in string_split:
if is_word(wordlist, j):
correct_words += 1
if correct_words == size:
return shifts
I'm pretty sure these lines don't do what you intend them to do:
space = message[start:].find(" ")
if is_word(wordlist, message[start:space]):
space is the index of the first space within the slice message[start:], but you're using it as an index into the whole message. For your later slice to work, it should be message[start:start+space]. The other places you use space in the later code should also probably be start+space.
Now, that may not be the only error, but it is the first obvious one I see. I can't actually run your code to test for other errors, because you haven't provided the build_coder function that is called by your other stuff (nor a wordlist, and who knows what else).

