Deleting temporary files during script evaluation - python

I'm using a python package, cdo, which heavily relies on tempfile for storing intermediate results. The created temporary files are quite large and when running bigger calculations, I've run into the problem that the /tmp directory got filled up and the script failed with a disk full error (we are talking about 10s to 100s of GB). I've found a workaround to the problem by creating a local folder, say $HOME/tmp and then doing
import tempfile
before importing the cdo module. While this works for me, it is somewhat cumbersome if I want also others to use my scripts. Therefore I was wondering, whether there would be a more elegant way to solve the problem by, e.g., telling tmpfile periodically to clear out all temporary files (usually this is only done once the script finishes). From my side this would be possible, because I am running a long loop, which produces one named file each iteration and all the temporary files created during that iteration would be discardable afterwards.

as the examples show: you could use tempfile in a context manager:
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fp:
fp.write(b'Hello world!')
that way they are removed when the context exits. you have that much control over how cdo uses tempfiles?


Python Transferring files between two zipfiles

I've been trying to use the built-in python zipfiles module to manipulate some .zip files on windows, I wish to use them to store a number of files related to the current project in a program. The problem comes when I load the files from the zip and then wish to re-save them into a new, different zip file:
import zipfile
zp = zipfile.ZipFile(r"",mode='r')
myfile ="stored_file.txt",mode='r')
### Do something, then want to save again ###
zp2 = zipfile.ZipFile(r"",mode='w')
#Doesn't work, as myfile isn't a real file:
#Doesn't work, as the path can't be resolved:
#The following works... as long as you haven't called read()
#since .seek(0) doesn't work for ZipExtFile
I could, of course, extract the files to somewhere and then re-add them to the new zip that way, but it would be clunky and require a lot of cleanup (and creating a lot of temporary files).
Equally I could keep track of the original zip file and use the writestr method by re-opening the file, but I was hoping to avoid it. I just wondered if there was a better way around this problem; it means I'll have to have code that determines whether the file originally came from a zip or not as well and handle it differently if it did.
Edit: If anyone else has the final problem with seek(0) not working on ZipExtFile, it is possible to use an io.StringIO class to hold the result of str(, which is then seekable. It means I have to keep the files loaded in memory, though, so I'm going to go with keeping track of the zipfile and transferring them only when I need them.

Force directory to be created in Python

I am running Python with MPI on a supercomputing cluster. I am getting strange nondeterministic behavior that I think is a result of I/O complications that are not present on the single machines I'm used to working with.
One of the things my code does is to create directories using os.makedirs somewhat frequently. I know also that I generally should not write small amounts of data to the filesystem-- this can end up with the data getting stuck in some buffer and not written for a long time. I suspect this may be happening with my directory creation calls, and then later code tries to write to files inside the directory before it exists. Two questions:
is creating a new directory effectively the same thing as writing a small amount of data?
When forcing data to be written, I use flush and os.fsync. These require a file object. Is there an equivalent to make sure the directory has been created?
Creating a new directory is effectively the same as writing small amount of data. It adds an inode.
The only way mkdir (or os.mkdirs) should fail is if the directory exists - otherwise the directory will always be created. In terms of the data being buffered - it's unlikely that this would happen - even journaled filesystems will sync out pretty regularly.
If you're having non-deterministic behavior, just wrap your directory creation / writing a file into that directory inside a try / except / finally that makes a few efforts? But really - the need for such code hints at something much more sinister and is likely a bigger issue.

Disk usage of a directory in Python

I have some bash code which moves files and directory to /tmp/rmf rather than deleting them, for safety purposes.
I am migrating the code to Python to add some functionality. One of the added features is checking the available size on /tmp and asserting that the moved directory can fit in /tmp.
Checking for available space is done using os.statvfs, but how can I measure the disk usage of the moved directory?
I could either call du using subprocess, or recursively iterate over the directory tree and sum the sizes of each file. Which approach would be better?
I think you might want to reconsider your strategy. Two reasons:
Checking if you can move a file, asserting you can move a file, and then moving a file provides a built-in race-condition to the operation. A big file gets created in /tmp/ after you've asserted but before you've moved your file.. Doh.
Moving the file across filesystems will result in a huge amount of overhead. This is why on OSX each volume has their own 'Trash' directory. Instead of moving the blocks that compose the file, you just create a new inode that points to the existing data.
I'd consider how long the file needs to be available and the visibility to consumers of the files. If it's all automated stuff happening on the backend - renaming a file to 'hide' it from computer and human consumers is easy enough in most cases and has the added benefit of being an atomic operation)
Occasionally scan the filesystem for 'old' files to cull and rm them after some grace period. No drama. Also makes restoring files a lot easier since it's just a rename to restore.
This should do the trick:
import os

Grabbing output FILE from Python Popen process?

I have written a python program to interface with a compiled program (call it ProgramX) that has some idiosyncrasies that are proving difficult to deal with. I need to feed many thousands of input files to ProgramX via my python program. What I would like to do is to grab the output file that ProgramX creates with each run, and rename it something sensible, like inputfilename.output.
The problem comes in the output file that is written by ProgramX -- it is named via an unpredictable method, which will write, and "mercilessly overwrite", the output file if it already exists (which is the case the majority of the time). The saving grace probably comes with the fact that there is a standard prefix to the output files: think ProgramX.notQuiteRandomNumber.
The only think I can think to do is something like this in my bash shell:
PROGRAMXOUTPUT=$(ls -ltr ProgramX* | tail -n -1 | awk '{print $8}')
mv $PROGRAMXOUTPUT input.output
Which does 90% of what I need, but before I program all that bash into a series of Popen statements, is there a better way to do this? This problem feels like something people might have a much better solution than what I'm thinking.
Sidenote: I can grab the program's standard output without problems, however it's the output file that I need to grab.
Bonus: I was planning on running a bunch of instantiations of the program in the same directory, so my naive approach above may start to have unforeseen problems. So perhaps something fancy that watches the PID of ProgramX and follows its output.
To do what your shell script above does, assuming you've only got one ProgramX* in the current directory:
import glob, os
programxoutput = glob.glob('ProgramX*')[0]
os.rename(programxoutput, 'input.output')
If you need to sort by time, etc., there are ways to do that too (look at os.stat), but using the most recent modification date is a recipe for nasty race conditions if you'll be running multiple copies of ProgramX concurrently.
I'd suggest instead that you create and change to a new, perhaps temporary directory for each run of ProgramX, so the runs have no possibility of treading on each other. The tempfile module can help with this.
Two options that I see:
You could use lsof to find open files to find the files that ProgramX is writing.
A different approach would be to run ProgramX in a temporary directory (see tempfile for an easy way of setting up directories. Between runs of ProgramX, you can clean that directory or keep requesting new temp directories, if you are planning on running multiple copieProgramX at the same time.
If there is only one ProgramX* file, then what about just:
mv ProgramX* input.output

Check if the directory content has changed with shell script or python

I have a program that create files in a specific directory.
When those files are ready, I run Latex to produce a .pdf file.
So, my question is, how can I use this directory change as a trigger
to call Latex, using a shell script or a python script?
Best Regards
inotify replaces dnotify.
...dnotify requires opening one file descriptor for each directory that you intend to watch for changes...
Additionally, the file descriptor pins the directory, disallowing the backing device to be unmounted, which causes problems in scenarios involving removable media. When using inotify, if you are watching a file on a file system that is unmounted, the watch is automatically removed and you receive an unmount event.
...and more.
More Why?
Unlike its ancestor dnotify, inotify doesn't complicate your work by various limitations. For example, if you watch files on a removable media these file aren't locked. In comparison with it, dnotify requires the files themselves to be open and thus really "locks" them (hampers unmounting the media).
Is dnotify what you need?
Make on unix systems is usually used to track by date what needs rebuilding when files have changed. I normally use a rather good makefile for this job. There seems to be another alternative around on google code too
You not only need to check for changes, but need to know that all changes are complete before running LaTeX. For example, if you start LaTeX after the first file has been modified and while more changes are still pending, you'll be using partial data and have to re-run later.
Wait for your first program to complete:
first-program &&
Using && means the second command is only executed if the first completes successfully (a zero exit code). Because this simple script will always run the second command even if the first doesn't change any files, you can incorporate this into whatever build system you are already familiar with, such as make.
Python FAM is a Python interface for FAM (File Alteration Monitor)
You can also have a look at Pyinotify, which is a module for monitoring file system changes.
Not much of a python man myself. But in a pinch, assuming you're on linux, you could periodically shell out and "ls -lrt /path/to/directory" (get the directory contents and sort by last modified), and compare the results of the last two calls for a difference. If so, then there was a change. Not very detailed, but gets the job done.
You can use native python module hashlib which implements MD5 algorithm:
>>> import hashlib
>>> import os
>>> m = hashlib.md5()
>>> for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file_read in files:
full_path = os.path.join(root, file_read)
for line in open(full_path).readlines():
>>> m.digest()
You can save this result in a file or a variable, and compare it to the result of the next run. This will detect changes in any files, in any sub-directory.
This does not take into account file permission changes; if you need to monitor these change as well, this could be addressed via appending a string representing the permissions (accessible via os.stat for instance, attributes depend on your system) to the mvariable.

